One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Sprinklers and Plows » 2021-08-17 03:58:40

I think the main flaw is expecting efficiency from this community.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Order,... How do You be a Leader? » 2021-08-17 02:00:05

Lol. Like laggy mentions is easier to just go out of birth zone and gain score from yourself, gma, and mom. This is consistent and used by the majority of people 50+. Ive hit 57 using this method with no effort. Only to annoy another person who took memescore too seriously and wanted to prove how stupid it was. In the early days it was harsh, but just as broken. Mostly i was referring to it in that since thats what had left a bad taste in my mouth in regards to it. Lets be real. Living to 60 is a waste of food, being male is a waste of food. Maintaining spawn weight for your family is incredibly important and its more efficient to cycle lives that way. But only keep kids when resources are in surplus and dont keep males. At least back in the day. Any rifter will agree. Especially in struggling towns. Survival isnt a matter of score, its a matter of resource management. Overpopulation is the biggest problem with this game. Its not balanced around big populations, especially if the people in those populations dont understand the food system. Thats why noobpocalypses happen. Score doesnt mean you're skilled, it means your selfish and would rather feed yourself or your kids than be efficient in the system.  Its dependent on others and says nothing about you. It blocked out some of the best eves in the community and forced them to either jump through hoops or give up on ever eveing again. Sure its easy to play the system, but its also boring if you want to take risks and make big plays. Memescore peeps would be more likely to protect griefers as their kids and run away from a fight than make serious change. Thats counter intuitive when it comes to leadership.

Systems always been broken. Leadership is dumb. Always has been.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Sprinklers and Plows » 2021-08-16 23:51:49

Main issue I see with sprinklers is moving them. You need a hammer to disassemble them and baskets to move each part. Without a truck this would take many lives. Combine this with the dramatic push west and a sprinklers cost in steel.

Think about this. I dont have the answers and im too lazy to look them up.

1. How many bowls or water do you get from 4 buckets?

2. How many junctions(sprinkler heads) would you need to make to have the kero per kero use be more efficient than buckets?

3. Think about the potential of error with a charged sprinkler and noobs accidentally putting water into empty or already watered spaces.

4. How much iron would it cost to produce a profitable sprinkler?

5. How much time and kero(truck) would it take to effectively move sprinkler systems west for each fam?

6. Is that kero, for the sprinkler, plow, and truck worth the equivalent amount of water or iron? (Remember one bit of kero is worth 5 iron profit)

7. Can a sprinkler engine be moved while its full? If not that's a major risk factor in moving it, especially if the town died out due to lack of water, or someone griefing the wells engine.

Personally I dont see them as an issue, in a perfect system. But they also seem like high risk high reward tech. The potential for resource waste is there and the amount of time it would take to make and move a system like that is a cost as well. The potential for loss is huge and its a lot to expect the community to maintain a high tech system like that. Personally I think its safer to roll the old system. Its more portable, has lower loss risks and is less demanding in time, resources, and effort.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Order,... How do You be a Leader? » 2021-08-14 02:51:05

Its a fake title that means nothing. You can give 'orders' and can kill/exile people. It was another stupid mechanic added to encourage players to jump through the memescore hoops and all play the same. If you're a good little food waster and make sure all your afk kids survive you might get rewarded with an eve run.. or be leader. The birth of memescore weight, along with toolslots, was the day this game spiritually died. What was that? Almost two years ago? Time flies huh.

Being a leader used to mean literally leading people. Being a mover and a changer, helping people, guiding people, encouraging people, and protecting people. It wasnt something you earned, it was something you were. It wasn't a title, it didnt have perks, it was who you were and how you played. Being a leader meant taking risks, putting your life on the line for others or even killing to protect your family. Sometimes it meant not keeping all of your kids so the others wouldnt starve. The current system is counter intuitive to the meaning of being a leader, or even excelling in this game technologically and genealogically.The mechanic may be called "leadership/hierarchy" but it really should be called "#1 helicopter mom"

#5 Re: Main Forum » It feels like we have gotten past the event horizon. » 2021-08-14 00:25:56

Ive been pushing for a vet boycott for almost 2 years. Doubt it will ever happen, people are too addicted to this game. Its like they're cursed. They have a compulsion and cant stop.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Never ending water (sprinklers continued) » 2021-08-07 05:51:22

Im with laggy on this one. Cycling a well in the early stage while killing of fams is one of the worst strats I've heard of in this game. Sure it may work on low pop but it does not and will not translate towards the demand of the main server. Think about how much time four buckets of water is worth on the main server. Maybe 30 minutes to an hour at best? So we're talking about killing off fams when they hit that stage and recycling the same town over and over again for that much water? Think about how far that would push fams west while putting a demand on returning east for those four buckets of water. That said shallow wells have a fixed cycle pattern while deep wells do not. Deep wells will cycle at specific stages while staying static on others. That is a far better strat in that regard, but at the same time, still very weak in comparison to late game kerosene rush.

Works great for low demand environments like low pop servers but the more people you add the more chaotic and violent resource consumption becomes.

The true meta in this regard would be to have every player agree to not render areas east o west of a town, specifically snow biomes. That way those tarry spotlls could cull and oil would be limitless for said "promised land". But most people are too chaotic for that kind of order so its stupid to expect those kinds of results. Just like it is to expect people to do this kind of stuff for 4 buckets of water..

If they cant even do it for immortality why would they do it for the crust off of a sandwich?

#7 Re: Main Forum » It feels like we have gotten past the event horizon. » 2021-08-05 22:48:35

Lol, now im excited for the new update!

Can we expect 2022? 2023? 2077?

#9 Re: Main Forum » next update when » 2021-07-28 07:42:42

DestinyCall wrote:

If there are no bugs, what are the mosquitoes?


#10 Re: Main Forum » Lift race restrictions for all but oil, latex and glasswort » 2021-07-20 23:54:12

Honestly im pretty inclined to agree with jony. As much as i hope jason comes back in a fury and starts shaking things up, its been so damn long. I think its grown from being busy and distracted into a lack of interest.

I hope im wrong but it doesnt feel like it. My only hope is someone down the line was inspired by this game and makes a grander version. One like we all hoped for in the beginning.

#11 Re: Main Forum » Barbarian Bear Style Unit (hoards) » 2021-07-17 22:36:37

Perhaps the homeland system could be Frankensteined into a territory system. I mean for gods sake they could be squares we take over. Same map pattern but a specific biome in each. A family ignites a totem and the plot is theirs. Other families cant have kids there or use the biomes. Biomes cant be accessed without igniting the totem, or maybe not that could be stupid. But that would make the fight over territory more interesting. It would also make for some interesting cold war tactics between families.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Barbarian Bear Style Unit (hoards) » 2021-07-17 18:22:03

On the subject of the map being unlimited. The system fug suggests would work beautifully in an enclosed system. Nothing as small as the rift, but maybe something in the range of 3-10k square. 10k would be more than enough space to spread out and feel infinite without the drawbacks of it being.. ya know.. infinite.

Infinite map is a cool idea but i think its pretty clear its failing about as hard as the rift. At least we knew what was wrong with the rift, it was tooooo small. The current system has so many holes leaking and by the time they get "patched" it will look like a completely different boat from the one we started with. Sink er and get a new boat i say.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Barbarian Bear Style Unit (hoards) » 2021-07-17 04:05:38

Honestly its a genius idea. The more i think about it the better it sounds. Hopefully it finds its way into jason's ear.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Barbarian Bear Style Unit (hoards) » 2021-07-17 02:28:33

Ooo i really like that idea tarr.

The eve spawn problem could probably be solved by removing banding. Then families could spread out towards virgin land. That said there will always be issues trying to explain these mechanics to new and unfamiliar players.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Barbarian Bear Style Unit (hoards) » 2021-07-16 18:35:12

jinbaili83 wrote:

I'm sorry to say that but any combat in this game will just fail.
Viewing distance is too small (5x9 tiles) .
No hit points.
No support for projectiles like in shooting games.
It would be just easier to start game development from zero.

Yea very true. Hopefully someone takes this game concept and develops it in something like unreal engine. As far as i know everything that is lacking or not stable in this engine could be easily done in a developed engine like unreal. Great concept for a game but it has so many holes that limit its potential.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Barbarian Bear Style Unit (hoards) » 2021-07-16 15:47:15

At first i was sceptical about this idea, but after thinking about it for a while i quite like it. Obviously it could pose an issue if griefers take advantage of them but that happens anyway with bears. Plus I don't imagine the barbarians or etc would take 3 arrows to take out. The thing i find most appealing about this would be the revival of walled cities. Walled cities have basically been dead content since the rift days and it used to be an important job to build them. It would be nice to see them return.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Low Pop limit should be raised to 50 » 2021-07-06 17:25:39

Still think my suggestion would work best.

Anyone get the joke?

#20 Re: Main Forum » If official development ever ends we need a server list. » 2021-07-06 05:40:20

I think they also mean custom servers in case the vanilla servers get shut down. Ones like onelifeclassic and etc. Having them steam integrated so its just a matter of downloading something from the steam workshop to access said servers. There was a thread similar with many custom servers but most of them are inactive now. Though jason would need to ok workshop items which is debatable if he would.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Bring back multicultural families!!! » 2021-07-05 21:01:27

You cant close a thread...

You shouldnt be surprised people talk about the subject of your post. Its not up to you how people express themselves on here and it certainly isnt up to you when discussions end. Plenty of people use these forums. The view counts speak for themselves.

#22 Re: Main Forum » One Hour One Life Classic Server » 2021-07-05 18:07:48

What inspired you guys to start this project?

#23 Re: Main Forum » 197 guests online » 2021-07-05 08:29:30

Just hit 322. If mods are not aware of this situation i highly suggest you keep an eye on it.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Bring back multicultural families!!! » 2021-07-05 07:04:54

Fair stuff destiny. Didnt mean to overstep. Presumed you were as frustrated with the situation as I was. If you enjoy keeping that sort of thing going dont let me get in the way. Just felt like we were talking in circles about nothing and clogging up this thread with arguments that were going no where.

Also i can do you one better … p?id=10148


Still cant get over the fact they're a discord mod now lol.

#25 Re: Main Forum » Bring back multicultural families!!! » 2021-07-05 06:35:20

Totally agree with the random race spawn. That was a beautiful time. One of my favorite lineages was during the rift. It was during one of those funky server resets where all the existing items on the server still existed but the land and resources fully reset. Remembering where one of the biggest walled cities was i ventured there. Established myself and had many children. I had set up a family gate per usual to keep us safe from raiders and thieves. I remember vividly when a wayward eve stumbled upon our town. She spoke a different language but continued to emote a heart above her head. My grandchildren said to kill her "she was a threat" and "she only wants to take over our town' etc etc. I refused. I told them the X family is a family of peace. I let the eve in and forbade any of my family to harm her or her family. Mine and that eve's family lived in that town together for over 100 generations, protecting one another. Not because we had to, but because we wanted to. I spawned into that village, in either fam so many times. By this point we both had completely learned the others language. When griefers arrived or there was a threat to our families, it didnt matter which, we protected each other. It was beautiful. That, to me, is the true meaning of a multicultural city. Not because we have to, but because we want to. For our mutual compassion and respect for one another. I would give a month off my life to live one life back in that town. The rift was a dark place, full of hate, but there were magnificent moments like that that made you realize what this community truly was. Mine and that eve family hit top two that arc. I was 3rd, they were second. It was one of the longest arcs on record during the rift. Still my personal best lineage. Unfortunately my family ended up being killed off by that same family we had lived peacefully with. By that point we had all moved cities serval times and did not live together. Even still, i know that was because of a minority of individuals who were tired of how long the arc had lasted and wanted to end it. I dont blame them. But ill always remember that arc fondly. It reminded me that peace and compassion was possible even in the hardest times. Through that compassion we broke lineage records and pushed the arc length longer than it had ever been pushed before. Even though they killed off my family eventually, i was proud to play a part. We reached 2nd and 3rd all time lineage (at the time) together.

Anyway. Big soft spot for multicultural cities. But not when they're forces, not when they're fake. They happened before race restrictions, albeit rare, but they were beautiful when they happened. I'm all for them, but not while race restrictions still press their foot upon our necks.

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