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#26 2022-05-30 20:15:18

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

jinbaili83 wrote:

Was there server wipe or stuff just despawns in one day ? I made some roads yesterday and today all is gone.

sorry the iron needed a whip, or me lazy one writing a hand fix.
since we need so or so a soon to be whipe for fixing green biome i was lazy and whiped... (hope i fix it tomorrow)

The desspawn i will also most likely change tomorrow. But this time it was a whipe what hit you hmm

As far as i remember i did not yet implement decaying roads / ground tiles yet, but i think i will at a point, but stone roads for sure should decay super slow...

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-05-30 20:17:35)


#27 2022-05-30 23:48:53

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

jinbaili83 wrote:

Was there server wipe or stuff just despawns in one day ? I made some roads yesterday and today all is gone.

hmmm, maybe i could add something that allows to update the map without a full reset.... need to think about it, but would need some time to implement well...  but might be a good thing to have since map wipes are kind of super annoying  i  want the server to keep some history if possible over a longer time period. This might not work in Alpha right now but Beta should be able to.


#28 2022-05-31 13:18:54

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

jinbaili83 wrote:

Was there server wipe or stuff just despawns in one day ? I made some roads yesterday and today all is gone.

- fixed now the green biome, so map resets should now be hopefully less common.
- reduced decay by X0.5 and decay of permanent stuff by further X0.1 so stuff should be there much longer
> Still i think i will make a bigger rework of the decay, so that we can exactly time how much decays in a given day
- checked the ponds they should after a while give another feather. Reduced the timing from 30 sec to 20 sec


#29 2022-05-31 15:49:36

Registered: 2018-04-18
Posts: 177

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

I gave the server a go, it's got alot of potential. I really like the oceans rivers and mountains. I found it a bit hard to find branch bearing trees. As it's still in alpha with not many people playing I understand that food is still quite plentiful, and animal damage is low. I had one funny interaction with the AI an adult child of mine ran up to me yelling "Florence!", "Florence" I turned and growled "What do you want!?" "Hola!" and skipped away.

Overall the biggest challenge was finding the right branches and dissappearing items which only happened twice. Once was a firebow I was holding and other was some flint I left back at base while I was gathering. I also dismantled a bow that an AI made so that kinda made up for the firebow loss.

Last edited by JackTreehorn (2022-05-31 15:50:59)

Eve Audette


#30 2022-05-31 20:41:24

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

JackTreehorn wrote:

I gave the server a go, it's got alot of potential. I really like the oceans rivers and mountains. I found it a bit hard to find branch bearing trees. As it's still in alpha with not many people playing I understand that food is still quite plentiful, and animal damage is low. I had one funny interaction with the AI an adult child of mine ran up to me yelling "Florence!", "Florence" I turned and growled "What do you want!?" "Hola!" and skipped away.

Overall the biggest challenge was finding the right branches and dissappearing items which only happened twice. Once was a firebow I was holding and other was some flint I left back at base while I was gathering. I also dismantled a bow that an AI made so that kinda made up for the firebow loss.

Had just also a funny experience, one ran directly in the village, took the axe and ran straight away. In the end i followed my mother untill she fall finally killed from a wolf in the snow few seconds before she would have died out of old age, i wanted to burry her, but the same wolf catched me and i died near my mother...

Yea currently the animals are not so dangerous, but from 3 llifes 2 times i was killed from animals, ok going near a dersert with 5 snakes to get a flat stone was not that good of and idea... also i was very stupid and id not go where food is, so i survived the snake bit but staved one sec later to death.

I think once the animal starts actively hunting when the are hungry, then it will be more challenging...

Did stuff disappear in you hand? that should not happen at all expect the stuff can decay naturally.
Also strange that there are so few branches, should be vanilla settings for them to respawn...

At one point we had in the village tons of bood especially tons of cooked meat but then it was suddenly all gone when i was coming back to the vollage. Since the Ai currently ignores containers i wonder where the meat from the baskets disapeared to.

thx a lot for the testing, helps a lot!


#31 2022-06-01 11:54:08

Registered: 2018-04-18
Posts: 177

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

I just played a couple of lives in the server. One I got bit by a snake and could not recover, Ai kept feeding me but I couldn't do much else.
I also ran into a AI who had a black name like I had cursed them but I had not.
I had a human player just appear infront of me as I was dying, they said they were trying to find the village.
I understand the yum thing now, you can't eat the same food repeatedly or else you get ill and cannot eat that food at all.
The seasons thing is a bit weird, I have to keep stepping foot into my racial biome when i get too hot or cold.
I was tracking my leader for a bit until I found my mother and she had just died, when I did slash leader again it crashed my game.
At one point all the deadly animals were throwing up the white ! sign like they were attacking, it went on for about three mintues.

I did not encounter any of the negitive points I encountered last time. No disappearing items, and the biomes looked good plenty of branch bearing trees.

Last edited by JackTreehorn (2022-06-01 11:55:49)

Eve Audette


#32 2022-06-01 12:48:34

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

JackTreehorn wrote:

I did not encounter any of the negitive points I encountered last time. No disappearing items, and the biomes looked good plenty of branch bearing trees.

Nice to hear! Yea green biom beeing empty should now be fixed. For items disappearing the decay time is now less even much more for permanent stuff.

JackTreehorn wrote:

I just played a couple of lives in the server. One I got bit by a snake and could not recover, Ai kept feeding me but I couldn't do much else.
I also ran into a AI who had a black name like I had cursed them but I had not.
I had a human player just appear infront of me as I was dying, they said they were trying to find the village.
I understand the yum thing now, you can't eat the same food repeatedly or else you get ill and cannot eat that food at all.
The seasons thing is a bit weird, I have to keep stepping foot into my racial biome when i get too hot or cold.
I was tracking my leader for a bit until I found my mother and she had just died, when I did slash leader again it crashed my game.
At one point all the deadly animals were throwing up the white ! sign like they were attacking, it went on for about three mintues.

>One I got bit by a snake and could not recover
Are you sure? Happend now often to me to get bit by a snake and i survived...
There are now two kinds of wounds: Normal wounds where you cant pickup stuff and light ones where you still get some damage and speed mali, but can actually use your hands again.
If you have a heavy wonund and try to interact it says how long it still takes..
For snakes i plan to increase time for heavy wound and increase for light wound (a snake killes you slowly, in the end the snake venom should have some use case)

The current curse system works now with graves. so depends on a location.
If you dont like one, kill him and put a sharp stones in the grave, this will make the grave make 'cursed'.
Currently you are cursed 50m around graves without a proper grave stone.
If your bones decay without beeing proper buried, you loose prestige (score)
For cursed graves  you will loose even more prestige
Cursed players will get a slow speed maili in the area around the grave and also a hit penalty if attacked.
Generally you incarnate more likely to places with a proper grave from you and less likely to not burried bones of you

This system is meant to
1. give a protection from grievers
2. In case of a war helps to protect against the other family if you managed already in the past lifes to kill them.
3. It should incentivise to play for some times in another village until your old bones are gone (needs still some balancing)

The Ai you saw was displayed cursed because she was near her not burried bones.
Once the Ai knows how to burry people this should happen far less often.

As said this curse system still needs some more thoughts and balancing...

> I had a human player just appear infront
yea that was mee, i saw that one was playing and used !JHUMAN teleport to jumpt to you.
I wanted to see if the village from yesterday is still there.
Now i implemented !JROAD to jump to places with a stone road, so i can check if decay is too much or too less.
The village was still there, but nature was already overgrowing it, so decay kind of works for now i guess.

> I understand the yum thing now, you can't eat the same food repeatedly or else you get ill and cannot eat that food at all
Lol yea i saw you eating always berries and getting ill...
After seeing you I added now a hint that you really want to eat other food...
You can eat SUPERMEH food, but only if you are really starving
(increased it now from 2 food to 5 food you need to have at max)
But still eating SUPERMEH food reduces your health / prestige

The more you eat from one given food the less food value it has.
The food becomes SUPERMEH if the food value cannot go lower.
Eating yum in between increases the food value of a random food and can become even a craving.

>The seasons thing is a bit weird, I have to keep stepping foot into my racial biome when i get too hot or cold.
Yea they need still some balancing. Actually i guess your racial biome helped mainly, because its more close to the temperature that your skin color is longing for.
But yea your loved biome gives also some little temperature boni on top of it.
Making a fire for too cold plus clothing with good insulation should help.
For too hot jumping into a river should do some good, or if you want it hard jump in the snow smile
Also wearing cloths with less insulation gives you a heat resistance...

> I was tracking my leader for a bit until I found my mother and she had just died, when I did slash leader again it crashed my game

oh good to know!

> At one point all the deadly animals were throwing up the white ! sign like they were attacking, it went on for about three mintues.

Dangerous animals show ! warnings currently when you are already injured. Maybe i should just enable them for animals that chase you or are a true danger?

thx for all your feedback!

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-06-01 12:53:06)


#33 2022-06-01 13:17:43

Registered: 2018-04-18
Posts: 177

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Ah I see, so most of it comes from a lack of understanding the mechanics.
Yeah the snake bite must have been a serious wound or something. I could eat but not pick anything else up or take off clothes.
I still had the bite wound but no countdown for eating again as I could eat freely. I guess that just heals over time or needs medicine.

I don't usually have to pay much attention to the temperature gauge so maybe if I pay it more attention I shouldn't have much troubles with the cold or heat.

I think the white ! thing is fine for now. I just didn't understand what it signified.

Eve Audette


#34 2022-06-01 13:39:48

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

JackTreehorn wrote:

Ah I see, so most of it comes from a lack of understanding the mechanics.
Yeah the snake bite must have been a serious wound or something. I could eat but not pick anything else up or take off clothes.
I still had the bite wound but no countdown for eating again as I could eat freely. I guess that just heals over time or needs medicine.

I don't usually have to pay much attention to the temperature gauge so maybe if I pay it more attention I shouldn't have much troubles with the cold or heat.

I think the white ! thing is fine for now. I just didn't understand what it signified.

Hmm, normally if you can eat, you should be also able to pick something up or take off cloths, will check if there is a bug.
Yea needs time or medicine to heal, light snake wounds needs the longest time, since it kills you slowly, this should give a incentive to get / make the venom.

Normal OHOL players simply ignore the temperature since YUM gives enough food... Now bad temperature is really bad.
Of course this mechanics could need more testing / balancing. Im thinking about to allow using water to drop the temperature.

"!" should signal danger since vanilla OHOL client does not allow to see far you can run easily into wild animals. Even more since especially wolfs are now in lot more biomes. But now they actually do less damages, so it may be fine to just warn from super dangerous animals like bears with "!!!"?


#35 2022-06-02 18:48:23

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Did tons of changes to the decay system. Stuff should now much longer and Forge and Oven have custom decay to Adbe crumble...

This means stuff holds longer but also respawns less slow

Have fun!


#36 2022-06-02 19:33:45

Registered: 2018-06-15
Posts: 221

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

I managed to duplicate items when deconstructing full sledge


#37 2022-06-03 07:47:54

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

jinbaili83 wrote:

I managed to duplicate items when deconstructing full sledge

Saw it, should be fixed now, but picking up horse cart wont work for now.

Thx for testing!

Im away till tuesday, so dont expect much fixes until then.

Have fun!


#38 2022-06-03 19:25:23

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server


I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


#39 2022-06-07 09:21:46

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

was helping px with the graphical stuff, like making smaller tiles for seamless cover and giving tips on masking the edges of the map

yeah it's chaotic, and jasons ideas were flawed, fixing them is kind of impossible, better having new ones
it's too different, yet too similar

maybe the ai should be hired or spawned on will livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#40 2022-06-07 11:59:05

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

pein wrote:

was helping px with the graphical stuff, like making smaller tiles for seamless cover and giving tips on masking the edges of the map

yeah it's chaotic, and jasons ideas were flawed, fixing them is kind of impossible, better having new ones
it's too different, yet too similar

maybe the ai should be hired or spawned on will

Thx for helping PX with the client!

Yea, in the end it would need a custom client to a allow more different look.

"masking the edges of the map"
> There are no edged i know of in the current map, its kind of round.

> maybe the ai should be hired or spawned on will[
the plan is that you can give orders to your follower Ais and you can hire Ais for coins to become your follower.
Was also thinking about allowing to use coins to increase your chance drastically to give birth to an Ai.

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-06-07 11:59:57)


#41 2022-06-07 12:07:12

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

@pein do you know by chance when something is considered in door? I mean the exact mechanics behind it.


#42 2022-06-07 12:29:58

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Arcurus wrote:
pein wrote:

was helping px with the graphical stuff, like making smaller tiles for seamless cover and giving tips on masking the edges of the map

yeah it's chaotic, and jasons ideas were flawed, fixing them is kind of impossible, better having new ones
it's too different, yet too similar

maybe the ai should be hired or spawned on will

Thx for helping PX with the client!

Yea, in the end it would need a custom client to a allow more different look.

"masking the edges of the map"
> There are no edged i know of in the current map, its kind of round.

> maybe the ai should be hired or spawned on will[
the plan is that you can give orders to your follower Ais and you can hire Ais for coins to become your follower.
Was also thinking about allowing to use coins to increase your chance drastically to give birth to an Ai.

map tiles, sorry. like blending of biome edges
I still got the old custom stuff and we could make some more. he had that idea of the custom client being able to import stuff.
I guess I could just make a portable ohol client with all included or installers for it.

doors are just walls with a toggle. I guess you could check the pine doors code, that's the simplest. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#43 2022-06-07 13:44:59

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

pein wrote:

doors are just walls with a toggle. I guess you could check the pine doors code, that's the simplest.

i meant how the server calculates exactly when a player get indoor temperature boni.

Normal doors should work already. Spring doors i did not test yet.

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-06-07 14:09:17)


#44 2022-06-07 16:36:43

Registered: 2018-06-15
Posts: 221

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

that was last change to heat map. … 0bbe3c73f2


#45 2022-06-07 17:39:52

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

jinbaili83 wrote:


Fixed some errors that came up. Server is running again with AI
FIX: Horse cart pickup (Still seem to have a smaller bug since it does not consider yet when the horse cart goes over two tiles)

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-06-07 19:44:21)


#46 2022-06-08 00:09:15

Registered: 2021-04-24
Posts: 195

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

I was here too. Cool stuff


#47 2022-06-08 06:34:27

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Arcurus wrote:
pein wrote:

doors are just walls with a toggle. I guess you could check the pine doors code, that's the simplest.

i meant how the server calculates exactly when a player get indoor temperature boni.

Normal doors should work already. Spring doors i did not test yet.

checks the 8x8 for temperature, the player is top left of middle tiles. walls limit the 8x8 to smaller size. walls and floors add insulation values. overly complex for like 0.05 bonus when a fire is already almost perfect

actually 2 fires with 2 free space create 4 perfect zones in L shape both top and bottom, also 5x1 room with a fire on one edge makes perfect temperature on the other edge. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#48 2022-06-08 08:24:05

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

pein wrote:

checks the 8x8 for temperature, the player is top left of middle tiles. walls limit the 8x8 to smaller size. walls and floors add insulation values. overly complex for like 0.05 bonus when a fire is already almost perfect

actually 2 fires with 2 free space create 4 perfect zones in L shape both top and bottom, also 5x1 room with a fire on one edge makes perfect temperature on the other edge.

should now be 13x13 at least it says in the code comments.

I looked at the code, but in a reasonable amount of time i did not understand fully how Jason implemented it. But maybe Im just to impatient to spent time on looking on the code, because most mechanics the community can explain much better in much less time smile

Im thinking about implementing it that way:
- each floor / wall has a heat value that comes from the biome plus season temperature
- the more insulation the floor has the more it stays close to 0.5 temperature
- with each timestep the floor / wall tiles exchange temperature with the tiles next to it while considering the insulation of walls

For example if you open a door the room would not get hot / cold at once but over time the room would cool off.
The bigger the room the more temperature leaking you would have though not having 100% wall / tiles insulation, so no artificial limit.

If it is performant enough, i could use the same mechanism to calculate temperature on any given tile.
The idea is then to change the biome if the tile gets too hot / cold over time simulating climate change / ice ages.

I would say the difficulty / time to implement it is medium so should be ok.

General im thinking about how to handle the temperature.
The idea is to have more realistic temperature mechanics, so in theory very bad temperature could kill you over time.
The problem is players are not used to it.
Also it could be too annoying that you are forced to leave a cold biome in the winter (if you dont use enough clothing / heat and once implemented buildings).

Currently if it is too cold / hot you lose hit points and gain exhaustion. Both slows you down to at max 50% if you are close death.
This might be irritating for players, especially if they are used to ignore temperature at all.
So the question is which mechanics can be used to make temperature more meaningful / realistic while on the same time give the players a good experience.
For sure better messages could help if a player is slowly dying through temperature.
Maybe instead of having a slow killing through temperature it would better to use something like (heat)strokes that give you a clear understanding that something is really going wrong. These strokes would stay for lets say 15 secs and come once in a while if you have bad temperature. They could limit speed, hinder eating or doing stuff.

Any ideas?


#49 2022-06-08 14:44:28

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server


- Snow spreads now in winter and decays in spring / summer (can be set in the settings)
- Dead Wolfs and bloody arrow decay now much faster
- Deadly animals make 50% more damage (can be set in the settings)

This should make the seasons / winter much more visible and clean up the battlefield of dead wolfs the AI lets behind much faster.

Have fun!

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-06-08 14:52:00)


#50 2022-06-08 19:09:05

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

- there is now a new debug command !JV or !JOVEN to jump to a random oven
- AI will look for close ovens and considers them as their home if it has none

This will help the Ai to stay closer to existing villages

Have fun!


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