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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-08-06 15:19:53

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

I want to write my story, because my more distant relatives may be seeing my family tree and not understand me

I was born in an early camp, third generation
My mother raised me incredibly well, she took advantage of the warmth of the desert while doing her homework

The camp was very well located, but it had not been done much yet ... we did not have a farm in conditions and the few bushes of berries that had been planted did not bear any fruit yet

As soon as I jump out of my mother's arms and I was able to do homework, I started growing carrots, beans, berries, and pumpkins

I also collected wild food so that my family could eat hoping that the farm would be productive

during this time my sister Hope An was born

I was happy to see a young girl in our camp.

while she was growing the first carrots appeared, I put them in a basket and started to prepare more

When Hope had hair she started eating carrots ... with the first carrot in her stomach I did not say anything ... I kept on doing my homework but I was watching Hope closely

When she ate her second carrot, she asked me if I could help ...
I'm sure I knew what I was doing ... I said: first, do not eat carrots, you better eat berries
She looks at me, grabs a carrot, eats it and tells me ... just like this one?

The tranquility is over in the third generation (I thought)

I ran to tell my mother and my brother that Hope was a Griefer
they told me that yes, that was beginning to bother ... but nobody did anything to avoid it
all performed their tasks as if nothing were happening
At other times I would have gone there and created a parallel camp, far from there

but this time I did not ... I did not want her to kill those people, to bother my family ... I could avoid it.

I started creating a secret bow, and a single arrow
I did not have a backpack so I had to do it right ... I could not fail

At one point I noticed that she was creating an arch, but a sister
 Julia An was making it difficult, I saw how she hid the feathers ...

I knew I had to be fast, I did not have much time ...

Finally I finished my gun, and before killing I went to the town and returned to let the town know that Hope was a griefer, the people of the camp confirmed it to me again that I was creating a bow
I filled my belly and went to the camp to kill Hope An ... and I did
I do not cost much to kill her ..

she was paralyzed, said some words that have no meaning for me and died at my feet

everyone stared, I said ... "I'm sorry, she was a griefer", I'm not a murderer.

my sister told me that everything was ok

my brother stared at me for a long time without saying anything
when I could release my bow at his feet and I said ... if you want to kill me, do it.

he said nothing and continued working

After that, everything was quiet, there were no murderers, no griefers, I helped as much as I could, I made stew, I made backpacks, and I died of old age

So if you see in my family tree that I'm a murderer ... yes, I am ... but know that I'll do it again if I need to … _id=802459

Last edited by JonySky (2018-08-06 15:23:56)


#2 2018-08-06 15:24:36

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

Nice job, She sounded like the typical sponge female. She would've grown up to be nothing but a baby factory and a burden to the town.

I'm suprised that nobody killed you, Usually I get myself stabbed or shot whenever I pull something like this. Alot of people get super triggered at murder even if it was a rightful kill.

I guess it's easier in early Gen because it's a small community so the whole town knew she was a griefer. It's a bit sad that people knew but only you actually did something about it.

Last edited by Neo (2018-08-06 15:38:08)


#3 2018-08-06 15:31:13

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

I hope I acted correctly ...
when these situations happen you never know for sure if you killed a good player or a griefer ... but I see the family tree of my family and it has already reached generation 10 ...

I hope that with this murder, she has not been able to bother my family


#4 2018-08-06 15:40:25

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

JonySky wrote:

I hope I acted correctly ...
when these situations happen you never know for sure if you killed a good player or a griefer ... but I see the family tree of my family and it has already reached generation 10 ...

I hope that with this murder, she has not been able to bother my family

Well  a good player wouldn't be eating carrots because they know better. You tried to tell her but she didn't listen, If she was new then hopefully she's learned her lesson.


#5 2018-08-06 18:12:05

Registered: 2018-05-31
Posts: 70

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

So you killed her, just because she eat carrots not berries?


#6 2018-08-06 19:15:37

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

annjust wrote:

So you killed her, just because she eat carrots not berries?

I killed her because I told her not to eat carrots, only berries and she did not listen to me, because the time between lunch and dinner was too fast, because I was preparing an bow, because the people gave me the reason every time I warned and because I do not trust anyone...

I do not kill anyone, I think I've only killed 2 people in this game counting this girl ... and unfortunately I pay the consequences very often.

If I can avoid a griefer even if it's only because of suspicion, I'll do it again


#7 2018-08-06 21:10:35

Registered: 2018-05-31
Posts: 70

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

Just because she eat carrots not berries when you told her, then you called her a griefer?


#8 2018-08-06 22:19:56

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 341

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

I think its more the fact that, when he told her, she provocatively ate one. If she was new or she didn't know that, she would have not done it. It was a sign that she will not be a pleasant player to play with.

Last edited by Tea (2018-08-06 22:22:09)

The one and only Eve Kelderman


#9 2018-08-06 23:15:01

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

Tea wrote:

I think its more the fact that, when he told her, she provocatively ate one. If she was new or she didn't know that, she would have not done it. It was a sign that she will not be a pleasant player to play with.

Right! that was the trigger ... when I told him about the carrot she understood me perfectly and still took a carrot, ate it and said "just like this one? ..."

she understood me, I knew perfectly what she was doing and wanted to provoke me ...
In a level 3 camp it is difficult to kill someone ... because everything has to be created from zero

I guess she was counting on me not trying to kill her, and it was not like that.


#10 2018-08-06 23:25:17

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

annjust wrote:

Just because she eat carrots not berries when you told her, then you called her a griefer?

carrots have multiple uses besides just eating, they can be made into compost or sheep feed (which then turns into shit for compost). when a society needs dirt and some idiot goes around eating all the carrots it extends the time in which dirt is not being made = a greater chance of famine if nearby dirt runs out

jonysky took the correct action here. the girl was warned and she continued to eat carrots (and thus delaying composting time) which showed she did not give a fuck and could not be reasoned with. if jonysky warned the whole town then the girl had time to learn and stop being an asshole, but she didnt

since this was gen 3 (and im assuming u guys were about to get sheep or prepping to get sheep atm) then thats when carrots are most vital. by eating the carrots she was not just eating all the carrots, she was delaying getting sheep and that whole jazz which is vital for a functioning town


#11 2018-08-07 00:01:55

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

if you are eating a carrot for a yum it can be forgiven
if you eating a carrot from seed row,its not a seed row anymore, and you just wasted 10 minutes for others
if you eating without needing it you are a sponge
if you do anything intentionally that wasting others work, time, you are a griefer
if you are doing it unintentionally, but repeated times and refuse to communicate, you are a griefer

Last edited by pein (2018-08-07 00:02:13) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#12 2018-08-07 00:19:12

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

pein wrote:

if you are eating a carrot for a yum it can be forgiven
if you eating a carrot from seed row,its not a seed row anymore, and you just wasted 10 minutes for others
if you eating without needing it you are a sponge
if you do anything intentionally that wasting others work, time, you are a griefer
if you are doing it unintentionally, but repeated times and refuse to communicate, you are a griefer

Seconded one carrot. For yums sake. By a skilled yummer.


Two carrots in a row (in a big town with sheep. Sometimes eve camps grow them as a staple food.) Is grounds for stabbing 100% if they dont listen, and learn from their mistakes.

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#13 2018-08-07 01:27:59

Registered: 2018-05-31
Posts: 70

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

Productivity is a choice not a obiligation. How you guys so firmed you hold the truth, thats every your words need be pay attention to?
The biggest fact is our eaqual born into the game, why you think who's ignoring is a waste of your time, but you killed a adults' all remaining life is not the biggest waste of her/his life!

Last edited by annjust (2018-08-07 01:28:42)


#14 2018-08-07 01:43:52

Registered: 2018-06-03
Posts: 65

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

annjust wrote:

Productivity is a choice not a obiligation. How you guys so firmed you hold the truth, thats every your words need be pay attention to?
The biggest fact is our eaqual born into the game, why you think who's ignoring is a waste of your time, but you killed a adults' all remaining life is not the biggest waste of her/his life!

Did you have a stroke?

But no you're a grief sponge if you are not productive. Who cares if you build a walkway if no one is left to walk over it because you chose not to help out with the farming.


#15 2018-08-07 01:56:34

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

annjust wrote:

Productivity is a choice not a obiligation. How you guys so firmed you hold the truth, thats every your words need be pay attention to?
The biggest fact is our eaqual born into the game, why you think who's ignoring is a waste of your time, but you killed a adults' all remaining life is not the biggest waste of her/his life!

it a selfish choice not to
if im a mom and i choose to keep a kid, i need him/her to pay attention to what i say in return
if you step down from the desert its a waste of my time
killing is same, its just time, with every food you eat but you didnt produce, you take away from others time
so a half of your life eating what others produce is taking away a half of a life from others
now you can say that one baby also takes away a lot from others fuel

you could always choose to move out and eat what you produce but lets be fair, no one does it
few people feed an entire colony and they are the one who are forced out livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#16 2018-08-07 02:10:39

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

annjust wrote:

Productivity is a choice not a obiligation. How you guys so firmed you hold the truth, thats every your words need be pay attention to?
The biggest fact is our eaqual born into the game, why you think who's ignoring is a waste of your time, but you killed a adults' all remaining life is not the biggest waste of her/his life!

u can choose to learn from the experience & be productive, or not. but it doesnt change the fact that ppl will kill u for wasting their time


#17 2018-08-07 09:16:40

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

annjust wrote:

Productivity is a choice not a obiligation. How you guys so firmed you hold the truth, thats every your words need be pay attention to?
The biggest fact is our eaqual born into the game, why you think who's ignoring is a waste of your time, but you killed a adults' all remaining life is not the biggest waste of her/his life!

productivity is necessary in a generation 3 camp, possibly nothing would have happened in a generation camp 15.

Caring for a child in an early generation is an important decision (even if people do not see it that way)
You can have a sponge, a clumsy novice or a baby machine that ruins the work of all your ancestors by killing everyone with hunger.
if there is no productivity, everything goes to hell

but that was not the trigger for this murder ... the trigger is his response and his actions just after warning him not to do it

imagine another situation ... you are creating a knife, you are about to finish it and a boy jumps on his knife and finishes it by placing the Short Shaft and keeps it in his backpack ... you tell him to release it and he answers idiot and he goes with his knife ...

He is not productive, but that is not the reason why he wants to kill him.

Last edited by JonySky (2018-08-07 09:19:29)


#18 2018-08-08 03:51:55

From: NZ
Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 90

Re: I'm Drago An II and I do not trust anyone.

annjust wrote:

Productivity is a choice not a obiligation. How you guys so firmed you hold the truth, thats every your words need be pay attention to?
The biggest fact is our eaqual born into the game, why you think who's ignoring is a waste of your time, but you killed a adults' all remaining life is not the biggest waste of her/his life!

As everyone has said, that's not how you play the game if you want to get anywhere.
Even with Gen 15 camps, by then most players give up and just tend the sheep and farms with three or four making clothes/housing/tools. They don't move out and make satellite towns to bring their productivity back up, transferring materials, which eventually kills every town.

If most of us were productive, it would be an imperative for Jason to add higher tech in sooner. I mean, the rate of good players compared to griefers has gotten WAYYYY better the last couple months, but its still not great.


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