One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-08-11 21:22:03

Registered: 2018-08-10
Posts: 10

What to do?

Hi, so I'm a pretty new player, so I'm still figuring things out! When I'm told to do something, I'm a little slow because I'm dumb but trying to learn, but I try my best. I run into problems, however, when I ask my mother what I should do and she tells me to do anything I want. I end up running around for awhile trying to figure out what we need, and then when I can't figure out what I should do I feel like since I'm being useless, I should stop bothering everyone. Then I ditch anything I might have at the edge of town and run off to go starve or get eaten by something. I know I don't learn anything that way, so it does nothing to solve the bigger problem. I don't know why I keep doing it, but I do.

So, what are some relatively easy jobs to learn how to do that are usually needed in settlements? So I have a couple things to keep in mind that I can fall back on whenever I'm told to do whatever I want?

Kind of dumb but trying my best!

If you're named after a Dragon Age character, I'm probably your mom. My sympathies.


#2 2018-08-11 21:38:33

Registered: 2018-08-11
Posts: 50

Re: What to do?

I think the easiest job would be berry farmer. You'll have easy access to food and keep food flowing.
All you have to do is : Get Fertile Soil with a basket made out of Reed, Put Fertile soil down on slightly darker Berry bushes and then water them.

Most of the time, the settlement would like a forager. Someone who fetches the town stuff they need. Example : Iron for the Smith.

But I think to figure out some concept, I would recommend the tutorial and stick until the end. At the very end of the tutorial you'll have to figure out how to make a Steel ax - so that's fun big_smile

Don't worry about being slow and learning. I think all players were there at some point.

Last edited by Keks (2018-08-11 21:39:27)


#3 2018-08-11 21:44:05

Registered: 2018-08-10
Posts: 10

Re: What to do?

Alright~! Is there a way to restart the tutorial, then? I got to the hatchet part, finished making it, and then couldn't figure out what to do after that so I decided I'd figure it out in game.

Kind of dumb but trying my best!

If you're named after a Dragon Age character, I'm probably your mom. My sympathies.


#4 2018-08-11 21:48:21

Registered: 2018-08-11
Posts: 50

Re: What to do?

I believe you can simply get back into the tutorial when you died. You have the option for Tutorial ( at the upper right corner ) whenever you have died, at the same screen that offers to be reborn.

I'd urge to use the / command to search for recipees ,like /steel ax. Otherwise, It's fun to mess around with the last part of the tutorial - and more so what awaits you when you finish the  tutorial and get out.


#5 2018-08-11 21:52:12

Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 98

Re: What to do?

Easiest job is to bring dirt to the berry farm.  If it is a town take a basket to the compost pile and if a village dirt will be on the green biome (if you ask someone will usually know where it is either fertile soil pile or compost).

Task two for beginners is to soil and water the berries.  You need a dirt pile, a bowl and a water source (shallow well, bucket or goose pond).  You use dirt on yellow bushes using bowl and then put water on the same bush also using bowl.

Task three for beginners is gathering.  Take a basket filled with food, set yourself a home marker by using sharp stone then round stone on someone elses home marker (you may be born with home marker).  Leave home and bring back iron, milkweed as rope (four together), food in early camps or if famine.  Straight shaft and round stones can also be useful.  In early camps seeds are needed (carrot, teosinte, bean, squash and milkweed).

Task four is rabbit hunting when snare is made.  Same as above basket, food, home marker but also take or find out where the snare is.  Then you put the snare on family rabbit holes in the yellow biome, wait for rabbit to die and then take rabbit back home.  When home use flint to skin rabbit, put fur in pile and bring skinned rabbits to kitchen.  When you have pile of five fur ask for help making a backpack as they are the best (needs to be trustworthy person or they will steal the backpack).


#6 2018-08-11 21:53:21

Registered: 2018-08-10
Posts: 10

Re: What to do?

I'll try that, then! The / command doesn't seem to work for me? Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong, I don't know. But whenever I try, it'll say something like "Crafting: steel ax (none relevant)" and then give me the same recipes as usual. So I google it whenever I need a recipe but it takes a minute.

Last edited by FloralAngel (2018-08-11 22:01:34)

Kind of dumb but trying my best!

If you're named after a Dragon Age character, I'm probably your mom. My sympathies.


#7 2018-08-11 21:59:24

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: What to do?

yep. berries is generally step 1 but learning to smith is pretty helpful as well. if u dont have faith in urself just foraging is fine too

i have like a million tutorials in my signature rn so if u wanna check those out n go to tutorial n see how much u can do on ur own thats a fast way to improve ur skills. but otherwise just learning tricks with time is good enough. having a desire to learn is honestly the best way to develop skills

heres a small list of useful things to forage:

- branches in general
- iron
- seeds if ur farm is lacking a few crops (the main ones are generally squash, beans, corn, carrots. but potatoes and cabbage is also useful later on)
- food for beginning/famine camps
- dirt (ALWAYS DIRT)
- string from milkweed (to make ropes)
- eggs
- round stones (for wells)
- EDIT: also clay for bigger towns. a lot of ppl like making buildings and such or theres sometimes a shortage of bowls n plates so its good to gather clay too
- EDIT2: heres a guide that pein made a lil while back for city living

Last edited by startafight (2018-08-11 22:05:11)


#8 2018-08-11 22:45:02

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 341

Re: What to do?

Hey there smile

Don't worry, once you get the hang of this game it will get easier trust me ! I can tell you what I have gathered from experience but I am sure the others here will add other important stuff. ( It's pretty late, so my vocabulary or grammar will not be the best, apologies for that ^^)

It really depends in which kind of town you are born into.

       A) A young town without sheep or tools :

If you are born to an Eve or your Eve Granma is still running around, not willing to let go, then your town just got set up and there is a lot of stuff that needs to be done:

          - make some baskets. Soil, Clay, food, cut branches, etc ... need to be transported to town.

          - speaking of clay : Make at least 5 plates and 3 bowls at the beginning and after, add some more plates to cook eggs. Don't forget that the smith will be using at least 2 to 3 bowls and plates for his iron, depending on how much he finds.

          - gather some berries outside of the base so they can either be consumed or be planted. Onions, Burdocks and Cacti fruits are also food that you can gather and people in town will love
            you for gathering them. Even if they don't say anything, believe me, they are thankful

          - gather firewood. Yew Branch and Small Curved Branch are perfect to be used as firewood. Do not cut the Straight Branches, they are too imporant to be used for fuel. The Smith will be 
            so happy if you make sure that the fire never goes out and that he has firewood until the axe is done, so he will be able to work faster and better. Also that is a good time to get those Straight Shafts so he can use them for his tools.

          - help at the berry farm. Add soil and water to those who are getting dark green and expend the farm, when population is rising. Little Tip : Don't make a huge berry farm like you
            normally see them. Leave some space so you can walk through much easier and put down some stuff.

          - plant some carrots to eat. This is the only exception that you can eat the carrots. You don't have compost or sheeps yet and you have to focus on food, so berries and carrots are a great nutrition source. Continue to plant carrots and either hide
            them or tell people to stop eating them when you guys are about to get a sheep.

          - If you think that the berries and the carrots can support the people in your town, you can start making some Stew ! Because Stew is fun and amazing.

          - plant some milkweed. Milkweed is so important ! Stone hoe doesn't last that long and will consume a lot of ropes. Having milkweed planted near you will help you a lot, because you won't have to go out with your basket and search for milkweed.

If you don't know about smithing, farming or cooking, etc but want to learn those stuff, I advise you to tell them that you want to learn and observe them for a while. People are actually very nice and will gladly help you to learn new stuff. Just listen and watch what they are doing and ask if you don't understand. Don't be that guy who just grabs stuff from them and try out and sees what happens ^^

Once the tools are made, you can start making a sheep pen. There are a lot of nice ideas how to make one in the forum wink

         B) A huge town with everything (sheeps, compost, tools, roads, etc.)

Now this town has everything, or so it seems. People tend to roleplay more, the first knives are appearing, murder is happening around every courner and the work gets forgotten. What you can do in bigger towns is :

          - Work on the berry farm as a toddler. Like I said, the sices of the berry farm are often getting out of hand in bigger towns and few people actually look after it. Moms tell their kid to farm until older but most of their kids just run straight to granma
            or granpa and stand near them, being so sweet and innocent but ready to snatch those clothes from your fresh dead body. I'm sorry, I got carried away. So yeah work there until you have a bigger stomach and continue if they are getting forgotten

          - plant carrots and wheat and make some compost. With a huge berry farm comes great consumption of soil and water. And you will need those berries so you can feed the sheep to get wool and poop.

          - look after the sheeps. Give them to eat (Full bowl of berries and one carrot), either the hairless adults for wool and babies or the babies for their poop (only a fed lamb will give you poop as soon as it gets bigger)

          - clean up a bit

          - plant milkweed. You will need them to make boxes or carts !

          - tend the other farm with the corn, beans, squash etc. Because STEW !

          - be a Gatherer. Gather some round stones for making wells, straight shafts for fence kit ( for deep well) or clay to make more bowls and plates.

          - be a Hunter. Kill those Wolves or boars that are too close to town ( but be careful! People get scared when you are running around with a bow and arrow or when you are asking for it without telling them why) or get those rabbit sto make nice

          - make some carts or boxes

          - be a Medic and make sure that you have your sterile pads and needle and threat ready

          - build some roads, inside town and outside town, so others can find the way to your town.

Don't be too hard on yourself, it's always difficult at the beginning, but if we managed to make it, so can you wink Don't be afraid to ask in the forum, to ask your mom, uncle or cousin to show you stuff. Last time, I showed a guy how to make compost and how to medic and some stopped by to learn as well. We had a great time, he had to heal the girl who was supposed to stab me so he can learn on me but as I was putting down the knife I stabbed her instead ^^ Upsie.

What I did at the beginning was opening this site : and I had it open when I played. So I could always look up some stuff that I wanted to do. Maybe that could help you too.

There is still so much that are important, like using the hoe on two piles of soil and not on one. Things you should or shouldn't do but there is already a great topic about that wink  Things You Shouldn't Do (A Guide)

I hope I could help you a little bit smile

Last edited by Tea (2018-08-12 14:37:25)

The one and only Eve Kelderman


#9 2018-08-12 00:46:41

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: What to do?

Seconding what others have said: manning the berry farm really is the ideal task for small children (who need to stay around food) and very new players.  It's extremely important, but very easy and simple.  And learning how to do it actually gives you some experience in moving soil and water around, which is a good step to learning more complicated farming stuff later.

Foraging for useful resources is always good (and vitally important for an early camp), but  if you've in a very large town, one thing you can do that doesn't even require knowing anything about the uses of natural resources is to wander around the countryside surrounding the town and collect things that people have left lying around out there.  For a town that's been around a while, you'll undoubtedly find dead bodies with clothes still on them, abandoned baskets, plates people ate the pie off of and didn't bother taking back, and other stuff that can be brought back to the town where they can be used.  This is a particularly good task for males who won't be interrupted with babies while in the middle of nowhere, especially if you have a backpack (or maybe even a cart). Just make sure you set your home marker first, and  bring some food with you.

If you're female and want to help in a way that doesn't require much knowledge, you can look after babies during your fertile years.  Just hang around the fire and feed them.  Other women will be glad to have somewhere they can drop the kids off so they can go do other things.  Just make sure you have lots of food to feed yourself, as well as a supply of firewood.  But hopefully someone will bring you these things if you ask.

And, yeah, do not be afraid to ask someone to explain how to do something!  Not everyone will have the time, ability, or inclination, but a lot of people are happy to teach, especially in a big town where there's enough food.  Heck, they might be glad you're giving them something useful to do.  Because  that "Everyone is already doing things and I feel useless and in the way" feeling?  Yeah, even very experienced players can get that in big, thriving cities.  Some days it feels like every task you think to set your hand to, someone else is already doing it.  Don't take it as a referendum on your own personal uselessness!


#10 2018-08-12 00:53:29

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: What to do?

Oh, and one more unskilled task whose importance is underestimated: dead body removal!  People will inconveniently die anywhere and everywhere, and while at least they don't smell bad, a tile with a dead body on it is a tile that can't be used for anything else.  Every so often, someone really needs to get a basket (or several baskets in a cart) and go around hauling bodies off to the graveyard.  You don't even need to bury them.  In fact, usually you probably don't want to, as it puts wear and tear on the shovel.   And, if you want, you can yell "Bring out your dead!" while you work. smile


#11 2018-08-12 14:39:42

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 341

Re: What to do?

Yes ! Take out those dead bodies and please please please don't bury them in the middle of the town. It's guite annoying to have a grave where you could actually put stuff down or plant something.

The one and only Eve Kelderman


#12 2018-08-12 14:48:59

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: What to do?

You remind of a kid I met earlier. She asked me a few times "How-Can-Help" and "What can i do". I was busy myself but I told them to water berries.

They say "ok" but a few minutes they asked the same question again. I assume she was new and didn't know how, at the time It didn't occur to me that she was new.

Also speaking of removing bodies, You could just be a janitor in general. If other jobs are filled I sometimes just try to clean up the clutter and organize things a little better. Use up spare wheat for basket making, Just don't cut all the wheat. Even if your town has baskets already, They will decay eventually. So try to store as much shit as you can.

You could also try cleaning up sheep pen. Get a shovel and move dung closer to the composting area. Bring mutton to the bakery, Cart is more efficient for that. And toss all the dead lamb outside, don't put them in the pits or you might make a hole.

Last edited by Neo (2018-08-12 15:06:04)


#13 2018-08-13 00:09:02

Registered: 2018-08-10
Posts: 10

Re: What to do?

Thanks, everyone!! I've been more useful lately. But one thing that bugs me is when I'm playing as a girl, I'll have to stop whatever I'm doing and care for babies whenever I have one, which means I have to stick close to camp, which can make my jobs more difficult. Like in my last life, I was told to make omelettes, so I had to do a lot of running around to get eggs in order to make them. But I can't run around and get eggs when I have to stick close to a baby. What can I do when I have to stay close to the babies? I feel bad just standing there waiting for them to need to be fed.

Kind of dumb but trying my best!

If you're named after a Dragon Age character, I'm probably your mom. My sympathies.


#14 2018-08-13 00:16:22

Registered: 2018-03-18
Posts: 393

Re: What to do?

Nurse is a job too c:



#15 2018-08-13 00:23:25

Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 98

Re: What to do?

The hot flat rock is warm, so perfect spot to raise a kid (unless it is on a desert tile).  Try to get others to gather eggs for you whilst you make the omelettes and feed your kids, ideally tell your own kid when it gets hair to do so.  If the kid is new remind them to take a basket and berries with them to go egg hunting.

When raising your kids temperature is very important, ideally middle and only feed them when they "f" so you don't waste your food.


#16 2018-08-13 00:29:38

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: What to do?

FloralAngel wrote:

Thanks, everyone!! I've been more useful lately. But one thing that bugs me is when I'm playing as a girl, I'll have to stop whatever I'm doing and care for babies whenever I have one, which means I have to stick close to camp, which can make my jobs more difficult. Like in my last life, I was told to make omelettes, so I had to do a lot of running around to get eggs in order to make them. But I can't run around and get eggs when I have to stick close to a baby. What can I do when I have to stay close to the babies? I feel bad just standing there waiting for them to need to be fed.

Try asking one of your fellow females to feed your kid and theirs no shame in letting the odd baby die in the wilderness.

Like Redbug said, Lots of towns have a nurse to free up more females to work. You'll usually find a pile of babies by a fire or good temp tile, just name and then dump your kid in spots like that. You could also ask a fellow female to raise your baby, Most people will feed your kid anyways.


Be  a male!!!


#17 2018-08-13 04:38:05

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: What to do?

plant milkweed, all kids should do that
there is never enough rope
i rarely see signs and enough chests or boxes

clean up, take bones outside to the ice biome or desert center
arrange similar stuff together, based on purpose
like clothing to one place, furs
rabbits and wheat to other

bringing clay also good
while you dont have reed, but clay and wheat makes adobe so other than people being lazy, adobe is a good way to make rooms
yes it decays but no civ lasts days anyway livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#18 2018-08-13 05:43:48

Registered: 2018-06-11
Posts: 85

Re: What to do?

Install discord and join OHOL channel.

Ownership is the solution for everything.


#19 2018-08-13 06:57:57

Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 216

Re: What to do?

FloralAngel wrote:

Hi, so I'm a pretty new player, so I'm still figuring things out! When I'm told to do something, I'm a little slow because I'm dumb but trying to learn, but I try my best. I run into problems, however, when I ask my mother what I should do and she tells me to do anything I want. I end up running around for awhile trying to figure out what we need, and then when I can't figure out what I should do I feel like since I'm being useless, I should stop bothering everyone. Then I ditch anything I might have at the edge of town and run off to go starve or get eaten by something. I know I don't learn anything that way, so it does nothing to solve the bigger problem. I don't know why I keep doing it, but I do.

So, what are some relatively easy jobs to learn how to do that are usually needed in settlements? So I have a couple things to keep in mind that I can fall back on whenever I'm told to do whatever I want?

Ask people.  This game has a very steep learning curve, so learning from others is critical.  Go get a basket of food, and find someone who looks busy (i.e., don't ask someone standing around doing nothing, because they are probably new and/or useless themselves).  Ask how you can help that person, or if they can teach you what they are doing.  Most people will say yes.  If they say no, find someone else.

Just make sure you eat and don't die of starvation while learning.


#20 2018-08-13 15:56:12

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 111

Re: What to do?

I would suggest the same; explain that you are new and don't know how to help, people would explain most of the times! The day before yesterday I spend one life as male to explain baking to a girl and then (after she gets herself a baby, also new) to that baby. Was a nice life!


#21 2018-08-13 16:37:11

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: What to do?

Here’s an easy job that is always underestimated:
Firewood collector.

Take a handcart and axe (hatchets don’t work on trees) and cut about 30 trees to use their firewood. Each tree gives two firewood. The best trees to cut are those in the swamp, savanna, and badlands as trees in the green are very useful and provide branches and kindling.

A handcart fits four firewood inside, stack it up next to the fire. Firewood cannot be carried by hand or in a basket, so handcarts are very useful. Sledges and wheelbarrows work too, but they slow you down significantly.


#22 2018-08-13 16:41:06

Registered: 2018-08-12
Posts: 19

Re: What to do?

My way of learning is watching others but if I want to learn something specific I'll go to wiki and learn enough to start off in and then learn as I go.


#23 2018-08-14 07:30:36

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: What to do?

savannah trees dont give butt log also they are needed to start fires

you can store short shafts and curved shafts made out of curved branches and  straight long branches
you can store it in baskets, just bring a basket with a sharp stone, and fill the basket

this is very useful in early camps but still good later, filling a cart with branches ensures people wont cut firewood and wont burn butt loggs livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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