One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2018-11-23 20:53:44

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: Murderers

No social experiment would be complete without the sociopaths.


#27 2018-11-23 21:24:39

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Murderers

CrazyEddie wrote:

No social experiment would be complete without the sociopaths.

Or without the wasteful and cynic pricks that don't realize how much of a disturbance they are to everyone around them.

It isn't easy to communicate in this game so why the fuck should you go prodding everything with your toddler fingers and expect to never mess with others stuff? Its commom sense to not mess with people's work and most of the people we stab are airheads that don't even bother to ask before interfering with time restrictive, resource demanding tasks. Even when it's obvious that thats is what they're doing.

We had a kid spam clicking everything in our forge area today which delayed axe for 5 to 10 minutes as we were damn low on kindling. This idiotic child died few minutes after but the effects of his meddling could have killed the town (ask any good player how important it is to get axe before running out of kindling).


#28 2018-11-23 21:38:02

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Murderers

You really have to achieve something incredibly stupid to get stabbed by me. I tolerate most of the stuff, but continuous irritaion trigers the knife finger.

White knights of justice are probaby the guys who are all words and zero actions. Work hard earn your livelyhood.

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


#29 2018-11-23 21:51:39

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: Murderers

Jason included player killing as a solution for griefing. "Griefing" is subjective, so naturally the definition migrated to "anyone who is detracting from my enjoyment of the game".

It also put power into the hands of the experienced players, since new players aren't as good at obtaining and using the weapons. So naturally the mechanism evolved into one whereby the experienced players punish newbies who aren't playing the game they way they want them to.

As a social experiment, it replicates the real world pretty well. The use of force inevitably enables the elite to command the weak.


#30 2018-11-23 22:00:00

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 256

Re: Murderers

Griefing has many faces and these include taking the stuff I've personally grown, assembled, foraged for a project like : finally getting one of those 5 wells to be a deep well instead of bone dry and you didn't address sooner or, taking the shovel I've just spent 10 minutes trecking the wastleands to get the iron to make so you can 'bury' the bones of 20 people that died to 1 bear etc, etc and me only realising after a 5 minute search that you've already broken it instead of using it to get the sheep dung so we have compost instead of the famine we're in right now.

Yes nothing is 'owned' but at the same time if someone came to take my wrench in metalwork, it wasn't mine, it was communal but I am using it right now and you didn't ask. that's one arrogant move and I don't like arrogant feckers.


#31 2018-11-23 22:56:32

From: Finland, Oulu
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 336

Re: Murderers

Curse system is in tutorial, those who don't utilize or play enough to gain their spent curse points, they are meant to die out.
The game is tough. It has been part of the game to have a possibility to kill another player, in either of killing off the family or defending group from said deviants.
You cannot really do anything other than cursing the player killing you off for no particular reason, if not in that life, at least in next life. After Donkey Town nerf, you are likely going to meet these poeple around. I don't see reason not to be shy to give them your regards and make them do their time alone or with other badmouths in there.

New players need to do the tutorial throughoughly if they wish to learn at least the bare basics to make their journey just slightly easier. Self learning just seems to be an issue.

You have right to be angry in game, you have right to be a griefer. You have right for anything that just gives you the kinks really. It's the "wild west of stews and knives".

If you ever enter Pea (Helkama turns into random name) family, you need the lottery ticket picked up. My baby names given can be absolutely random.
"Are you fueled with peasoup or why you keep running off from temperature tile?"


#32 2018-11-24 08:23:36

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Murderers

newbee-new at the game
noob- not willing to learn game mechanics and overestimating his abilities
the main difference is the attitude, some are going and asking what to do, and they do it
others just leach on others, and even if they know how to make food, they dont care
they care about themselves only, its a thing to loan something, or take for advancement of the society
but still would be nice to ask
even small things like taking a cart 5 sec after someone made it, or an axe from the eve and chop down the trees are annoying, i want to chop a few trees myself, i want to use my cart, dont be inconsiderate and dont be big faced if you cannot prove your worth livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#33 2018-11-24 09:03:33

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 532

Re: Murderers

On a recent village I had somebody made the kitchen right next to a juniper and maple tree... that was awesome planning, always easy fire start.. until some smartypants cut does trees. Don't know if griefing or just being dump, the damage was considerable.


#34 2018-11-24 10:32:44

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Murderers

CrazyEddie wrote:

No social experiment would be complete without the sociopaths.

You are taking killing in a game ridiculously seriously. It sucks, sure, it happens, for whatever reasons. What it simply is, is "forcing a player to move onto another life". That's all. Oh how horrible. Peeps need to check their attitudes...

I've been cursed and killed as an innocent, I have killed an innocent, it happens. This is a game which has deadly weapons so people will be killed, we know this. Usually the murdering people who have justified the murder to themselves say why they did it as they are on a murder cooldown so everyone knows what's up, especially the one who got stabbed. Sometimes a newbie has seriously messed up stuff and not stopped it when told to; I saw it once in a life, a girl got killed for not asking but just doing, thus breaking our tools and nearly killing the town. She got stabbed and was simply sent to another life to learn before she killed us with her continuous hindering actions. It's not like we spit at her face or called her names, we simply put a stop to her and removed her from our town in order to survive. I say we as a town, I was getting iron when she was killed, but basically half the population was against her at that point, other half being new babies.
Also, some griefers pretend to be new in order to cause damage to towns. She might have been one of those too. Easily.

Last edited by MultiLife (2018-11-24 10:38:06)

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#35 2018-11-24 10:53:56

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Murderers

conesq wrote:

On other players deliberately murdering other players with knives/bows.

Should it really be that common? It's happening to me a lot.

Most of the time its trolls. I'm just playing the game. eg. last game I was making compost and killed because I was his "sister".

Some people seem to get their kicks by just killing other players or are determined to end a lineage and all the effort people put in.

The Curse system doesn't seem to be a big enough deterrent, as the person murdered doesn't have many seconds to warn others nearby who is the culprit. Many new players don't know about the Curse system either.

(Apologies if this has been discussed at length previously (could not find a recent thread).

My theory is that there is an aftershock going on with the new player influx, a wave of bored Steam players is causing murders as many of them try killing. This game is not for everyone, and those are usually the people who rather kill everyone than learn more crafting: there is a point in a player's life when they become more probable to try to kill just for the heck of it. Human curiosity; you hold a knife the first time in your hand, you now have the power. Some use it, some keep using it, some never use it (possibly not being the hero a town would have needed).
Anyways, these new-stabbers (newish players who don't see a point in the game or in crafting anymore, thus try killing) are gonna do some killing, get cursed, then probably leave.
The old-stabbers, veteran players who kill, will be a small minority in the end.

Cursing is an amazing thing though. The bad sport lobby is great, just keep your cool and keep cursing. Remember, this is just a game, and I repeat my words from another thread; if you get killed, just remember that behind each spawn, may be your next favorite life. Just move on to find it.

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#36 2018-11-24 20:00:31

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: Murderers

You are taking killing in a game ridiculously seriously. It sucks, sure, it happens, for whatever reasons. What it simply is, is "forcing a player to move onto another life". That's all. Oh how horrible.

It's not a big deal, that's true. It's not actually doing any harm, like punching someone. It's merely rude, like walking up to a stranger and dumping water in their lap. It's ruining someone's game - not because they're trying to ruin yours, but because they're bad at the game and you don't want them around.

It's not a crime, it's merely being an asshole.

Don't be an asshole.

Last edited by CrazyEddie (2018-11-24 20:01:16)


#37 2018-11-24 20:23:06

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Murderers

CrazyEddie wrote:

You are taking killing in a game ridiculously seriously. It sucks, sure, it happens, for whatever reasons. What it simply is, is "forcing a player to move onto another life". That's all. Oh how horrible.

It's not a big deal, that's true. It's not actually doing any harm, like punching someone. It's merely rude, like walking up to a stranger and dumping water in their lap. It's ruining someone's game - not because they're trying to ruin yours, but because they're bad at the game and you don't want them around.

It's not a crime, it's merely being an asshole.

Don't be an asshole.

Well, I'd say a player is an asshole if they attack others verbally and try to get personal. I wouldn't call someone an asshole for the act of removing a player from their location. If they have been granted the power of a weapon, they can use it. But if they start verbal attacks and truly douchebag-ey behavior I am ready to kill them myself.

This game has pads and thread and needle that can be used if someone gets stabbed. So even with the power of a weapon, the person is not in god mode or anything. The town can end the knife wielding player also and keep saving everyone if they want to.

Anyways, if someone kills a poor newbie with anger and malice, maybe they are better off separated in the end. Lots of cool families to be born to, after all.
Usually a veteran suicides by themselves if someone messes up their life work and ignores their teachings, I think it's really rare that they go all the way and simply kill peeps who hinder them. Usually veterans know they can just quit and save their nerves that way.

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#38 2018-11-24 20:32:44

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Murderers

CrazyEddie wrote:

You are taking killing in a game ridiculously seriously. It sucks, sure, it happens, for whatever reasons. What it simply is, is "forcing a player to move onto another life". That's all. Oh how horrible.

It's not a big deal, that's true. It's not actually doing any harm, like punching someone. It's merely rude, like walking up to a stranger and dumping water in their lap. It's ruining someone's game - not because they're trying to ruin yours, but because they're bad at the game and you don't want them around.

It's not a crime, it's merely being an asshole.

Don't be an asshole.

Quite the opposite, if you dont take out these airheads, they will eventually crumble the whole village and ruin the game experience for the whole village. You are actually murdering a dude who is being asshole to twenty or so people. Asshole count -19.

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


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