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Ok, so at a risk of turning this game into Carrot Farming Sim 2018, I'd like to point out something that everyone seems to be doing wrong when carrot farming...
Just about every village I've come across where they've got organised and set up a carrot farm, they're planting carrots in long connected rows. Even worse, they're planting parallel rows with no space between them.
The problem here is, when it comes to pick the carrots, there's no space to put the baskets and everyone is tripping up over one another to pick a carrot and run over to place it in the nearest basket. This can be critical on a bigger farm where there's the real risk (I've seen it) of carrots unintentionally going to seed before being picked, or even worse, seed carrots rotting away.
If you plant your carrots in *Columns* rather than rows, and leave a gap between every 2 columns. Every carrot tile has a spare tile next to it for a basket. Thus quick and efficient harvesting when needed.
Yeah, I did the same thing with the milkweed farm yesterday. When I expendad it I was thinking about how it''s always so annoying to pick the stems and having to run back and forth the field to combine put them away or to combine them with another stem on the ground. I started leaving a whole row empty horizontal after each seeded row. Picking milkweed wasn't such a pain in the butt anymore after that.
But.. as things stand right now, people will just mess up what you build and render your efforts pointless. Hopefully more people learn to put spaces between fertile grounds in the future, so that picking them isn't nearly as much of a pain and waste of time anymore.
The good news is once all the carrots in a patch have been picked, you can dig it up with a basket and place it somewhere more convenient (oh, and what is it with people picking a few carrots from one patch and then a few from another
I'll just leave my design here which was made for other thread. Just forget about the fences - was meant for more advanced Civ.
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OHOL official Discord || My private discord: discord.joriom.pl || Crafting Reference: onetech.info
I’d ditche the fences in a more advanced civ anyway. That or give them a few tiles space around the plot. All too easy to die from starvation just because there’s nowhere to put something down to grab a carrot.
Also, you can do the carrot columns 2 tiles wide and still have decent space either side for collection.
I’d ditche the fences in a more advanced civ anyway. That or give them a few tiles space around the plot. All too easy to die from starvation just because there’s nowhere to put something down to grab a carrot.
Also, you can do the carrot columns 2 tiles wide and still have decent space either side for collection.
If you go to collect carrots with shit in your hands and die of starvation - you deserved that.
Also - you have baskets around you. Really bruh? You also have one empty tile or its taken by Hand Cart - in any case you can store what you have in hand there.
And ALSO also - farm is not where you should get food if you're not farmer yourself. In advanced civ there should be food storage or eatery - thats where you have space to leave your stuff on ground to pick up carrots from baskets / boxes. In very advanced civs - every villager should have his own food storage near his place of work (tailor in his workshop, smith in the forge, etc) while decidated hauler distributes the goods around.
ALSO ALSO also - 3 plots = 15 carrots. 5 baskets = 15 carrots. If you ear from plot, you still get one empty space in basket. And yes - you CAN eat from plot, because seeding plots are in different place with this layout.
Fences are important. They make it easier to comunicate how farm should look like. I've see to many people starting to randomly add fertile soil ruining entire organization. Putting wooden floor to mark the spots also helps a lot. Eighter place wooden floor under soil - so you're warmer while colleting (yes, you can do that) or pur wooden floor around to mark spots where soild should NOT be because most people will think you can't plant there anyway. Just break up the land with visible clues.
Don't give any excess space where its not needed (you can do that between 3x3's or 3x9's but not directly around them. You're soon bound to find clay bowls, round/sharp stones, clay plates, rabbit bones lying everywhere anyway - making just more job to do while cleaning. The nice thing with fences is - you can just rightclick to pick up straight branch and open way... or dig them up with shovel and get all your resources back. Easy to place, easy to replace, easy to move and reconfigure. Those are not "blockers" as per say. They are more of visual clue to show how it needs to stay.
Last edited by Joriom (2018-03-20 07:27:11)
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OHOL official Discord || My private discord: discord.joriom.pl || Crafting Reference: onetech.info
Zwilnik wrote:I’d ditche the fences in a more advanced civ anyway. That or give them a few tiles space around the plot. All too easy to die from starvation just because there’s nowhere to put something down to grab a carrot.
Also, you can do the carrot columns 2 tiles wide and still have decent space either side for collection.If you go to collect carrots with shit in your hands and die of starvation - you deserved that.
Yes, if you're an advanced player who knows what they're doing. However.. The logical players to use for most of the grunt work in farming are the newer players who are just getting the hang of the controls. That and the younger (in game) kids, who can't do anything long range for fear of starving.
Using wooden floors as a border is more practical than fences as they still give the cue as to where everything is, but are still usable tiles for food for the workers, a fire to keep their kids warm etc. and can't be closed off with one pit by a troll leaving everyone stuck inside without a shovel. (and everyone outside starving to death unless they catch the troll with the shovel).
... and can't be closed off with one pit by a troll leaving everyone stuck inside without a shovel. (and everyone outside starving to death unless they catch the troll with the shovel).
You don't need a shovel to deconstruct PART of the fence to make it walkable. Thats actually done with bare hand. Thats why I advocate for fences over walls in many cases.
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OHOL official Discord || My private discord: discord.joriom.pl || Crafting Reference: onetech.info
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