One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-08-13 12:00:43

Aurora Aurora
From: Tuppsala (HAHA FATTAR NI!?!?!)
Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 839

To my asshole mother, Angelica Wilden

So I was born in a big thriving village. Mother was holding my brother and proclaiming him the town heir while completely ignoring me. My elerly grandmother took me in as her own and fed me. Then she gave me her big backpack with a shiny knife in it. I was very thankful and I promised myself I'd do good in life and help people just like my grandmother helped me.

A bit later my biological mother came clamping in wearing the crown my younger brother had and yelled "I am the queen now". Nobody gave a fuck. Oh did I mention we were in a family with a last name and she had only named 1 of her 5+ children? I walked up to her and asked to be named, she looked at me like I was some sort of vermin but finally named me.

Moments later I turned 3 and my grandmother perished. I was devistated. The only mother I had ever knows was now nothing but a pile of bones on the floor. But I found comfort in the knife she had given me "With this I'll change the world" I thought.

Like on queue my biological bitch of a mother came up to me and demanded that I'd give her the knife. I refused but I let her know that it was because it was a gift and that I was harmless.
She got furious and started chasing me around with her own knife. I ran away into the wilderness begging anyone and everyone to help me.

My hunger was getting low and the single peice of bread in my backpack wouldn't keep me satisfied for long so i had to go back. I was afraid and cautious but she came up to me. I tried to make her put down her knife and listen to me for two seconds but like the bitch she was she just stabbed me and said "You'll drop the knife now!"

I tried to find a farm plot to die on so the knife would be lost forever but I was bleeding out fast and a group of younglings had already gathered around me to steal my clothing. I tried telling them what happened and I could see that they were about as fed up by the whore of a queen as I was.

Thank you Kleo, for killing her.
I hope she is in hell where she belongs.

-Lucas Wilden … &id=855113

Last edited by Aurora Aurora (2018-08-13 12:03:48)

One of the original veterans.
Go-to person for anything roleplay related.
4 years in the community.
Unbanned from the discord.


#2 2018-08-13 12:36:57

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: To my asshole mother, Angelica Wilden

I'm at least glad my mother (your grandmother) was nice to someone. She ended up leaving me for dead in the berry field where my cousin Cloud and great aunt ended up raising me. The only time mother ever even spoke to me was when I asked why she was seeding two whole rows of carrots for a massive carrot field.

Your mother was giving me real bad vibes from a young age. She was incredibly rude for no reason what so ever to anyone who got near her. I would have shot your mother a bit sooner but she was flying around my screen during her murder stagger and I wasn't about to even try to shoot that.

Nevertheless, your mother wasn't a very bright person and fell for the oldest trick in the book. Unfortunately, one of her other daughters stabbed me as I stood waiting for the old bitch to die. I accepted my fate but looking back at the family tree it seems all the murder didn't stop once I died. I guess I shouldn't have just rolled over and accepted my own death but hindsight is 20/20.

There's your grave cloud. Thank you for raising me. … &id=855136

fug it’s Tarr.


#3 2018-08-13 19:50:24

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: To my asshole mother, Angelica Wilden

i was justin then cas wilden, i extended the pen twice in a life, as it was too small and too hot before.
so there is how the excessive amount of wool clothes were there

i swapped the apron on granma and took her knife, but she took it back just to give to my mother who never even used it on sheep, she just raised kids to starve around 45, literally everyone before and after me had almost full gear at birth and i had to grind for 15 minutes for mine
and the crown was on me for a few minutes after i killed a grandson who thinks a crown makes him the ruler, when his granma has 2 knifes
he had some hitler roleplaying so i just stabbed him, my last daughter, caprica was angelias mother
my line had the red hats

btw we almost died out at gen 12, i wasnt in a mood for baby raising and they literally raised every kid except my first daughter natalia
gen 13 hera was raised by a guy who was asking for girls, so i just popped one and gave him, she was the only girl in that generation

Last edited by pein (2018-08-14 15:36:06) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#4 2018-08-13 19:52:59

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: To my asshole mother, Angelica Wilden

dying on field doesnt get rid of items anymore


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