One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-04-10 02:56:07

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 217

Suicide Babies

I for the life of me can't figure out why babies suicide in the middle of a well established (and sustainable) village, do they want to live the feral Eve life?

Maybe they are suiciding in a desperate attempt to re-spawn in another village that they tried to create. I can't figure it out.

I get (although don't like it) when  babies suicide with a wild Eve, but I can't figure out why they would do this in a good home.

Just had about 4 kids die on me within 10 seconds, as did my sister in a functioning and fully clothed village. Jason's latest Eve spreading apocalypse was created to prevent people from constantly respawning in the same village, but that has led to the suicide epidemic of significant proportions. Arguably, it is more game breaking than trolls.

Last edited by Portager (2018-04-10 02:58:34)


#2 2018-04-10 03:16:00

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Suicide Babies

i was a kid of an eve, noob player, died carring me to a bush, she made a skirt instead of tools. i barely survived on a desert tile from 6 to 8 bars, so basically ive been the eve. and told my first 4 kids that cant feed them yet, then 4 sons, kept one, others suicide or come too soon after another, finally my daughter ran away, my only daughter. i was doomed, my son was dumbass too, i even left him carrots, he never touched the farm, i was going for seeds and he died somehow after building a furnace.

i suicide if i want to go abck to a different city, sometimes happens. or if the players are dumb, today i ran away after i see my mother burned the first rabbit. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#3 2018-04-10 03:16:16

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 17

Re: Suicide Babies

The power to respawn can always be a tricky thing for devs to deal with. Some games make respawning painful and require tasks to leave a start area before entering the real servers.

Imagine that was here and you got born to an eve who abandoned you?

Maybe you guys are not only getting new players, but kids irl as your in game kids.

Last edited by Pernicious (2018-04-10 03:17:57)


#4 2018-04-10 03:35:17

Registered: 2018-04-10
Posts: 20

Re: Suicide Babies

Well, I do suicide often and the reasons are the ones you mentioned, but something extra:
1. First time I scout the village, and it is in a totally unreasonable position. Example: like you say everyone is clothed, very likely water is 20 sec away - not necessary, but as an example, thus I just give up and suicide age 7-ish, and often respawn at the same village, then it is straight away suicide.
2. Yes, it is possible to still build a city as you predicted, but you need at least two people (best 3-4), but the city will be lost when everyone logs out (in most cases...). I believe this is the biggest problem right now, because normally it is players, who know the game that does this, and a lot of knowledge is left in that inside-circle villages.
3. You feel like doing something special that time: Hunt, Smith, etc. if it is done, you simply do not want to spawn at the place, where it is unnecessary.
4. Kind of griefing, not sure if anyone does it (I do not, and think it would take too much time to achieve much),  but as soon as you die as a baby, the mother's chance is lowered to get another child. Thus you kill off villages slowly but steadily. I am not 100% if this is true, and if that really works (such as increasing eve spawn rate, which is needed to achieve anything related to griefing).

But most importantly:
If it was within 30-60 secs, I would say four suicides are done by one person who keeps getting spawn at your place (not necessary only your place) - it is easy to open x clients and close it as soon as you spawn at the wrong location, if you do exaggerate the time span, and it is more like a minute, it is simply one person, and it is not a mania of suicides, but simply same person doing it.

But given that I do it mostly due to reason 1, my best guess others do the same, thus did the village you are mentioning right now was able to function properly for another 30-45 mins after the suicides (Water did not run out, soil was still enough, etc... No famine in other words)?

And no the update did not break anything - before you would raise the kid, and he would go the village he likes most afterward, you would simply not see the suicides - with coordinates you were able to reach anything within 10min, most of the time within 5 min (given my guess that suicides were done by the same person, you would not even notice it pre-update).

But overall I might be completely wrong, just that is the reasoning I use when I suicide.


#5 2018-04-10 03:43:04

Registered: 2018-03-22
Posts: 41

Re: Suicide Babies

The dev could make it so babies cant break away from a mothers carry until they are a certain age. Think of it as a repawn penalty. It would also be logical for a baby to not be strong enough to break away from an adult that is carrying it.

Buff fishing


#6 2018-04-10 03:43:58

Registered: 2018-04-10
Posts: 20

Re: Suicide Babies

You normally close the client... Not suicide as if run away for extra 15secs...


#7 2018-04-10 03:53:08

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 17

Re: Suicide Babies

What if suiciding too often made you born only to eves that are alone and without towns for 2 hours?

Then suiciding gets players the opposite of the reason they currently do it for. And you have the penalty on top of knowing if you find a village you want, you won't respawn there.

Last edited by Pernicious (2018-04-10 04:03:42)


#8 2018-04-10 04:00:41

Registered: 2018-04-10
Posts: 20

Re: Suicide Babies

How to distinguish between suicide and child being abandoned? Lets say you can (such as closing clients, etc.), I would definitely start griefing rather than suiciding, because it is my choice not to live in a particular village, to show that this is not a solution I like (apocalypses showed that player base is able to show limitations of some updates).


#9 2018-04-10 04:31:29

Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 9

Re: Suicide Babies

Pernicious wrote:

What if suiciding too often made you born only to eves that are alone and without towns for 2 hours?

Then suiciding gets players the opposite of the reason they currently do it for. And you have the penalty on top of knowing if you find a village you want, you won't respawn there.

Except I like playing as wild eve or her offspring


#10 2018-04-10 04:37:21

Go! Bwah!
Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 204

Re: Suicide Babies

I do it all the time, usually because I realize early on that the game is going to be higher pressure than I want to deal with right then.  Sometimes I just want to be me and Mom out in the woods, not in the middle of a village with everybody's eyes on me.

Also, sometimes I will run ten babies out into the wilderness in quick succession because I'm resenting the game for being demanding and want to play it on my own terms (even if it is "failure" in game terms).  Also because I think it's funny.

Last edited by Go! Bwah! (2018-04-10 04:38:16)

I like to go by "Eve Scripps" and name my kids after medications smile


#11 2018-04-10 04:50:54

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 217

Re: Suicide Babies

I think a mechanic should exist, wherein if you are a baby and force log out, you have a cooldown period that you have to endure.

Babies that die of starvation would only have the cooldown after "X" number of times. I get that suicide is a strategy in this game, and heck, I have done it myself before. We almost all have, and there are certian good reasons to do it from time to time. However, at this point it is making the game near unplayable as a single Eve and destroying lineages in older villages. The cornerstone of this game is that you are always born into a different situation, and you need to adapt to survive. At this point however, people are taking too many liberties in choosing who they are going to live with at the expense of other players.

Last edited by Portager (2018-04-10 04:52:07)


#12 2018-04-10 05:25:35

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: Suicide Babies

I know that some do it to be reborn as girls and some to respawn in a specific village. I've had a village die because my only girl decided to suicide.

If I'm an eve most of the babies understandably suicide probably try to be spawned in a village. Would it break the game if we could choose a preference Like if someone wanted to play an Eve they could choose that option and the game would spawn them as an eve instead?

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#13 2018-04-10 05:42:25

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 17

Re: Suicide Babies

Baker wrote:

I know that some do it to be reborn as girls and some to respawn in a specific village. I've had a village die because my only girl decided to suicide.

If I'm an eve most of the babies understandably suicide probably try to be spawned in a village. Would it break the game if we could choose a preference Like if someone wanted to play an Eve they could choose that option and the game would spawn them as an eve instead?

What happens if everyone in a village decides to be reborn as eve? An then a billion babies?

Last edited by Pernicious (2018-04-10 07:40:58)


#14 2018-04-10 05:48:51

Registered: 2018-03-13
Posts: 54

Re: Suicide Babies

I suicide because I have a project going in a particular village, or I founded the village and am emotionally invested in helping my family line to continue, so I am trying to get back there. I understand that this behavior can ruin the game for someone who desperately needs kids because you restart their baby cooldown timer when you do it. But I am choosing to play another hour because I'm invested in something I started. I really don't want to start over learning a new area and coming up with brand new projects, I would rather just quit than do that. Maybe suiciding is morally wrong, but I'm playing this game to have fun, not to serve random strangers.


#15 2018-04-10 05:56:33

Go! Bwah!
Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 204

Re: Suicide Babies

Pernicious wrote:
Baker wrote:

I know that some do it to be reborn as girls and some to respawn in a specific village. I've had a village die because my only girl decided to suicide.

If I'm an eve most of the babies understandably suicide probably try to be spawned in a village. Would it break the game if we could choose a preference Like if someone wanted to play an Eve they could choose that option and the game would spawn them as an eve instead?

What happens if everyone in a village decides to be reborn as eve? As then a billion babies?

A compromise would be to not give you your choice immediately, but to queue your birth until it's available.  Right now, if I *really* want to be an Eve, I can just baby-suicide until every fertile woman either ages out or gets marked as a bad mother (thanks to me), but if I could just be given a "waiting to be born" screen until I would spawn as an Eve anyway, I would be happy.

You could compromise a little more by letting the queue pressure things a bit, like if there's one person in the Eve queue there's a 10% chance that a would-be baby will instead spawn as an Eve from the queue, and if there's ten or more people in the Eve queue there's a 30% chance (with in-between values interpolated, of course).

I like to go by "Eve Scripps" and name my kids after medications smile


#16 2018-04-10 08:06:45

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 17

Re: Suicide Babies

Thorware wrote:

I suicide because I have a project going in a particular village, or I founded the village and am emotionally invested in helping my family line to continue, so I am trying to get back there. I understand that this behavior can ruin the game for someone who desperately needs kids because you restart their baby cooldown timer when you do it. But I am choosing to play another hour because I'm invested in something I started. I really don't want to start over learning a new area and coming up with brand new projects, I would rather just quit than do that. Maybe suiciding is morally wrong, but I'm playing this game to have fun, not to serve random strangers.

Basically the opposite of the way the game is suppose to work.


#17 2018-04-10 08:16:36

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Suicide Babies

respawn is quite normal, when server is full you get more sons

i dont care what others think its unreasonable to have many kids before having basic stuff and even after
if noobs cant realize they need 5 carrot rows to raise a kid then they get doomed

it shouuld be a screen showing your previous families, if both sides agree you could be born, preferably as woman
lost my progress too many times
noobs ruin the game, today my sis had 2 kids who died with backpack of food on their back, we struggled to be alive, and my progress was lost
then i was an eve and set up the farm until age 50 then still wont reborn there
so i suicide until i get a carrot farm at least livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#18 2018-04-10 08:36:18

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 23

Re: Suicide Babies

honestly I do it if I don't feel like being born to a wild eve. Sometimes setting up is fun but honestly I have done it so much, I kinda want to get to the good stuff.....and I need an established town for that.


#19 2018-04-10 08:39:21

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Suicide Babies

Portager wrote:

I for the life of me can't figure out why babies suicide in the middle of a well established (and sustainable) village, do they want to live the feral Eve life?

Maybe they are suiciding in a desperate attempt to re-spawn in another village that they tried to create. I can't figure it out.

I get (although don't like it) when  babies suicide with a wild Eve, but I can't figure out why they would do this in a good home.

Just had about 4 kids die on me within 10 seconds, as did my sister in a functioning and fully clothed village. Jason's latest Eve spreading apocalypse was created to prevent people from constantly respawning in the same village, but that has led to the suicide epidemic of significant proportions. Arguably, it is more game breaking than trolls.

i supported since i play, for 1.5 weeks now, every civ i was born into or came across, as male with my dilligence & as female with offsprings - but now my patience & understanding is at its end

i didn't manage so far to establish my own lineage as Eve, if so, then i don't know nothing about because OHOL doesn't give me any tools to know, so why should i support any of the other lineages by other players ?

i suicide as baby immediately if i am born into a settlement as female, because i am fed up being a baby popping machine to someone else's benefit - what do i get in return if i am Eve ? so far NOTHING than incapable kids, bad maps & mass starvation

i stay alive now in an existing settlement only if i am male - i suppose this game made me now to a boyhood griefer, sorry

but Jason wanted a harder game, i can work with that tongue

- - -

Last edited by breezeknight (2018-04-10 08:55:31)


#20 2018-04-10 08:44:31

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 23

Re: Suicide Babies

breezeknight wrote:
Portager wrote:

I for the life of me can't figure out why babies suicide in the middle of a well established (and sustainable) village, do they want to live the feral Eve life?

Maybe they are suiciding in a desperate attempt to re-spawn in another village that they tried to create. I can't figure it out.

I get (although don't like it) when  babies suicide with a wild Eve, but I can't figure out why they would do this in a good home.

Just had about 4 kids die on me within 10 seconds, as did my sister in a functioning and fully clothed village. Jason's latest Eve spreading apocalypse was created to prevent people from constantly respawning in the same village, but that has led to the suicide epidemic of significant proportions. Arguably, it is more game breaking than trolls.

i supported since i play, for 1.5 weeks now, every civ i was born into or came across, as male with my dilligence & as female with offsprings - but now my patience & understanding is at its end

i didn't manage so far to establish my own lineage as Eve, if so, then i don't kjnow nothing about because OHOL donesn't give any tools to know, so why should i support any of the other lineages by other players ?

i suicide as baby immediately if i am born into a settlement as female, because i am fed up being a baby popping machine to someone else's benefit - what do i get in return if i am Eve ? so far NOTHING than incapable kids, bad maps & mass starvation

i stay alive now in an existing settlement only if i am male - i suppose this game made me now to a boyhood griefer, sorry

but Jason wanted a harder game, i can work with that tongue

Honestly I just pop out at least two, maybe three daughters, raise them, then ignore the rest of the children. Some boys live in between if I feel like it. Just so that we can keep making more. If I really don't give a damn I just raise 1 daughter and ignore the rest so I can work


#21 2018-04-10 09:00:54

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Suicide Babies

NyanRose wrote:

Honestly I just pop out at least two, maybe three daughters, raise them, then ignore the rest of the children. Some boys live in between if I feel like it. Just so that we can keep making more. If I really don't give a damn I just raise 1 daughter and ignore the rest so I can work

& what scenario is that ?
in a foreign settlement, in your settlement, in an unfortunate map combo or half a sec after you spawned as Eve ?

with me as player you can be sure by now, if i will be born as female baby, i will suicide no matter what


#22 2018-04-10 12:42:32

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: Suicide Babies

Look, I think it goes both ways. For me Eves suck either way, either I'm born to the Eve they abandon me or I'm an eve and I'll my babies suicide.

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#23 2018-04-10 14:15:10

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: Suicide Babies

I usually give my children to a woman at the nursery.

I never kill my daugthers and when we are too many I ask girls to live in the wild.


#24 2018-04-10 14:34:40

Registered: 2018-03-08
Posts: 469

Re: Suicide Babies

Portager wrote:

I for the life of me can't figure out why babies suicide in the middle of a well established (and sustainable) village, do they want to live the feral Eve life?

Yes. That's where I can make some kind of difference. In a big established village it's hard to make a meaningful improvement, and even if I think of something it's virtually unachievable due to immense clutter and people constantly moving my shit while I work. Eve life is simply much more fun than town life.

Last edited by Potjeh (2018-04-10 14:35:00)


#25 2018-04-10 18:49:19

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 23

Re: Suicide Babies

breezeknight wrote:
NyanRose wrote:

Honestly I just pop out at least two, maybe three daughters, raise them, then ignore the rest of the children. Some boys live in between if I feel like it. Just so that we can keep making more. If I really don't give a damn I just raise 1 daughter and ignore the rest so I can work

& what scenario is that ?
in a foreign settlement, in your settlement, in an unfortunate map combo or half a sec after you spawned as Eve ?

with me as player you can be sure by now, if i will be born as female baby, i will suicide no matter what

you make enough daughters to keep the population going, with a few sons to work. You don't have to raise every child, just make sure your chosen daughter's survive.


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