One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » What was going on? » 2020-06-14 02:02:01

Lava wrote:
merryllamax wrote:

Only loosely related, but are family trees broken? I love them but so often they don't show names and I can't tell what number I was. Or they just seem to be wrong. Like, I was in the Savannah family today, and look at this, it can't be right. … id=3071804 and it doesn't tell me anything :-(

Hmm shows for me

It only shows 8 generations, this family is still alive. I just played as Rose Savannah and when I look at the family tree it says my mother is still alive but I died at 60 so my mother being alive would be impossible. … id=6299848

#2 Re: Main Forum » Deep Roots inconsistency » 2019-10-02 14:57:23

It looks like it's counting not just counting you having deep roots but being one as well.

#3 Re: Main Forum » The end condition changes and gender tweaks worked! » 2019-09-24 16:39:15

There were so many murders that it turned the greater adult population back into babies.

#4 Re: Main Forum » born outside rift in low pop server » 2019-08-30 13:55:34

Couldn't tell you what is wrong but I was able to 'fix' it last night by twining.

#5 Re: Main Forum » born outside rift in low pop server » 2019-08-29 14:08:21

Twisted wrote:

I could be mistaken but I was under the impression that the rift only appears when there's at least 15 people playing on that server. Since there's no rift there's no families inside the rift, so the message tells yo that there's 0 rift families alive.

That may be. I know a few weeks ago it wasn't the case (there was a large town on the south rift on server one ) and I haven't seen anything telling me either way.

#6 Re: Main Forum » born outside rift in low pop server » 2019-08-29 13:58:32

It seems to be the same for me, but on Servers 1-5. I ran for my whole life and never encountered the rift and says 0 families alive when the information pops up. As much as I dislike the rift it makes a great land mark to find exactly what you are looking for.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Halve "hungry work" penalty and/or make it account for yum » 2019-08-27 19:58:54

jasonrohrer wrote:

Whoops, the YUM chain thing was an oversight on my part.  Will fix.

Pine will become non-hungry work soon.  That way, you will go to mountains for logging, just like what's shown in trailer.

Thank you

#8 Re: Main Forum » A simple life of rabbit hunting » 2019-08-14 00:29:01

I was your great grandma. They had started fence when I was young but never finished it. Did they ever tap any of the 3 mine south?... so many resources I was able to gather loose iron. It was a good life.

#9 Re: Main Forum » There actually is a heaven rift » 2019-08-11 22:48:51


I started there about 11 to 12 days ago, I felt I wasn't good enough for BS2 and needed practice. (I now know its not me) I ran right for the SouthEast corner it drew me in, it called my name. I played alone... for hours, for days it seemed like forever but I was having so much fun! I wasn't being murdered, I wasn't popping babies out like a Pez dispenser, I was able to learn without ruining anything. I begged a friend, Wasabi_Tonic,  to play with me and he did... we built, he streamed and we had a blast had a few randos come in and play too. We learned without fear, without judgement and this has been the best in game experience i have had... Playing with one, recently more, play/ers that are caring and kind and an amazing family... this is the game I bought. This is the game I wanted to play.

I watched so many people come in in the past few days and learn something new, I love that! This has been my favorite place and what I will strive for if I ever feel BS2 is playable.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Can we just all agree to end it all » 2019-08-08 23:43:25

sigmen4020 wrote:

Is the current arc not over yet? Maybe Jason should realize that he has put up an impossible reset condition. Kinda glad that I haven't played on the main server the last few days. Sounds like a big mess.


#11 Re: Main Forum » Outside the Rift » 2019-08-05 11:52:54

I have seen things in the wrong biome...but that isn't happening on this server... but if you die right next to rift what you die on top of can get pushed to the other side. That's how I have the shoes in the second pic above.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Outside the Rift » 2019-08-05 11:39:38

Neither pic works? But I'm not sure I assume it has to do with the village being right on the edge of the rift that when it spawns me close sometimes its the other side of the rift.

#14 Main Forum » Outside the Rift » 2019-08-03 01:09:59

Replies: 5

I was born an Eve outside the rift, unfortunately it was in a non-pop server so I had no hopes of kids.

There is my dead body, well bodies. lol

#15 Re: Main Forum » Non-pop server - Biomes rearranged = threats outside of assigned biome » 2019-08-01 10:29:57

I noticed this on Server13 as well but it was both before and after the biome changes. Danger everywhere.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Annalisa Alapai, Slayer of the Innocent » 2019-06-24 19:40:54

Omg I was there. I had the thread, but it wasn't you in the way, Cruise needed to move so do not feel guilty.
He was my big brother. … id=4854065

#17 Re: Main Forum » Post screenshots of: You getting married in one hour one life » 2019-06-22 15:12:37

I don't really Rp but I have one story.

I was born a boy to an eve who was about 35 years of age we were a beautiful medium skin toned mother and son. I was lucky to be her son as she had just happened upon a friendly city of gingers who were excited to have us!
The new language update was out. I was going to be bi-lingual! What a rare chance. There were many other babies being born and the adults were teaching us to speak. I grew and I mostly understood. I found a job farming and making compost mostly.
It was at that time I began getting courted by a young girl. She was lovely and kind but there was a bit of a language barrier. She asked if I wanted to get married and of course I obliged (I'm not one to ruin someone else's fun if it doesn't hurt me) We were married and announced it to the town. I went back to work as did my new wife.
A few minutes later she came running but not alone. She had an infant in her arms and she introduced me as the baby's dad. I was a father! My wife took my new daughter to the nursery and loved her as a mother should. I continued working in my fields and brought my lovely wife and daughter Yums,(corn, popcorn, green beans) only to find I now also had a son! I went back to work once again. Minutes passed. On my screen appears my wife with another baby, what luck to have such a solid family.
Her and I lived long enough to see 2 grandchildren and both passed away above the age of 55, her seconds before me.

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