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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-05-31 23:13:39

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,335

Multiple lifes, what is it like to know the map

I was born to some big town where everythign decayed and people killing each other, skip, suicide

Some twin girls looked like they want to pseudo eve
they had a bowl of berry and they carried us aroudn left and right
kids see we are outside but totally expect they are carried rather than follow
so we lost time

we found a nice spot with a cluster of 5 banana and a sprign and another swamp with ponds and a spring above

i was alone until 37 and i had my moms clothes
i lost a lot of time caring for kids, only two twins stay but all other wasted my time for 1-2 min
and the twins starve early

i found a dead camp under us btu zero water in their swamp so wasn't an option to start there, would have if i knew i got no kids to stay, i could have made the shovel to the spring
but wasn't too far, 80 south so later  can be good outpost
i managed to get iron from another dead camp 40 to left , other side of swamp, i didn't liked that cause not much space to expand
and i already invested time to my camp

i had a girl at 37 and another boy and one more girl, last girl didn't stay

i seen several peaople run around, 2 twin gingers, people with horse, Nang and some other families, Song. We were Pu

i died of old age making most tools and my girl made a carrot farm

later i born back and made a half adobe wall pen, some moron girl ruined it by waterign the whole thing and smashing the adobe
if you are so idiot that you don't know that half walls don't decay then im sorry for you
also with same effort make full walls and get some limestone
my life was cut short when i disconnected and 1 min later i starved? got killed by a bear?
i coudlnt connect  back

Next life i was born to our ancestors at PU as na eve nearby, i named myself Pu and they were ok with me even if i was a ginger and they creol
they had a road and to my srprise led us into the oil well and from there just like 100 tiles diagonal my old camp
I already discovered an iron vein and the song family south
so i went in, some idiot queen stabebd me when i tried to get the iron

next life i born as Nang, was a decent looking city with a few baskets and many bones, not much to do, other than clearing up the shit
so i got a horse from sw and made a horse cart, took off
i had several kids on the way, most suicided
found a town 400 south with some things going, a griefed pen and a new made
i wanted to keep her there but she was an asshole and didn't fed her sister so i can go on my way and she even talk back so i was pissed and stabbed her
just wanted to explore and is so rare that a kid want to stay, why cnat she just feed her
oh well both died

i went to west and found song town, died out
i hated them so i messed up their city andstripped from resources

i knew my way back to my outpost and went back, meeting 2 PU guys who helped me make a fire, i swear i had 7 kids in my last 3 min and only 2 stay and one dumbass girl who i gave the clothes i found left the town cause "reee city nearby"

havent see her later possibly died or got killed
one guy helped make fire so i was ok with him until he stole my horse

ofc i knew the roads up there and went back and took it back
i even help them get firewood
but then when he went back to take our packs and stuff i stabebd him on the way
i really hate when they steal my horse i made from scratch

anyway in 4 lifes i was around the same spot and people either run away and make failed camps or all lazy ones stay and ruin good ones

you end u pwith clutter and bones and each horse is  taken far away and no resources nearby
if you make new camp, you run 100 tiles and you find a dead city and no resources

kids suicide or if they stay to grow up they leave you to go to other place
knowing a square of 400 tiles and feels so empty, one fmaily is staying back home while all those decent outposts are empty
and then when the city gets to a decent level people kill each other and that's it

Last edited by pein (2019-05-31 23:14:00) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2019-05-31 23:33:29

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Multiple lifes, what is it like to know the map

Yea... runaways weren't the types of players who could make a good camp from my observations before.

Thanks for sharing Pein.  It made for an interesting read, and your style of full explanation helps to get a better picture of things in this case.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#3 2019-06-01 00:10:34

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Multiple lifes, what is it like to know the map

I played two lives yesterday as a ginger Pu. Supposedly there was a large city nearby, and we had a few visitors during my second life [he seemed peaceful, was stacking firewood near the main fire with his horse cart and fetching long shafts] but I stuck to our small camp both lives. Not sure if the same area or camp though.

First life, I made all the iron tools [when I was born we had only a hoe and an axe], and mined a vein nearby for a haul of about 18 iron. We also got the sheep pen built during the end of that life. Was cut short by a twin griefer after I confronted her about repeatedly stealing the forge plates. I berated her in front of most of the camp, so she shot me and stupidly tried to claim I did it/it was an accident.. lmao. Nobody bought it.

Second life I was born to a Pu from the same camp out rabbit hunting. She brought me back to camp, and I watched as the twin started sniping people from behind an oak tree in our camp. Wasn't big enough to grab bow yet, but made an arrow and managed to direct a brother to shoot her behind the tree. Unfort she already killed like 3 people, and her twin got another bow/arrow and killed the avenger before starving.

Shit's wack I guess, family's fault for keeping twins and not bothering to react quickly though imo.. They looked like trouble from the get go. Our bellows ended up disappearing in the aftermath so I wouldn't be surprised if they'd started hiding things after the initial kill.

Second life I got mouflon and set up compost, smelted down all the iron I'd mined, and helped make a few pies. Someone was working on a stone building by the time I grew old. We still had a girl and looks like they lived for another 20 or so gens, so that's nice at least.

suicide kids stink though. Even with the 15-family limit, things still don't bode well in the slightest for outpost families. In fact, they might even be worse now because of it.. since not only do kids who /die out of a city also add anyone from that family who's trying to eve to their skip list, but now, if you leave a family with 15~ members, you're not gonna have fuck all kids because of the new limit also counting you in their numbers lol.

Outposting isn't viable. Eve'ing is rare. We're never gonna get out of mega-city hell.

-Has ascended to better games-


#4 2019-06-01 00:22:39

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 467

Re: Multiple lifes, what is it like to know the map

Jk Howling wrote:

I played two lives yesterday as a ginger Pu. Supposedly there was a large city nearby, and we had a few visitors during my second life [he seemed peaceful, was stacking firewood near the main fire with his horse cart and fetching long shafts] but I stuck to our small camp both lives. Not sure if the same area or camp though.

First life, I made all the iron tools [when I was born we had only a hoe and an axe], and mined a vein nearby for a haul of about 18 iron. We also got the sheep pen built during the end of that life. Was cut short by a twin griefer after I confronted her about repeatedly stealing the forge plates. I berated her in front of most of the camp, so she shot me and stupidly tried to claim I did it/it was an accident.. lmao. Nobody bought it.

Second life I was born to a Pu from the same camp out rabbit hunting. She brought me back to camp, and I watched as the twin started sniping people from behind an oak tree in our camp. Wasn't big enough to grab bow yet, but made an arrow and managed to direct a brother to shoot her behind the tree. Unfort she already killed like 3 people, and her twin got another bow/arrow and killed the avenger before starving.

Shit's wack I guess, family's fault for keeping twins and not bothering to react quickly though imo.. They looked like trouble from the get go. Our bellows ended up disappearing in the aftermath so I wouldn't be surprised if they'd started hiding things after the initial kill.

Second life I got mouflon and set up compost, smelted down all the iron I'd mined, and helped make a few pies. Someone was working on a stone building by the time I grew old. We still had a girl and looks like they lived for another 20 or so gens, so that's nice at least.

suicide kids stink though. Even with the 15-family limit, things still don't bode well in the slightest for outpost families. In fact, they might even be worse now because of it.. since not only do kids who /die out of a city also add anyone from that family who's trying to eve to their skip list, but now, if you leave a family with 15~ members, you're not gonna have fuck all kids because of the new limit also counting you in their numbers lol.

Outposting isn't viable. Eve'ing is rare. We're never gonna get out of mega-city hell.

Sucks to read this one.

How about using population density instead to determine fertility?

There's evidence already at least that densely populated places have lower fertility rates so it's not way out of reality and this will eve camps and outposts. Trouble is balancing though


#5 2019-06-01 05:39:33

Registered: 2019-05-12
Posts: 698

Re: Multiple lifes, what is it like to know the map

I tried an outpost yesterday. Run 1k north west until I turned 14, I had a hat and a basket with a bowl only. I was very happy cause I had a pretty fast run, made a rope on the way. I managed to pass the point of scattered iron on some wasteland around tile 800 wich meant a pretty bright future to the settlement. Basically Everything to the north west was new land, and at least 100 tiles south east was too.

From 14 to 40 had 2 kids. Never in this game I´ve been so dissapointed in not having babies. Girl stayed and died of starvation bringing clay in 3 minutes (there was decent food around). Boy stayed yelling at mi cause I was a noob and should have stayed in town to stay safe and protect the line while demanding a hoe till soil... what a champ. My run ended in a flame war with someone that didn´t even understand how to use a skewer and less understood what I was trying to do.

- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.

- Jack Ass


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