One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-08-12 04:23:26

Registered: 2018-07-30
Posts: 12

The Necessity Of Food and My First Eve Success

First off I want to pat myself on the back for having my first eve success. Nine generations survived but the line was killed off by griefers. But I have to admit I got a bit of a cheat because I spawned in the middle of a ghost town that was probably once a great civilization. I felt so lucky. We should have done better but I think it's because people dn't realize the necessity of food.

It doesn't matter how much steel and shovels and knives you have if you're starving to death. I've noticed that people will forge and build while the berry bushes go yellow. I witnessed three generations starve to death because no one had bothered to water the berry bushes. This is just plain stupid. No matter what you're specialty everyone is responsible for making sure that the food keeps flowing.


#2 2018-08-12 04:39:50

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: The Necessity Of Food and My First Eve Success


honestly im with u. ppl tend to push off farming n the such n leave it to inexperienced noobs who stop working once they run out of something (dirt, hoe, seed, etc). ive kinda accepted that the survival of a line is really up to fate. u can only really choose the location and impact up to 3 generations behind u. often in my lines theres a mass famine 15-20 minutes after i die cos of a pop boom and the fact im generally the only one (actively) farming. all we can do is find an apprentice to take on the job but often its noobs who will inherit the position and its difficult to teach someone the line between "too much" and "not enough" in the 10-20 minutes u have with em. but experienced players prefer doing other shit hmm and therefore constant famine always


#3 2018-08-12 07:38:11

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: The Necessity Of Food and My First Eve Success

startafight wrote:


honestly im with u. ppl tend to push off farming n the such n leave it to inexperienced noobs who stop working once they run out of something (dirt, hoe, seed, etc). ive kinda accepted that the survival of a line is really up to fate. u can only really choose the location and impact up to 3 generations behind u. often in my lines theres a mass famine 15-20 minutes after i die cos of a pop boom and the fact im generally the only one (actively) farming. all we can do is find an apprentice to take on the job but often its noobs who will inherit the position and its difficult to teach someone the line between "too much" and "not enough" in the 10-20 minutes u have with em. but experienced players prefer doing other shit hmm and therefore constant famine always

Maybe experienced people are equally to blame for towns dying then. Too many people think they are "above farming".


#4 2018-08-12 10:12:07

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: The Necessity Of Food and My First Eve Success

My goal each life is to talk, eat and burn as much firewood as possible.
People who stand around talking are nice, people who work are boring.
It's fun to needlessly throw firewood into a fire to place my babies,
even though it would take fifteen seconds to start a new fire,
and there is a better temperature location on desert tiles 5 steps away.
That is fifteen seconds I don't have because I'm not standing on the fire tile,
I'm standing just outside of it, eating, and talking so much.

I know that a perfectly balanced temperature tile gives nakeds 22 seconds per pip of their food meter,
and they have 4 to 7 pips, but math is boring and I like to see them in clothes AND in the fire.
It's two good things, obviously.
If their food meter is dropping faster because they are overheating, that gives my life purpose.
Then I get to see a more noticeable change when I pick them up every 5 seconds instead of wasting time doing other things.

I love burning those big logs too.
It just feels so satisfying.
I mean, why burn the firewood, when the stuff the carpenters can use to make carts, buckets, boxes or even roads, burns even better.

My demand for firewood, and anything that burns really, sometimes gets the best of me. Then I just have to chop down the nearest tree I can find. I mean, who needs trees as long as you keep the fire going? As long as it's burning you don't need to mess around with all that other stuff.
Trees are just so useless.
They don't talk and you can't eat them.

But at least they don't work and stand in one place.
I'd say those are things they have going for them, but that's my job.


Sarcasm aside, as much as I don't like walls, could we have wooden walls already?
Maybe log walls, so the people who want to make buildings can make little log cabins around the village?
I mean, much as I love shared commons, I think it'd be nice for people to be able to make homes.
Homes out of walls that aren't pine needles, 4 straight shafts and 5! ropes.
Those pine panels are a product of a game mechanic that just doesn't exist anymore; regrowing milkweed.
You should either change that formula, Jason, or decrease the time it takes for branches to respawn and make rope something we can create from balls of yarn or something.

Just a thought.


#5 2018-08-12 10:40:06

Registered: 2018-08-12
Posts: 5

Re: The Necessity Of Food and My First Eve Success

Haha, I was playing on this.

I was Ash Magi.

Can someone tell me what happened after I left?


#6 2018-08-12 10:43:20

Registered: 2018-08-12
Posts: 5

Re: The Necessity Of Food and My First Eve Success

I like farming cuz I dunno how to do blacksmithing, and I do agree that people don’t farm.

Luckily I found a good guy up for the job, but hes dead now. So I think the town will go into a famine sadly.
I made a carrot farm and told them to leave 1-2 batches for seeds, and they took most of it. I hope the farm’s still there.


#7 2018-08-12 10:44:42

Registered: 2018-08-12
Posts: 5

Re: The Necessity Of Food and My First Eve Success

SweetMamaSun wrote:

First off I want to pat myself on the back for having my first eve success. Nine generations survived but the line was killed off by griefers. But I have to admit I got a bit of a cheat because I spawned in the middle of a ghost town that was probably once a great civilization. I felt so lucky. We should have done better but I think it's because people dn't realize the necessity of food.

It doesn't matter how much steel and shovels and knives you have if you're starving to death. I've noticed that people will forge and build while the berry bushes go yellow. I witnessed three generations starve to death because no one had bothered to water the berry bushes. This is just plain stupid. No matter what you're specialty everyone is responsible for making sure that the food keeps flowing.

Oh it died cause of griefers. sad


#8 2018-08-12 12:58:56

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: The Necessity Of Food and My First Eve Success

truth is that your goal is to advance trough the tech tree
survival is important but the survival of every citizen is not

i never starve, like there is 1% chance to starve when i born in a green biome where the eve ate every food in every direction and i try to stay there, i could like go to a desert, run a few minutes from there, and settle elsewhere, but whats the point of being nameless or extending others generation when they dont work for it?

i was late to learn forging, and i preferred hunting over farming
i mean i knew how to farm and all, but its easy to eat something outside the city

then around apocalypse i started to make better cities and eve runs
it was kinda simple with slower hunger rate, you just needed soil and water and till a lot of it, put in carts

honestly i see it as just means to an end not the whole goal of the game
eating, maxing yum bonus and farming , to what end?

when i farm, i just make compost, wait it, make tons of tilled rows away from a camp and produce it en mass, i dont see the point of constantly farming 1-2 tiles

i see people complain on it but i dont understand
we were joining as quadruplets, and as i seen old guy die with a hammer in hand and uncomplete file and my sisters jump on the stew making, i thought i gonna finish the tools, carts allow faster moving if needed

comes granma that we dont need tools, we need food production
all my 3 sisters died in meantime, so there is that, then i had more sisters
whats to point of me feeding 5 people or 10 when they got no plan?
survival is basic, sustaining yourself is most important rule
but also if we live in a community, people are equal if they work equally

communism is nice on paper but it never works

in that case i had no use to my little sisters, as it wasnt my responsibility to teach them
it was my mothers
my daughters lived to 60 because i showed them at start how to get a bowl full of berry and what we need to focus on

the time i spent on making a bow, forging, making a cart was less than anyone there would of been spending
and we used my cart to gather soil
you got to see the future, have a plan, a higher goal than just surviving
moving to a better location or fixing the one you are on

you cant expect experienced players work for you if you dont even got the right mentality
and by thaat i mean working, asking if need help and providing more than you use
its just a grind to keep 5 people alive by your own when you got no positive feedback
they just take it for granted

yes i do explore faster and work faster due to my experience
but its not the teaching or the lack of experience

is the bad mentality
cause i been inexperienced but i made 8-9 backpacks for a town
and i farmed so others can forge when i was a newbe
if you teach a kid they think you like them for their personality or for the fact you are related
and they even want to stab people for the fun of it, asking for your knife

so there is that, i seen inexperienced people gather all the things i asked for, branches, clay, iron
and they enjoyed that they contributed, that the stuff they gathered turned into bowls, plates, tools

so i expect newbies work hard and be nice at least and ask for help
all i see is cocky people who think they are gods and they deserve all the clothing, but when shit hits the fan they starve, when we duel they lose, when i tell them their mistake they curse livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#9 2018-08-13 17:15:56

Registered: 2018-07-30
Posts: 12

Re: The Necessity Of Food and My First Eve Success

I was the Eve of a bloodline that lasted 30 generations. Wow! I'm so proud and happy. LOL


#10 2018-08-13 18:15:44

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: The Necessity Of Food and My First Eve Success

Neo wrote:

Maybe experienced people are equally to blame for towns dying then. Too many people think they are "above farming".

yep just doing the same thing over and over is boring n that contributes to ppl not wanting to farm, which i totally understand. sometimes when i kno a town is farming too little/ being griefed by sponges/ being murdered and im born female i just run off to forage till im grown n then return to the decaying civ to repopulate it. cant save em all but sure can save the line

itd be a lot easier if farming wasnt such a boring chore. its just annoying to do cos ull get waves of babies that swarm into ur farm, eat up everything, n never help. maybe when plows are introduced itll be a lil more fun n more ppl will want to do it


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