One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-07-27 11:02:26

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Fucked up life (Pharro family)

So i was Francesca … &id=712658

my big brother just stood around mom tried teach, he was yelling black power, fuck, pussy, etc.
mom killed him, good

Bear pharo shears a sheep in corner, starves inside

Daughter steals the spindle the moment i make it and dont stop to listen, so i stab her
cause getting a short shaft so hard
well it was, for me, cause it was far away to get a long straight branch, 1 second after making it, she steals it to make herself a wolf hat i placed near the shaft and fleece

they make drama for 5 min that there is no fire bow drill, cause it was converted to flint tipped, cause it was needed for carts
someone even brought back to other side the disc i put aside for spindle

built two extra tiles in pen, used to teleport out the meat, so it was funny

second daughter was tossed to a baby sitter, she keeps following me , no thank you, we had a bear, after 3 feedings i dropped on it, told her countless times to stop on corner

i raised the next one, same shit, moves all the time
dies at 9 anyway

natalia, she can eat but takes like 2 minutes, leaving kids behind, nameless, sometimes it forgets they even exist, does stupid stuff, doesnt really works, cant see eggs 5 tile away, goes eating berry, i raised up and named caprica, she is decent, gets killed
her son is an idiot who steals a wolf hat i want to give the girls, to keep them warm, then he goes on murder rampage cause i wanted to kill him, he literally steals the wolf hat and didnt even wait me talk to him ,then shots all girls and runs around

other son steps on a snake, other dies while talking as another grandson

maddison looks decent, makes eggs, goes afk, i save her daughter, ask  natalia to feed her, im old, she goes eating berry
madi calls kids faith and hope, classic stupid names, they survive murderer but they starve

other meets second grizzly

susan my cousin, has already backpack, i making shears, she wants it, then she dies to an immobile grizzly bear, at least i got pack

seen like 5 people tossing lambs into pits, need to explain every time while they run around

i mean it was funny life and  all, but they didnt make a wool pad to save people
im chasing murderer, telling everyone

they feeding the guy who killed 5 noob girls who dont realize somebody killing girls, others dont realize the guy who openly kills near berry farm, has murder penalty
they let me starve when i finally stab the guy

the vilalge is safe, the other two girls die, cause the guys need the gear
we had most tools but they spent all milkweed on clothes

then old guys die and babies jump out to point on packs

i couldnt move from 8 babies, they ate carrot no more compost no more fleece
all game we eat berry, no one makes pies, or maybe like 3

nameless killer telling five oen to him- welp i didnt try to kill him, only after he stole a hat, and wasnt even closeby and tried to communicate
i dont really care, i seen like 2 smarter persons whole game, killing nabs who cant make pads and cant even remember name of murderer, cant find second bow and wonder after each kill

also i dont want to save everyone and serve everyone

i killed him next to berry, and he was on murder penalty, i didnt really had time to chase him all my old life, he was dropping his clothes and ditn remembered name at first, i told others that there is a murderer, same with the bear, they just walk around doing something, searching for gear? making eggs? fixing and extending berry? i seen no buildings got made, we  smithed with 2 old guys then thats it

was like a benny hill show with dumbasses runnign around and everyone else blocked by them

Last edited by pein (2018-07-27 11:03:14) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2018-07-27 11:55:30

Registered: 2018-06-04
Posts: 202

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

yeah i was the uncle Peter

berries not so big when i started, but wells getting drained already, spent my childhood caring for them, was soil on the ground nearby. i also find and plant stew veggies. i'd later make one pot of stew.
was a wet compost pile but still no sheep
finally we have some, but nobody composting, so i put poop on it and wait.... once it was done, nobody had used it so i make milkweed farm to get rope to make buckets.
had spotte two branches nearby for stanchion when a girl start making a shaft with one of them, so i quickly take it away, finally get the deepwell up with another bucket
at this point, we only had berry munchers, berry farm amlost all yellowish so i take cart and baskets and make four trips to get soi and dump it by berry farm, but by the forth still nobody had used it to reshape the berries even though i keep telling them to care for them, finally show a boy how to do and he does it.
All the while we had that bear in camp, was bugged or something, didn't move anymore, but someone made arrows and shot it, so it started to move again and go immmediately mauled by it, so i scoop arrows and shoot the damn thing, that's where old lady tells that it was our pet, blah blah blah...
I take the cart again and go for iron and stones to finish other wells, on my way back due to display lag, i got biten by a wolf that wasn't even close to me, i run quick to camp hoping to make it on time to tell them the cart was NW and die just as i arrive there.

I will be eve tana. If not an eve, my kids will be called numerically : Primo, Duo, Tertio, Quattro, Quintus, Sextus, Septimus, Octavius etc... ending with an -a if you're a girl.


#3 2018-07-27 13:40:22

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 256

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

pein wrote:

So i was Francesca

my big brother just stood around mom tried teach, he was yelling black power, fuck, pussy, etc.
mom killed him, good

Bear pharo shears a sheep in corner, starves inside

Daughter steals the spindle the moment i make it and dont stop to listen, so i stab her
cause getting a short shaft so hard
well it was, for me, cause it was far away to get a long straight branch, 1 second after making it, she steals it to make herself a wolf hat i placed near the shaft and fleece

they make drama for 5 min that there is no fire bow drill, cause it was converted to flint tipped, cause it was needed for carts
someone even brought back to other side the disc i put aside for spindle

built two extra tiles in pen, used to teleport out the meat, so it was funny

second daughter was tossed to a baby sitter, she keeps following me , no thank you, we had a bear, after 3 feedings i dropped on it, told her countless times to stop on corner

i raised the next one, same shit, moves all the time
dies at 9 anyway

natalia, she can eat but takes like 2 minutes, leaving kids behind, nameless, sometimes it forgets they even exist, does stupid stuff, doesnt really works, cant see eggs 5 tile away, goes eating berry, i raised up and named caprica, she is decent, gets killed
her son is an idiot who steals a wolf hat i want to give the girls, to keep them warm, then he goes on murder rampage cause i wanted to kill him, he literally steals the wolf hat and didnt even wait me talk to him ,then shots all girls and runs around

other son steps on a snake, other dies while talking as another grandson

maddison looks decent, makes eggs, goes afk, i save her daughter, ask  natalia to feed her, im old, she goes eating berry
madi calls kids faith and hope, classic stupid names, they survive murderer but they starve

other meets second grizzly

susan my cousin, has already backpack, i making shears, she wants it, then she dies to an immobile grizzly bear, at least i got pack

seen like 5 people tossing lambs into pits, need to explain every time while they run around

i mean it was funny life and  all, but they didnt make a wool pad to save people
im chasing murderer, telling everyone

they feeding the guy who killed 5 noob girls who dont realize somebody killing girls, others dont realize the guy who openly kills near berry farm, has murder penalty
they let me starve when i finally stab the guy

the vilalge is safe, the other two girls die, cause the guys need the gear
we had most tools but they spent all milkweed on clothes

then old guys die and babies jump out to point on packs

i couldnt move from 8 babies, they ate carrot no more compost no more fleece
all game we eat berry, no one makes pies, or maybe like 3

nameless killer telling five oen to him- welp i didnt try to kill him, only after he stole a hat, and wasnt even closeby and tried to communicate
i dont really care, i seen like 2 smarter persons whole game, killing nabs who cant make pads and cant even remember name of murderer, cant find second bow and wonder after each kill

also i dont want to save everyone and serve everyone

i killed him next to berry, and he was on murder penalty, i didnt really had time to chase him all my old life, he was dropping his clothes and ditn remembered name at first, i told others that there is a murderer, same with the bear, they just walk around doing something, searching for gear? making eggs? fixing and extending berry? i seen no buildings got made, we  smithed with 2 old guys then thats it

was like a benny hill show with dumbasses runnign around and everyone else blocked by them

I'm starting to get to grips with a lot of the recipe chains and am happy to try and repair holes in chains such as rope for carts, wells, mines, tools or carrot farming for composting, feeding sheep etc, but the inevitably the hole just has another hole behind it and about then you realise there is no fixing this likely and any attempts to do so will see the materials you need used to make a door or a loincloth or as a snack in passing lol...

When I've learned everything to the point I'm very happy with it I will likely move to private servers smile

Last edited by Catfive (2018-07-27 13:41:30)


#4 2018-07-27 14:55:13

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

Shame that a lot of towns are like this.


#5 2018-07-27 20:26:45

Registered: 2018-06-09
Posts: 86

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

I was Mary Pharo, I did various jobs. I had to go 37 minutes in and ended up dying of lag. I went around a collected firewood for the fire.

Bob <3


#6 2018-07-27 22:35:31

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 47

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

pein wrote:

So i was Francesca

my big brother just stood around mom tried teach, he was yelling black power, fuck, pussy, etc.
mom killed him, good

Bear pharo shears a sheep in corner, starves inside

Daughter steals the spindle the moment i make it and dont stop to listen, so i stab her
cause getting a short shaft so hard
well it was, for me, cause it was far away to get a long straight branch, 1 second after making it, she steals it to make herself a wolf hat i placed near the shaft and fleece

they make drama for 5 min that there is no fire bow drill, cause it was converted to flint tipped, cause it was needed for carts
someone even brought back to other side the disc i put aside for spindle

built two extra tiles in pen, used to teleport out the meat, so it was funny

second daughter was tossed to a baby sitter, she keeps following me , no thank you, we had a bear, after 3 feedings i dropped on it, told her countless times to stop on corner

are you fucking retarded or stupid or just thin skinned?

"they make a drama for 5min.....bow drill...."

like you said, it was hard to find branches nearby....
we were preparing pies cause we were low on food.... wanted to cook them....
and then it turns out some idiot was taking the bow drill to make a flint tipped drill and was hiding it like 4 screen south....
THEN after 5mins NOT MAKING DRAMA BUT SEARCHING THE FUCKING BOW DRILL... we finally managed to safe the civ from you idiot one time....

remember... "cause getting a short shaft so hard"
for a bowdril you even need two shafts...
and thats why its okay to steal bow drill from fire place and hide it 4 screens away?
so no one can make pie and everyone starves?

why the fuck is a drop spingle important to you? that you kill for it?
thats why you kill one of three remaining girls? SRSLY FKN IDIOT?

why dont you just outplay her? so she takes the spindle....
you know she has to use the spindle on the fleece....
why you dont just pick the ball of thread it in the moment she made it???

you had a knife... i told you to "follow murderer south" to kill the slowed down murderer when he killed my sis madison....
you just didnt follow, you just talked to her like a fkn roleplayer...

why to talk so much shit to ur babies?

and why the fuck you are even complaining? you had a fkn thin skin and low skill.... please learn to play or quit...

i was clara and charles

best joke ever.... you even know it
"i couldnt move from 8 babies, they ate carrot no more compost no more fleece all game we eat berry, no one makes pies, or maybe like 3"
you cant even count  1+1=2 ...

we could not make more pie cause in the time without bow drill we dont had pies.... so people was eating other things...
and finally... when we brought bow drill back... where was no berries and carrots to feed sheeps to make more pie....


next time yuo better make your own flint tipped bow drill instead of stealing it from most important place....
or at least make ur discs and bring back one of the most impostant tools...

and stop thinking you are safeing the girls by killing them.... can not say IDIOT enough....
i even made a forum account to show you your fucking stupidity....

Last edited by thegolfpantsguy (2018-07-27 23:18:26)


#7 2018-07-28 02:13:28

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

Pein is a great player, he snaps alot, but ive seen enough of his work to know if he killed your civ the civ deserved it

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#8 2018-07-28 06:26:32

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

pein wrote:

kill the selfish lazy assholes before they grow big
and give the girls the clothes and some food to keep them warm and fed

Preach it!! Laziness is punishable by death!!

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#9 2018-07-28 07:05:34

Registered: 2018-05-31
Posts: 70

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

Flint tipped Bow Drill's head can be moved by a flint chip, update in vesion 117.

Last edited by annjust (2018-07-28 07:25:18)


#10 2018-07-28 08:51:04

I am Pharo
Registered: 2018-07-17
Posts: 108

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

He should have been 1-1, at best.
Pharo's kill griefers, and trolls.


#11 2018-07-28 13:45:25

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 47

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

pein wrote:

first i thought you talking about different city mistakenly then i remembered old lady who run around with a curved shaft for 5 min asking for a sharp stone, i got you that, you should of asked for a drill bow or fire, if you are incompetent making it....

and now everyone knows you are retarded... clara was gen 2, your francesca was gen 8, and you want to tell me you have seen me running around?
LOL little ape... i was ur son...

pein wrote:

flint chip on flint tipped bow drill connverts it back, so now you know who is the idiot, all you had to do is to cut it off and use it

ofc i know that.... everyone knows that... but thats not the problem....
you have to FIND the fucking thing first.... and you HIDE it 4 screens away behind a fkn tree...

so why you dont just take the damn bowdrill, make like 20 disc and bring it back? WHY YOU DONT, FUCKING IDIOT???

pein wrote:

point two, you all wasting milkweed on clothes, as a baby i told we missing shears, so we made it, i was picking up iron and coal and helping on forging, pottery, then fed sheep and hid a carrot for later composting, i would kill for a fricking branch or a basket if you set me back 5 minutes and disrespect me by running away with an item i spent 5 minutes getting and you ignore me, or dont answer, this kind of people cause more problems later on so yeah, i dont outplay you, i warn you, and you can expect to die within 5 minutes if you dont take it seriously

NO NO NO, you are the kind of people that cause more problems.... you take bow drill... we cant cook.... all pies eaten.... people will eat berries.... its a simple 1+1 and you cant do the math? srsly? you kill one of three girls.... we have 2 girls left...
wasnt me.... but you still killed one of three remaining girls cause you have a thin skin....

point three MORE THAN FUCKING VALID.... if she takes your spindle... take her fkn thread... ez.... but not for you....

point four.... you had knife.... murderer was on penality... walking like slower than you can speak....
and you come up with

pein wrote:

i was already aging, if i run after him i still wont find him,

he was like 8tiles away and you didnt even heared his steps...
then i told you 3 seconds later he is running (walking) south.... you could kill him in like 7seconds... but instead you were standing still talking to madison...

but wait, in ur first post you said...

pein wrote:

i mean it was funny life and  all, but they didnt make a wool pad to save people
im chasing murderer, telling everyone

they feeding the guy who killed 5 noob girls who dont realize somebody killing girls, others dont realize the guy who openly kills near berry farm, has murder penalty
they let me starve when i finally stab the guy

i mean... why should i heel or feed you, if you talk shit all the time.... not able to kill the killer for fucking 10mins and not even giving away a knife....
you was completly useless.... almost everyone else would have killed the killer after the first kill, maybe less skilled players after the second kill...
but you let him kill 5 people and dont gave a fuck... oh no you were chasing the murderer.... oh wait.... you said you were old...

one or another, you need to decide what you have done... you keep switching your story...
and yeah, there is no point of keeping ur life.... you failed killing the killer so often and didnt gave away knife....
so i decided that its better you let you starve and take your knife if the killer spawns back...
so the knife is in the hand of someone being able to kill a killer....

pein wrote:

i had knife, we had 2 knifes, we had 2 bows or 3, we had 4 or 5 arrows, i had to eat, he was stealing the wolf hat and killed one girl right away, none of you even realized
i was already aging, if i run after him i still wont find him, he was 12 at first murder, its hard to recognize each time it changes in size and hair, i almost stabbed an other guy cause he was runnign after for no reason

yeah you had both knifes and didnt gave any away.... you even started to talk shit when i was baby "you dont get backpack..... why you want backpack..."

pein wrote:

so lets see, you had 2 lifes in one village and you couldnt put 10% of the mutton meat (which were from the sheep i fed, i killed, i dropped out of pen, cleaned the pen) on the crust, not that you would cook some of it, and u died 2x before me

see thats how stupid you really are....besides that i build the fucking pen and populate it.... all your actions was running on my foundation
in the end you was born in a running civ and you completly wrecked it by your stupidity
i even think that murderer just become a murderer because you were talking shit to us when we were babies...

pein wrote:

the winner is the guy who stole a whole fucking set of wool clothes (before berry update)
and was angry that why someone wanted to kill him when he refused giving it back, refused swapping clothes, and came to forum to cry about townspeople were mean to him

no i think you are even better.... killing a girl and complaining about why a civ dies hahahahhahahahahha
"making" a murderer by talking shit to him and wondering why he murders...


Last edited by thegolfpantsguy (2018-07-28 15:08:54)


#12 2018-07-28 14:04:30

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 47

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

pein wrote:

i could of built a bigger city on my own, im just tired to be the savior when nobody gives a fuck

in the end yuo didnt gave a fuck when taking the bow drill.... not thinking about consequenses...
if you would give a fuck.... you would have made ur own tools... or bring back the most important tool to the most important place in a civ...

like i said,, you killed a whole civ BY THINKING YOU ARE HELPFUL...
in the end, exact the opposite happend.... you killed the civ with ur actions...
anyone else, with a knife in his backpack would have been able to kill the slowed down murderer.... YOU DONT

next time, give the weapons to somebody who knows how to use them...
the beset thing, you still think you are good and the only one player xD

pein wrote:

while 4 people were killed, none of you realized what is happening or pick up a fucking bow, he hid everything from you

but the sad thing is, everyone realized it, but no one was old enough to carry weapons...
more everyone was realizing that you are not able to kill the killer.... running with a knife in circles.... he had such an easy game with you....
you were just his breakfast snack....

pein wrote:

i was advancing us in technology, the rest of you just died a dumb death by dumb reasons

so what you did? you made a fkn drop spindle? thats it?
and you put us back in pre-fire-age NICE JOB DUDE


#13 2018-07-28 14:12:15

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 47

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

yeah.... ill give up on the community of this game....
when i see someone with over 1000 forumposts acting like a sheep on coffeine i just want to



#14 2018-07-29 04:25:46

I am Pharo
Registered: 2018-07-17
Posts: 108

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

Anyone else notice a similarity between the Nameless player in the Pharo tree,
and Tom White
(from the Family in thread by Catfive - "Deliberately lagging server out/...", in this family tree?

Pharo Tree - Nameless
Final words: "Five One Zero Kda"

White Tree - Tom White
Final words: "I lived prosper, lorenzo white killed this town stabbing ppl"

Its probably the same dickhead.


#15 2018-07-29 07:24:04

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)


you are retarded, you just repeat things that didnt make sense

i didnt took the fire bow drill, if you seen it why dont convert it back? if you want a fire why dont make it? 
when i would take it when i raised you and headed out afterwards? it was still there, i didnt even converted before short shaft, you place down two flints and a sharp stone then you can switch between

didnt even had to, was already converted, lady was running with a curved shaft, so obviously she didnt knew that
you were so invisible i didnt even knew who you were

taking stuff and taking back stuff is childs game, why should i drop a coin on something?
why everything  is others fault for you? have you actually seen it the scene? guy died next to us, you were asking for pack, she took it, then when you were old enough, i took a disk, get a sharp stone for lady, went out for 5 min, searching for a long branch, the drill was there the whole time
the disk was placed back to other 3 for some reason
you mixing time spots and really try to blame something on me, i dont really care
she took spindle, use it on fleece, needle, wolf hat, there is no delay on it, if you got the spindle, no one can take out of your hand
if someone spent his time making it, and tells you to stop, and you dont, its intentional, she was standing next to me, making spindle is left click, you dont hold it afterwards, the only exception is placing needle on thread, were you there? why you telling stuff for sure when you dont know it?
why should i stand with a fleece in my hand? she can just stash the needle and use on other fleece, why should i stand with a wolf skin in my hand?
she ran away, obviously didnt wanted to listen to reason
why should i toss a coin when im right? if it would be there for a time, yes, who makes it first owns it, the hunter was dead long ago
if you try to screw me over, disrespecting the work i done, setting me back in time, you accept the risk of retaliation, the consequence
so i had every right to stab her, i asked nicely, then even warned, she didnt even had the grace to die near the berry farm, she died on top of it and despawned her stolen gear

as i warned you
you are a baby, you shouldnt jump off your mothers arms, cause then she can choose not to pick you up
its selfish, its stupid and it tells that you think you are more important than everybody else, you think that you deserve a backpack before all adults, before your 4 brothers and 3 sisters
should of starved you right away, as most of the community would of
if you jump off you waste your mothers food bar, pretty good sign you will waste food resources, only inexperienced people, griefers do that
i explained you nicecely
i wont decipher 2 letters at a time, its annoying
i stand at perfect temperature as a baby and wait until i got only 2-3 food bars, to be fed, i never jump off, run around, even if i accidentally misclick i apologize, even if im generally the one who goes furthest away from the cmap and gathers most resources, i dont beg or threaten for gear
you were a bad baby and i still choose to make time to explain to you and give you a chance, you think its funny to raise disrespectful kids?

building a pen? i built pens before you know what a thrash pit is. actually most of towns you seen a pen was made by me, the first ones, fastest ones
3 sheeps is not really population, also the camp was on gen 3 level, yepp making shears and spindle is important, as i told you already, people wasting milkweed, that should only make ropes after having sheep
dung, compost and aprons should be priority . spindle allows healing

i had one knife, but i knew it was an other, and it was other bows too, but you could of made another if you need one, 10 min is plenty time
you could of pick up the arrows or make a pad to heal , you did non of that, not even after i killed him and i died
i chased him south but i see just wants to draw me away, and i was right, he stashed bow and arrow north not south
he dodged stabbing and i dodged arrow, i cut trees and took the arrow back then i killed him

you just talk 'shuld of , would of, could off' thats not actions, its fantasy
any of you could of dodged an arrow, i did, any of girls could of avoid the bear, i did
any of girls could of avoid stavation we had cactus and berry nearby, they didnt, as you died at 39
it were still 2 girls who could have been saved
too many variables, you are responsible for yourself, especially as a woman, i would of stopped at 2 girls so we wont overpopulate before composting
i seen natalias incompetence and madison was afk few times, you only thinked about yourself and still sour about pack
madison II was same age as you, and you didnt fed her a berry, she starved cause natalia run away and none of you considered a female baby important, now after it you act like you knew we were down to 2 at a point

actually if i want to kill a settlement i kill it, i killed 17 people and was top4 after curse update on my workdays, not even on weekend when people tried to get cursed, you are welcome to duel me any time
if i wanted to kill this noobcamp i could of just not keep babies, none of you cared about others anyway

the killed was taking the wolf hat i tried to give maddison  to improve  her heat
he took it and run away, i just told him to stop
if you grab a bow at 12 and you kill woman instead of the one you are 'mad at' then you just search for excuses, it was your plan all along
natalia didnt name him and maybe he was almost starved, he was pretty skilled
and was your nepfew so younger than you
younger than caprica, and she was minutes older than you, i think was levi who was same age with, so how could the killer grab a bow but you dont?
even my last son grown up by the time the killer died

as i told, i dont want to be the saviour of every shit camp, to feed 15 people, to make compost for them, to make all tools and to check up on everybody
if people are asshole, i kill them, if you steal stuff and you are selfish lazy asshole as a baby, with no reason, then you gonna be a useless parent, griefer, sponge later on too, so dont think jennifer would of been any better than madison or any of her daughters was

read the baby test topics, you gonna see why u are abandoned so often livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#16 2018-07-29 07:29:19

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

I am Pharo wrote:

Anyone else notice a similarity between the Nameless player in the Pharo tree,
and Tom White
(from the Family in thread by Catfive - "Deliberately lagging server out/...", in this family tree?

Pharo Tree - Nameless
Final words: "Five One Zero Kda"

White Tree - Tom White
Final words: "I lived prosper, lorenzo white killed this town stabbing ppl"

Its probably the same dickhead.

the part of the game where you only missing few tools, you go decent food production and no buildings is the most fun

yet people at 12 grab a weapon and try to kill it
i understand when there are babies, bones and yellow bushes, cut trees everywhere but this small families rarely give a reason for murder spree livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#17 2018-07-29 13:29:45

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 47

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

pein wrote:


you are retarded, you just repeat things that didnt make sense

i didnt took the fire bow drill, if you seen it why dont convert it back? if you want a fire why dont make it?  ....

please learn to read idiot.... i had to search it before... cause you stupid being hided it 4 screens away so you can make your drop spindle....

pein wrote:

i chased him south but i see just wants to draw me away, and i was right, he stashed bow and arrow north not south

ah now you chased him again.... you switch your story again...

pein wrote:

she took spindle, use it on fleece, needle, wolf hat, there is no delay on it, if you got the spindle, no one can take out of your hand

oh my fucking god.... you are really that stupid?

if she takes your spindle.... (for pein: so she has ur spindle in her hand)
she has to use it on the fleece.... (as you after >1000 posts maybe even know, there is only one fucking use for the drop spindle)
and as soon as she does this... (for peins: drop spindle still in her hand, ball of thread on ground)
you can just pick up the ball of thread... (for peins: you click on the ball of thread on the ground)
and then you should have the ball of thread in ur hand... no need to cry or mimimi or kill...
and if you are not able to do so... you are just unskilled...

pein wrote:

were you there? why you telling stuff for sure when you dont know it?
why should i stand with a fleece in my hand? she can just stash the needle and use on other fleece, why should i stand with a wolf skin in my hand?

hahahahahahahaah thats showing how much clue you have.... hahahahahahahah you dont even think the right way now... after i tried few times to tell you how to outplay her....
i dont even have to be there hahahahaha

and whats the rest of ur posting? should it show us how megaskilled you are?

it just tells you are better a little bit better than a player who is new to the game...
i dont even care if you build pens before i knew what the trash pit is....
i bought the game july 16 and i already have more knowledge than you...

its even smarter to give the boys the backpacks and the girls the clothes... 
so boys do the harder jobs outside of the camp and the girls stay in camp and safe...
history should tell you lol...

pein wrote:

any of girls could of avoid stavation we had cactus and berry nearby, they didnt, as you died at 39

yes i died at 39, cause there was no point playing anymore.... no girls left... so i shift-%...

Last edited by thegolfpantsguy (2018-07-29 14:14:29)


#18 2018-07-29 14:17:38

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 47

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

in the end you are still THIN SKINNED (which is the worst in this game) and remarkable stupid...
making drama out of a fucking drop spindle...
no one cares if you use it on a fleece or someone else lol

pein wrote:

yet people at 12 grab a weapon and try to kill it
i understand when there are babies, bones and yellow bushes, cut trees everywhere but this small families rarely give a reason for murder spree

but maybe if you have one of the most stupid mothers ever.... only talking shit to you as baby... you may want her to see everyone die...
and im 95% sure thats what happend... he was just annoyed of his stupid mother....

Last edited by thegolfpantsguy (2018-07-29 14:21:21)


#19 2018-07-29 14:30:16

Registered: 2018-05-31
Posts: 70

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

pein wrote:

if people are asshole, i kill them, if you steal stuff and you are selfish lazy asshole as a baby, with no reason, then you gonna be a useless parent, griefer, sponge later on too...

You are sooooo efficient, organized and productive, as someone called you like a beast.
Maybe that's because you are strict with people, and very most with yourself . I admire your discipline.

Last edited by annjust (2018-07-29 14:39:08)


#20 2018-07-29 14:33:19

New User
Registered: 2018-07-29
Posts: 2

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

Alright, neither of you know me but I am sure we are at an impasse. Continuing this discussion is not only fruitless but filled with offense.

Golfpantsguy, if your goal was to disagree with OP and say how you believe he is wrong you have already done so. What do you expect from this discussion? An apology? To change his mind? You won't succeed at this by being offensive.

Last edited by Sahji (2018-07-29 14:36:09)


#21 2018-07-29 15:51:52

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 47

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

i mean look

thegolfpantsguy wrote:

why dont you just outplay her? so she takes the spindle....
you know she has to use the spindle on the fleece....
why you dont just pick the ball of thread it in the moment she made it???

and what he answered

pein wrote:

why should i stand with a fleece in my hand? she can just stash the needle and use on other fleece, why should i stand with a wolf skin in my hand?
she ran away, obviously didnt wanted to listen to reason
why should i toss a coin when im right? if it would be there for a time, yes, who makes it first owns it, the hunter was dead long ago

pick the ball of thread it in the moment she made it
wolf hat? fleece? wtf? i said ball of thread...

obvoiusly stupid.... everyone knows there is only one use case for the drop spindle, and there is only one use case for the fleece...
SO WHAT...  he makes himself more stupid than he is...
and yeah, if he makes himself extrastupid, i will explain for extrastupids

he even thinks it a plus that the killer was already dead when he killed her.... this a more an extraminus...
but... he is lieing or mixing up the stories he tells...
if you look up on natalia /server.php?action=character_page&id=712649
it says she died at 32y by the killer and her bigger sister was killed by pein when she was 9y old...

nothing left to be said...

PS: i know i already changed his mind... thats why he is making himself more stupid than he is...
he dont want to admit his fault... but, to do so he needs to know it was a fault...

Last edited by thegolfpantsguy (2018-07-29 16:11:37)


#22 2018-07-29 16:10:15

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

I am Pharo wrote:

Anyone else notice a similarity between the Nameless player in the Pharo tree,
and Tom White
(from the Family in thread by Catfive - "Deliberately lagging server out/...", in this family tree?

Pharo Tree - Nameless
Final words: "Five One Zero Kda"

White Tree - Tom White
Final words: "I lived prosper, lorenzo white killed this town stabbing ppl"

Its probably the same dickhead.

Yeah he was probably this guy too, Allen Sky:
He has bad grammar and seems to repeat himself. As Allen Sky he was doing the milkweed seed lag griefing. He also wrote "I am more smarter than you" which is pretty funny considering the grammar... More and -er don't belong in the same sentence... Such smart, much wow, hahah. big_smile
Can't help but wonder if we actually have a very small amount of griefers but few very active ones, I know two are active in my time zone at evening. I also wonder when they realize how they are wasting their time griefing a game that is not even mainstream.

Last edited by MultiLife (2018-07-29 16:12:30)

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#23 2018-07-29 18:41:26

New User
Registered: 2018-07-29
Posts: 2

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

Well I tried. Now... I'm whipping out the puns.

OP, golfpantsguy is saying you are a pein in the neck.

Okay, how many points do I get for that? Let's do some more.

Golfpantsguy has a drive to make posts!

I'm appeinhensive to continue...


#24 2018-07-29 19:08:52

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 492

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

Sahji wrote:

Well I tried. Now... I'm whipping out the puns

I'm appeinhensive to continue...

You could say Golfpantsguy was PUT putt in golf? (I've never played golf)

I think yours is worth 6 points mine is worth 3..
Or 1 let's be honest

Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.


#25 2018-07-29 23:19:38

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Fucked up life (Pharro family)

ban this dumbass

he repeats like 4 times that i hid the bow drill, still wont make it true, he never went 20 tiles further from the berry field, and should thank me for sparing his worthless baby jumper life
i dont care of child games, dont steal shit you dont die, i dont take shit out of your hand and i dont follow people to take back whats mine, if you give it then ok, if not, i warn you then stab you, more than fair

nobody killed me, i starved holding the bloody knife at 55 while the serial killer was fed, doesnt matter much
you had seen 2 more girls of maddison, tell them stay safe or bring them food
i would of been annoyed by natalia too, she was leaving babies in wrong spots and went to eat berry then forgot about them, i named two, and one more was adopted and shows under me, was a grandson, not a son, you just guessing by family tree, i seen you all in action, if i dont see you making compost or wheat field, carrot, or stuff we actually need then dont expect much from me

you are the smartest golfpastry, you born as a boy so you deserve a pack before 15 other people, you could even stash 4 berries inside it and live a long prosperous life, sorry for that, next time tell me its you and i give you all my clothes and a golden crown

Last edited by pein (2018-07-29 23:22:00) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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