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#1 2018-06-10 16:07:07

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 119

More Storage Tech

I've been really enjoying these latest farm updates. I was so excited to try out all the new recipes and crops, but the amount of clutter on the ground makes things so much more difficult to manage and do. The developer should really consider adding some more storage tech in next updates, or even allowing a crap ton of things to be stackable just like stones.
Seeds became a big concern now that there are several types of them laying around occupying such an unnecessary space for a minuscule item. We should be able to use rabbit skin to make some kind of seed pouch that can hold a large amount of seeds and be carried around, and maybe even make so that seeds that are stored inside a seed pouch won't despawn (like wheat seeds for example).
These are just some humble ideas that I had while playing the game yesterday. I'm very interested in seeing what the developer comes up with for the "storage part" of the tech tree.

Last edited by SirCaio (2019-01-25 15:51:11)


#2 2018-06-10 16:45:30

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: More Storage Tech

I think the seed pouch is cool idea. Reminds me of dwarf fortress. Can just use pouch have it turn into corn seed pouch when it has corn seeds or berry seed etc. and turn back into plain pouch when empty.

I am imagining you can use seeds on the pouch to increase its charges, then you can use the pouch on the ground to drop seeds OR on the tilled rows to plant them.

This could be super cool, also imagine the drama of a punk stealing the seeds <3

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#3 2018-06-10 23:06:26

Registered: 2018-06-02
Posts: 40

Re: More Storage Tech

Every container in the game now needs an update. Storage is essential. Whether it is bone storage, storage material type, more efficient storage, what ever the case may be, there needs to be more of it.

when more items get thrown into a game where each item, no matter the size takes up an entire tile, which is a  big tile in this scenario, storage HAS to be upgraded somewhere.

I personally think that this needs to be the next main focus for jason.

**Edit** item - wise at least.

Last edited by ZneoC (2018-06-12 03:10:40)


#4 2018-06-11 21:19:22

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: More Storage Tech

wool backpacks please

could be one and half rabbit fur to make big pouch, store seed
also baskets kinda hard to make sometimes, and feels liek a waste to store carrot in it
today i didnt farm cause the screen was full, but 3 kids munched trough it fast and then they starved livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2018-06-15 22:10:57

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 142

Re: More Storage Tech

+1 to this!

What if seed pouches were as inexpensive as shoes, and stackable like rocks for rockpiles?  So, made out of two clumps of rabbit hide, string, and some quasi-arbitrary differentiating element like hitting the hide one more time with a flint to make it  leather?

so take a rabbit hide, hit it once with a flint chip, separate the four clumps into two piles of two clumps, hit them with flint again to get leather patches, then use threaded needle on them to get two seed pouches.

I guess you'd need two string, a flint chip, a rabbit hide, and a needle.

As far as stacking the entities, I wonder if they'd all have to be holding the same contents for coding/file-naming reasons?



#6 2019-01-25 11:47:42

Registered: 2019-01-25
Posts: 4

Re: More Storage Tech

Up you go!

I wish this would be a thing by now, it feels ridiculous to store the carrot seeds on the ground. At least bean pods can be in a bowl.


#7 2019-01-25 13:29:29

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: More Storage Tech

Before more storage we need food decay. It hurts the game to have infinite mutton laying around you know?


#8 2019-01-25 13:36:49

Registered: 2019-01-25
Posts: 4

Re: More Storage Tech

I agree, and I think the two are linked, as decay would create an extra incentive for storage. See

Last edited by MathSRIsh (2019-01-25 13:37:10)


#9 2019-01-25 13:45:16

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: More Storage Tech

threshed wheat, fruits and some vegetables and meats should have decay timers.

Mutton pies are one of the biggest exploits in the game as they're almost free food after composting and nerfing its food value would just be a poor lazy decision, stuff like decay help balance the game by a metric other than soil, water, iron cost.


#10 2019-01-26 03:25:58

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: More Storage Tech

This has always been true. There is stuff every where, all the time.


#11 2019-01-26 06:27:20

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 117

Re: More Storage Tech

Valences42 wrote:

+1 to this!

What if seed pouches were as inexpensive as shoes, and stackable like rocks for rockpiles?  So, made out of two clumps of rabbit hide, string, and some quasi-arbitrary differentiating element like hitting the hide one more time with a flint to make it  leather?

so take a rabbit hide, hit it once with a flint chip, separate the four clumps into two piles of two clumps, hit them with flint again to get leather patches, then use threaded needle on them to get two seed pouches.

I guess you'd need two string, a flint chip, a rabbit hide, and a needle.

As far as stacking the entities, I wonder if they'd all have to be holding the same contents for coding/file-naming reasons?


That's silly.  This game has enough pointlessly complex  recipes.  Just make boots turn into seedbags when you use a seed on it.


#12 2019-01-26 14:35:44

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: More Storage Tech

hm, are you guys aware we already have a pouch item?


#13 2019-01-27 01:02:42

Registered: 2018-12-04
Posts: 164

Re: More Storage Tech

It's a water pouch. I think people are asking for more dry storage. Some seeds, like the three sisters, can be stacked, but not milkweed and carrot.


#14 2019-01-27 02:42:28

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: More Storage Tech

I know, but we can just use that for seeds aswell


#15 2019-01-29 06:09:22

From: Detroit
Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 5

Re: More Storage Tech

Booklat1 wrote:

Before more storage we need food decay. It hurts the game to have infinite mutton laying around you know?

I agree, food decay (slow) and better storage options like seed pouches would be awesome. And if Jason incorporates food decay, then he can add something for players to combat it like a cellar, where boxes/baskets of food can be placed inside for long term storage. They can be built into the ground like a well but only require stone and some wood for a "door". Left clicking to place inside and right to cycle through what's hidden inside like you would a backpack.


#16 2019-01-29 17:37:00

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: More Storage Tech

wildgreen98 wrote:
Booklat1 wrote:

Before more storage we need food decay. It hurts the game to have infinite mutton laying around you know?

I agree, food decay (slow) and better storage options like seed pouches would be awesome. And if Jason incorporates food decay, then he can add something for players to combat it like a cellar, where boxes/baskets of food can be placed inside for long term storage. They can be built into the ground like a well but only require stone and some wood for a "door". Left clicking to place inside and right to cycle through what's hidden inside like you would a backpack.

probably too hard on servers but if food items could care about the temperature of the tile they're in we could also have refrigeration preventing decay.


#17 2019-01-30 16:26:19

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: More Storage Tech

Booklat1 wrote:

Before more storage we need food decay. It hurts the game to have infinite mutton laying around you know?

I think a storage overhaul should happen first, then food decay to rebalance the challenge.   Fields of raw mutton is problematic and unrealistic, but right now, it can be the most logical solution to an illogical problem.

Realistic food decay would sigificantly impact gameplay and village survival.   Ultimately, I think it would be a good thing, but only if we have reasonable options for dealing with some of the ramifications.  I'd like to see some foods that are "shelf stable" or last a very longtime at even at warm temps and other foods that decay quickly, based on temperature.  Storage in a colder region would slow decay, so these food would spoil quickest in desert and slowest in tundra.  Various tech options, like cellars or cold-boxes would also provide cool storage options.   Bread and pies could be shelf-stable, but the raw meats would not be.  Cooking certain foods would protect it from decay or significantly slow decay.

Ideally, I would like to see a "decayed" version of these foods added into the game to warn new players that decay is happening to these foods.   When stuff just disappears (like straw), many people have no idea that it decayed away while they were doing other things.  They are more likely to assume someone used it or moved it.   The decayed food could be eaten, but only provide half food value, so producing food at a steady rate and harvesting at the right times would be more impotant.   Later towns woul have more cold storage options, so food spoilage would happen less to balance with the need for more food production overall.


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