One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2022-04-04 19:19:36

Registered: 2022-04-04
Posts: 1

Thank You Jason

I will start this off by saying that I just discovered this game in April 2022. It is brilliant. I really love the game and I have never heard of or played anything quite like this. I have seen all these horrible posts and comments dragging Jason through the mud and it is just really sad to see. Jason, you have done something really brilliant in making this game. I can tell that you have had a rough go of it and I hope that you find the courage and motivation to continue developing this game. But if you don't then I just want to thank you for everything you have already done. I don't blame you for wanting to throw in the towel with this toxic of a community. But just know some of us appreciate it and I for one think you have done something really amazing with this game. I can't wait to see what you do with it. But even if you don't do anything from here on out, thank you, good luck, and keep on keeping on.


#2 2022-04-04 21:30:30

Eve Troll
Registered: 2020-07-07
Posts: 331

Re: Thank You Jason



#3 2022-04-05 00:22:15

Registered: 2021-06-01
Posts: 98

Re: Thank You Jason

No he has a point, most of you are assholes.


#4 2022-04-05 03:32:15

Eve Troll
Registered: 2020-07-07
Posts: 331

Re: Thank You Jason



#5 2022-04-05 08:22:36

Registered: 2021-06-01
Posts: 77

Re: Thank You Jason

LonelyNeptune wrote:

No he has a point, most of you are assholes.


LonelyNeptune wrote:

Shut the fuck up.

LonelyNeptune wrote:

Nobody cares.

LonelyNeptune wrote:

Spoonwood is living evidence that sometimes bullying IS the answer.

LonelyNeptune wrote:

It's not a joke, it's an insult. You're so unhinged in your reasoning you may as well be a bot.

LonelyNeptune wrote:

Shut up, bot.

LonelyNeptune wrote:

Cursing is only a problem if you're under twelve.


#6 2022-04-05 08:44:20

Registered: 2021-06-01
Posts: 98

Re: Thank You Jason

selalov734 wrote:


You might notice all of those are in direct response to Spoony being an obnoxious drag on the community.

Nice you see you leaping to your alt's rescue. Again. You're just being obvious about it now.


#7 2022-04-05 14:44:47

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: Thank You Jason

Simple Jack you have this backwards.
The community should get the praised for dealing with a toxic dev, TBH.

Look at the facts.
It's always ten times easier to destroy an item, then to make it.
Jason doesn't test out his own game, so therefore relies on players to submit bugs. (BTW we shouldn't, because we don't get paid)
Thus, creating buggy patches and updates.

The worst is the fact that he leads us on with updates, that aren't real!!!!
Sorta like your loser friend that has huge plans, then huge plans after that, then just sits around playing RUST!


#8 2022-04-05 15:42:47

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Thank You Jason

LonelyNeptune wrote:
selalov734 wrote:


You might notice all of those are in direct response to Spoony being an obnoxious drag on the community.

Nice you see you leaping to your alt's rescue. Again. You're just being obvious about it now.

Again, I don't have any alts.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#9 2022-04-07 06:59:00

Coconut Fruit
Registered: 2019-08-16
Posts: 831

Re: Thank You Jason

Simple_Jack wrote:

I will start this off by saying that I just discovered this game in April 2022. It is brilliant. I really love the game and I have never heard of or played anything quite like this. I have seen all these horrible posts and comments dragging Jason through the mud and it is just really sad to see. Jason, you have done something really brilliant in making this game. I can tell that you have had a rough go of it and I hope that you find the courage and motivation to continue developing this game. But if you don't then I just want to thank you for everything you have already done. I don't blame you for wanting to throw in the towel with this toxic of a community. But just know some of us appreciate it and I for one think you have done something really amazing with this game. I can't wait to see what you do with it. But even if you don't do anything from here on out, thank you, good luck, and keep on keeping on.

Yeah, I'm drunk but I love this too. Too bad you didn't discover this game a year ago, it was way better. I mean a little bit better, I'm drunk, don't listen to me

Making own private server (Very easy! You can play on it even if you haven't bought the game)
Zoom mod
Mini guide for beginners
website with all recipies


#10 2022-04-07 13:06:18

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: Thank You Jason

This thread has to be for the lols.

He even made his name Simple Jack.
FluxBB bbcode test
So now I can say...
FluxBB bbcode test

Last edited by Laggy (2022-04-07 13:09:31)


#11 2022-04-07 15:05:35

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Thank You Jason

Simple_Jack wrote:

I will start this off by saying that I just discovered this game in April 2022. It is brilliant. I really love the game and I have never heard of or played anything quite like this. I have seen all these horrible posts and comments dragging Jason through the mud and it is just really sad to see. Jason, you have done something really brilliant in making this game. I can tell that you have had a rough go of it and I hope that you find the courage and motivation to continue developing this game. But if you don't then I just want to thank you for everything you have already done. I don't blame you for wanting to throw in the towel with this toxic of a community. But just know some of us appreciate it and I for one think you have done something really amazing with this game. I can't wait to see what you do with it. But even if you don't do anything from here on out, thank you, good luck, and keep on keeping on.

oh, give it some time
it's like writing a book that has 10 pages and the rest is random lorem ipsum
or more like klingon and you need a dictionary to translate but after a few more pages it doesn't make sense anymore but he hopes that you run out of patience by then and blame it on yourself

are you sure you like the game or you like what it could be, it's really two different things

because what i see is that people are excited about the premise and need like 50-100 hours until they get used to the wonky controls then 100 more to realize what is actually the order of progression and then it's just repeating itself and you either burn out or do the things for others with no point
Jason is dead set on some dumb things, like 'everything runs  out' so the core of the game is that everything goes to shit, gets ruined, and you should find some meaning it that. He was also dead set on not adding magic mechanics and keep it real, but then he changed that policy and added the worst updates ever.
He was also adding a bunch of things not to do, and players could accidentally ruin stuff for others. Even better he embraced the players who did those things intentionally, and made their job easier.
Do you actually think you are helping a civilization by doing things? actually everything has a cost and upkeep and all you do is getting closer to it, so in the grand scheme of things you probably make a bunch of mistakes and the ones who see the bigger picture won't complain until it keeps you busy, but there is an order of things to be done and if you not doing that, you just put a strain on the other players and you aren't actually useful. all these because the mechanics were changed so many times to artificially increase the difficulty that it makes no sense. Like the progression of the civilization isn't actually needed, you would be better of skipping most of the steps and just focus on a few things that are needed. A bunch of dead content that isn't fun isn't useful, isn't needed.  And a lot of restrictions because you need restrictions, which I don't disagree, but there should be ways to overcome them, but your reasons why you can't is the skin tone of the character you got or that others used up too much of the stuff already. So your existence in this universe isn't needed, and the actual gameplay is dead set if you actually want to progress, your intention, activity and work doesn't add things, it just might slow down the process of detriment.

he got a bunch of feedback and he doesn't decide based on logic, he decides based on his sentiments towards the person, this isn't a game, more like a social experiment and he needs a constant influx of new prisoners to torture, he doesn't care about the long term players. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#12 2022-04-07 23:15:49

Eve Troll
Registered: 2020-07-07
Posts: 331

Re: Thank You Jason

100% agree with Pein


#13 2022-04-08 14:55:47

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Thank You Jason

LonelyNeptune wrote:
selalov734 wrote:


You might notice all of those are in direct response to Spoony being an obnoxious drag on the community.

Nice you see you leaping to your alt's rescue. Again. You're just being obvious about it now.

hey don't talk shit about spoon he is OUR obnoxious drag

you're just rude


#14 2022-04-08 15:00:23

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Thank You Jason

Simple_Jack wrote:

I will start this off by saying that I just discovered this game in April 2022. It is brilliant. I really love the game and I have never heard of or played anything quite like this. I have seen all these horrible posts and comments dragging Jason through the mud and it is just really sad to see. Jason, you have done something really brilliant in making this game. I can tell that you have had a rough go of it and I hope that you find the courage and motivation to continue developing this game. But if you don't then I just want to thank you for everything you have already done. I don't blame you for wanting to throw in the towel with this toxic of a community. But just know some of us appreciate it and I for one think you have done something really amazing with this game. I can't wait to see what you do with it. But even if you don't do anything from here on out, thank you, good luck, and keep on keeping on.

The game was great Jack but i'm sorry to inform you it is mostly dead. The vast majority of players are older timers that just can't let go of the mess it became

I wish I could feed your hopes of this game ever being actively developed again, having over 30 players online or anything, but this is just unrealistic.
There is more to fix about the game than there is a game per se. So many mechanics that do NOTHING or worse, make the game less playable.
And Jason is stubborn AF, not a chance in hell he'll spend months undoing shit he's done before -even though those weren't needed in the first place

I recommend you watch some old twisted's videos. The guy was an important pillar of this community while the game was actually a good game.
The base for a good game is all still there, it's the bullshit additions that make this so exhausting for anyone playing longer than a week


#15 2022-04-08 19:44:09

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 205

Re: Thank You Jason

Booklat1 wrote:

I wish I could feed your hopes of this game ever being actively developed again

If you ask me it's better that way.
You feel me?

At least now the game retains the little dignity it has left.

Also gotta love how all the hopeful and thankful people have accounts that are more recent than at least 2020 i.e. post war-swords/funny fences update.
Anybody else notice this?

Last edited by Léonard (2022-04-08 19:47:54)


#16 2022-04-09 04:30:53

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Thank You Jason

Booklat1 wrote:

So many mechanics that do NOTHING or worse, make the game less playable.
And Jason is stubborn AF, not a chance in hell he'll spend months undoing shit he's done before -even though those weren't needed in the first place

Thing is that seems obvious that some things weren't needed and worse if you think about things even after initial release.  It wasn't long until bear caves were added, and they just made things more unplayable for people without any benefit.  Someone trying to develop an integrated game would have at least checked if standing around a berry skin rugged floored building was more viable than the effects of bears, assuming that they work.  I mean think of it this way:

How many families or players have survived longer due to the use of bear skins compared to the deaths from player caused bear attacks?  Also, has any player survived longer or even had a substantially more convenient life due to the use of bear skins than the negative consequences from players caused bear attack after bear attack?  At least such is somewhat if not very likely with deadly domestic boars, even though they probably kill far more players than they help.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#17 2022-04-13 03:03:53

Registered: 2022-04-13
Posts: 61

Re: Thank You Jason


A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.


#18 2022-04-29 01:27:43

Registered: 2022-04-28
Posts: 8

Re: Thank You Jason

So, I discovered this game Monday, so I understand that may color things somewhat, but I'm also an absurdly obsessive sort of person when it comes to learning and understanding things, and I desperately love the premise of the game and the experiences it makes possible.

I've also spent much of the last three days absolutely overwhelmed with how sprawling and twisty everything is, how key mechanics keep changing and the different places those can be found are often out of date, and I've been wracking many fibers of my being trying to make sense of the way to keep things running, keep everyone alive, and avoid disaster. Establishing peaceful homeostasis is sort of my MO with all sorts of building/technology/civilization games.

It's also driven me nuts that so much of the things I learn I keep finding in strange out of the way places. I pored over every the news for every single weekly update released on steam, because they extend past 2018-2019 from which most of the wiki seems to be pretty solid from, and still end up learning more things from forum posts and discord history.

The wild thing is .. I'm not so sure that's a bad thing? Like, it's definitely bad that without that knowledge everything collapses and everyone dies, but it's also kind of really cool how many parallels it draws to being a microcosm of real life. The real world is big and messy and impossible to understand every facet, and in order to accomplish great things we need a lot of people working together who specialize and teach others their specialty to carry it on, and there is no way one person can do everything.

I'm actually starting to wonder if maintaining rigid property fences within families where crucial resources are managed responsibly and passed down through generations would help or hurt things. Probably hurt, because eventually it would fall into the hands of someone who can't manage it, because there's not necessarily going to be someone available who can both carry on the line and pass it down to the next generation, and at some point someone is going to be born who could manage it and would be locked out, or the small self sufficient community who knows how to manage it would be fine, but anyone outside the walls would be left to starve and/or suffer. But what is it they say about capitalism? or was it democracy? It's the absolutely worst system we've ever tried, except for all the others.

I imagine the people who can't get what they need from the private owners would need to migrate, and maybe found their own settlement on the next site? Or move back east, and take over one of the now defunct towns that were inevitably mismanaged.


#19 2022-04-29 03:14:10

Eve Troll
Registered: 2020-07-07
Posts: 331

Re: Thank You Jason

Glad you're enjoying the game Gemini. The thing is, players like you are rare. Most players wont go to the length you did to learn the game. That early stage of the game, especially if you are a driven person, is really satisfying. Every new thing you learn feels like and acomplishment and fitting the pieces of a functioning society together is eye opening.

But once you hit a certain threshold you realize that no matter how hard you work, how much you teach, how much time you spend, everything ends up being for nothing. There is no ability to maintain the longevity of families and towns. They all have an expiration date and all you can do is make it a little longer or shorter. Youll realize that you can work like crazy and completely stabilize a town in one life only to see it failing again in the next. This tireless grind eats at you and you grow frustrated. Youll do the same thing over and over again with no long term impact. With the satisfaction of learning new things and figuring out the tech network lost, all that is left is that grind. Over and over again you will work just so others can feel an ounce of stability. Then, in a blink of an eye its gone.

In terms of the property fencing. Ive always hated it. But regarding your comment if it helps or hurts. It most certainly helps more than it hurts. There is a quite active group of people who like to be destructive in the game. Just wait for the weekend.. you'll see. For that reason veteran players choose to lock up important or valuable resources so that only trusted community members can gain access to them. Otherwise it would all be gone in an instant.

That group of veterans use third party mods to communicate and the most active members know who to trust and who to not. Obviously someone who doesnt know what they're doing may gain access to it or even someone nefarious. But thats no different than if they were just laying around like used to be the norm.

Griefers used to kill mostly. Then the killing mechanics were changed so their only real avenue for destruction is to destroy resources. They'll destabilize a town and watch it die slowly.

Over time you will see so much of this. Youll feel helpless to make real change and your love for the game will slowly turn into resentment. Almost every person who rags on this game and hates on jason was in your shoes when they first started.

Glad to hear you are enjoying the game. Just wanted to put some perspective on why we're all so sour.

Last edited by Eve Troll (2022-04-29 03:16:42)


#20 2022-04-29 03:43:24

Registered: 2022-04-28
Posts: 8

Re: Thank You Jason

So, this is one of those things I've only been able to see hints of, as the information isn't really available on the wiki or anywhere else, but I think there is actually a way for a family to last indefinitely? Not a town, oh no. And not technology. But for everyone to start over and continue the line unbroken. And oh goodness this feels almost as bad as when I was advocating capitalism earlier, but... The apocalypse, it leaves everyone alive, but wipes the map. All resources regenerate, everyone starts over. But you do it on purpose, timed and planned, full of food, and ready to rebuild society asap.


#21 2022-04-29 06:18:44

Eve Troll
Registered: 2020-07-07
Posts: 331

Re: Thank You Jason

Its possible until a server update/reset. Which would kill all families. Plus in order to keep a family alive that long you would need almost all community members working to keep that family alive. With race restrictions that would be a very fragile system. Griefers would also catch on and target the family because so many people want to keep it alive.

Plus family longevity is governed by the system jason builds around them. You can work as hard as you can to make a long line but it will only be slightly above average within the current system. Jason makes a change, suddenly lineages double or are cut in half. All because of a minor tweek to the spawn system or etc. In the end we dont have a lot of influence on how things are. Its the sad truth.


#22 2022-04-29 21:14:41

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Thank You Jason

Eve Troll wrote:

Its possible until a server update/reset. Which would kill all families. Plus in order to keep a family alive that long you would need almost all community members working to keep that family alive. With race restrictions that would be a very fragile system. Griefers would also catch on and target the family because so many people want to keep it alive.

Plus family longevity is governed by the system jason builds around them. You can work as hard as you can to make a long line but it will only be slightly above average within the current system. Jason makes a change, suddenly lineages double or are cut in half. All because of a minor tweek to the spawn system or etc. In the end we dont have a lot of influence on how things are. Its the sad truth.

The longest lineages happened after race restrictions got introduced.  The top 4 were before bands.  I think some of them were before expert waystones existed?

The Tini lineage, which is number 1, lived through an apocalypse.  Also, and more interestingly, they lived during the time when one of the races existed in donkeytown on bigserver2.  One of Twisted's videos shows him as a Tini where he talks about that.  So, it seems that for a while they had a dry deep well, and weren't getting rubber resources for a pump, nor had access to kerosense.  I think they were importing water from wells other than their first one, and/or importing water from ponds.

The iron system was different though then.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#23 2022-05-16 11:16:28

Registered: 2018-06-03
Posts: 89

Re: Thank You Jason

OMG, you made me want to make the game!
I was thinking maybe I'm wrong and come back, no updates, read the forum, thanks for your good words!

pein wrote:
Simple_Jack wrote:

I will start this off by saying that I just discovered this game in April 2022. It is brilliant. I really love the game and I have never heard of or played anything quite like this. I have seen all these horrible posts and comments dragging Jason through the mud and it is just really sad to see. Jason, you have done something really brilliant in making this game. I can tell that you have had a rough go of it and I hope that you find the courage and motivation to continue developing this game. But if you don't then I just want to thank you for everything you have already done. I don't blame you for wanting to throw in the towel with this toxic of a community. But just know some of us appreciate it and I for one think you have done something really amazing with this game. I can't wait to see what you do with it. But even if you don't do anything from here on out, thank you, good luck, and keep on keeping on.

oh, give it some time
it's like writing a book that has 10 pages and the rest is random lorem ipsum
or more like klingon and you need a dictionary to translate but after a few more pages it doesn't make sense anymore but he hopes that you run out of patience by then and blame it on yourself

are you sure you like the game or you like what it could be, it's really two different things

because what i see is that people are excited about the premise and need like 50-100 hours until they get used to the wonky controls then 100 more to realize what is actually the order of progression and then it's just repeating itself and you either burn out or do the things for others with no point
Jason is dead set on some dumb things, like 'everything runs  out' so the core of the game is that everything goes to shit, gets ruined, and you should find some meaning it that. He was also dead set on not adding magic mechanics and keep it real, but then he changed that policy and added the worst updates ever.
He was also adding a bunch of things not to do, and players could accidentally ruin stuff for others. Even better he embraced the players who did those things intentionally, and made their job easier.
Do you actually think you are helping a civilization by doing things? actually everything has a cost and upkeep and all you do is getting closer to it, so in the grand scheme of things you probably make a bunch of mistakes and the ones who see the bigger picture won't complain until it keeps you busy, but there is an order of things to be done and if you not doing that, you just put a strain on the other players and you aren't actually useful. all these because the mechanics were changed so many times to artificially increase the difficulty that it makes no sense. Like the progression of the civilization isn't actually needed, you would be better of skipping most of the steps and just focus on a few things that are needed. A bunch of dead content that isn't fun isn't useful, isn't needed.  And a lot of restrictions because you need restrictions, which I don't disagree, but there should be ways to overcome them, but your reasons why you can't is the skin tone of the character you got or that others used up too much of the stuff already. So your existence in this universe isn't needed, and the actual gameplay is dead set if you actually want to progress, your intention, activity and work doesn't add things, it just might slow down the process of detriment.

he got a bunch of feedback and he doesn't decide based on logic, he decides based on his sentiments towards the person, this isn't a game, more like a social experiment and he needs a constant influx of new prisoners to torture, he doesn't care about the long term players.

I always give my children a lovely Tâigí(Taiwanese) name, súi(beautiful)!


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