One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-03-15 22:51:09

Registered: 2018-03-14
Posts: 50

Whitelisted Server?

If we could get a Vanilla White-listed server for players that know what they are doing and are wanting to make a successful attempt at creating a full blown civilization branching between multiple towns/city-states that would be great.

I have at least 30+ hours in this game, i love it, the mechanics, the idea, and the challenge to replicate "society" as we know it.

However, from the griefers that some of us have the unfortunate luck to give birth too or the people that have little to no knowledge and just dont want to learn, to people that think they have knowledge and end up making the "society" suffer and possibly perish in the end if tasked with something they feel is below them, like farming or composting.

I want this game to succeed and the idea of us as a community coming together and building something that mirrors our own reality seems pretty cool to me.
That is why i feel, that a white-listed server made up of people that want to "complete" this game.

Yes I am a completionist and a min-maxer when it comes to games. Its not work to me lol, i enjoy it.

Let me know what you guys think and Happy Farming.


#2 2018-03-15 22:57:28

Uncle Gus
Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 567

Re: Whitelisted Server?

I think you can set a password on a server, which isn't as good as a whitelist, but it's a start.


#3 2018-03-15 23:03:20

Registered: 2018-03-14
Posts: 50

Re: Whitelisted Server?

I mean yes you have a point there and that is a great place to begin, white-listed just adds that extra protection so if someone nefarious happens to get the pass, you would still be in the clear. I'm a player, not a programmer so this is more of a pitch to those that might have the same idea as me and havent voiced it.

I'm just wondering if the more experienced populous of this game, most of which are forum users, think that this is something that would be a good idea or not; Or would it seem more of a cop out and that the game was intended to have griefers or people that don't really care about advancement.


#4 2018-03-15 23:07:28

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 116

Re: Whitelisted Server?

To get a sustained population and civilization in this game, would require people with different schedules or in different time zones.  It'll be so weird if this game gets big enough that when you come back you get to see what everyone in Europe did over the night and where civilization is

Be strong.
Mother loves you.


#5 2018-03-15 23:16:12

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: Whitelisted Server?

We already have many people from Europe and some from Asia. I'm from Poland myself and I've met more people from UK, Germany, Spain, Italy than from US. Probably because we're in the same time zone, playing around the same time.


#6 2018-03-15 23:16:45

Registered: 2018-03-14
Posts: 50

Re: Whitelisted Server?

It might be hard at this time to fill up a white-listed server of 120-300 possible players ranging in different time zones to ensure the server continues to progress.

However, if as the community has deemed it, the server falls prey to "nocturnal infertility" (when the player-base dies down at certain hours) and people start over from scratch the next day experienced players should have no trouble finding another suitable area to create a new "city/town" as in real-life.

The world is made up of many different towns/cities connected by means of transportation which if you watch the intro video you know will come to the game at some point in time.


#7 2018-03-15 23:19:56

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: Whitelisted Server?

ShadowsSoldier wrote:

... experienced players should have no trouble finding another suitable area to create a new "city/town" as in real-life.

As already tested in Server 11 history - One Night One Town.


#8 2018-03-16 10:48:38

Registered: 2018-03-02
Posts: 15

Re: Whitelisted Server?

My pitch here, especially if you're a min-max type gamer, here's the challenge for you.

The ultimate aim of the game is to create a culture resilient enough to deal with newbie's errors and griefing. Are we up to the challenge?


#9 2018-03-16 12:52:26

Registered: 2018-03-14
Posts: 50

Re: Whitelisted Server?

Its not the newbies that are the problem its the people that specifically try to grief


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