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#1 2018-07-11 16:18:46

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

Rather than editing the old one, i make a new one
A few things changed from before

Animal domestication can contribute to food sources (pig, goose, sheep) and clothes (sheep), alternative to thread farming (yarn with needle), required for compost (sheep dung), and for healing (wool pads), provides storage (aprons)
Sheep is the highest tech now, so the earlier you got a pen running, the better

When you should get sheep?
Cant be early enough, but latest is before the biome runs out of soil
As a boy i manage to make a pen  2-3. gen  and even get the sheep to it

Why you should get sheep?
To start composting, and save distance on soil runs, people dont like to do this tedious task, and usually there arent enough carts and baskets to sustain a big berry farm and compliment it with other crops.
To get wool clothes which are more sustainable than fur clothes, and look better, they are not as warm but is pretty good bonus.
Sheep skin can be worn, made into saddle, allowing horse riding and exploring.
Mutton pie and cooked mutton is superior food which can feed adults.

Where to make the pen?
Generally on a corner of city (sheep bones need to go into useless wasteland like snow, badland or desert middle), still in visibility distance from camp, but further away to be able to extend it later
A shepherd will wear clothes, so not on middle of desert, better in green/savanna/badlands
Of course not on ice, except if you want to capture a penguin for playing hockey.
Generally you need a big empty space so you wont need to cut trees or move items out.
To make composting easier, you need berry field, wheat, carrot closeby, so either build next to it or make new one later, so if you see a small patch of desert, and some ponds, there goes the farm, leave out some space and put the pen there.
Natural blocking tiles save up on resources, also they look good. Cactus, ponds(later wells) are unremovable walls, so if you see a few of them enclosing a big enough space, you can use them as entrances or walls. Tree lines and stumps(tree and reed stumps) can also be used as a wall, but they are not permanent.

What is the purpose of a pen?
Animals move randomly in every directions, containing them inside a pen makes it easier to shear, kill, feed them. Dispose of dead lambs, keep cows in predefined position so you got the buckets close by.
Also worth to note, that pens keep animals in but also keep them out, so if bear attacks you are safe in the pen. Or if all sheep escaped, you can plant carrot inside the pen and feed a lamb outside of it.
Carrot (full line, so if take one out its safe) is the only thing animals can destroy.(yet)

What is the behavior of the animals? How can you block them?
Sheep cannot stand on items, no animals can stand on an item, that can be a seed, a dead lamb, a basket.
Some animals got higher range, like bear runs straight in any direction, can skip trough many tiles, as they aggro on players.
Sheep can only move 5 tiles at a time, in a straight line, humans and wild horses can switch direction.
They can stand on planted carrot and eat it, if they are not in the pen, they tend to wonder off in one direction
Sheep with a lamb runs away from you, so you can "push" it standing on opposite side of target tile. While has no lamb, gonna follow the closest player, so you can lure/push back into the pen. Same goes for cow, but mostly stepping 1 or 2 tiles so even easier.
Muflon runs away from you with or without lamb, the ones in the badland wont go into other biome, so they turn back on edges which are not black. Sheared sheep also ignores humans and stays inside the current biome (if not a bugged biome where tiles belong to a different biome, so not a fragmented one)
Sometimes a bugged map has few tiles of badland only so the muflon can be "pushed" right back to camp or inside a pen.
They are forced to their own biome, so wild animals tend to stop and run backwards, a horse will stay inside a small desert, so if you got a horse from a big desert, and put it in a small one, it should stay inside it. they will ignore the pen as long as its on a connected desert. other animals dont have the range to do so, a pen will always block them.

How can you use this to your advantage?
You can build pens which are open to players, but animals cant go out of it
There were a few changes and discoveries
Bones no longer block you so one entrance is enough (exept if griefers want to block a pen)
When you got un-removable materials(rose, ancient stone, marked graves), 2 entrances are advised
The old method was to make a pen from fences, build airlocks, so removing fences and a small room so you enclose it after you enter
This resulted in many deaths due to no space to put down item, or people griefing the pen without wanting it, cause animals follow you out
Also fences are very slow to build due to lack of straight branches, and tool usage, even a 3x3 inside takes a lifetime, now that we got tree planting, they are viable later on, but early on the shafts go into tools
havign 5 or more bushes/plants which leave hardened row (stew plants: corn, squash, beans, and potato, cabbage) can be used to make a pen without walls (make sure you got 5 tiles for each direction from any starting point)

What are the components of a pen?
1. Blocking tiles (walls): now several items block human and animal movement
Fences- stake+fence kit. can be clicked to remove. bit better if you put it diagonally, cause needs a shovel at least to open
Stone wall- can be removed with a pickaxe and consumes pickaxe
Rose- can be planted after you get a rose seed, stratify in a snow bank -pretty slow to make and requires hoes and water
Pits- can be done fast using a stake, hitting it a few times with a stone, then using shovel on it. If you put one item (leaf, decayed objects, rabbit bone) in it, cant be removed with a shovel, only by placing 19 more items in it, but people doesnt like the look of it, throw dead lambs in it, and opens eventually, but still the fastest method -pits now decay
Oven base, oven, kiln- requires no tools, just clay+reed or clay+straw, hit an adobe with a stone and form a pen. can be removed with a pickaxe and decays in few hours, walls made by one adobe can be removed by water, but they give back the adobe, others which use more adobe waste one or two of it
Grave- burying bones, and placing a flat rock, blocks movement, people dont like the look of it,  but its portable, can store dead lambs or meat on it, easy to grief with hand, but saves on graves and shovel
Marked grave- while a grave is easy to grief, but a grave with a letter can be made permanent and no way to remove it, stores one item and can be easily taken out on other side. how to fix it? you need a letter on it, while people wont like the idea, and tend to put graves in a big block, just take them in basket, form a pen, dig it, put flat rocks (this prevents the decay too)
Then make a sapling farm by using a flint on a sapling, planting it in soil, watering it, then make one skewer/sapling/home marker for each grave
The cheapest is letter U, only requires 1 sapling, boil in water bowl placed on ashes (prepare multiple skewers, convert to letter stock and put them in the simmering water until it runs out) then use the bendy letter stock in a bowl and becomes a U(uncle). letter A requires two sapling
Now put the U letter on a grave, use a chisel and a mallet, the grave becoems permanent, and stores one item, without letter the flat rock flies away if someone takes away the item, but dead lambs decay on walls
you can fix 3 sides and allow 4th side to be extended, you always have bones and flat stones are not hard to get(desert/badland)
also cleaner than pit pens were, stronger than stone, you can see trough it and stores items (cant store meat so might need a few chests in wall)
cistern- man made object but blocks movement, good for water storage
adobe wall-same as oven base, decays later
box- can be dragged away
box with lid- permanent and stores meat, lambs, bit expensive
half bell tower, bell tower

worth noting: natural blocking tiles:
a line of trees, especially for goose pen, saves on build time, can be removed with axe and shovel, but you can decapitate goose inside pen, stumps decay in one hour
cactus- unremovable, gives food, looks good, try to use as wall or entrance
pond- unremovable, make a well later on, useful for planting around pen

2. corner item- this one lets people trough and blocks animals stepping on it, basically can be used to push walls further out, it wont block animals going out, it just blocks starting points
as animals cant stand on an item, any item, so if sheep escapes throw 5 item in front of open tiles
generally people pick up everything so you need something which can be passed trough but is more permanent
- home marker: bit harder to remove, as it needs at least a sharp stone
-grave with no stone - decays later but you can put a stone on it and remove to enter
-filled pit: a pit with stakes becomes a filled pit after 20 items are placed in it, its a big round hole and there is no way to remove it but you can run trough it, to fill it fast choose a spot with a leaf tree, or cook a rabbit and drop it then right click it to swap a rabbit bone and pick up, drop, swap, so on until is full, permanent, which is good cause cant be griefed but cant be removed or extended either so choose a good spot- decays now
-berry bush: looks nice, and the soil blocks the way out so later till it, put a seed in it, water it, and lets people trough, gives some munchies, can be removed with stakes, water and a shovel, or after goes yellow with a shovel or axe when is dry, but takes a while
also stakes on top of it can prevent drying out. if you plant a line of berries (5 in each direction with no wall), you dont even need blocking tiles- best to put soil on it but leave it dry, griefer has to water it, pick it, wait it then remove, takes a while so they wont try
-doors: looks good and can be on open state, and still blocks animals, front or side entrance needed but you can enclose yourself inside and control where people enter or exit
-fence with no rail, hard to remove as they got to put a shaft, hit with mallet then dig out
-stacks of any kind, generally firewood best, as people wont use it a while

3. animal blocking tile, they cannot stand on a tile with an item, but they can run trough it, you need to put an item in front of it to prevent this. this will result in a broken line of exit diagonally, which is possible by humans but not for animals
Y-way out (has two directions open, looks nice, especially with odd numbers like 5-7-9 long walls, harder to block outside, easy to block inside, for more security put bushes in Y shape, can be converted into teleport faster, costs 3 extra walls)
c-corner tile
...-rest of the pen
/ \ diagonal way out (cheapest, only 1 extra wall, easy to block from outside and very easy to block inside, two extra bushes outside and one inside helps against griefers, the blocking tile is out of the pen so can look bad )
/| shuriken/half corner way out (combination of the two, uses a sidewall to one side and only needs 2 tiles shifted, costs 2 extra walls, generally looks better and stays inside the pen line, can form shurikens, trapezoids, cloverleafs, easy to block outside and inside)

its not a necessity to build the entrance on corner!
was initially done to make it more cost efficient, but now most people are fast enough to make front ones standard, those are less griefable and look better, the corner sticking out can be a problem in some cases

how to get sheep?
build pen
get first sheep food, as you cant let lamb out of rope, fill a bowl with berries and put a carrot/wild carrot into it, bring it into the pen
tell others not to touch it, dont mash it, sheep eats unmashed and it signals the goal of of it, also prevents people to mistake with pie ingredient or compost material, sheep eats mashed ones too but its unnecessary step
also when you see it in pen dont take it, if you got no sheep you dont need to make compost yet
get a rope- plant 4 milkweed and make 2 threads, combine them, or just find a forest with lots of milkweed (use home marker if going far) this is needed to use on the lamb after the muflon is shot
get arrow and bow, some food in pack (total 10 milkweed for rope bow arrow)
scout out to find one, they live in black areas (badland) once you see where it is you can plan the journey
or go twice, first shoot it, then later go for bringing back, wont despawn
shoot a muflon, take out arrow, swap with rope, eat(this point best to be full as you wont eat until you arrive home, or if you eat you fail taking it home). grab lamb with a rope, take home, feed it. ignore everything on the way, dont release rope as you cant put it back. this is why you need prepared food, if you dont have, you need to ask people to make one and feed you in meantime.
if the pen is not enclosed, runs out, if you dont eat you may starve
if you let out of rope and cant feed, it dies
you need a bowl of berries and a carrot it it, no need to mash it, but can be. so plant carrot before pen, and make a sheep food, or get a wild one and put in the berry.
generally a rope and a sheep food need to be in the pen, and a bow and arrow, if you dont want to get sheep, dont take it out of there, its there for a reason and is more important to get sheep than a bucket or a cart.

boar pen
boars live in swamps
strongly recommend first having sheep, as you might get bitten, and pigs are not so useful, carnitas is kinda long process and needs a lot of limestone
when you shot a boar, and bring back piglet dont put in a normal pen, try to make  a really small one with 3-4 tiles inside and one item on ground, feed it, when piglet grown up, then you kill the domesticated boar, and nobody gets hurt
you dont need rope, you can store piglet in hand or basket, you can only feed when it turns hungry and his head is down
the first small pig can still bite, the next kid will be pink and friendly
feeding dogs needs pork meat so can be used for that too

goose- needs a dung carried over and an egg inside it so get it after sheep
each dung can be used once to raise a goose, but it can still be used to make compost (except breaking shovel with cracks didnt worked on it somewhy)
then goose can be stored in boxes/carts
a stump inside pen can be good idea or a tree in wall so you can decapitate in place (despawns in one hour)
putting eggs in poop ensures that people wont do omelettes and occupy plates, when you can already do infinite mutton pies,also gives two bites from a cooked goose instead of one omelette bite
you can store goose in different pen too, or in boxes, or kill it right away, you still need fresh dung for each new one, so a teleport makes sense, once the egg hatched, throw in teleport so it lands on other side
two stumps are better than one if you try to mass decapitate them fro ma cart, as animation takes long

bison is friendly even if its shot, wont kill you
but needs 2 arrows to be taken down
make a bow, 2 arrows and a rope
lives in the savanah, first check if you find one
get a dry corn, put in bowl, cut with flint, same as the one for stew
you need one for the bison then one for the small cow it produces
wait until it has a calf
shot it then shoot once more
take out arrows, eat, take a rope and bring it home, release near the corn bowl, feed it once his head is down, around 30 sec
you dont need to put inside a pen at least now, as you wont need multiple and you dont need it to move
so you can feed outside
build a pen for the cow
c-corner tile (bush, planted corn, filled pit)
T-temporary open tile this is a stake hit into thrash pit position, but you dont dig it out yet

get a bowl of corn to feed cow, get a bow of berry or popcorn to eat, this is a process what needs a bit of your time
ask people not to go close to the cow
once the bison has a small cow, 30 sec will release it, once the small cow is its own tile, step in front of it, between the designated pen and the cow. approach the temporary tile one by one, the cow will follow as long the tiles are open, will follow any other person, thats why you should be the closest one. will change tile each 2? seconds so be patient
once you stand on the temporary tile will go into the pen
other option to lure in front, as it still can go inside diagonally if its open, have a fully made pen for it, and make the corner tile afterward, 8 walls and 2 open tiles, the top one will be the corner tile
throw down the berry bowl if you havent made a corner tile(berry bush, planted corn or filled pit)
rush out fast and if the cow is still there, dig the temporary tile(if you lured that way, if not then just throw an item on designated spot)
requires a bit of practice, if you are slow, will go out again and you need to lure back again
get a bowl of soil and swap for berry bowl. pick it up then right click it back to throw out the soil, do it fast or it moves
get one more and till it
plant corn/berry
corn is better as it feeds the cow, bit harder to see cow, so only works if the entrance faces north and cow is on south side
the hardened row after picking all corn out still blocks it
only make sure you wont plant milkweed or wheat, cause that makes an empty tile eventually and then it can step there and go out

teleport in pens
check Tarr-s topic about baby teleports
if you make a pen, might as well make a teleport to it
you can make a teleport entrance which looks like

t-teleport wall
T-teleport portable wall (you need one in pen wall and one outside, the other 3 needs to block)
c-corner tile
its same as a front/side entrance , with doors/graves/fences blocking exit
with a berry bush in middle of teleport
it can be made of cheap resources as long as it blocks movement
so you can choose a spot with a catcus, pond or tree or make 1-2 tile adobe/stone/rose

now that teleports need full enclosure, no reason to make them, better off with another entrance, if want maximum griefer protection, a locked door
can be a nieche mutton thrower, with chests in wall and temporary walls set up with fences or graves
or to throw a kid inside to remove fleece from corners, which block the entrance

other tips
fully functional entrance with an oven in front to cook mutton from 4 chests/boxes

weapon thrower
a simple box near the side of pen
d-door or fence with rail, grave, needs someone to close it on you (havent tested, you cannot throw injury off now, but not sure on weapons)

prison trap
sometimes you wont have weapon and people chase you
or you just get bored of their bullshit and you want to retaliate
t-temporary wall
a normal entrance with a temporary tile, lure in the attacker and hit adobe to enclose him with no acces to bowl/pouch
or a prepared fence and digged diagonal fence holes
pick up arrow this will trigger the killer (or a kid of an annoying female)
if this is the only entrance, throw the arrow down in other side (or kid)
he will run to pick it up, put on the temporary tile, hide mallet and shovel, or put mroe adobe walls and tell others not to help

last update the pits decay in a few minutes, you cannot use it as a permanent solution
now the cheapest pen materials are natural tiles, adobe, or graves

fences and stone later, if you got 16+ rose seeds (12 is decent) you can make small rose pens too

the adobe and fences are portable so you can move them later on (graves too but kinda bad to dig out bones move them and dig back)
now you can clean out a pen or just make new pen, take a lamb there and use it for increasing sheep population, the other one can function as a composter pen or just remove/move it
same if 5 tiles on one side are full you can remove walls that side and put on other side

you can replace adobe oven base with boxes/chests, this requires boards and ropes so a lot of milkweed, its expensive but has a high storage space for tools, meat

in case of cow pens, you can make an entrance near a well, 5 chests and 2 walls, 1 bush, and can store buckets nearby
you can make cow pens sharing a wall with sheep pen, spares on resources

you can make 8 walls around a berry farm, dig a bush, lure a cow in and enclose 9th side

you can make a pen of 1x2 (minimum to allow lamb leave the parent), feed and take out sheep with a rope (or vice versa), once its grown, you can shear it and stays inside the biome borders, so you can have separate butchery biome

you can plant around a pen 5 tile long(all directions), then remove the wall entirely, any plant that leaves hardened row does the trick

you can plant bushes, and make the walls behind it, or turn out the walls and have sides with berry bushes, you can be creative with it
you can plant bushes diagonally forming an X or / or \ shape, then dont have entrances just a line of berries
you can make a railroad inside, with extra 2 tiles protecting diagonal exit to animals, they cannot step on rails either

Last edited by pein (2018-10-08 20:24:42) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2018-07-11 16:19:51

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

reserved spot for screenshots and content

basic front entrance
basic corner entrance
go creative or fix side:
make stone and extend

starting off on a berry bush entrance

Last edited by pein (2018-07-13 16:02:57) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#3 2018-07-11 19:27:02

Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 150

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

pein wrote:

Sheep can only move 3 tiles at a time, in a straight line, humans and horses can switch direction.

see, this is what i always thought.  so i made a pen with a 3x3 filled trash pit entrance with rose bushes along the sides to block them from moving diagonally.  it looked nice and seemed to work but a few minutes later, a sheep was loose.  so i watched and sure enough, they would just walk right across 3 filled pits.  i then added another layer, making it 3x4.  watched them for a few minutes and they still crossed over 4 filled pits.  so i added a fifth row and that seemed to stop them.  i liked the idea of a big open entrance but after adding so many filled trash pits it kind ruined the aesthetic of the the stone walled pen.


#4 2018-07-11 22:07:25

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

lambs walk extra one or two even in transition, im pretty sure 4 should stop them livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2018-07-11 22:31:54

Registered: 2018-04-24
Posts: 109

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

Anyone want to make a pen build vid and throw it up on youtube? Pretty sure it would benefit the community.
Easier to follow for some people if done visually. They can pause stages, double check etc.

More people need to know key stages of civ development, not just end game, but how to get there efficiently, not wasting a gen or two waiting for someone to be born that knows how to build a pen/get sheep.


#6 2018-07-13 15:55:49

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

NYQ6Kol.png livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#7 2018-09-12 02:57:43

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

jCWJcjE.png livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#8 2018-09-12 16:29:59

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

new tip: you made the pen but they ate all the carrot?
just get a wild carrot and stick into the berry, it works just as well livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#9 2018-09-12 17:33:43

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 117

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

What's the point of carrot row in sheep field?
Also do they only need 1 carrot left to eat the row?


#10 2018-09-13 09:04:35

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

if you mean on picture
its just a tilled row
i wanted to plant a berry in that one, but it counts as an item so they  cannot step on it
and cant be griefed, that would need wheat or milkweed seed, watering and picking it
one berry there wont be really a food source more like a decoration

sheep eat carrot row, and its no point of planting carrot in pen as long as its sheep inside
you can plant anything else as they wont eat it (yet)
but if you make a bigger pen and plant to move them, or if all sheep escaped, or too many sheep are escaped
chances are they eat the carrot

so instead of killing all of them and guarding the carrot, you can build a pen and that guards the carrot
or separate pen for carrot
as they cannot enter either (if made/fixed properly) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#11 2018-09-13 12:02:18

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 117

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

Thanks.  My other question I was do sheep only eat full carrot rows or can they also eat a row with 1 carrot left unpicked?


#12 2018-09-13 16:17:52

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

by my knowledge they eat any, it wont really help you to pick out one and leave the rest
carrot farming is simple, pick all, except one full row
5 makes 7 seed, 4 only makes 4 seed so already lost half of it
and also the soil
so if you ever plant carrot, water it, be there to pick it

when sheep roaming around, you shouldnt leave carrot on the open
there are situations where you dont have iron, no knowledge about iron, no knife to kill all sheep, they tend to wonder in a straight line and they dont really turn back unless people stand next to them
so if you got some walls or even a line of trees, that can block sheep to ever reaching it, and also non populated areeas
you can fix pen, with a wild carrot and a berry inside the pen, get back one lamb on a rope and kill the rest
if its not an option yet but need compost badly, feed the lamb outside and get the poo
so if you ever want carrot seeds you need to leave the full line
if you ever pick one carrot might as well pick the rest of it

you can find on onetech if there is a transition from partial picked carrot line
i guess picking it off when a sheep is nearby is a good option
but you can always stand between the carrot and sheep if its with a lamb and opposite side if its without, throw items on ground any direction and wait the seeds

if you make a pen for carrot, with a front entrance, and a lockable door, you can manage a carrot farm inside it and slowly replace pits with chests, this way people wont be able to pick it off and ruin seeds, and you can protect the carrot
a few carrot can be ok for yum but when its a famine and no compost, it wont really help the situation people eating the carrot, as it gonna be even harder to make compost livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#13 2018-09-13 18:29:42

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 117

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

I was looking over what one gets from an eaten carrot line. You get a whole basket of soil back for an eaten line. I realized if you had a 2 part large pen with a removable gate between the two, you could get 3 soil back at the cost of 1/5 of your crops. 

It would be tough and maybe not practical and you would need to do it before your remaining carrot flowers.
But you would get a positive net gain of soil at the cost of 1 carrot, some water and iron.


#14 2018-09-14 08:15:54

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

its the worst form of sparing soil i guess xD
you got to plant it and still keep an eye on it, the time it grows is enough to feed a sheep and make compost livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#15 2018-09-29 06:00:17

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

cant confirm 100% but sheared sheep has no interaction with humans
also they stay inside the biome, i couldnt lure or push them on other biome and with update the pit pen decayed and they were there in the savannah for quite a while

so even if i dont think free range sheep works (they wander off pretty far under a life and if no one takes care you lose them out of sight)
containing muflon, then feeding offspring, taking out with a rope, then shearing it inside a small biome should work on containing it
if your main goal is dung for compost
so you need 1x2 pen, which is 10 adobe or graves , the second free tile for a lamb to leave the muflon
if the lamb dies take out and wait another, you can feed there and take into a small biome (this was savanah so i think it doesnt matter which type) and shear it instantly as it grows

if it has the fleece on it it ignores biome border and if anyone stays next to them, they follow, or run away depending if they got lamb or not so you need to contain muflon and sheared sheep, but by containing them you need to shear and kill them and clean out the pen

also you can save up on a few wall tiles by building next to a huge berry/stew plant field and have 5 plants next to them all 3 directions (8 if no walls) from all possible points they can stand livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#16 2018-09-29 08:14:54

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication


my shuriken style livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#17 2018-09-29 14:57:48

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 117

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

pein wrote:

So is this a picture of a two part pen?  Is this right before you tear down the ovens, leaving a grave pen?


#18 2018-09-30 04:12:30

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

we had an adobe pen, and by building around it, i increased its size by 1 every direction, 20 tiles, while it was still usable

i couldnt fix it down with U letters, cause i had to get wild wheat, compost and make more buckets

yeah it can be taken down, but next step is planting sapling for every grave, use flint chip on the skewer, cook it in water and use an empty bowl to bend it, then just put on grave and use a chisel and a mallet
this makes it stronger than stone, than remove the ovens when you made 3 uncle graves remove the oven base, then 1 for 1 until you fix everything
obviously better to plant the saplings for each and cook the saplings for each
4 extra bushes on the entrances so they can not block it

grave pens are more prone to accidental griefing and people think its a graveyard, also road makers might steal the flat rocks

if you wanna build from scratch, you can do it, can be rearranged later, you can use natural blocking tiles as a wall, like ponds, cactus and trees/stumps to save on materials, also mix up adobe with graves, or instead of building around, just extend 2 parallel sides and move the adobe to the edge, requires fast clicking, or know how to lure back the sheep livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#19 2018-09-30 09:29:13

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication


started as a stump/grave pen

we had trees aligned nicely so i could just fill the holes

it was when we had no froh, and we finished with this, a girl helped me with flat rocks
eventually they replaced stumps with graves

then i dodged lineage ban cause we were triples
granny gave back my knife and pack

then i brought more bones and extended some

it had 2 ponds, that was original entrance, ended up as inverse front entrance and after a bit of thinking i tought it can be extended upward too

so i extended a bit, from 4x4 to 8x4

free space top and right so can be extended further, another entrance would be good now on right bottom and a sapling farm

Last edited by pein (2018-09-30 09:39:17) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#20 2018-10-02 11:59:39

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication


i built the boxes and the oven from scratch

horizontal fences suck so eventually need to be fixed/replaced with chests, and pretty good way to clean up 4 sheep

Last edited by pein (2018-10-02 12:00:12) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#21 2018-10-02 12:15:40

Registered: 2018-07-26
Posts: 133

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

I saw a stonewall pen yesterday. It was AMAZING.


#22 2018-10-11 08:47:51

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

oZHA70h.png mini pendulum design
its actually cheap 9 adobe and 5.33 basket of soil

you put 8 adobe, smash it (can be half wall), put down soil  (tilling can be later but generally better to til lso people don't take) plant corn/berry/squash/beans
keep one adobe on ground, shoot bison, get calf, feed it(stays in biome where you fed it), push it without lamb, pull with lamb, lure cow in the middle,smash adobe
wil lstay inside as cant step on bushes/hardened row and walls block

later plant more bushes 8 directions, 5 each direction blocks without wall, the rest can be empty, or road, just this 8 directions need walls
best to have 2-3 locked chests for the buckets

you can also dig/replace existing berry field and stick the cow on middle

later you can put more bushes each 8

for sheep you need 1 extra free tile to get lambs so replace a wall with a free tile, move the wall out one tile, and plant 2 more bushes near free tile

you need a rope to take the lamb out, feed it in a small biome, shear it right away, then it stays in that biome

put boards on the free tiles so people wont plant there
you can make joined O shape berries all around and block the 8 directions for each

Last edited by pein (2018-10-11 08:53:53) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#23 2018-10-12 15:33:43

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

just check this photo, you can go more creative with same amount of resources

ahlqDby.png livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#24 2018-10-27 20:10:11

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication


easiest horse pen ever

find a small desert which is at least 8-10 tile away from next desert, no fragments around the biome is inside, so its borders are at least two other type of biomes, some bugged biomes are left and right or top and bottom of other biome and still considered the same, especially around monoliths are very fragmented

Last edited by pein (2018-10-28 03:03:10) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#25 2018-10-28 01:54:10

From: Finland, Oulu
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 336

Re: Livestock pen 2 (Sheep, Boar , Goose , Cow pen)Animal domestication

That horse pen is HILARIOUS!

If you ever enter Pea (Helkama turns into random name) family, you need the lottery ticket picked up. My baby names given can be absolutely random.
"Are you fueled with peasoup or why you keep running off from temperature tile?"


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