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#1 2018-08-11 10:27:55

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Cow story /contains spoilers/

i born into a town which was inside a desert, too hot, they even walled it off
to ice, while the ice border was nearly perfect

mom fed me then took out her knife and stabbed! made a bread!
i was scared but moma didnt want to hurt me
she raised me, deep fried me with her love

also was a  berry farm in it, and they built tiles around

guy told me it stops from expanding, fair enough

all the branches gone, guy makes fences, axe broken, no branches for like 20 minutes, so i digged one fence out, swapped horizontal and took firebrand tongue

it was a grave pen, but no entrance on it

i made one, they made back
i made back, they made back
guy finally died and made back

then somebody dig one out and put a soil in it and enclosed all again

then made one entrance on top, and digged a grave

anyway i wanted to suicide seeing the dumbfuckery, but i choose not to, kid dropped a backpack, no questions asked, i took it, made a home marker using our only skewer
went out north, in a search for ropes, biggest desert i ever seen
but then i found a shot muflon with lamb
i turned east, big savannah with 3 bisons, one run trough me, im alive

so returned home and seen ella with arrows, i asked for one, she gave me
also she asked for sheep, i told i can get, she was nice
i  made a sheep food while others made compost pie
went out and got the lamb, asked to open the grave pen for me, then close it
not like making the entrance twice woulnt work just they resealed it

then i went and made a bow from the rope, sry ella, and shot bison, but one wont kill it, went a bit more east, and made rope and a new arrow
killed bison, bu no calf
ok, i waited and waited, and waited, then i seen it and shot it, once, ran trough me, still didnt hurt me
shot twice, got it

ran home, ask ella corn? she told me we got, i seen it just forgot it, made cow food, took home the calf using the rope

asked to be fed, and to come with me, they did and opened the grave pen
then was bit weird, had to wait calf to be hungry, i did, i fed, we had domestic bison
then they released sheep and bison too, and somehow cow got back
they fed sheep outside, it was 3rd time i made entrance on right when i ran for bison, and they released a few sheep until then

other guy lost secodn cart, probably stepped on  a snake

so then i started top entrance and they didnt touch it
also i hoarded out the excess bones, and luredsheep back, pushed with lamb, lured without, she went in.

someone released bear, with Ellas two arrows, and my new one (we had one more probably lost or in pack)

i wanted to kill it but ella pick bow up faster, i owed her the pleasure to kill it, she did the job home until i explored
so i just run after, give her the ammunition, she popped a son, i carry it away
she killed it, we were safe
we started making bread and butter
as i seen the dough changed into first and second part
where first makes pie or tortilla, second makes bread, you need a knife to make it, bake in oven then slice it
the milk can be drinked or made into butter
havent seen the combo exactly

extended the grave pen with 12 new stones i got, it was huge, still not all dead bodies, people died watching the cow

then came Lola, with a buttery knife, i seen people tell that its like being killed but you dont die, so i dont actually cared so much, i just wanted my own buttery knife, but then people died and lola had no slowdown.
the infected butter killed most people, hope she didnt hurt the last girl, was a nice town in the end except you fried near the pen and everywhere on berry. was a perfect ending at 57.

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thanks ella for the arrow and rope. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2018-08-11 10:58:44

Registered: 2018-06-04
Posts: 202

Re: Cow story /contains spoilers/

i was the old guy making the floors around the berries, it seems to be a good mental trick to prevent ppl to overextand the field, it looked a good size if properly tended.
The grave pen wasn't supposed to stay, i was originally a graveyard, but someone came with a baby bison and we had no pen so i made it quickly, unfortunately it was released too early and it died before being fed, so stop calling people noobs when you don't know the story, i kept telling it was just a temporary quick fix untill a proper one could be built, i guess people are lazy and never got to it.

I will be eve tana. If not an eve, my kids will be called numerically : Primo, Duo, Tertio, Quattro, Quintus, Sextus, Septimus, Octavius etc... ending with an -a if you're a girl.


#3 2018-08-11 16:42:06

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Cow story /contains spoilers/

i know the tricks cause i suggested in the first place
you shouldnt undo others work 2 times, wasting shovel ticks, it was arranged in that way for a reason
it doesnt matter is is temporary or final, needs an entrance which allows you inside and blocks animals coming out
your ocd that case was useless and unasked for
i made a nice front entrance which used kinda same materials, 3 extra stones so i pushed one in and one up so looks simmetric
you kept undoing it for no reason
this was a preparation to get cows, i even put sheep food inside the first chance i got, now running back to so its closed, wasted me a few minutes as i had to ask for feeding me and opening it

a 'proper one' if you mean fences, is a bad idea, as we had no straight branches to the right side green biome
was only desert and badland above us, ice and swamp to left, a very small green biome south and a tiny green biome far to the east
been there, done that, a 3x3 takes a lifetime to be built from fences
and it can be just as easily griefed with a shovel
and when no tools can be made people gonna take the firebrands from a fence with no question
this sounds like you wanted to wait generations to come to make a new fancy looking which wouldnt function any better

you can get sheep, make compost, plant sapling, then make U letters and fix the graves in place which makes it strong as ancient stone walls with the added benefit of storing items like lambs or meat

dont just assume that all babies are idiots and you are the smartest person
the sheep got out cause people had to open and close the pen, happens all the time cause they follow you with no lambs so airlocks and doors like that never work, and i provided the solution and was undone 3 times livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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