One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » So /Die Just Seems To Get Worse and Worse » 2021-02-02 00:29:37

I honestly think this game is to convince men that birth control is important, lol.

If all the fertile women concurrent choose to not have kids, there will be tons and tons of eves, and so tons of different families but mostly quite small. It sucks when you're an Eve and getting babies, but if you wait until you're established enough to handle them, ten more Eves in your family will have spawned in the mean time and you'll only have a few minutes of fertility left.

I do think the biome changes to make the stripes of homeland have made it both harder and easier -- I know I can go north or south to avoid having kids, but if I'm looking for something in my own biome (sulfur, latex, oil) there's no easy "off" switch. Maybe a function of decreasing likelihood of being a mother the further you get from your home well -- if you're near town and you don't want the kid, just drop it off at the nursery and someone will feed it.

Let's look at the reasons why people /die:
1) They want a specific family. That could be addressed with a menu.
2) They don't want to be a girl because they want to be able to go off and drill for oil or build a road or whatever. This could be addressed with a birth control system, or also with a menu -- select your family and your sex.
3) Artificially reduce their gene score so they don't become leader. This is the main reason I use /die. Perhaps a handicap I can set, so I could still potentially be leader if the town is somehow full of failures or noobs, but I wouldn't be if anyone halfway experienced is around? Just because I can live to old age every life doesn't mean I have any idea how to organize a town or deal with griefers.

But I disagree that there's anything wrong with /die as it is. Most of the time the baby dies in my arms and I just drop it somewhere outside. By the time anyone finds it to think about burying it, then gets the shovel, it's decayed. Mostly I just want some sort of score handicap or ability to abdicate leadership. Even if I follow someone else, I'm still technically a leader -- just a Lord to their Baron or whatever -- and people expect me to do leader things like exile people.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Buildings Are Ornamental But Not Useful » 2020-12-30 01:20:41

I supposes we could just have storage boxes on the ground instead of on walls -- takes up the same amount of room, uses less resources, still blocks passage.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Oil Depletion in the Band Update » 2020-12-30 01:15:00

Another option could be making it possible to allow other families to drill for oil in the artic -- just like with fishing holes, if I'm in a young artic fam that doesn't have bandwidth / tech to drill for oil, if I can just make some packed snow tiles in the area when a more advanced fam comes to us looking for oil. Or I could go to a tarry spot north of their town and make an accessible tarry spot for them. Mostly so more people can work on the problem. If you don't want to let any other fam in, just don't make the packed tiles.

In general the civ the game is modeling is still pre-industrial regardless of the existence of engines / cars. The closest thing is the plow/sprinkler system, which combined with rail lines could mimic "modern" (circa 1800s) farming. (Random thought -- horse plow! so we don't need yet another engine). For the most part, resources ARE trucked/trained/flown in from remote areas in real life. Being able to have enough close by only works across many generations in a few cases -- living near the ocean / major river (since they constantly renew), or being nomadic/semi-nomadic.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Expert family marker? » 2020-08-27 00:11:27

Matbat wrote:
Melonaise wrote:

Well my second life yesterday I was born into jungle fam and thought "great, I can go take the stuff to desert fam that I know they need." Instead the desert marker pointed to an empty tile within sight of the desert expert marker, no where near anything.

Expert waystones point you towards the nearest person of the expertise you are looking for.
If a desert person is 2 tiles away from you it will point to them instead of their home 500 tiles away
this especially makes it tricky when the families are further away like 2000 tiles because an
expert you're looking for could be traveling nearby just exploring but their family that would actually help you is much further.

But when it's pointing like 6 tiles away and I can clearly see there's no person there and no sign there was ever a family? Like I walked in a circle around an empty tile and the little radar arrow just kept turning to point me to that empty tile. Should I report this as a bug or is this expected strange behavior?

#5 Re: Main Forum » Expert family marker? » 2020-08-26 14:23:22

Well my second life yesterday I was born into jungle fam and thought "great, I can go take the stuff to desert fam that I know they need." Instead the desert marker pointed to an empty tile within sight of the desert expert marker, no where near anything.

#6 Main Forum » Expert family marker? » 2020-08-26 00:26:33

Replies: 7

How are these supposed to work? There isn't one for every arctic/jungle/desert biome I come across -- even big ones -- so sometimes I have to wander quite aways to get a direction. And then sometimes it points me to dead towns, although it looks like they haven't been dead too long based on the well still has a family name. When there are multiple jungle/ginger/desert families, how does it decide which one to send you to? I spent 20 "years" today trying to find the jungle family only to end up in a dead town at the end of the quest (when I died -- I had passed a couple dry well markers pointing in other directions I could have checked out if I had more time).

#7 Re: Main Forum » I miss nursing » 2020-08-23 23:53:55

Guy wrote:

I don't, I hated cities being murder holes and always having to make pads. Adding plague now would be pretty insensitive. I think some more mundane workplace accidents might be interesting. Perhaps from trying to use a tool without any tool slots could have a 50/50 chance of hurting yourself.

That'd be interesting... different tools could have different risk factors.

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