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#1 2020-04-07 01:48:04

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,335

April 7 some map data


Yesterday spent the end of few lives to set up this camp on first photo, it had a well and 2 veins left and right
If you use a well you get the homeland status and become fertile, it is family-based and other girls can have kids if they enter the area, even after your death.

There was a black town nearby, the map and the B letter is the coordinate from that.
They didn't had their own mine and when I arrived they had 5x9 berry patches, mostly out of water. I brought them iron (no shear, no clothing, some Newcomen clothes and few packs, furs waiting to be made). Then I got 2 buckets of rubber (just took it from the other town, since they had 4 of our horses and completed Newcomen)
The plan was to connect the cities but the family suddenly died off, no females, only 4-5 males. Next life I tried to connect it, made a 40 long diagonal road and some north, so it's easy to be found, today it was mostly connected 240 way up.
Eventually, the water got used up and nobody claimed as home, since no access to well, no kerosene or no engine at the end.

The bell town still in ginger hands, but another family. It was barely running, got extended to the left with some small rooms. 400 to the left a new town made by them, quite old by now, quite similar to it. letter T marks it.

I was coming from the new Brown family who was doing okay with rubber, but 2000 away from others. Started on foot and went all the way toward bell town but then found the road to old Bell (Browns near the Jones), then I went on the road to Jones (corona?) town.
Found a horse and one wheel, so I made another without using any slots luckily I could make a cart for it. Went to bell town, looked around, found another horse with wheeled cart, I exchanged it.

On the way to town T I met a guy who had an engine, he said he stole it, he had a cart, showed him a horse in the town then exchanged the engine for the upgraded cart horse. Turned out that he stole from my outpost since it had the valve but no engine.

I lost myself a bit going to -1000 500 from the bell, cause I mistaken the coords from a screenshot. As I went back SE, I found a small town with a well I think W, then I ran into a white family at town G 0-240 right above my outpost. They had an oil base made by gingers, plenty of kerosene and some other stuff, I didn't know the outpost location or situation so I took their valve, and kerosene left them a rubber bucket.
There were some gingers there and most whites.

Not sure what was at point O, some other mediocre city I think. I generally mark Oil with O.

After I found the black town, I knew my outpost is to the left.
When I arrived, it was an old ginger lady there, she left afterwards.

After I installed the engine, I became fertile again, I was 37 at the time, had a girl and twin sons, then another son and one more, the twins went afk, and I almost starved my girl nI the chaos. Eventually, my other son died too so it was just 2 of us, but I was happy I moved the browns closer.
Spent my tool slots on fire making an axe to keep it up, chopped the branches.
As you can see in the second picture, they destroyed the road and put more berries, ugly 20x group, then another 20, then another 8-10 random bushes. They also cut two of the trees used as a wall. They put a bison there, kinda funny, you can't get the calf, it's biome locked and just stands there. They added 2 small cow pens, I laughed on the fence gate since the rabbits form a wall. I was using a shovel on the rabbits to move out of the pen and they grouped up on the bottom and one on top.

Other than that a room on top, unfinished, farms on right and a road up to the ginger city.
I kept the juniper for fire and kinda planned on that setup, I really liked the Newcomen at 2 distance.
I expected they gonna plant more berry but I really hate the fact they rip up floors and put them on the middle. I tried to make the trees first so I wasn't been able to put the pen on the right, but also dumping bones would have been weird, so another berry patch on the right would have made sense.
The mine was emptied, not sure on the right side one, nobody touched that yesterday.

The new blacks were 1800 -500? from my birth, unfortunately I switched for the ginger coords so I'm not sure where they are but must be above this outpost.

Was any of you here? How did you like it? tried to make a unique design. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2020-04-07 02:04:05

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,335

Re: April 7 some map data

7jCXvM2.pngTHtO7rz.png livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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