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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-04-29 20:33:21

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 48

The town of Saint Eva

I was born in a beautiful town, bustling with energy. My uncle took me into the woods to a separate town he had built to teach me to smith and told me I'd be his apprentice. On the way there, a wolf killed him right in front of me. I managed to get his clothing and backpack which was filled with lots of cooked rabbits and ran.

When I was older I made a bow and arrow. I found the wolf and shot it. I had a son, and explained this to him and then accidentally shot him while trying to put the bow down.

I managed to learn how to smith in his honor from a unrelated nice lady. She explained that I could not be a mother and also smith, but I did it anyways. I built quite a lot of the tools the town used as well through my life, like the steel hoe / pickaxe / axe / shovel / etc. And, taught a few of the children to smith as well who continued the tradition. I told them we were the smith family, even though I had no last name and explained to each of them about our fallen uncle.

My sister also mentioned she had saved the town when she was younger, before I was born. That the seeds were far and the town was in a famine at the time. This was before I was born, so she saved the town for me to be born into!

Later on I saved the town myself as well with wild seeds using the knowledge she gave me twice more, when I was an adult and later right before I died at sixty.

As I was dying I explained this story to everyone and told them where the wild seeds were.

The king of the town, his shiny crown atop his head declared "By the power vested in me, I dub this town Saint Eva." named after me.

"The wild seeds are to the south." I repeated, as I died.

Last edited by palisade (2018-04-29 20:36:07)


#2 2018-04-29 20:54:42

From: Somewhere
Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 71

Re: The town of Saint Eva

I was the king. I left to get seeds several times. When I came back the last time I was almost fifty seven, the town wasn't doing very well. People were picking the seeding rows again. (History repeats, haha) I hope my seeds helped.
I went down to where Asser was tending her children and bestowed her my crown, as she was the head seed protector and a great friend. Alex was my favorite, I thought of him as a son and trusted him the most, so he was given my knife. I hope they ruled well.

Every time time you pick a seed carrot a penguin dies.


#3 2018-04-29 20:58:17

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 5

Re: The town of Saint Eva

Can't wait to run into this town, I love when players teach the kids.
I want to learn smithing some day too and pass down the knowledge.

There are so many touching stories in this game, Jason has done an amazing job and still improving it!
Genuinely so impressed.

Long live the Groots
(Don't step on snek, keep warm and run)


#4 2018-04-29 21:24:22

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 2

Re: The town of Saint Eva

Let me add to this story, as I was (one of?) your sisters - I was definitely younger than you, as you died before me and I was partaking in the "Saint Eve"-event of your death. I don't remember my name, but I was born in that town twice.

First time I was born I had no name. When I was old enough to grab stuff, an old lady in the carrot fields asked me if I wanted a job. So she asked me to grab snares and get rabbits, East of town. I did as she told me, there were many rabbits far East and many wild carrot seeds. Later when I was grown-up the first famine hit, always people picking rows destined for seeds... same old story. I grabbed my backpack and basket and ventured East to bring back seeds. I did that thrice! My seeds almost always were the only ones left in the fields. Stupid villagers always picking carrots! Then all was good for a while, until some dude killed three or four of us with a knife and I died when I wanted to kill him with a bow, wasn't fast enough. Fatally wounded I saw another one picked up the bow and I guess managed to kill him.

I was born again in that town after letting myself die two times as a baby to wild Eves. Guess I was your younger sister, don't remember my name though (Ally or something?), no last name either. You were Eva. Again, when I was old enough I ventured East to bring back seeds, only did that once, though. When people kept picking carrots from fields that were to seed I grabbed my two kids (Asses and Bollocks - don't know what names they really got, I ended up having two daughters called Asser, the Bollocks daughter whose real name I forgot, and one son Fatima) and left town some tiles to the East, wanting to wait out the famine and death of all villagers. Miraculously when I returned carrots were planted and many still alive, so YAY all good I thought...

But again people kept picking from all rows, although our dear King tried his best to define which rows were for seeds. You died in the meantime, but the seed problem was still there. I was fed up. Ventured into the wild, explored a bit, found a great berryfarm not far to the West from town, a "life task" from a dear great Uncle (saw him there) or so. No berries yet, though. Got back only to see our King saying "this row for seeds!" and not long after a girl called Destiny picking from just that row. ... Well, all my two lifes I was witnessing this shit, people not listening, only caring for their hunger bars, even when there was enough food all around, not far into the wild, and even some pies around. I snapped!! I grabbed a bow and shot that bitch. I knew I would be killed by the King, as he was carrying a knife all his life - I wondered why he let people grief the carrot fields by picking and even planting two rows of Milkweed there, but oh well. I killed her, I didn't even try to escape or say "oops!" or some shit, and the King stabbed me to death - which was ok for me, at least I got that Destiny killed, too. Will teach her, I  hope. My life was almost over, too, nearing the shrinkly-old-fart-state. I managed to get reborn into that town twice as a boy during the next five minutes, but no one cared for me, I saw an almost empty carrot farm, few people, maybe famine hit again. Gave up and began writing down my story to add to yours. Once the berry farms with at least 20 berrybushes to the West are bearing fruits, life will become easier, even with idiots picking "seed rows". Maybe someone can add to our story, if the city survived?

PS: just read your entry, Karltown! Good to know my daughter Asses got the crown and was protecting the seeds! I hope they managed to live long enough to make good use of that 20-something berry bushes to the West...

Oh, and English is my second language, so please excuse my grammar and spelling!


#5 2018-04-29 22:01:58

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 1

Re: The town of Saint Eva

I was also born into this town, I was named Fatima. For a bit I wasn't sure what to do, but eventually I started helping the baker. I went off to get wheat for her, but returned to find two murder graves north of the bakery.

I did my best to make pies without taking all the carrots from  the farmers, mostly ended up just making rabbit pies. The elderly king got a boy to assist me in pie making, and I ran off with a cart to gather more wheat. There was a brief famine, no carrots were ready, the children were dying, the fire had gone out and we had baskets of raw pies sitting next to the oven. Near the end of my life we managed to cook nearly four baskets of pies.

The boy who helped me loaded all the pies onto a cart and asked me where he should hide them. I told him "Behind a tree" as I have found in previous lives that maple trees are great hiding spots. I hid it behind a maple tree, but he said it was too hidden and moved them north. On my last legs I gathered firewood in a cart so the fire would have a constant supply and advised the boy to keep an eye out for griefers. He told me he was gonna make a bow in case anyone tried to steal the pie cart. I died of starvation at age 59 because the only food left were pies and I didn't wanna be wasteful.

I hope the farm gets back in order.


#6 2018-04-29 22:59:06

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 2

Re: The town of Saint Eva

I just got reborn into that town - and guess what: the berry bushes (about 25!) are bearing fruits and there are around 20 fields of carrots, and every time I get there at least three are flowering!! LOL Plenty of carrots stored in carts and baskets. Only thing uncertain is soil, while I was there a guy made compost. There are grown sheep East of town, the lambs poop when growing I guess (?), he made about 5 compost tiles. It's used up now, I told my people to get back to composting, but there is no shovel around and no one smithing at the moment. I hope someone cares for that... I had many children... I had no name, but my sister got the crown from my mom, guess I just wasn't a wanted daughter. My daughter Pooja found another crown and wore it, my sis gave her crown to our reincarnated-baby-mother called Leti.

I told the people in town it's called town of Saint Eva, maybe they'll read this and add to the story. To the guy making or at least caring about the wells when I was in the town two hours ago: all were dry, but there were now six of it! Two new shallow wells, not dry yet, but soon-to-be I guess.

Let's see how long this town will be around, it survived many famines and one griefer I know of!


#7 2018-04-29 23:12:46

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: The town of Saint Eva

The place is still running last time I checked so good work to all my family that helped make town so wonderful. I've been born many many times in this town and tried to make it a little better each time.

My first life was when the town was oh so very young. We barely had any food and soil was still being brought to town as we started to expand our home from a speck on the map to it's much more flourishing state. My first life I was born a young girl with one thing on my mind. I worked with some help here and there to get our first set of tools finished. I ended up giving the knife to my cousin Yorel for being such a good helper around the village. With the villages tools all finished and my age catching up to me I happily passed into the next life intent on continuing where I left off.

My second life my goal was to start making lasting changes to the villages. As soon as I was old enough to move I started searching high and low for stones to create a well. Unfortunately (my now Uncle) Yorel seemingly lost his mind in our little carrot farm. There was plenty of screaming and even more blood. I think Uncle Yorel claimed the souls of four or more of our family before finally being killed himself. Anywho, once that ordeal was settled and I had explained to the children how the wells work we were off to start up the family berry farm. Much of this life was devoted to setting up as many bushes as I could for the family. Once I had gotten much to old to continue my work I brought a little girl named Ema to see the slightly hidden bushes. I returned Ema to her mother before making a rushing sweep to fetch more soil for town as we were starting to run out. Sadly time is always too short and just as I arrived to delivery the soil death swiftly fell upon me.

My only other real noteworthy life started about the same. Our ruling queen Cleo just passed her crown to her daughter and as soon as her mother passed she chucked the crown on the ground. This life I would be queen even if it was a little shorter than I expected. I made a few more wells until I was old enough to start having my children. Timmy was the first of three children followed by Johnny and my third son. As I was talking to my cousin Steve I had decided we were having too many kids. As Steve reached into his backpack for a knife a little boy ran over to me begging to be fed. Not being a cruel queen I ran to feed the hungry boy and that's when it happened. Steve aiming for third child accidentally stabbed me as I went to feed the boy. I was a little peeved thinking Steve had murdered me in cold blood but must have been fate for me to die protecting that child he aimed for.

Either way thanks for all the fun. Glad to see other people enjoying the brief moments we all had together.

fug it’s Tarr.


#8 2018-04-30 12:31:45

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 48

Re: The town of Saint Eva

It's pretty touching people still called it the town of Saint Eva. wink


#9 2018-04-30 12:54:48

Registered: 2018-04-30
Posts: 46

Re: The town of Saint Eva

Gonna try grief it. Shouldn't be that hard lol.


#10 2018-04-30 13:39:40

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: The town of Saint Eva

your description didnt really cover, tell the roads shape or the pen design, that makes sense

i was watching videos, and couldnt get myself to smithing, was annoying that i fck up the ordering, i was building sheep pens which is same complex sometimes, but then in villages where i left alone with bros, no hoes, i was experimenting, it really makes a difference to be the only smith, can the city advance before running out of wild food and trees

now im the cranky uncle who makes the tools, while asks kids to get firewood

today one run my mom was second generation but they still ate from bushes, made them a farm, but then looked around and found a medium heat desert, went back twice, only an aunt of younger age was alive, told her to move, she didnt wanted but i explained that this is too cold and only two ponds
i had 4 ponds there north, also made my kilns, then one into forge, this was like 30 tiles south again a few ponds
was smithing there, well, i just made my hammer, and two more steel ingot, then died, my aunt, who i called wife, gave birth to lot of kids, and even if bushes were full and wild food still there, many of them died

i seen a girl helping me at thhe end placing the plates to crucible, i left my skirt and pack there, she took it, they had a new smith! pretty good map, lot o clay, good reed fields, i would of made an L shape reed field the edge of my sheep pen, but had no help, basically was a male eve, exept i didnt needed basic tools , my wife showed all kids my forge, was so proud that many kids were running around, i brought some seed from odl camp then died near my forge, my aunt had few more years, too bad smith lady was next in line to give birth livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#11 2018-04-30 21:47:57

From: Oregon, USA
Registered: 2018-04-17
Posts: 92

Re: The town of Saint Eva

karltown wrote:

I was the king. I left to get seeds several times. When I came back the last time I was almost fifty seven, the town wasn't doing very well. People were picking the seeding rows again. (History repeats, haha) I hope my seeds helped.
I went down to where Asser was tending her children and bestowed her my crown, as she was the head seed protector and a great friend. Alex was my favorite, I thought of him as a son and trusted him the most, so he was given my knife. I hope they ruled well.

It's me, Alex! I was born into a small generation of children in our town. At first, being born a boy, I wasn't sure if I would live. My mother did not seem to care for my life, but the women of our fine settlement stepped up to the task. They raised and nurtured a whole generation, taught us the rules, and took us on tours of our realm.

As I grew older, I yearned for a purpose. How could I best contribute to my town? My favorite job as pie baker was already taken by two fine townsfolk.

I was still young when I found the bow and arrow for the first time. Too young to wield it. My initial attempts to claim the bow were fruitless. Our King grew suspicious of me and moved the bow to a secure location. With all of the murderers and griefs about His Majesty's reluctance was understandable.

I was a young man when a murder occurred. From this moment on I swore to defend our town. I was given the bow and arrow and dedicated myself to maintaining peace.

I frequently toured our town, going from farm to forge to baker, to ensure order. I listened to our townfolk, a talkative bunch, and their concerns and needs so that I could provide regular reports to His Majesty.

My least favorite duty was guarding the seed carrots. I used my presence and weapon as a deterrent. His Majesty had declared that while eating seed carrots is a heinous crime, it should not automatically be sentenced by death. He was a wise and just King, but I was never to save as many seeds as I would have liked.

I was young enough to know Saint Eva, herself. I watched her twice save our town. I helped her chase off seed eaters. We called them idiots together and laughed. In her waning years, I recognized Eva's contributions to our town, and in her final moments, petitioned His Majesty to name the town in her honor.

On His Majesty's deathbed, he passed the crown to Asser who became our Queen, and to me his trusty blade, which I carried with me until my last days.

Queen Asser was not able to provide the same level of security and prosperity that Our Noble King had before. Work was interrupted or left incomplete. We faced famine and death. Many deaths.

Rather than take valuable resources, I used my last moments to tell the townsfolk that I was dying. I placed the bow and arrow and the knife in the middle of town, and requested the bravest and wisest take on the mantle as Captain of the Guard. I starved to death at the age of 54.

I shall always remember Saint Eva, and will live in it's legacy in my next life there!

If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean (the village, that is)!


#12 2018-04-30 21:55:51

Registered: 2018-04-26
Posts: 88

Re: The town of Saint Eva

What a great read!

Please be kind.


#13 2018-05-01 01:15:09

From: Oregon, USA
Registered: 2018-04-17
Posts: 92

Re: The town of Saint Eva

It was one of the best towns I've lived in!

If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean (the village, that is)!


#14 2018-05-01 01:59:43

From: Somewhere
Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 71

Re: The town of Saint Eva

Dishehs wrote:

Gonna try grief it. Shouldn't be that hard lol.

Try TO grief it. If you're going to try to be cool then at least use proper grammar. LOL.

Every time time you pick a seed carrot a penguin dies.


#15 2018-05-02 17:17:47

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 48

Re: The town of Saint Eva

Anyone know if the town has survived?


#16 2018-05-02 21:40:18

From: Oregon, USA
Registered: 2018-04-17
Posts: 92

Re: The town of Saint Eva

palisade wrote:

Anyone know if the town has survived?

I was born back into the village once or twice in previous lives, but did not make it to elder-hood. I haven't been able to find Saint Eva since. It would be helpful if someone knew which server it was on, and its spatial relationship to other major settlements on the map.

If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean (the village, that is)!


#17 2018-05-02 22:00:53

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 48

Re: The town of Saint Eva

I believe it was server 1. There were several duck ponds due west. Southwest were wolves and mouflon. South was a short snowy area and once you were past that, you were in rabbit territory where the wild seeds were. I believe there were some to the east as well. I forget what was north, maybe more mouflon.


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