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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#76 2019-01-19 02:24:39

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

If you can't laugh at yourself, other people will do it for you.

But speaking seriously, you should really try to loosen up a little and not take everything so personally.   Different people approach this game from different perspectives and with different goals.   It is why some babies will suicide in eve camps and others will kill themselves in established towns.   It is why some people work really hard to maintain the compost cycle and other people roleplay as the turkey king and others become griefers. 

If you don't consider teaching to be a valuable use of your in-game time, I doubt I can change your mind.  But some people find it a rewarding and enjoyable community service that helps enrich the game for themselves and others.    Why bother saving a village if you don't care about its people? 

New players are basically the "children" of our gaming community.  Raise 'em right and they'll make ya proud.   As the saying goes, give a man a mutton pie, feed him for five minutes, teach him how to compost and you feed him for the rest of his lives.


#77 2019-01-19 03:17:04

Registered: 2018-12-16
Posts: 371

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

DestinyCall wrote:

If you can't laugh at yourself, other people will do it for you.

But speaking seriously, you should really try to loosen up a little and not take everything so personally.   Different people approach this game from different perspectives and with different goals.   It is why some babies will suicide in eve camps and others will kill themselves in established towns.   It is why some people work really hard to maintain the compost cycle and other people roleplay as the turkey king and others become griefers. 

If you don't consider teaching to be a valuable use of your in-game time, I doubt I can change your mind.  But some people find it a rewarding and enjoyable community service that helps enrich the game for themselves and others.    Why bother saving a village if you don't care about its people? 

New players are basically the "children" of our gaming community.  Raise 'em right and they'll make ya proud.   As the saying goes, give a man a mutton pie, feed him for five minutes, teach him how to compost and you feed him for the rest of his lives.

problems not that i cant laugh at myself, problem is people that dont like my opinion were attacking me so obviously im not gonna assume everything said to me is cheery

1,280 pips just by Making Pork Tacos, Possible 2,500 pips just by hunting turkeys, and yet, somehow, yall still eating berries, bruh.


#78 2019-01-19 03:41:37

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

I realize you won't like hearing this, but a lot of the hostility you are feeling is due to your attitude and your reaction to conflict.   You were being hostile toward people who disagreed with your stance, so they reflected that hostility back toward you.   It is a vicious cycle, all too common when debating topics with strong opinions on both sides.   Instead of sharing diverse viewpoints and coming closer together on common ground, lines are drawn more firmly and both side dig in, certain that they are in the right, clearly a victim of misunderstanding, and that their is nothing more to say. 

It's a shame, because once communication breaks down, meaningful discussion ends but the shouting can continue for ages.


#79 2019-01-19 03:47:09

Registered: 2018-12-16
Posts: 371

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

DestinyCall wrote:

I realize you won't like hearing this, but a lot of the hostility you are feeling is due to your attitude and your reaction to conflict.   You were being hostile toward people who disagreed with your stance, so they reflected that hostility back toward you.   It is a vicious cycle, all too common when debating topics with strong opinions on both sides.   Instead of sharing diverse viewpoints and coming closer together on common ground, lines are drawn more firmly and both side dig in, certain that they are in the right, clearly a victim of misunderstanding, and that their is nothing more to say. 

It's a shame, because once communication breaks down, meaningful discussion ends but the shouting can continue for ages.

Look back at the post history, first person to start it called me an asshole, so i replied back saying how ironic that statement was, trying to be a mediator of controversial opinions doesnt exactly work out the way you think it will. Civil rights movements did peaceful protests and got pepper sprayed and beaten as a result. My point being your intentions could be progressive but you could still get your ass beat for it.

Also whats with this whole philosophical stance on this subject, its not that deep bro...

Last edited by Crumpaloo (2019-01-19 03:48:41)

1,280 pips just by Making Pork Tacos, Possible 2,500 pips just by hunting turkeys, and yet, somehow, yall still eating berries, bruh.


#80 2019-01-19 04:46:26

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

Philosophy is life, my dude.  Just because this is a nonsense argument on a gaming forum, that doesn't mean we can't both learn a little about ourselves and other people.   

For example, I looked back over the previous posts and I don't see where someone actually called you an asshole that first time.   But I do see this post where you assumed someone was calling you out, so you immediately called them an asshole in response.

Crumpaloo wrote:
CrazyEddie wrote:
MultiLife wrote:

And if I ended up at a pro town which kills newbies, I'd probably slack off there.

I would grief it.

... and I don't grief. But I'd make an exception for a town full of assholes.

The only real assholes are the morale police telling me how play a game i paid for, i dont hate noobs but i dont like them either, so trying to make me feel bad for a baby that can spawn back in 5 seconds isnt doing you any favors, you wanna call me an asshole for my controversial opinion, ok, but dont expect that to suddenly change the facts themselves.

The comment you were responding to was not a personal attack directed at you in particular, but you took it as one and escalted things.   I really feel like it didn't have to go that way.   

I agree that it can be very challenging to respond calmly and not let strong emotions cloud your judgement.  Peaceful protests are really HARD.  It feels more satisfying to lash out when you feel like your views are being attacked.   But negativity just leads to more negativity.  It isn't productive.  It doesn't make you feel any better in the long run.  It just drives people away and limits your future options.

Last edited by DestinyCall (2019-01-19 04:48:08)


#81 2019-01-19 05:08:24

Registered: 2018-12-16
Posts: 371

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

DestinyCall wrote:

Philosophy is life, my dude.  Just because this is a nonsense argument on a gaming forum, that doesn't mean we can't both learn a little about ourselves and other people.   

For example, I looked back over the previous posts and I don't see where someone actually called you an asshole that first time.   But I do see this post where you assumed someone was calling you out, so you immediately called them an asshole in response.

Crumpaloo wrote:
CrazyEddie wrote:

I would grief it.

... and I don't grief. But I'd make an exception for a town full of assholes.

The only real assholes are the morale police telling me how play a game i paid for, i dont hate noobs but i dont like them either, so trying to make me feel bad for a baby that can spawn back in 5 seconds isnt doing you any favors, you wanna call me an asshole for my controversial opinion, ok, but dont expect that to suddenly change the facts themselves.

The comment you were responding to was not a personal attack directed at you in particular, but you took it as one and escalted things.   I really feel like it didn't have to go that way.   

I agree that it can be very challenging to respond calmly and not let strong emotions cloud your judgement.  Peaceful protests are really HARD.  It feels more satisfying to lash out when you feel like your views are being attacked.   But negativity just leads to more negativity.  It isn't productive.  It doesn't make you feel any better in the long run.  It just drives people away and limits your future options.

If that says anything its that people lash out when their ideas of normal are challenged, which honestly makes alot of sense now that im thinking about it.

1,280 pips just by Making Pork Tacos, Possible 2,500 pips just by hunting turkeys, and yet, somehow, yall still eating berries, bruh.


#82 2019-01-19 05:18:33

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

I saw someone die trying to kill a snake with a bow last night...

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#83 2019-01-19 05:26:53

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

Turnipseed wrote:

I saw someone die trying to kill a snake with a bow last night...

Reminds me of the time I decided to go on a noble quest to kill the snake that killed my first baby.   I tracked it down outside of town just as another baby popped.  So I informed my child that his mom was a snake hunter and I was going to go kill that snake.  Then I immediately misclicked and got tagged by the rattler.

My last words were "Wish me luck, baby!"


#84 2019-01-19 05:38:21

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

I was in a new town i was 3rd gen i made steel tools killed the snake secured a food supply filled 10 baskets with pies made 3 packs, and made a small sheep pen the spot was great.   Yet the line died at 9 gens... new players definitely ruin the game for vet players, but they are necessary for the game itself to survive.

The problem i have is so few are willing to learn.. i tried to show someone how to tend berrys only to get called an "assho" by my daughter who was trying to water a bush that needed soil first then end up shooting her with a bow because she lured bears to town.

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#85 2019-01-19 06:26:43

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

To answer the original question, new players are not bad for a village. If anything I would say they are more neutral. Some times they fail, but it doesn't take that much effort to turn them into a positive.


#86 2019-01-19 09:45:46

Registered: 2019-01-09
Posts: 62

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

Sarcasm, name-calling and the like isn't gonna help this discussion so drop it please.

Yes teaching new players is a relevant and helpful part of this game, but newbies' unwillingness to learn in this game is quite staggering, at least in my experience. Learning/teaching is a two way street and I am thrilled by every encounter with an eager-to-improve new player that has a minimum of brainpower. But these people are so rare it's not even funny.

The average response to any sort of attempt to help teach or explain things is, far too often, insults and pointless discussions or just getting outright ignored over and over.

Obviously killing someone for saying they're new isn't gonna work as they will figure out fast enough to just not say Yes. But I can understand where that sentiment is coming from and I think killing the newbies that cannot follow even the most simple instructions (stay on this spot, baby!) and refuse to adapt is far from a bad idea. I say invest your time into the people that show a minimum of will to improve and yes, the others can go die until they leave the game or change their ways cause they got nothing to contribute to any civilization and people shouldn't waste their time on them.

I am Eve Speed.


#87 2019-01-19 14:20:57

Registered: 2018-12-06
Posts: 38

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

I agree there's two sides to any coin. Instead of automatically assuming every noob is bad, I always try to take care of them and teach them unless I'm doing something really important. Once I protected a cousin from my mother who was telling the whole town that he was a greifer, even though he was just new. I taught him farming, all about sheep, and compost. By the end we were both old and he was very greatful, saying it was only his 5th life and nobody wanted to teach him anything, and how he didn't know the game was so complicated. It was super heartwarming!
But for every player willing to learn, there's 5 more that are the exact opposite. Once I tried to teach a girl how to farm, but she was just clicking the green bushes with a bucket even though I told her multiple times to use a bowl on it instead. She gave up and started running around, popping out babies and straight up ignoring them. "This is your kid" I would be chasing her around with her baby, and she said "how" and ignored me. So I ended up watching half her abandoned children along with my own. I couldn't kill her because the whole town would probably turn against me. So I definitely see how many bad experiences leaves you hating noobs. I just like to think "innocent until proven guilty" because I personally really like being a teacher. tongue

Last edited by sinfulcliche (2019-01-19 14:22:22)


#88 2019-01-19 14:21:22

Registered: 2018-12-16
Posts: 371

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

Lily wrote:

To answer the original question, new players are not bad for a village. If anything I would say they are more neutral. Some times they fail, but it doesn't take that much effort to turn them into a positive.

This was probably the most progressive response ive gotten in this entire thread

1,280 pips just by Making Pork Tacos, Possible 2,500 pips just by hunting turkeys, and yet, somehow, yall still eating berries, bruh.


#89 2019-01-19 16:31:51

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

DestinyCall wrote:

I realize you won't like hearing this, but a lot of the hostility you are feeling is due to your attitude and your reaction to conflict.   You were being hostile toward people who disagreed with your stance, so they reflected that hostility back toward you.   It is a vicious cycle, all too common when debating topics with strong opinions on both sides.   Instead of sharing diverse viewpoints and coming closer together on common ground, lines are drawn more firmly and both side dig in, certain that they are in the right, clearly a victim of misunderstanding, and that their is nothing more to say. 

It's a shame, because once communication breaks down, meaningful discussion ends but the shouting can continue for ages.

I'm not even commenting in this post but this is so true. I gave this guy a formula they asked and they call me an asshole for trying to teach how to use. They literally refused to answer me at this point...


#90 2019-01-19 18:43:56

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

Crumpaloo wrote:
Lily wrote:

To answer the original question, new players are not bad for a village. If anything I would say they are more neutral. Some times they fail, but it doesn't take that much effort to turn them into a positive.

This was probably the most progressive response ive gotten in this entire thread

People get all worried about other people wasting food and stuff, but how much food does it really take? It takes one box of food to pick up a child and feed it, and a berry feeds you like 5 boxes. So a single bush allows you to pick up a child 30 times, with 30 times you can easily raise 4-5 children off a single bush. You can raise all your children you have in your life time off a single pie.

So in my eyes, raising children is basically a freebie. The obvious issue is what they do as an adult. If they die before adulthood because they are a newbie, then there is no real harm so we can rule out all those situations as neither good nor bad, just a slight distraction. If they can survive into adulthood then they can probably learn to do something useful. Most players don't want to starve to death and die, so they are willing to learn to feed themselves.

The other thing is that a pro can probably feed 5 other people and carry them on their back. At least if they got them self in a good position. A decent player can probably take care of another person or two. If you are good enough to take care of one other person though, then you can take care of two newbies who are each only half capable of taking care of them self.

So taking care of a newbie who can't survive on their own is fairly easily. It is rough if you are an Eve and don't have a farm, or ran out of resources or something, but in most situations you should probably be fine. So yeah newbies waste resources, but not a lot. If you can get them to do a minimal amount of work you are good.


#91 2019-01-19 19:00:07

Registered: 2018-12-16
Posts: 371

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

Lily wrote:
Crumpaloo wrote:
Lily wrote:

To answer the original question, new players are not bad for a village. If anything I would say they are more neutral. Some times they fail, but it doesn't take that much effort to turn them into a positive.

This was probably the most progressive response ive gotten in this entire thread

People get all worried about other people wasting food and stuff, but how much food does it really take? It takes one box of food to pick up a child and feed it, and a berry feeds you like 5 boxes. So a single bush allows you to pick up a child 30 times, with 30 times you can easily raise 4-5 children off a single bush. You can raise all your children you have in your life time off a single pie.

So in my eyes, raising children is basically a freebie. The obvious issue is what they do as an adult. If they die before adulthood because they are a newbie, then there is no real harm so we can rule out all those situations as neither good nor bad, just a slight distraction. If they can survive into adulthood then they can probably learn to do something useful. Most players don't want to starve to death and die, so they are willing to learn to feed themselves.

The other thing is that a pro can probably feed 5 other people and carry them on their back. At least if they got them self in a good position. A decent player can probably take care of another person or two. If you are good enough to take care of one other person though, then you can take care of two newbies who are each only half capable of taking care of them self.

So taking care of a newbie who can't survive on their own is fairly easily. It is rough if you are an Eve and don't have a farm, or ran out of resources or something, but in most situations you should probably be fine. So yeah newbies waste resources, but not a lot. If you can get them to do a minimal amount of work you are good.

You see this i can get behind, people get all up in arms when i wanna talk about different perspectives on this subject but no actual constructive criticism, about 80% were just repeating learning to be a good positive and when i label all the negatives that outweigh that they just attack me. Ya dont gotta attack someone that challenges what you believe to be right, just give me a rebuttle so we can both learn from it ffs.

1,280 pips just by Making Pork Tacos, Possible 2,500 pips just by hunting turkeys, and yet, somehow, yall still eating berries, bruh.


#92 2019-01-19 21:07:49

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

Experiences vary, but from what I've seen, just a few knowledgable people can keep a village viable.  The essential parts of a functional village can be simplified down to just pies and the infastructure necessary to make more pies.  Before you have sheep, things are more dicey, because the food supply is in danger.  But after there are sheep, a couple experienced people can do the work required to feed an army.   At that point, the main danger is running out of fertile girls and active griefing.  Running out of girls can happen for a lot of reasons, but bad luck, misadventure, and server population fluctuations are the main culprits, in my opinion.   In an advanced village with a large population, people tend to screw around a lot more because food scarcity is not as threatening so a baby crisis can easily get over-looked untill you realize your entire town is old or male.   

It really sucks when the town's last girl baby runs off and dies of starvation because she forgot to eat.  But if she died by accident because she is new to the game, she probably would have been really grateful to you if you had taken the time to carry her over to the berries and taught her how to stay fed.   Not all noobs are good listeners, just as not all vetrans are good at teaching.   But I would rather have five confused noobies in my village over one murderous griefer.   The accidental harm caused by ignorance gets annoying, but it rarely hinders my enjoyment of the game.  People who intentional harm the village are a genuine problem.   

If a high lifetime curse value left a visible mark on babies, I would let thos bastards starve in a heartbeat.


#93 2019-01-19 21:49:05

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

DestinyCall wrote:

If a high lifetime curse value left a visible mark on babies, I would let thos bastards starve in a heartbeat.

While I hate griefers just as much if not more than the next guy leaving a mark on bad babies just leads to a loop of cursing the child even further. Anyone with reason would just pick up the marked baby and instantly curse and stab the child which I don't exactly think is fair. Fair is the extended curse timers whether it be the original way or the way now. As it is right now griefers at least do have a way to reform as they can stay on the <8 curse total and not do a bunch of stupid stuff to get sent back to donkey town. With a marking system anytime you see a marked child you curse, kill, then rally the town to curse it further since you already know it's a donkey. The system absolutely shouldn't continue punishing you after you've dealt your time

Get sent to donkey town > do your time > pop out marked > recursed and murdered > get sent to donkey town > rinse repeat

It's just not fair even if I find it humorous griefers would get a big taste of their own medicine through getting griefed endlessly.

fug it’s Tarr.


#94 2019-01-19 21:58:08

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

Tarr wrote:
DestinyCall wrote:

If a high lifetime curse value left a visible mark on babies, I would let thos bastards starve in a heartbeat.

While I hate griefers just as much if not more than the next guy leaving a mark on bad babies just leads to a loop of cursing the child even further. Anyone with reason would just pick up the marked baby and instantly curse and stab the child which I don't exactly think is fair. Fair is the extended curse timers whether it be the original way or the way now. As it is right now griefers at least do have a way to reform as they can stay on the <8 curse total and not do a bunch of stupid stuff to get sent back to donkey town. With a marking system anytime you see a marked child you curse, kill, then rally the town to curse it further since you already know it's a donkey. The system absolutely shouldn't continue punishing you after you've dealt your time

Get sent to donkey town > do your time > pop out marked > recursed and murdered > get sent to donkey town > rinse repeat

It's just not fair even if I find it humorous griefers would get a big taste of their own medicine through getting griefed endlessly.

Oh I know.  It would result in marked players being effectively banned from the game.   But if you have been cursed enough times, by enough people, over multiple lives, and punished for it repeatedly, you are not going to change your ways ... Donkey Town for life sounds fair to me.   To be clear, I would want the mark to appear only after you had been sent to Donkey Town multiple times and had many opportunities to reform.  Your time spent in Donkey Town gets higher each time you are sent there, based on your lifetime curse score, so this would be an additional effect that kicks in when you pass a certain threshold, like over 100 total curses or over 500 total curses

Although, interestingly enough, noob and pro-life mothers would provide an outlet for cursed babies to survive.  And some people might choose to feed one for the LOLs.   They would be outcasts, but not completely forsaken.  Plus, extra drama when you see a stranger with a black mark and immediately grab the torches and pitchforks to drive them away from your village.

That being said, I am fine with the current system.  I'd just feel a little better knowing an even worse fate awaits people that fail to learn from their past sins.

Last edited by DestinyCall (2019-01-19 23:25:03)


#95 2019-01-20 01:34:49

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

i only find new players bad in eve camps up to around gen 3/4. in big towns they are tolerable b/c there are multiple sources of food, iron, compost so whatever mistake they make does not impact the society too much. but in smaller camps where every backpack is a valued commodity and hoarding knives can lead to pen crowding and therefore shortage of compost and dirt (=death). its just not practical to dedicate so much time (usually takes around 30-40 years to teach a new player something in its entirety) to having two people do a single job when every member counts

ive kinda given up on raising kids tho tbh so distinguishing between new and good players doesnt matter to me anymore. i generally just name em n plop em down in a baby pile. i find that this method leads to newer players dying at ages 5/6 which is fine with me cos then ive given them a chance to live by leaving them with a female that takes care of them

however i have been teaching clever new players to compost and bake recently. only one at a time tho and in bigger towns. i dont like leaving farms up to new players cos all they do is endlessly expand berry fields which is a waste of time n resources. teaching clever new players results in very productive members who are actually motivated to do their best (mom is proud of u boston jackson!! even if u died at age 30 u died mid-bake and thats a good way to go)

Last edited by startafight (2019-01-20 01:35:31)


#96 2019-01-23 00:45:26

Registered: 2018-03-26
Posts: 91

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

The reason you put up with new players is because this game is only fun if there are lots of players.  We need and inflow of new players to balance the outflow of those leaving.

Also a little chaos keeps it interesting.

And finally if there were no bad players, it would not be so satisfying to be good. 

That said I think your support of newbs should be portional to the challenge you face.  If I am an eve or near eve I let babies starve if they fail to follow without orders or fail to seek out perfect temp.  But if there is plenty of food I will feed daughters with berries and milk for a long time.

Frankly I find the fact you worry about griefers to be a signal that you are still an intermediate player.  Griefers are easy to avoid.  Many a time I would flee into the wilderness to wait out a griefers.  Even raise families out there.  It is intermediates and worse that get screwed by griefers.


#97 2019-01-23 02:58:28

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

black speech was the worst
some noobs thought is justified to run at them with weapons but they forgot they lack the skill to kill a more experienced player
kinda hard for me to understand why would someone think they are superior to others, if they are clearly not, and why would someone let himself killed without a fight, even if i die sometimes to this framer backstabbing noobs, they still cant get over it, spending 1-2 lifes just to curse you
which generally wont work

if i get rid of some annoying person i wont think of him/her anymore

there are those rp noobs whos gameplay is this:
run around the city until they grow up munching whatever food, they too good to produce food, they are experienced players
they start popping babies and talk to them, lifting them up 50 times in 3 minutes, they refuse to raise other babies cause how rude is that somebody gives them another baby, they are  too busy eating berries and teaching how that works
"get soil and put on the bush" generic answer in any map, while they themselves don't know where soil is
they tend to abuse verbally anyone who is younger then them then if someone has problem with it, they start to go around city framing the person
they don't like to born as a boy, cause they then don't have babies to manipulate
they steal packs and clothign then gift to their own babies to make them grateful
they tend to take anything that is higher value and do some dumb shit with it like ropes into 15th snare, but they never leave the camp
they quit at 40 as they cant have more babies
if anyone ever says a word about how lazy they are or what should they do, they talk back or even curse them, go over the whole city and try to frame the person or even kill him, generally boy haters. if there is a crown in town or some painted clothing they go nuts over it

then there is the kid who pops onto any situation, someone kills her griefer mother, or someone else, they make their life goal to kill the person, generally just backstabbing him/her later on when doesn't pay attention, its generally an excuse to not do shit the whole childhood, if they fail they hide 30-40 years and kill the person when he cant even run around without eating every minute
then they act as a hero. they also tend to take the last arrow from your hand to kill a bear

i seen this in my other life, chick was plotting against my son behind his back, going over the whole city to curse him, i checked upon my son, he was busy working on something, not like tried to harm anyone, i was too old and choose to kill the framer chicks kid who made a blade at age 4
and told the people to curse the other chick as she is a sponge, and spreading bullshit

there are the enthusiast newbies who are happy to the same task you give them and learn very fast
but then, when they realize how to sponges use them as slaves, they either become griefers or roleplayers themselves
there is a very low amount of players who even stay at a camp which has no food without going 30 tiles, and even lower percent who ever had a successful eve run
and they totally fine with that

if you  had any game where people cant even keep up a fire or make a compost you know what im talking about

so i kinda understand griefers sometimes, and i respect them if they got the ballz to come face to face
lot of times there is no way back when some rp noob starts to frame you, and no one backs you up

its more of an attitude problem lot of times
also you cant really teach anything when you got no soil and tools available
and if you wwanna keep newbees, you need one full time supervisor for them
sometimes i just scoop up some newbe kid and give a task, and they survive longer than the spoiled kids who are let to do whatever livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#98 2019-01-23 03:11:56

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

DestinyCall wrote:

Although, interestingly enough, noob and pro-life mothers would provide an outlet for cursed babies to survive.  And some people might choose to feed one for the LOLs.   They would be outcasts, but not completely forsaken.  Plus, extra drama when you see a stranger with a black mark and immediately grab the torches and pitchforks to drive them away from your village..

Having marked children is neither fun nor interesting. The game literally devolved down to having to baby check every single kid you had in a village. "F or we stab you." Some idiots would indeed keep cursed kids and next thing you know Mister "dindu nuffin" is running around and sudden oops he got a knife and now people are getting stabbed. Besides not being a punishment being cursed was a cosmetic upgrade for being a shit. Even if the cursed bubble was something achieved by lifetime score rather than current score it would be problematic for anyone who has dealt with griefers as they'd like be black text too.

There's no drama involved with the marked. The only people who would be running them out are vets who know better than to keep them around. New players can't even defend themselves seen by almost every lineage that gets stabbed to death by a single guy. I'd rather know trolls get set to afk for an hour+ for being a little shit rather than them basically having curse immunity.

fug it’s Tarr.


#99 2019-01-23 03:45:55

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

well wasn't fun either when you got some drama queen on you and got cursed for basically anything, then others just went with it
or curse notes, that was the only way  i got cursed
then even if i made some project on side of the city, people were trying to kill me seeing my speech bubble
ofc i ignored them a while, storign the arrows and dodgign endlessly, killing them on self defence, if you tried to be good guy they didn't allowed it
i was more pissed when i got normal speech, and went into crazy murder sprees just because i wasn't a cursed anymore so i must be a nice person
i think more people get cursed to donkey town in a populated city killing a griefer or pissing off some drama queen than actual lineage killers and people who fuck up camps livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#100 2019-01-23 04:20:57

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

Re: New Players Bad for Villages?

ok I stopped reading at mid page 2 (this is quite long) but i'll give some commentary here:

I just got back but have played quite a bit, mostly back like before july though.

Teaching and learning is definitely a point of the game. It really is elite players who are obsessed with optimization, and it is a lot to keep up on various changes etc. Coming back and just having played a few full games i already got told that a soil is worth less than a use of a hoe. Cause someone was willing to tell me instead of just stabbing me.

I always take care of all of the children, unless i'm desperately setting up camp. Children are a blessing, you shouldn't abandon them in the woods. Most people starve with adequate food around, i look at the family lines quite a bit, people starve when there was no shortage of food all the time. With some decent gathering its all fine.

I did have a nice experience with a noob recently, a baby boy who asked me to teach him to play. I was just maintaining the gooseberries, but i was able to tell and show him to separate the soil, dump one, and water. Which is enough to do something, in most villages, usually that's always helpful and they can pick up more while being in the center of the camp. Unfortunately he followed me when i wasn't expecting and starved, but i had time to tell him to always bring food, and i think he saw how to make baskets.

In general, if a baby is misbehaving (running around, as a noob might do) i tell them to behave or i won't keep them. "stay or follow as i tell you"

Also: re whoever blamed girls starting new civs:

if that happened with any regularity, the family lines wouldn't die, because they'd split off and spread over the huge map. It's hard to have kids willing and able to survive in the bush setting up a camp, I try this over and over again. and looked at many family trees closely, and it's clear cadet branches of family lines are not regularly breaking off and starting new long term colonies (I believe the farthest apart relative i've personally seen was 7th cousin)

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


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