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#1 2018-08-06 05:26:07

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,335

Mini guide: how to kill people

A bit for the dark side guide

There are lot of reasons to kill people, generally lot of players use up more resources than they produce
they make mistakes over and over by not knowing stuff or not caring for others
griefers who do it on purpose
lazy sponges who eat a lot but dont produce much
baby machines who doom you by raising every kid not providing anything
they steal things what dont belong to them
you can argue that none of this deserves death but death is the same: losing time, if people make you lose time, after 2-3 instances they deserve death, being new doesnt explain why some people dont listen to advice or common sense

it doesnt feel right to kill somone with no reason so dont do that
if you are angry at someone kill the person, not her kid, not the town, dont grief the town by cutting trees
killings are common and people are not that useful as resources many times
exception is last girl, but you dont really need more than 4 fertile females
and letting an asshole alive cause is female wont be good for the town in the long run

so if you ever decide killing someone, try to ask nicely first, warn them, then if possible invite for a duel
if their skills are bad at other things, it will be bad in duels too

also sometimes a bit of pvp is useful, every life is new, so sometimes killing a town which would be destroyed anyway trains you agains griefers who kill you for no reason

to kill people you got 4 options:
you can grab kids until 4 years and starve them, works better when old or man, but as woman you can take them far away
if babies dont know temperature control and ask feeding too many times, point on gear, they gonna be useless as adults too
you could argue that they would starve but lot of players just dont move from berry field and others still produce food so they dont die but wont produce either

lure/take into rooms and close them, if no way out and no food they starve
you can use teleports to enclosed rooms, by having 4 walls around a tile, pressing a baby or item to wall drops it to closest tile
you need to fill outer side with bones, rabbit bones or seeds, anything blocks teleporting there
you can lure bears or murderers into rooms, where you can enclose them with an adobe or a pit which only needs a shovel

bow: bow kills are harder, and you can miss a lot, try to surprise them while they talking, make them talk, only shoot when in range, you cant shoot trough walls, fences, pits, also moving targets are harder to kill, some items make the arrow disappear so just wait a bit to see the pattern he runs, most people do the same run and think its random, but if runs around you, waiting second cycle and predicting positions is better
you can have two arrows if using one
a bow needs a rope and a thread, a sapling/home marker, use thread on sapling, you need two flint chips, cut one with a sharp stone as arrow head, other to scare a goose and make a fletching
bow is made out of a yew branch, use a sharp stone on it and put a rope on it
you need to put arrow on bow and right click the person or tile is standing, ideally empty tile, not moving, so you can hit, and not lose arrow

generally top or bottom side they got less view range so less time to react
so attack from top or bottom

knife: knife kills are easy cause you cant lose it from hand by not aiming well
only takes two right clicks to take it out from pack and kill someone
good to have a pack if you got a knife, focus on making or finding one first
same goes to knife, top or bottom is easier kill, but if standing right next to a person you got enough time
against bow, dont attack from closest side, try juke a bit, and attack from side, but switch direction and attack from bottom or top, they expect you to choose the shortest way and shoot predictievely
knife is made out of a blade, using a file on blade blank, and adding a short shaft
you right click on person or the tile he standing on to kill

dropping down the knife or bow also kills people standing on the tile, also killing a moving person is easier when you aim the tile, not the person, as they gonna move between tiles, you need to aim the next one they standing on, people try to juke by clicking on next tile every half sec, but you can also click every tile, especially if on slow down
tell people not to run around the murderer, you might stab someone innocent

some characters are better at kills, the brown chick has big hair which covers knife almost entirely, but you can put pies, indigo, furs to cover up a knife

dont leave witnesses, try to separate the victim from the herd, ask to come with you or wait until is alone on the screen and stab it when no one sees, people will be mad at you even if you are right and might kill you for it, its just easier to dont have to deal with it

if she has a kid with her, or has a new in meantime, its not the kids fault his mother is an idiot, you can feed them and explain, or ask if he tries to revenge, generally better to let them starve, people just roleplay too much, they wont work and spend their time trying to kill you, hard to identify a 11 year old kid who is prepared to kill you when grows
some people even try to ask for job at 12 year old, thats a trick

you can act all innocent after kills, change gear, people usually remember how you look, not your name, drop anything unique, like apron or wolf hat, muflon hide and just take general gear or none at all

you can also blame the kill on someone else and go  back to work

to understand killers better think as them, to understand victims better, think as them

if you cant talk out somebody from something and choose to kill, try to gather some information what are his plans, generally nothing, so best opportunity is when they eat, you can pick off berry bush into bowls, and put carrot in it, this ensures people will spread out to eat something else

you need to throw pads on floor and take any needle you see so they can not be saved

eat always before killing, and stand in fire or desert spot after it, or temp run out of the screen before anyone sees you, take a turn around camp, come back from other direction and ask people what happened

sometimes people try to juke you and they got no weapon you can right click item on floor, to act like you misclicked, they gonna try to grab it, you swap back with item and stab or shoot them, its risky but generally works, they always try to disarm you in this cases

you can also frame someone, babies dont see what happened before, so you can complain to 5-6 babies at once and make someone look suspicious to them, so when the time comes and you stab someone they wont argue with you

you can hide yourself behind a tree, the juniper hides you totally, yew mostly, you can shoot anyone in 2 tiles away, also you are hidden from others if they dont know where to look, you can still be seen by hovering over you, also bell tower cowers you pretty much completely
or you can just hide bow or knife behind tree, lure people there and stab/shoot them

you can ask for a goose or muflon and shoot them, while they answer

for defense against killers, try to put a bowl behind a tree or stone building corner, then put a pad in it, have someone who you trust, tell them where pads and needle is so if you happen to be stabbed they can save you
having pads in wide open is not safe, especially having only one bowl, while its good to have one pad in sight so they think its the only one, and when you see its missing you know someone tries to kill
same goes for file disappearing
you dont have much time to explain so have someone working around that zone, try to inform how to save someone if needed

im not fully sure on this but only last injury matters, so stabbing someone with arrow shot or knife wound then you can use pads and needle, no need to get antivenom or sterile knife (fire takes time), but needs two person, one who stabs other who heals

if this doesnt work you can still try to run into a boar or bear and heal it like a bite wound

try to never stand next to someone, you see speech bubbles better standing diagonally, also is enough time to dodge knife if attacker has to step one tile, this is a good habit, just step diagonally every time a person steps on you or near you, also saves you when you try to eat last second

make a room, or pit pen jsut for duels so if people want to pvp, they can do inside there
also we should really offer and accept duels if we got arguments, people are big mouth but no skill or too coward to face you when you got equal chances, a duel would be respected by others, winner gets fed, loser is let to die, peace continues, instead of everyone assuming someone innocent without any information of it or wants to gain gear ad a bad excuse to kill someone on slowdown

Last edited by pein (2018-10-08 20:45:50) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2018-08-06 15:57:43

Angel Carrillo
Registered: 2018-04-10
Posts: 242

Re: Mini guide: how to kill people

Dude. Why did you even make this. This is just going to give greifers and murderers a "better" reason to kill. Please stop. Delete this, or you WILL receive even greater backlash. Actually. Why did you make this?

Last edited by Angel Carrillo (2018-08-06 15:57:58)


#3 2018-08-06 20:21:22

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Mini guide: how to kill people

Didn't read it all, but most of the killing part. Weapons, to me, are the last thing I want to operate, I find the "pvp" of the game the least interesting part. Of course I want to save towns from bad guys but I'm not gonna be first in line to get weapons for sure. At this point, I'd rather be killed and move onto a better life.

Pad and needle sabotage seems really sad. I wish medics could have easier time deciding who to heal and have more background knowledge but this "web of lies" thing just... makes me not want to be medic in any life. I wish I could see and hear everything so I know who to side with but honestly... I think I'd rather let everyone in the drama die and myself too if we are gonna go that deep into manure.

I feel like some veterans are playing so much that they start to become hardcore perfectionists. This is a multiplayer game, but their standards are so high they rather go and purge and kill than move on themselves. I get it if your action saves a town but is it really worth it all? Like, usually newbies and 'sponges' die on their own anyways so I'm not THAT bothered by them. To me it is not worth the drama to act. I'd rather take my leave than sit around "getting annoyed" at a player who happens to share the coordinates with me in this particular hour.

Overall, I aim to always side with the "just" player, but funny thing about humans is that everyone thinks they are justified in their acts. Like from the other thread, someone justified their murder because they were given a bad name. I wouldn't side with that person and I'd rather have someone kill such player, but I wouldn't care enough to start hunting them myself.

Anyways I'll end it with a positive note: I read this to learn the patterns and systems of weapons so I can make the chase harder if someone tries to murder me again. It's good to know the weaknesses of weapon systems and how they generally work. I don't have the weapon experience nor do I crave to have it, so it's good to hear from someone who has dealt with them.

Last edited by MultiLife (2018-08-06 20:29:24)

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#4 2018-08-06 23:46:52

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,335

Re: Mini guide: how to kill people

killings are part of the game, jason wants it to be part of the game

you cannot defend against something you dont know

even if you are a good player, you are not a complete player without the ability to kill

most of you just thinks that killing is bad, killers must be punished
its the only single tool against griefers, yet most of you kill the person who kills a griefer
and blame everything on him

there are some experts who can kill your entire village
there are griefers who annoy everybody and you defend them by doing nothing
and there is the guy who runs around the city with a bow and nobody cares, he even misses the arrow and tries to act like nothing happened
there are fair duels where both players hold a weapon, and yet you kill the winner

pads cant be placed in pack or basket, and in current form, nobody defends them, you got less than a minute to save someone, and i was saved after been the killer, cause nobody gives 5 minutes of his life to know what is happening in the city
so yeah mindgames are needed, having multiple pads on multiple location will raise awareness of a griefer/future killer
if you save people the killer cant stay hidden for long

everybody is subjective, you can draw a line where is your limit, you can tell people what do they missed, warn them not to do, some will still do, just because msot of you doesnt see an action, will annoy everybody

by knowing how bow works, you know you will need to stay 3 tiles away from a person with bow, and keep an eye on him, if you gonna be chased you can run randomly on items like bushes or bones and he gonna lose the arrow

truth is you kill people by your action or your inaction
the player who never produced food, and has 8-12 babies who die before age 5, kills more people than a serial killer could do in a full 60 minute life
not caring about the female baby while other fertile girls die in starvation

killings are the same, if killer gets an easy way, wont try it the hard way

also you cant just jump on every kill that he is an asshole, a granny who kidnaps you as kid and you survive it, just to kill her later is completely fair
if there are too many for them, can be less people without her
maybe a killer gonna put down the weapon, and start working again, if you steal the arrow, provoke him, call him names, there is a path down from there where people gonna die for no reason

im not always disturbed by kills, it gonna happen at some point and is kinda good for the population

but rather control it with an arena or respect duels rather than cowardly kill someone on slowdown without knowing the backstory

fun means different things for people
give them something fun, distraction, project
or an arena to kill each other if they want to livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2018-08-07 19:01:06

Angel Carrillo
Registered: 2018-04-10
Posts: 242

Re: Mini guide: how to kill people

Ok then. I saw the wrong way then. Sorry. I didn't know it was an anti-guide.

Last edited by Angel Carrillo (2018-08-07 19:01:25)


#6 2018-08-07 20:31:56

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: Mini guide: how to kill people

Angel Carrillo wrote:

Ok then. I saw the wrong way then. Sorry. I didn't know it was an anti-guide.

omg.... a genuine apology?? on this forum?? not a lengthy essay back?? you really are an angel arent u


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