One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-09-08 13:30:12

Registered: 2018-03-18
Posts: 16

Should I Return?

Long story short, I’ve been here for awhile when the game first started catching wind. Everything was great, and I loved playing it, but lone wolf griefers always annoyed me to no end.

Whether it be through using all the resources, blocking buildings,  destroying crops by purposely picking early, or just running around with a knife and going Rambo, griefers always seemed to win. Early on it seemed like it was so easy for a family to die on its own (don’t know if that’s still the case) due to shortages, and griefers only expedited that process. I ended up quitting after each town I invested hour(s) on crashed because of something as unnatural as that.

I’m asking if anything’s really changed since March, 2018. If it has I’d be willing to give this game another shot. I really loved this game back in the day, and I would love to go back to it.


#2 2019-09-08 13:43:11

From: New Jersey, United States
Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 314

Re: Should I Return?

One word.... RIFT

Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!


#3 2019-09-08 13:48:16

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Should I Return?

There's still griefers but a lot of the griefing methods have been fixed also now the map is limited so if a village is lost you can find it back if you travel as opposed to before where it was almost impossible to find a village back.

Most of the griefing is killing atm but you can now carry pads in the medical apron so if you dont want to die make sure there is at least 2-3 experienced medics in the village.


#4 2019-09-08 13:52:33

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 466

Re: Should I Return?

I'm currently on a break myself. I started playing early 2019, and I've been on several breaks already.
A few weeks ago, when the Rift was temporarily on pause, my family was killed by griefers. It's not the first time it's happened, and not the worst time, but the randomness of it adds up, and eventually the desire to play other games just becomes greater.


#5 2019-09-08 13:55:19

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 689

Re: Should I Return?

Griefing has only gone down because there's not much of a point to it. The map resets pretty often so any new griefing they do won't be able to add up.

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#6 2019-09-08 16:16:20

Registered: 2018-08-11
Posts: 476

Re: Should I Return?

All work used to be lost within 24 hours, usually within 6 hours. The game is much better in that respect now, now your work can last for a few days, or for as long as people manage to keep multiple families alive. There's a limited number of families and the birth algorithm splits new players being born between them, so unnatural losses from baby droughts don't happen anymore. Give the game another shot.


#7 2019-09-08 17:38:14

Registered: 2019-03-09
Posts: 136

Re: Should I Return?

Come back. The rift calmed down a bit, hungry work stops mass tree cutting. You should really try it out again, at least take it for a test run. I'm only on a break because, well, the break ended and life restarted and I just don't have the time. But the last time I played the game was still going strong.


#8 2019-09-08 17:44:12

From: Greece
Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 1,095

Re: Should I Return?

It is overall a better experience, try it and tell us what you think of it.

Killing a griefer kills him for 10 minutes, Cursing him kills him for 90 Days.

4 curses kill him for all of us,  Mass Cursing bring us Peace! Please Curse!
Food value stats


#9 2019-09-09 03:41:27

Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 96

Re: Should I Return?

I just came back after four or so months away.  It's definitely an overall better experience but I wouldn't say a huge improvement.  A lot of the wrinkles have been ironed out and the work/villages persist longer so you feel more like you're part of a bigger project.  A lot of the new tech has made things more fun.  But it's still fundamentally a farming sim even with cars, airplanes, radios, etc. 

I don't think the griefing has been reduced though.  Some of the griefing methods have been blunted but more have popped up.  I feel like I'm seeing MORE pointless murders rather than less.  There are still many people doing bullshit role-playing like "pedophile" and "the Borg," thereby ruining your experience.  I've played an hour or so a day for the past week and I'm about done again.


#10 2019-09-09 16:08:14

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Should I Return?

My 50 cents

Ohol is great. It has some good and bad phases though. Usually when Jason is hellbent on making a feature work it gets a little messy but it ends up being worth the effort (but fuck fences and swords, the game didn`t need those for the reasons they were added)

I think you should come back, if anything this is a decent game even when at chaos. The core mechanics are great. Just know that it changes very frequently and sometimes you may not like the changes. Sometimes we all take a break and we should. It`s a very addictive game and if you`re into that when the game goes through a big change it may feel unpleasant. Or it may feel great.


#11 2019-09-09 21:40:03

Registered: 2018-07-25
Posts: 212

Re: Should I Return?

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

Griefing has only gone down because there's not much of a point to it. The map resets pretty often so any new griefing they do won't be able to add up.

I think you didn't play today.

I haven't seen such a senseless killing festival in a long time.

Griefs now have new fun - finish the arc as soon as possible.

This time the arc lasted several hours (?)


If you don't like griefs, play and you'll be shocked.

The game has changed a lot. Unfortunately for the worse. And these changes cannot be undone.


#12 2019-09-09 21:46:44

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Should I Return?

I think it only feels like less griefing in comparison to the eight-day hell arc we had while Jason was on vacation.   The arc are shorter now, so that "limits" the griefing, but I don't think the current curse system is strong enough to adequately deal with the on-going griefer problem.  At the start of the arc, we have murderous and thieving Eves.   In the middle of the arc, we have people destroying resources, releasing bears, and killing off families.   Toward the end of the arc, we have lots of engine griefing and "wars". 

On the upside, the griefers get a lot of varied and interesting things to do at every stage of the arc.


#13 2019-09-10 01:59:22

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Should I Return?

fuck this shit


#14 2019-09-10 03:04:17

Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 93

Re: Should I Return?

For myself, one of the big joys of this game is playing sporadically to see how things have changed overtime - so I'd definitely recommend it if you think you might want to experience it through those eyes.

If you're looking for something that has "solved" the griefing experience you had, I suspect it's gotten somewhat better - there are more good players than there are griefers, where as early on, when everyone was still learning, it was hard enough to keep a village surviving, so I can see how griefers were too much.


#15 2019-09-10 03:12:51

pedrito confesiones
Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 65

Re: Should I Return?

no. go cry somewhere else


Bottom text


#16 2019-09-10 18:02:22

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: Should I Return?

It's actually not that bad after the latest big update with a bunch of fixes. I'm looking forward to seeing what he's got in store for the future.


#17 2019-09-11 20:35:57

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 492

Re: Should I Return?

I think you should return! Honestly this game has changed for the better and in my experience the good outlived the bad! Sure there are griefers but there's also cursing and competent players so it evens out

Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.


#18 2019-09-12 23:22:26

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 689

Re: Should I Return?

Probably wait for the curse system to be tweaked a bit. There's hardly a punishment for griefing.

It's reseting the world every day too. So it's really really up to you to decide if you wanna play in this shit

Last edited by DiscardedSlinky (2019-09-12 23:22:42)

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#19 2019-09-13 09:33:43

Mr meeseeks
Registered: 2019-07-16
Posts: 94

Re: Should I Return?

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

Probably wait for the curse system to be tweaked a bit. There's hardly a punishment for griefing.

It's reseting the world every day too. So it's really really up to you to decide if you wanna play in this shit

I somewhat agree.. I destroyed a whole town without fear of consequence, because curses are meaningless in short-term...

I didn't get a single curse..

Even if I had gotten cursed, oh well... It would take many many many curses to really affect my gameplay...

But no one wants to ban someone from being born to them indefinitely... So it's now used too infrequently...

Before, people cursed too much.. Now, it's rare... Griefing has no consequence.

I'm Mr Meeseeks look at me.


#20 2019-09-13 10:03:04

Mr meeseeks
Registered: 2019-07-16
Posts: 94

Re: Should I Return?

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

Probably wait for the curse system to be tweaked a bit. There's hardly a punishment for griefing.

It's reseting the world every day too. So it's really really up to you to decide if you wanna play in this shit

I'm sure Jason, and many others thought this change would curb griefing(myself included)... It had the opposite effect. Lol.

Life is fun like that.

I would say, overall, the game is more fun now than it was before, though.

Give it another go.

I'm Mr Meeseeks look at me.


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