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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-06-01 04:44:15

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 7

The Other family problem

For the last two days I've really begun to feel like there is a problem here that when it comes down to it. Having other family in your village isn't worth it because of the whole one bad apple thing. There is really no incentive at all to let another family join your village because if you do your family will start a war with them or the other family will start a war with you.

Now obviously the family raiders aren't as bad as eve raiders are, but it feel so common it can really ruin your enjoyment of the game it feels like there is a murder in every game for me lately and with raiders and griefrs both contributing to the murder pool it leaves me feeling like every game is violent unless I'm lucky enough to born into an eve camp or I run away from my city to start my own camp. I am actually one of the players that generally prefers city life over camp life because it much easier and less stressful to actually stop and form bonds with other people if I can use a few minutes throughout my life to stop and chat with my family or other families if we can understand each other over a camp life where every moment counts or your camp will literally implode in on itself.

I understand that Jason's vision is to try to differentiate the families from each other and I think that cool and I enjoy the language update just right now its a case of if you have a baby and it says "DIE" KILL" or rude things you usually let the baby die because it isn't worth risking to see if its a troll or not. Accepting other families into your village can be really dangerous and this cause people to be hostile to outsiders because they'd rather not take the risk and it creates one big cycle that will result in burn out for everyone involved.

I'll be taking a break for a few days and maybe when I come back it might not seem so bad, but today and yesterday it seems like there was a murder in every life. Some worst than others.


#2 2019-06-01 05:09:50

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: The Other family problem

This post comes as especially interesting since it relies on the past few days, not the age of mass griefer Eves.

One related problem is swords, since they have one purpose only, and that's to murder people outside of one's lineage.

Another is the inability to curse people outside of one's lineage.

If I understand you correctly, your position comes as that xenophobia is justifiable.  I haven't played on bs2 since before the sword downgrade, so I don't have enough to support or dispute xenophobia as justifiable on the basis of my experience.  But, it sounds like xenophobia still applies as a new theme of the game even with griefer Eves much more under control.

One might say that the problem is and was NOT the Eves.  It was the killing and that went up shortly after the encouragement of killing and the symbol of that is the sword.  So, the problem is the sword, apparently.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#3 2019-06-01 05:33:19

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 7

Re: The Other family problem

You seem to understand what I'm trying to say. People are scared of outsiders killing their family, raiders wanna raid, griefers want to kill people with no consequence.  The bringing people together update brought honestly an unexpected problem and not war swords oddly enough it's honestly the players that themselves causing the problem.

People aren't just killing other players with war swords but with bows and knives. I would honestly say the increase in violence comes from players not caring enough about other families or being too afraid to punish raiders or the paranoid. Most people including myself watch other family members kill other families and we do nothing. We justify it to ourselves that it's best to not let them in like I said out of fear.

The solution definitely wouldn't be easy to think of I do like the idea of incoporating marriage between families to do something. This might be enough of a change that the xenophobia maybe stopped and maybe people will start caring when an innocent family get set upon.


#4 2019-06-01 07:31:46

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: The Other family problem

You're right there is currently no benefit to have multiple families in a village, it is a problem but only temporary.

Right now there is no need for males and babies pop out of nowhere.

Maybe at some point Adam will be added to the game, and people WILL have to travel in order to keep the lineage going.

This could promote small family houses and not the big villages where murder is a regular thing

Having specializations in forms of skill, like farmer, cook, smith etc would definitly make trading a thing if food value and ressources are tweaked a bit.

Tailor family would trade with shepard family that trades with cook etc.

or maybe something different will take place who knows.


#5 2019-06-01 08:20:36

Registered: 2019-03-14
Posts: 202

Re: The Other family problem

At least now its family members doing it, so, unlike eves, they can get cursed for starting shit. If the families live together in a town, its actually more save, since the family will see their bad apple kid grief. If they live in the next town over, they wont even know he went there to start shit, probably wont understand what the others say, and get surprised by their revenge raid.


#6 2019-06-01 11:39:58

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: The Other family problem

One benefit of having another family in your town is simply having more people. I feel like everyone underestimates this. Most players are constructive, so to a degree you are better off adding people to your town when you can. It's harder now for "one bad apple" to kill more than one or two people if you are vigilant.

Frankly what there isn't a point in having is a war sword. If your kids of family turn griefer against the incoming family you can't use the sword on them. Knives are better. Bow are bad because you have to leave them lying around... I do think violence has gone down since the era of the too many Eves.

I worry as much about one of my kids killing the other family as I do about the reverse. Both are disgusting.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


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