One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » A map of villages and roads on server 3 » 2018-03-22 16:44:14

I just spawned in Junktown (which has had alot of work done on it lately) it's definitely North/North-East of Sheeport. Check for the trash monument in my screenshot located on the north east side of town.

Town C (Woolville?) is one of the towns in your screenshots and it could use a monument. All these towns are sheep crazy, I'm thinking we have a country of sheep farmers developing

#2 Re: Main Forum » A map of villages and roads on server 3 » 2018-03-22 15:48:49

Crude map of the active towns … sp=sharing

Some screenshots that are a bit dated … sp=sharing

I can update the map with any more information you guys provide and see if we can come up with more names for these places. The town I call Snowberry had it's berries dug up for example and could probably use a new name.

FounderOne wrote:

Also I dont know how the citys are named. I build one of the citys from the ground and started two of the roads.

I don't recognise these towns, do you know where they are compared to the other towns on the map? Or maybe I just haven't been in that area recently.

Erudaru wrote:

So someone built a bunch of oven bases in Sheeport, blocking the entrances to all rooms. The villagers apparently had to tear down the walls to get inside.

Yeah I spent a couple of lives on damage control in Sheeport. It had a griefer oven-blocking themselves in the storeroom/bakery eating pies while a mass murderer roamed the town. I was more impressed that we managed to form a posse and tear down walls on a public server without voice chat.

#3 Re: Main Forum » A map of villages and roads on server 3 » 2018-03-21 02:55:09

Now i've just gotta lure a sheep into the sign add a pot and we've got SheepPo(r)t

#4 Re: Main Forum » A map of villages and roads on server 3 » 2018-03-21 00:55:15

The active towns are in a triangle


A is the newest(least developed), i finished a monument today its a well surrounded by 3 corner blocks. So we can name it Wellington or something along those lines
B is the town known for its sheepfarm, in my head I call Sheeport because the town layout reminds me of a warehouse/dock
C is a sprawling town that keeps expanding in all directions, not sure but I think this one could be one of the old civs that's been reclaimed?

In Erudaru's screenshot the top two are of Town B and bottom two are of Town C. I'll try and get some screenshots up tomorrow.

Town B changes daily, currently the sheep are back in the pen and I've built an organised farm in the north of town but the center carrot patch has withered away.

#5 Re: Main Forum » A map of villages and roads on server 3 » 2018-03-19 21:36:05

I can only find what's in the OP, have we had a biome map updated for snow?

Most of the action atm is in two settlements with a north/south road between them but I don't really know how it connects to the rest of the map. Gonna try and vandalize the northern settlement with a landmark tonight, I'll try and keep it small.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Favorite moments » 2018-03-19 13:19:20

Thanks for the stories guys! I'm more of a lurker then a poster but I wanted to say the story section is what keeps me coming back for more (and i'm always checking the details to see if I make an appearance in them)

troublednugget wrote:

I was the old one who gave you the jumper!  I'm so glad you were able to survive, I had feared the worst when the farm went south. Thanks for the wonderful story, it's great to hear how the next generation fares!

It was on server 3 btw

1H1L is a small world! I was hoping someone would recognise the story. Thanks for the information, I was eventually able to find the same settlement again and it was looking a bit better.

Stone Cold made me chuckle, think i'm gonna try out themed names for a while...

#7 Re: Main Forum » A map of villages and roads on server 3 » 2018-03-19 12:39:15

I'm based on server 3 and willing to help make some landmarks/roads in the new settlements. Anyone else playing here still? Would be good to see the interest in this, maybe we can make a major remapping effort.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Man, I'm so sick of building camps just to see them rot » 2018-03-18 13:32:48

Casdir wrote:

Also, stop frickin picking carrots from the farm. Take carrots from baskets and only take from the farm if it is an emergency. I'm so sick of trying to grow seeds and everytime some people pick the seeding ones, EVEN when there are carrots in baskets around! Due to that annoyance, I started to make hidden backup places for seeds. You know, put some fertile somewhere further away from the town and water it to grow seeds there.

I tried a carrot farm manager run yesterday in a major settlement. I spent half the game guarding the separate seed patch with a weapon. It kinda works but it's madness inducing especially when the game decides to troll you by having invisible people pick your seed carrots.

Dagar sums up alot of this for me but I'd say it's healthy for regs to vent their frustrations here in a friendly environment. Even if the newer players won't ever read it.

Maybe it's just me but yesterday felt like a massive surge of brand new players (weekend/rising YouTube fame?). Those guys are gonna need some communication from us if we don't want them to become the next generation of griefers that couldn't find a quick and easy refund button.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Favorite moments » 2018-03-17 16:16:38

The Crimson Jumper

I was born into a large village that was going through hard times, the nursery had become a place of death with carts stacked full of bodies. Mother opted to raise me on the job as she scrabbled away in the dirt of the humble carrot patch. I could see mother was struggling and when I was able to I leapt from her arms to fend for myself. My childhood was spent foraging in the surrounding areas, the hungry villagers seemingly unaware of nature's bounty just a stones throw away.

Elsewhere in the village an elderly shepherd was busy knitting whilst overseeing his apprentice who was boiling water in preparation for applying dye. One fateful day just as I'd scrapped together some pieces of fur and thread to protect my modesty I bumped into the old shepherd. He handed me a beautiful red jumper, I thanked him for his gift and then he passed on. I put the jumper on and buried his remains "The gift of clothes is a most wonderful thing" I thought to myself as I stood by his grave.

I set about my new task of restoring the villages milkweed farm which was in poor condition, gathering seeds and creating new mounds of compost. I was a young woman in her prime by then, the envy of the village with my distinct red jumper and stylish wolf cloak. I hopped over to the carrot patch to see how it was doing and there were single carrots standing in rows. Feeling charitable I decided to help out by picking the carrots and placing them in the baskets provided. "Hey!" an angry man approached "Those were for seeds", "You'll destroy the soil for just a single flower" I responded but he wasn't listening just running around like a headless chicken. I could feel my temper rising and my hand reaching for the hunting bow that I kept hidden nearby so I decided to walk away and cool off. It didn't concern me anyway, I would live of the land like I had before.

I returned to my milkweed by the graveyard. In my absence a man had moved in, I studied him for a moment wondering whether he would be help or hindrance. After some stepping on each others toes he settled to the side of the patch and focused on his composting work.

Time passed and a man ran past before collapsing from hunger. I returned to the village square and witnessed the chaos, starvation had set in, likely from that fool's mismanagement of the carrot patch. Death all around but I was with child, with society collapsing and my youth passing I opted to keep the child so that life may continue. I ran into the wilds my baby in hand and we foraged for a couple of years. I explained to her how this society almost collapsed despite it's advances and showed her what my contribution had been. She seemed to understand, such a bright child. Then my milk ran dry and I hadn't weened her off it yet! A moment of panic and I fed her my final gooseberry and told her to run for the bushes that I had shown her.

My daughter returned with a basket full of berries and offered me some. Not only had she passed Nature's test but she had the warm heart to share some with me, what a good child! She asked about clothes and I showed her the remains of the man that ran by earlier, a stark reminder that we inherit what our ancestors left us.

Life started returning to the village, a skilled farmer took over the carrot patch (practically having to start from scratch, I spotted a wagon with seeds in), he may have been the compost guy. I couldn't tell since they looked alike, not me though I stood out in my jumper haha! My daughter began helping him and I saw a new woman move in and have a baby, I was relieved that the village would continue.

But then I heard a commotion... I ran to the village square. The stranger was there, knife pointed at my daughter with a fresh body at her feet "you saw nothing" the stranger threatened her. I ran for my bow but I hesitated, I was getting old my body weak "have I even got the fight left in me?"

"Of course I have! I must save my child!" The stranger and I spotted each near the carrot patch both with weapon in hand, she approached and I shot an arrow with all the fury I had left.
"Mom!" my baby had seen what happened, not just her but the farm manager too. Blood on my hands I threw down my weapon and surrendered, ready for whatever punishment they might decide.

No punishment came instead my girl pleaded with the farmer, she told him the stranger had murdered her own children. What a wonderful daughter I had. My time on this earth was drawing to a close however and so I handed my distinctive red jumper to my daughter and told her to wear it with pride. "I will always remember you mum!" she shouted as I ran naked into the woods to live out my days in self-imposed exile.

The End

Side Note: This was my third life in the same village, in a past life I heard someone ask if it was called Midgard. Does anyone have any idea what it's name is and what server it is on? The carrot patch is center with a fully kitted out nursery above and a sheep pen to the left. Large warehouse south and mass ponds/depot full of tools and carts to the East. It has major roads leaving north and east that branch out with the occasional building in various stages of completion (private workshops that people are working on?).

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