One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-08-04 14:41:50

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 75

When you realise your daughter was a sociopath only after you die

In a life yesterday, I was born in an advanced town with the West family. I'm gonna pass on my childhood as it was kind of boring.

The story begin at this time were I was hunting rabbits and my daughter Billie was born.

Billie's birth

She was kinda creepy when we came back in town, she saw her great Grandma and wouldn't stop saying hello to her until she respond. I even had to tell her to stop harrassing her.

Billie's harrassement

She really seemed sweet anyway and helped around. So I wouldn't mind. I had an other kid and he was a little weird.

Son Box

He would open close open close open close open close the chests while everyone was laughing at him. I tried to make him stop by taking him to another place but he came back to do his thing. I couldn't even name him because of this! I accepted his weirdness and laughed along, he was cute in is own way.

I dressed him with his great Grandma clothes but Billie came along and wouldn't stop rambling nonsense to me. I finally understood that the Grandma had planned on leaving her clothes to her.

Billie's clothes

Now, I already gave Billie some clothes so I didn't know why she was insisting. I guess my kids were both a bit challenged...

Later, I had the goal to hunt a wolf to make a cool hat for myself. Running around I stumbled upon a gory scene.

Billie's murder

She had killed her brother ! I was in shock, I couldn't understand...

Billie's lies

She explained to me that he wanted to die. And of course, I believed her at the time. The kid was a little insane since birth after all. It's after my death that it became interesting. I looked up his last words and my jaw nearly dropped :

Son's last words

That's not really the last words of someone willing to die, huh ?

After a while, I was becoming old. So I went to ask her if she had any girls. Oh and you can see I had decided to leave her my cool wolf hat as a memory. Pffcht.

Two sons

I advised her to stay warm and fed for good luck. She went by the fire and prayed all her heart to save our town from extinction, I thought. At first.

A victim

When I rewatched my screenshots, I actually saw what she was saying. She was praying not for a daughter, but for another victim !

Where's Billie

She went away for a while. I looked everywhere for her with no luck. But then, she was back ! With a girl ! She named her Hope (a bit cliche but, heh).

Billie and Hope

I was relieved, but Hope started running away !

Billie's escape

We don't see it in the screens, but everytime Billie would reach Hope, she picked her knife. I was in a rush and without suspicions against her, so I initially thought she wanted to grab food and picked the wrong stuff.

I was conviced the baby saw she was the last girl and wanted to grief.
 We doomed

We lost her sight and now it was too late. Billie was too old, I was going too die, Lason (her son) was waiting to die... Billie seemed sad and I was sad for her.

This the last thing I heard her say :

Tasty Daughter ?

And what the hell, haha. She was probably talking about Hope.

I died, and waited sometime before checking the family tree. And Hope wasn't there. Was she bugged ? I thought it was weird that she could survive this long, even tho Billie picked her up a few times when she was chasing her. Then I saw this :


When I first noticed the murders I wasn't really bothered. Lason wanted to die and we were probably doomed. But Max tried to curse her ? The same Max that was with her when she killed her brother ? So weird.

Finally, Hope appeared in the family tree !


An old Hope ! With many kids :

Hope's kids

So she didn't want to doom us. That was Billie's goal, she was the griefer. And Hope escaping was a good thing.

What the hell Billie ! I gave you my cool hat !

Last edited by LodiaVDH (2018-08-04 14:42:58)


#2 2018-08-04 16:34:13

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: When you realise your daughter was a sociopath only after you die

oh so save a bad baby and you wonder someone kills him

plus dont gear babies, its annoying, they just die on berry field or go somewhere and die
at least make sure its decent, jsut because its related by game rule, doesn mean is any decent
can be afk, bot, lazy sponge, griefer
why cant you just give gear to the ones already working? livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#3 2018-08-04 18:10:02

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 75

Re: When you realise your daughter was a sociopath only after you die

pein wrote:

oh so save a bad baby and you wonder someone kills him

plus dont gear babies, its annoying, they just die on berry field or go somewhere and die
at least make sure its decent, jsut because its related by game rule, doesn mean is any decent
can be afk, bot, lazy sponge, griefer
why cant you just give gear to the ones already working?

Dude, chill. Everyone had clothes, that’s why I gave him stuff. And if they didn’t have clothes, there was plenty in the town so that was on them. And Billie clearly didn’t killed him because he was bad, she just wanted to kill people. You would have undestand that if you read the post, do that before ranting for nothing next time.

Last edited by LodiaVDH (2018-08-04 18:10:48)


#4 2018-08-04 20:31:16

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 41

Re: When you realise your daughter was a sociopath only after you die

I was Hope. The nameless infant born before "Hope" was also me. As soon as I was born as her son, she removed me from the camp and brandishing her knife, told me that my "meat" looked delicious. I began to run, but a baby without food or warmth can only get so far; I died of starvation. Later I was born again, this time as her daughter. I recognized my mother as the same deranged individual, but I believed she would spare me. I was the last girl in town. Everyone was celebrating my birth. People clothed me. She had even named me "Hope". But every time she approached me she would draw her knife and I knew it was no mistake. She would go on mad, cannibalistic rants, and as soon as I began to flee, the witch would revert back to sweet endearments like "I love you!" "I'm not going to hurt you!" A sociopath indeed. I got away on temp run, and when I returned, I was faced with the fresh corpses of my brothers and dead sheep. Mother was still MIA with two knives, so I fled North, where I found another branch of the West family living off a very meager farm. I stayed with them for a while and moved back to base when I found the corpse of my mother which confirmed her death. Later, I met a newly spawned Eve West and after that things were pretty chill.

Maybe Billie really was just confused about which items to pull from her backpack. Maybe she's just misunderstood. Maybe she meant no harm to Hope. After all, she raised Hope's brothers to adulthood, didn't she? But after I saw how she acted towards her nameless son, I sure as hell wasn't taking any chances.


#5 2018-08-05 06:24:28

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: When you realise your daughter was a sociopath only after you die

I think you should've realized sooner

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#6 2018-08-05 09:38:45

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 406

Re: When you realise your daughter was a sociopath only after you die

It's not easy to realize your kid is dangerous. It's your kid. People have a habit of loving their kids no matter what. I know whenever I have kids in this game, I will love them and rarely wonder if they're being weird or dangerous. It's just how it is. This is only Billie's fault, don't try to put the blame on her victims.
(Also, yes pein, please do chill.)

ign: summerstorm, they/them


#7 2018-08-05 09:47:52

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: When you realise your daughter was a sociopath only after you die

Lum wrote:

It's not easy to realize your kid is dangerous. It's your kid. People have a habit of loving their kids no matter what. I know whenever I have kids in this game, I will love them and rarely wonder if they're being weird or dangerous. It's just how it is. This is only Billie's fault, don't try to put the blame on her victims.
(Also, yes pein, please do chill.)

I think I draw the line when my kid starts murdering people or acting like a brat. They aren't your real children, after all, Just a random person in another part of the world.

How can you truly know someone that you've met less than an hour ago?

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#8 2018-08-05 10:02:59

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 47

Re: When you realise your daughter was a sociopath only after you die

I was Lason

wanted to do a knife duell with Max as we tought there no fertile girls anymore...
cause we tought you died... thats why i ask her if i can borrow her knife...

she took it out of her bp but she didnt threw it on ground, she just stabbed me big_smile
and i think max cursed her cause she denied the fun...


#9 2018-08-05 12:41:45

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: When you realise your daughter was a sociopath only after you die

Baker wrote:
Lum wrote:

It's not easy to realize your kid is dangerous. It's your kid. People have a habit of loving their kids no matter what. I know whenever I have kids in this game, I will love them and rarely wonder if they're being weird or dangerous. It's just how it is.

I think I draw the line when my kid starts murdering people or acting like a brat. They aren't your real children, after all, Just a random person in another part of the world.

How can you truly know someone that you've met less than an hour ago?

At first I was this soft hearted player who wanted to give a chance for everyone to play as I knew the game was often just "get abandoned as a baby -simulator" experience, so I tried to keep babies alive even as a freshly spawned Eve, even if it spelt my disaster to drag them around (like, no babies left behind craziness, ofc that was not good for anyone, not even for the babies). Then, soon after some good, normal lives, I spawned an actual griefer. Then a murderer. Then another murderer. I realized I may be the one who destroys towns if I keep this up. I started to 'baby test', which probably ended many newbie lives, but they had their chance to talk to me so I could see their speech bubbles. I never really had this mindset of "unconditionally loving everyone that spawns as my kid" thing, they really, really are just other players around the world that just pop in, no love in that honestly; it was just me knowing how harsh the game is and wanting to offer a longer session to people who just want to play and not get abandoned or killed. I really hope people learn quickly that not all kids are angels or innocent like real-life children: not all deserve to be raised (talking about murderers and griefers here), so please people, be careful letting such feelings haze your ability to judge. Your sweetest children may suffer due to one bad child so put that on the scale too. I'm sure the baby's helpless state tugs some primal senses of the players, and while I find that amazing, I fear that too many will have to learn the hard way of the fact that some of their spawn are there just to cause problems. They should earn your love, and the majority of my spawn do that in the end. smile

To OP: I hope you get many more fun lives without that player! Glad to see people overcame this "roleplayer-griefer's" acts.

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#10 2018-08-05 19:47:54

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 75

Re: When you realise your daughter was a sociopath only after you die

coriander wrote:

I was Hope.
Maybe Billie really was just confused about which items to pull from her backpack. Maybe she's just misunderstood. Maybe she meant no harm to Hope. After all, she raised Hope's brothers to adulthood, didn't she? But after I saw how she acted towards her nameless son, I sure as hell wasn't taking any chances.

Thank you so much for responding and for all this details. I'm sorry for your troubled childhood !

thegolfpantsguy wrote:

I was Lason

wanted to do a knife duell with Max as we tought there no fertile girls anymore...
cause we tought you died... thats why i ask her if i can borrow her knife...

she took it out of her bp but she didnt threw it on ground, she just stabbed me big_smile
and i think max cursed her cause she denied the fun...

Ahhh fuck ! I'm sorry you died like that and not as a warrior, Lason. haha

Baker wrote:

I think you should've realized sooner

And I totally agree with you, haha. I was victim of some kind of cognitive dissonance I believe.

Baker wrote:
Lum wrote:

It's not easy to realize your kid is dangerous. It's your kid. People have a habit of loving their kids no matter what. I know whenever I have kids in this game, I will love them and rarely wonder if they're being weird or dangerous. It's just how it is. This is only Billie's fault, don't try to put the blame on her victims.
(Also, yes pein, please do chill.)

I think I draw the line when my kid starts murdering people or acting like a brat. They aren't your real children, after all, Just a random person in another part of the world.

How can you truly know someone that you've met less than an hour ago?

Welp, I agree with both of you. But when the kids are loving and cute, I love them. When they don't want to speak to me or don't listen to me, I usually tell them to go die or feel suspicous. Despite some weirdness Billie showed me that she loved me, she loved her brother, she loved her kids, and knew how to work and help people.

MultiLife wrote:

To OP: I hope you get many more fun lives without that player! Glad to see people overcame this "roleplayer-griefer's" acts.

Thanks for your reply. But actually, I wouldn't mind that much ! I just had a succession of so many boring lifes, without story, without connections, that she was kind of refreshing. She was more of the roleplaying killer type than the griefer type. It could have ruined the game for others who don't play for stories but that's not my case, so it's fine !


#11 2018-08-05 22:16:14

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: When you realise your daughter was a sociopath only after you die

LodiaVDH wrote:
pein wrote:

oh so save a bad baby and you wonder someone kills him

plus dont gear babies, its annoying, they just die on berry field or go somewhere and die
at least make sure its decent, jsut because its related by game rule, doesn mean is any decent
can be afk, bot, lazy sponge, griefer
why cant you just give gear to the ones already working?

Dude, chill. Everyone had clothes, that’s why I gave him stuff. And if they didn’t have clothes, there was plenty in the town so that was on them. And Billie clearly didn’t killed him because he was bad, she just wanted to kill people. You would have undestand that if you read the post, do that before ranting for nothing next time.

everytime the same
there gonna be a population boom and maybe 2 out of 20 kids is a good player
who would make a difference having a backpack or at least an apron
i dont mind other clothes, but packs are premium usually
having them on someone who left clicks it or puts it down to use it, or just stands around camp, or keeps knifes inside for the whole life is so annoying

lot of times 5-6 people die with the full gear under my lifetime
other times they can eat but they dont do anything useful
also rewarding work with items its much better than just giving them right away
its kinda bad when the only girl is an idiot, and knows she is the only one

if not only one you just kill it, its not a big thing, relations mean nothing, generally people spend 3 min with you without telling nothing
you can talk with them but if they dont change their minds just stab them, makes a better athmosphere, just make sure no witnesses or people know about it before and agree livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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