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#1 2020-02-29 02:52:40

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

A video, which might get referred to as a trailer, from Mr. Rohrer's YouTube channel references 10,000 craftable objects: 

That video, in particular gets referenced in the Steam advertisement:

The game does not have 10,000 craftable objects, as the website acknowledges when it refers to human-craftable objects:

Also, the advertisement on the website says the following:

"Proudly using your grandfather's ax, and then passing it on to your own grandchild as the end of your life nears."

That implies that such is possible in game.  But, grandfathers, let alone fathers, do not exist in game.  Even if they do in the future, grandfathers did not exist in game at the time of this archive link:

The site also says:

"Over time, I watched my grandparents and parents grow old and die."

as if such is possible in game.  From context, the meaning of 'parents' does not refer to surrogate parents (which don't exist in game), but to a child having more than one parent.  This is not possible.  All children in game have one and only parent, and even if they did, parents in the plural did not exist at the time of link.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2020-02-29 15:25:02)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#2 2020-02-29 03:36:42

Registered: 2019-11-15
Posts: 209

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

The main lie was "adding new stuff to the game every week"

Last edited by JasonY (2020-02-29 03:37:52)

Need Content


#3 2020-02-29 04:23:19

From: New Orleans
Registered: 2019-11-24
Posts: 245

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

When Spoonwood isn't on these forums posting the exact same gripe every single day, he goes over to a McDonald's forum and incessantly complains that the Big Mac he was served in the restaurant doesn't look exactly like the one in the TV commercial.

Daily Updated Map of Player Structures:
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#4 2020-02-29 04:34:42

Registered: 2019-11-15
Posts: 209

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Punkypal wrote:

When Spoonwood isn't on these forums posting the exact same gripe every single day, he goes over to a McDonald's forum and incessantly complains that the Big Mac he was served in the restaurant doesn't look exactly like the one in the TV commercial.

Least the burger is still an attempt at imitation. It might not look as good but the ingredients are still there at least.

Meanwhile, Jason's trailer is more false advertising with every passing update.

Need Content


#5 2020-02-29 05:55:46

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

JasonY wrote:

The main lie was "adding new stuff to the game every week"

Why you no like black walls?


#6 2020-02-29 06:55:58

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

jasonrohrer wrote:
JasonY wrote:

The main lie was "adding new stuff to the game every week"

Why you no like black walls?

I bet he doesn't want his pure white walls ruined with all that dark paint.     How racist.


#7 2020-02-29 07:04:17

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Also, you don't like curved tracks and loads of bottled items?


#8 2020-02-29 07:17:18

Registered: 2019-11-15
Posts: 209

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

jasonrohrer wrote:

Also, you don't like curved tracks and loads of bottled items?

Fluff updates, Just like your stupid colored walls.

Last edited by JasonY (2020-02-29 07:17:57)

Need Content


#9 2020-02-29 07:22:48

Registered: 2019-11-15
Posts: 209

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

DestinyCall wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:
JasonY wrote:

The main lie was "adding new stuff to the game every week"

Why you no like black walls?

I bet he doesn't want his pure white walls ruined with all that dark paint.     How racist.

Even a black president still lives in the white house.

Last edited by JasonY (2020-02-29 07:24:29)

Need Content


#10 2020-02-29 07:32:55

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

JasonY wrote:
DestinyCall wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:

Why you no like black walls?

I bet he doesn't want his pure white walls ruined with all that dark paint.     How racist.

Even a black president still lives in the white house.

I don't actually see race, so it's just a house to me.


#11 2020-02-29 10:21:01

Registered: 2020-01-22
Posts: 49

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

While it is true that he updates the game every every week, it is also true that there is false advertisement for this game. And that is a legit issue to talk about. But constructively and not like a 12 year old as JasonY does.


#12 2020-02-29 11:04:28

Registered: 2019-11-15
Posts: 209

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Flachzang wrote:

While it is true that he updates the game every every week, it is also true that there is false advertisement for this game. And that is a legit issue to talk about. But constructively and not like a 12 year old as JasonY does.

I've just been saying things how they are, Most people are in denial. Good luck being constructive, Bet it won't get you anywhere.

If you can't beat em, Join em.

Last edited by JasonY (2020-02-29 11:06:18)

Need Content


#13 2020-02-29 14:40:57

Registered: 2018-06-17
Posts: 158

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Y'all just give this guy attention anytime he wants it don't you, well here you go spoon.  More attention.  Until the next forum post 'Jason is unethical' Followed by another forum post of 'Jason develops this game without consent!'

Spoon I'll just wait til the abridged version is out as a 12 book series.

I'm fish, deal with it or don't, idgaf


#14 2020-02-29 15:34:53

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Again, JasonY said:

JasonY wrote:

The main lie was "adding new stuff to the game every week"

Since craftable objects got mentioned in the original post, that word likely referred to craftable objects.  There hasn't existed new stuff added to the game every week.

Also, whatever the game has, it's still nowhere close to 10,000 craftable objects.

And also, the website lies by presenting an impossible scenario where the player could get an ax handed down from their grandfather.  And it lies by suggesting that the player could/is likely to have parents in the plural.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#15 2020-02-29 17:04:51

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 943

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Dud plz

You might as well be mad at a BUNCH of developers.

Bungie straight up made you think that this was going to be the halo 2 campaign in this demo trailer, and guess what, it wasn't.. Did they willingly deceive, or just have to change things due to variables? I think it's more towards the latter.

The original gears of war concept trailer was fighting the darkness. The level where you have to stay in light or be devoured was THE ORIGINAL GAME.

Point is things change.. why don't you wait till this game is finished to go after the "hur dur this is false advertising" claim.

I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.


#16 2020-02-29 17:18:49

Registered: 2020-01-22
Posts: 49

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Though you should advertise what the product currently is and not what it may look like in the future. More so as this is not an early access title anymore and the release was quite a while ago.

I see no difference in what Blizzard did recently with their Warcarft3 Reforged advertisement, for example. Yet they got shitstormed but it is not the same here even though the case has similarities. I know, sizes are different but it is about the principle.

Dont get me wrong, I am neither a fanboy nor a flameboy. I just look objectively on this.

When I bought the game on Steam, according to the trailer I was also under the false assumption that there are robots, streets, sports cars, calendars, desks, clocks and so on. Turned out that all this stuff was not ingame. Disappointing. Misleading.

Last edited by Flachzang (2020-02-29 17:24:52)


#17 2020-02-29 19:07:05

Registered: 2019-12-17
Posts: 122

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

It's like a mini game... how many different ways can spoonwood whine about his/her daddy issues?


#18 2020-02-29 19:11:05

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Grim_Arbiter wrote:

You might as well be mad at a BUNCH of developers.

No, because I'm not familiar with what you referenced from other developers.  Also, it's irrelevant to this game as it stands.

Grim_Arbiter wrote:

Point is things change.. why don't you wait till this game is finished to go after the "hur dur this is false advertising" claim.

Because the claims made were not about what the game could be in the future, but what the game is now in the present.  The website says things like:

"This game is also about family trees."  and "And your mother is another player."

both of which indicate the present state of the game, and there exist more sentences indicating that the present state of the game is the context.

The game is not and has not been about some grandfather of players having the possibility to pass onto you an ax in a single life.  And that hasn't been the case for over 2 years now.  Nor has it held that within the scope of a single life that the player could have a series of moments where the player could watch grandparents grow old and die.  Nor within the scope of a single life can the player have a series of moments where one could watch parents grow old in die.  And both 'grandparents' and 'parents' are in the plural.  And I do mean a single life as the website says: "What a life passed by in this little hour of mine." in the scenario sketched.

But, such a scenario cannot happen as the game is now.  Nor previously.

It's one thing for a sketch to not capture every detail, since no sketch can represent everything.  An author could add some disclaimer like "this doesn't represent everything in 100% detail" and I wouldn't even see that as necessary for an author to do. 

On the other hand, it's dishonest to have a sketch which makes up character types which don't exist and then communicates to you as if such character types did exist.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2020-02-29 19:40:53)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#19 2020-02-29 19:34:38

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 850

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Spoonwood wrote:

The game is not and has not been about some grandfather of players having the possibility to pass onto you an ax in a single life.  And that hasn't been the case for over 2 years now.

Would you be okay with this being advertised as a grandmother handing down an axe instead? Tools have been passed on multiple times to different generations. That’s kinda the core of the game, that you are part of a greater whole in a town/family’s development. If you find a random tool on the ground you didn’t make, it was more than likely made by one of your ancestors, and was therefore passed down to their next generation. Does the wording you have a problem with ever mention this passing down of tools being direct?

Spoonwood wrote:

Nor has it held within the scope of a single life that the player could have a series of moments where the player could watch grandparents grow old and die

These moments are more than possible in the game. If I have great mom I usually try and check in with her every now and again, and grandparents too if they were great as well. I don’t do this often as a child, but when I’m a mom I usually try and check in with my kids if I haven’t seen them in a while. I’ve also more than just a few times had my kids and grandkids be there with me when I’m on my death bed. These moments that I’ve just described do happen in the game, and involve having children/grandchildren watch their parents grow old and die. Of these I experience being the parent in these situations the most, therefore creating the opposite scenario for my kids.

Saying that these moments don’t happen in-game is just a straight up lie.

Last edited by sigmen4020 (2020-02-29 19:37:01)

For the time being, I think we have enough content.


#20 2020-02-29 20:27:50

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

sigmen4020 wrote:

Would you be okay with this being advertised as a grandmother handing down an axe instead?

That wouldn't indicate a false character type as if such exists, would it?

sigmen4020 wrote:

Does the wording you have a problem with ever mention this passing down of tools being direct?

It says:

"Proudly using your grandfather's ax, and then passing it on to your own grandchild as the end of your life nears."

Players can't use their grandather's ax, and haven't been able to as long as the advertisement has existed to my knowledge (for over 2 years now).  A grandfather character does not exist to pass on an axe to their grandchild directly, nor indirectly.

sigmen4020 wrote:

These moments are more than possible in the game. If I have great mom I usually try and check in with her every now and again, and grandparents too if they were great as well.

Players only have one grandparent in every game (when the player has a grandparent).  Here's a recent example: … id=5970010  There's only one parent, the mother.  There's only one grandparent, the grandomother.  The term 'great grandparent' is a term distinct from 'grandparent', and thus 'great grandparent' is not a subtype of 'grandparent'.  That 'great grandparent' is not of the same type as 'grandparent' can get inferred from a grandparent always being 2 generations earlier than the child, and a great grandparent always being 3 generations earlier than the child.  The difference of the child's generation and the grandparent's generation is 2, while the difference of the child's generation and the great grandparent's generation is 3.

sigmen4020 wrote:

These moments that I’ve just described do happen in the game, and involve having children/grandchildren watch their parents grow old and die.

You only talked about one parent in that scenario, your own character.   So, no, your children did NOT watch their parents, meaning more than one parent, grow old and die.

Were it the case that you had a child watch her parents die ("Over time, I watched my grandparents and parents grow old and die."), then that child or someone else would have some way to identify more than other parent.  There is no way to identify more than one parent, because the only parent is the mother.  That is what all family trees say and have said from what I've seen of them, and from what everyone else has seen of them so far as I know.

And again, there is no grandfather character in the game, nor has there been a grandfather character in the game.  And there isn't some way to have a grandfather character without having a father character is there?

Last edited by Spoonwood (2020-02-29 22:39:30)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#21 2020-02-29 20:48:17

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 850

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Spoonwood wrote:
sigmen4020 wrote:

Would you be okay with this being advertised as a grandmother handing down an axe instead?

That wouldn't indicate a false character type as if such exists, would it?

sigmen4020 wrote:

Does the wording you have a problem with ever mention this passing down of tools being direct?

It says:

"Proudly using your grandfather's ax, and then passing it on to your own grandchild as the end of your life nears."

Players can't use their grandather's ax, and haven't been able to as long as the advertisement has existed to my knowledge (for over 2 years now).  A grandfather character does not exist to pass on an axe to their grandchild directly, nor indirectly.

sigmen4020 wrote:

These moments are more than possible in the game. If I have great mom I usually try and check in with her every now and again, and grandparents too if they were great as well.

Players only have one grandparent in every game.  Here's a recent example: … id=5970010  There's only one parent, the mother.  There's only one grandparent, the grandomother.  The term 'great grandparent' is a term distinct from 'grandparent', and thus 'great grandparent' is not a subtype of 'grandparent'.  That 'great grandparent' is not of the same type as 'grandparent' can get inferred from a grandparent always being 2 generations earlier than the child, and a great grandparent always being 3 generations earlier than the child.

sigmen4020 wrote:

These moments that I’ve just described do happen in the game, and involve having children/grandchildren watch their parents grow old and die.

You only talked about one parent in that scenario, your own character.   So, no, your children did NOT watch their parents, meaning more than one parent, grow old and die.

Were it the case that you had a child watch her parents die ("Over time, I watched my grandparents and parents grow old and die."), then that child or someone else would have some way to identify more than other parent.  There is no way to identify more than one parent, because the only parent is the mother.  That is what all family trees say and have said from what I've seen of them and from what everyone else has seen of them so far as I know.

And again, there is no grandfather character in the game, nor has there been a grandfather character in the game.  And there isn't some way to have a grandfather character without having a father character is there?

If it's just the fact that it mentions "grandfather" instead of "grandmother", and "parents" instead of "mother", then I'm in agreement with you that this says that there's two parents in this game, which is not true. However IMO the description on the front page would be mostly fine if he replaced grandfather with uncle or grandmother, and parents/grandparents with mother/grandmother.

The only other gripe I have with the description is the thing about "proudly handing your grandchild the axe as you die", because when it comes to handing down tools to the next generation it happens indirectly and not directly in the vast amount of instances. I would say it could be an accurate statement when it comes to large scale projects tho. Like finding someone to continue your work on a diesel engine or oil as you die, after you yourself continued that same work from one of your seniors. But I guess that's mostly handing down tasks to the next generation rather than tools, which isn't all that uncommon, at least in the early gens. Last words like "finish farm" or "finish pen" are far from uncommon.

But I guess we're mostly in agreement on this, which is rare.

For the time being, I think we have enough content.


#22 2020-02-29 22:55:59

Registered: 2018-11-04
Posts: 262

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Ok : it's facts. Jason was kind off exagerating, and maybe looking for that content in the future update.
I'll say : wait and see and enjoy the actual content smile

"I go"


#23 2020-03-01 02:25:39

Coconut Fruit
Registered: 2019-08-16
Posts: 831

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

This game doesn't have 10k craftable objects, but such ad can attract people to buy this game.

If you were a developer and had to make a choice: You will earn more money because of that ad and some people will cry on forums because of false advertising OR you will earn less money but there would be no crying people about false ads, what would you choose?

It's about money. With good marketing you could make better money for selling trash than with bad marketing selling actually good products.

So just accept reality. At least it brings more people to the game.

Last edited by Coconut Fruit (2020-03-01 02:28:04)

Making own private server (Very easy! You can play on it even if you haven't bought the game)
Zoom mod
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website with all recipies


#24 2020-03-01 03:08:39

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 943

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Coconut Fruit wrote:

This game doesn't have 10k craftable objects, but such ad can attract people to buy this game.

That's why I told spoon to wait until the game is done. As far as I  know those 10k objects are still a goal.

That trailer spoon's talking about basically implies that we're working towards that many, while it proceeds to show you every item that launched with the game, and say that he plans to add 100 new items every week.

The 100 item a week thing is the biggest thing you can criticize in the whole thing, and I'm pretty sure I've even seen jason admit here he was too ambitious to think he could do that many.

I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.


#25 2020-03-01 05:12:00

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Mr. Rohrer's Lies About What His Servers Provide

Coconut Fruit wrote:

If you were a developer and had to make a choice: You will earn more money because of that ad and some people will cry on forums because of false advertising OR you will earn less money but there would be no crying people about false ads, what would you choose?

Your question assumes that money is earned through the deception of false ads.  According to the first definition of Merriam Webster's dictionary 'earn' means:

"to receive as return for effort and especially for work done or services rendered"

But there is no return for effort from the deceptive parts of a false ad.  The return comes because of the lie(s), and people who accepted the lie(s).

Also, there exist business people who have said things like this:

Henry Kravitz wrote:

If you don't have integrity, you have nothing. You can't buy it. You can have all the money in the world, but if you are not a moral and ethical person, you really have nothing. … son_106083

Zig Ziglar wrote:

With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt.

So, I don't think that over the long-run there exists a real dilemma as your propose.

Coconut Fruit wrote:

  It's about money. With good marketing you could make better money for selling trash than with bad marketing selling actually good products.

So just accept reality. At least it brings more people to the game.

If the deceptive parts of false advertising does bring people to the game, as I think you've implied, then the value of the game is lower than what the player population implies it as (or it value is lower than what it has been).  No, it's not good to have more people brought to the game via deception, because then it holds that the game in terms of it's value as art is even worse than I've previously asserted.  How so?  Because anything that a person buys because of someone else's deception, does not serve the buyer's needs.  And art that isn't good for it's consumers is bad art for them.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


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