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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2018-07-06 02:08:23

Registered: 2018-06-03
Posts: 98

Re: Ownership

TrustyWay wrote:

Name on object, why not but restrictions on object seems to me stupid, as jason said, lock them up. It was frustrating to me when I didn't know how to lock things, I just hidded my things behind trees. Now with a key in my back pack I have a personal chest or room in the middle of the village. This is very tedious but that is way to do.

Just out of curiosity, what do you do with the key when you get old?  I've never inherited a key, but I imagine if more people do this we could have the equivalent of "lockers".

Backpacks are first in first out right?  You can't access the bottom of your bag without dumping it all, right?  How do you store your key?  What sort of stuff do you put inside the locker?


#27 2018-07-06 02:23:43

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: Ownership

Anshin wrote:
YAHG wrote:

We don't have enough surplus time to defend property anyways. Property isn't a natural state,
territory and resources need to be defended to be possessed/owned.

Much of our current system is a form of grand truce that people for the most part honor because
it benefits them.

This is very true.
EDIT: I think for the tech tree to advance the waiting time in production needs to be greatly reduced or eliminated completely.

Industrial revolution will be fun


#28 2018-07-06 05:32:53

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Ownership

well i had two keys to a room, and hidden one
other life nude bitch wasted all iron trying to break it, and she was lucky finding the key
i could put my hands on it and she asked it back, but then i choose not  to kill her and she ended up switching the lock

i locked some useful stuff to restart composting, cart making, getting sheep
other life an old woman used it as a family bunker, storing a lot of stuff and locking us out, so i killed her, a dumb girl followed her inside and stabbed me when the old asshole was stabbed and asked her, she somehow stabbed me on slowdown and she starved 10 sec later so we locked the key inside

so codelocks would be much better i think, you need a lot of time making a 3x3 room alone, and lot of lifes a box with lid and a lock is a luxury

also im fully support making weapons only be usable by the maker of it, cause most of pissed off idiots are even too lazy or dumb to make a knife or a bow when they try to kill me, increasing the usability of knifes, but limiting them to the maker would be nice

when the person dies, it could decay into scraps
making a knife isnt that hard and those who find one and start stabbing at age 12 mostly cant even make one from scratch livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#29 2018-07-06 06:01:11

Registered: 2018-03-18
Posts: 393

Re: Ownership

No pein. If a griefer make a knife and start stabbing, i wont have the time to create another knife to stop them. I'd have to use an existing one.



#30 2018-07-06 15:44:10

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: Ownership

TheRedBug wrote:

No pein. If a griefer make a knife and start stabbing, i wont have the time to create another knife to stop them. I'd have to use an existing one.

Then run away. You don't ight bear without arroes and bow, dont u ¿ :3


#31 2018-07-06 17:28:44

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Ownership

I always make one when I see one, if you spend five minutes with it you less likely kill with no reason. If someone stabs few lazy ones for pop control I don't mind. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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