One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » /die baby bones delete items left on the ground. » 2019-05-20 20:31:40

Tarr wrote:

Just had someone report the babies deleting items on them hadn't actually been fixed, only the part where they delete items on the ground.

I can confirm clothes still dissapear. Have had a few babies I assume were griefers interact with me so I would dress them and promptly /die. Very frustrating especially when low on supplies.

#2 Re: Main Forum » What we found from 30 years/minutes of exploration. » 2019-05-20 13:58:05

Wuatduhf wrote:

This has variable success. Given the current 'climate' people are very much warmongering/fearmongering against Eves, some for good reason, others for worse.

On one side, you have players that say that a 'First strike' policy - attacking an Eve without probable cause or justification - is griefing, and no better than the Eves that try to murder an entire town (or some of its people) or grief with bad intentions.

On another, there are players that cannot trust any Eve not to be malicious, and want a single-lineage city secured by whatever means necessary, even if you do end up harming peaceful Eves, you are defending yourself from the non-peaceful and their kin down the line that may try the same thing.

Personal anecdote - I left a village w/ some twins to try and start up a new colony. We told our mom ahead of time so they knew we left. While we had been gone, an Eve apparently came to our town and murdered everybody.

Our new village failed, no girls or boys lived at all, so I decided to pack up and return home w/ some of the supplies we took w/ us to the village. I had found a BP in the wild w/ a sword, so I wore that and had a couple rope in the BP in addition.

Upon return, I see several non-family in the bakery hovered around the dead Eve. Their family and my family had been in the town for enough generations that we could understand each other.

Upon coming back in and saying "Hi, our colony south failed, so I'm returning these things", one of them charges at me and tries to stab me. I run off and leave the basket of things behind, check that I can take out the sword, stow it, and come back in. The same guy says that I'm an Eve (even though my name was Gretchen) and to kill me because I'm an Eve w/ a sword. They fail and die in the process, but no matter what actions occur afterwards (beyond me dying), they refuse to stop trying to kill me first.

You can watch how that played out here.

Wow ok just watched that video and the family who attacked you was just plain stupid. Yes... kill the elderly 'eve' that poses absolutely no threat. Cant have kids and can talk to you which obviously mean she and her family have interacted with yours, without slaughter. They were ignorant, following the guy who said to kill the eve (gretchen, I mean use your brains people) because he said so. The deserved to die tbh.

#3 Re: Main Forum » What we found from 30 years/minutes of exploration. » 2019-05-20 11:44:04

Grim_Arbiter wrote:
Baker wrote:

Probably for the best that you didn't find any living towns, People usually kill outsiders on sight nowadays.

Out of the 4 towns ive wandered into as an outsider, nobody stabbed or shot me. Yall just need to bring gifts.

This certainly has merit. Had a life where an eve showed up and people started dancing around her, obviously threatened. She walked off, returned with a cart of wood, stoked the fire and proceeded to tend the berries. People seemed to chill out and let her do her thing after that.

#4 Re: Main Forum » An observation... » 2019-05-20 09:03:21

Ok I have tried to heal a few players with wounds but most times they run around too much and die before I can get to them. Quite a few towns have medical supplies but it seems people either don't know/remember where they are or are so used to seeing a wound at a death sentence they don't consider healing as an option.

If you are injured run to town and stand still! Please.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Idea: spindling a single wool should give way more yarn » 2019-05-19 13:35:02

I really want to weare shorts, apron, BP and fruit shoes in a life for ultimate storage lol. Will probably never happen though.

But yeah more yarn would be nice I mean even getting two thread balls per sheep would help.

#6 Re: Main Forum » The new language update » 2019-05-19 13:30:40

Up until age six you are able to learn a foreigners language. When they speak each word is rolled and you have a percent chance of learning certain letters. What you learn is then inherited by your children

#7 Re: Main Forum » Civilization Eras - Current - By Ian » 2019-05-19 11:47:33

RodneyC86 wrote:

To me the era that stands out the most is when there is surplus and everyone just takes up stab-fu to fill up their time. I'm honestly surprised so many people resort to this sort of activities when they are bored with a lot of surplus. Why not paint the walls, make a new town, build something nifty instead of stabbing people? It makes me worry about how these people behave in real life

AHAHA stab-fu thats brilliant i'm gonna use that one.

With surplus I like to take on silly projects like decorating a graveyard or planting as much milkweed as possible.

Also Quirky I wouldn't pay too much heed to other posts here, they're just articulating the 'um actually' meme wink I enjoyed the list.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Does being (randomly) murdered make you want to play the game more? » 2019-05-19 11:24:41

futurebird wrote:
wondaland wrote:

Just embrace the narrative smile

Not bad advice, but this story about how all the people who look and talk different are evil and need to be killed is depressing.

Oh it is absolutely depressing but, at risk of sounding like a serial optimist, not everyone is like that and I have had quite a few games where two or more families actively try to live peacefully. Some succeeded, some didn't but in my mind that's not an entirely bad thing. Surely we'd get bored pretty quick if each life was the same?

I will say murder is at an all time high right now most of that stemming from perceived 'outsider' threat. Then again I've played maybe five lives today and didn't see a single murder.

#9 Main Forum » Why do so many/die when born into an eve village? » 2019-05-19 11:16:41

Replies: 11

Why do so many/die when born into an eve village?

I personally really enjoy playing as an eve or her early descendants, paving the way for, hopefully, may generations to come. I love the challenge of getting a kiln set up, farm planted and well started before your family starves. Catching those first rabbits and the sense of accomplishment and gratitude when you hand your sis/bro a fresh BP. Going off to find the first bits of iron and returning to find nine berry bushes ready to be picked and a dozen new bowls. Watching your niece lay down the foundations for sheep and the general sense of progress.

I suppose all of the reasons I love eve life could be why others avoid it. It is incredibly difficult and many who try to live starve anyway. An early village certainly isn't new player friendly though, strangely enough, I see quite a few of those players actually sticking around and TRYING as opposed to the many that /die as soon as they see you there naked next to a stone hatchet and a bunch of unforged bowels. That is not to say I don't see experienced players doing their thing in an eve camp as well, that goes without saying. I suppose my point is there aren't many, in general, who stick around.

So what technology stage is you favourite and why? And if you are one who avoids eve camps why is that? Id love to hear some different perspectives.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Does being (randomly) murdered make you want to play the game more? » 2019-05-19 10:58:24

I'm a sucker for a good narrative so I'll usually drum up some sort of story when I'm murdered. have posted about a couple instances recently. One I didn't make a topic about was a few days ago in a town I'd immigrated to, had a few kids and then, coincidentally returned to in another life. With a few generations of my immigrant family there at this point living, seemingly peacefully together. Then, of course, a rogue eve came in stabbing and several from both families died. Saw a member of my family kill a native villager which sucked. I asked him why and he said they were murdering our family, tried to explain it was a completely separate eve but didn't really matter at that point. Then I was killed by said eve and poof goodbye life.

sorry for the tangent, as I said I'm a sucker for stories.

But to answer the Ops question I'm not discouraged when 'randomly' killed because I've adapted a mindset that it is a part of the game, part of the story. Each life is unique some I live to 60 and die surrounded by grand-babies. Some I run into the wild in search of new wonders and end up in an unfortunate duel with a bear. Others I get killed by a rabid eve while planting carrots. Each is unique and I enjoy almost all of them.

I wholeheartedly believe many people would enjoy themselves a lot more if they kept an open mind. Sure if you go in with a certain intent to say, make a camera or collect copious amounts of iron and someone literally stabs you in the back, it can feel pretty disheartening. But try to take it in your stride and accept that was the full stop to that lives 'story'. For example, Jimmy Boots spent his short life trying to increase the villages iron supply and amass a steel fortune. Sadly he was brutally murdered by a killer (griefer wink) within his family just as he placed the finished stanchion kit into his kart. The killer proclaiming Jimmy had stolen his rope, a weak defence and as Jimmy stood bleeding to death he saw justice served as his Aunt Jane dealt to the killer with an arrow.

Just embrace the narrative smile

#11 Re: Main Forum » In the future... when you are critical of the game... » 2019-05-19 10:31:39

This game is unique in the way Jason interacts with its player base. Few other in development games have had a developer who shares so much of when, where and how they are going to impact/change the game. As a result I believe peoples expectations have shifted and may view Ohol as their own property or maybe put too much value in their personal experience with it. As Jason has said he can't do EVERYTHING we ask but it is ignorant to say he hasn't listened to at least some of what we've said. Swords have been changed with a promise to look into them further. The temperature overhaul was changed several times, same with eve spawns. he added the ability to stack carrots and put seeds in bowls, more clothing. All things we asked for.

Minecraft is a pretty good comparison here, it was available from a very early stage and changed substantially over many years. Lots of those changes upset people to begin with but the players who stayed adapted and came to welcome new additions.

it is simply unfair to expect a perfectly balanced game right now when it has been made abundantly clear that change will be frequent. Just as it is unfair to expect things to stay the same. Would you really want Jason to just lay down his tools right now and say "all done"? No of course not! We need to be paitent. Continue to give feedback in a civil manner, report bugs on github and play/experiment with the game. No amount of whining and name calling is going to make this a perfect game.

At the end of the day Jason is the one making the game and we are the ones testing it. We need to trust he cares enough (which I believe he does) to do what is best for his project and accept that opinions vary and what is a perfect experience for one wont be for another. This can't be 100 games in one this is why we have genres.

So please before posting complaints/criticism (Which we absolutely should do) consider whether or not your approach is constructive. Don't just point out what is wrong suggest how it could be better. These posts I've seen ranting about how terrible Jason is are not constructive they serve no purpose in actually improving the game. If you feel you have tried and Jason is still not taking the game in a direction you agree with, move on, play something new that may better suit your interests. I'm aware many of us have put a substantial amount of time into Ohol and leaving would be hard but it seems there are several people who have reached a point of toxicity that might require a break at least.

Tldr, be nice and trust Jason. If you can't play something else for a while

#12 Re: Main Forum » What we found from 30 years/minutes of exploration. » 2019-05-19 04:14:10

RodneyC86 wrote:

Just luck, I have found another family while riding a horse cart in search of an iron vein. They were not very friendly. I just rode away

Ah Ha this is why we had swords! But yea I've found a family while searching for iron too, didn't live long if you catch my drift.

#13 Main Forum » What we found from 30 years/minutes of exploration. » 2019-05-19 04:06:41

Replies: 10

I just spent a life as Arianna Radish exploring with Sircharles Radish. We set off in our twenties and lived off the land into our late fifties. What did we find?

Simple answer is several dead towns... Some quite advanced and most with food ready to be eaten. Just no one to eat it. Charles and I speculated why these towns never survived long enough to reach diesel tech. Suggesting murder or foreign attack must have been the answer but, we never found another living soul. It could be that we were simply playing during a low traffic time for the server (though my 10+ abandoned babies say otherwise. IT WAS FOR RESEARCH) or just went in the wrong direction. Alas the whole experience was very, very interesting. At one point we even found a town with two horse carts that we proceeded to load up with food and ride off into the sunset.

A quick list of what we did find

- 3-4 eve camps
- 2 large towns with buildings
- earliest pile of bones eighteen years old
- a cart full of buckets in the middle of the jungle
- several bone piles surrounded by clothing
- a random deep well in the middle of nowhere

I really enjoyed this unique life of a nomad, investigating all the ruined cities and signs of life dotted throughout the land. But still don't and probably never will, know why we never found another person.

If you haven't done something like this yet I would highly suggest it, even better if you can find a companion.

Me (Arianne) - … id=4512776

Sircharles - … id=4512819

#14 Re: Main Forum » In the future... when you are critical of the game... » 2019-05-18 15:48:24

I completely agree. No one can deny Jason work bloody hard and some of the comments I've seen directed at him recently are unesseccarily harsh. The sword had/has issues yes but he has made steps towards fixing that exactly like the temperature overhaul. I think in a week or so once people have had time to adapt the hostility will seem quite silly in hindsight.

#15 Main Forum » I adopted a murderous eves child. » 2019-05-18 06:25:04

Replies: 4

Let me preface this by saying the stories, conflicts, relationships etc are a big part of why I love this game. This is why my most recent life left me smiling despite the slaughter.

I was named Cutler II in the fourth generation of a family that had settled in what was once known as Ben town (I've been born there four times now so some may know it)

Just as I was about to turn gray, holding my only surviving baby daughter Miracle a crazed Eve Poland arrived wielding a sword and began to murder any woman or child she could find. I had to make a choice run and save my daughter or fight with my own sword and save the rest of the town. I chose to fight.

A few others were now chasing her with swords but she was a bloody fast one. My daughter was stabbed in the berry field, healed and then stabbed again. It was horrible. Eventually someone managed to land that killing blow and Eve Poland was gone but she left something behind. A daughter abandoned in our berry fields, the very same my own daughter had been killed in.

I took this as a sign and decided to protect the girl, naming her adopted (ador) and explaining what her mother had done. The girl was shocked but grateful to be welcomed into our now very small and mostly Male family. She called my son dad and me grandma. I spent my final years teaching her and then her children our language.

On a side note Eve Poland was running around with that sword for quite a while and never starved plus whenever I would get close enough to kill she would disappear and then reappear on the other side of town. Is this suspicious or am I reading too much into it?

Edit: Just saw Adors last words, oh my my heart! … id=4498328

#16 Re: Main Forum » How do you make the most of a life in a decayed town? » 2019-05-17 10:10:27

Spoonwood wrote:

See if there's a plane around, or if you can convert a car to a plane, and try to fly near to a tutorial area.  I had started thinking that doing such might be a good idea with how people were making these posts about nature as nothing more than a teenage wasteland.  I didn't say anything though.  There's some talk on Discord that people are living near tutorial areas now.

"Come together" might just end meaning "fly away" in the end.

I was born into a tutorial are twice today, they're definitely out there.

#17 Re: Main Forum » How do you make the most of a life in a decayed town? » 2019-05-17 08:41:27

I tend to go through a check list to see what needs doing.

First food- is the farm functional, any decaying bushes, planted carrots etc. Is there enough leftover pie/stew/broth etc to sustain us for a while.

If yes then are there sheep?

If yes do we have iron?

If yes, what state is the well in? Does it need upgrading and do we have enough alternative water if it does.

If yes I survey to see what tools are needed. Iron tools, buckets, carts etc.

Though this doesn't really address the lonely feeling which I can absolutely relate to. I think one way to help, especially if female is after completing the workload assessment stand by the fire, hopefully there are at least a few babies at this point and you can share your info on whats missing/needs doing. Obviously the wasteland thing is still an issue. I've been born into several towns with absolutely no milkweed recently, no seeds, none in the wild, and no farm. It is the same with iron, when you are repopulating an old town you generally don't have time to travel hundreds upon hundreds of tiles to tap that one iron mine. it's even worse if your town is cartless and ironless. The whole process is very hard and requires a lot of coordination from the population which, with so many varying skill levels is really freaking hard.

The few suggestions I have are 1 regenerating wild plans such as milkweed make the timer quite long 2+ hours but enough to give someone finding a dead town a better chance at reviving it. and a slight increase in iron mine spawn chance, possibly more mines but less iron pieces per mine.

#18 Main Forum » Life of War... Peace is rare. » 2019-05-17 08:24:55

Replies: 7

I just lived an interesting life where my family waged war over stolen resources.

I was born into a relatively early village, settled by two families. As a baby my mother carried me around asking everyone to prepare weapons to wage war over our stolen iron. We were pre-well at this point so that iron was a massive loss. Once I grew up I too went on the quest for a weapon, assuming the raiders I'd heard about may return. While on that search I actually stumbled across their town...they were seemingly peaceful and much more advanced than us (newcomen pump and all) At this point I figured we may not need to attack, our efforts would be better spent getting our own village set up anyway. Well... my family did not agree, as soon as I arrived home about four adults wielding knives started heading towards the neighbouring town.

I was still quite young at this point (also weaponless) and decided to stay home and expand the farm. A few minutes/years past and none of my family had returned, this is where I got curious and decided to go see what actually happened at the neighbours place. To my horror I arrived to find my family wielding bloody knives and only two of the towns natives surviving, they were completely unprepared. I tried to tell the foreign boy and woman to run but she couldn't understand me, the language barrier very real at this point.

Eventually the natives disappeared, fleeing or otherwise, and my family proceeded to settle in this new, much bigger town. Life went back to normal, I had two babies, we prepared to build a road and everything seemed peaceful. That is until my cousin came up claiming she's seen two of the surviving natives planning a counter attack "he has a bow" she said. So, as expected my family, knives back in hand, went searching. Eventually I was passed my own knife from an elderly woman and thus chaos ensued.

The boy with the bow invaded the town with his mother and I mistakenly stabbed my own son trying to get him. Some time later the boy managed to land a shot on me (I was one of only two fertile women) and was stabbed by my uncle in retaliation. My family was almost definitely doomed at this point though, my children had succumbed to the war and my older sister was about too old to have kids, with no surviving girls. That was the end of two families due to bloodlust.

Now I told that story because it really made me think... this update is fantastic but, does seem to bring out the worst in people. Those who choose to kill seem to have and unfair advantage over those who advocate peace within this game. Its starting to look like we need some way to detain people (handcuffs, jail etc) because at the moment if one or two people choose war over peace, even if they are a minority, the remaining people are at their mercy unless they decide to kill themselves which in turn breeds more violence. Give us ways to deal with griefers or aggressive neighbours without killing.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Should the sword kill everyone from other families or only foreigners? » 2019-05-17 07:58:37

How about interbreeding? Say a man or woman immigrates to a foreign village and has some way of producing a baby that is connected to BOTH families and cant kill either with the sword. This would take some value away from the sword which, from the influx of complaints may not be so bad, and encourage separate lineage interaction.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Baby griefers » 2019-02-26 16:18:43

Spoonwood wrote:

Runaways have the advantage of not leaving bones in the middle of town or in their mother's arms to throw away.

Not when they run in circles then purposely starve somewhere inconvenient hmm

#21 Re: Main Forum » Finally experienced donkey town. » 2019-02-26 03:11:00

Bob 101 wrote: … id=3594942

I stabbed her right as she was being told she was the last girl.

Don't name your kid "killer" next time.

I assumed you were warning not to name your kid "killer" implying you killed her because of her name. Yes it was and assumption but your original post was not exactly riddled with detail.

You won't be making many friends with your attitude. I'm not here to partake in arguments... I am here to converse with others who play a game I enjoy.

Can we please just drop it now and agree to disagree, think I'm stupid if you must makes no real difference to me.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Finally experienced donkey town. » 2019-02-26 01:28:18

Bob 101 wrote:
wondaland wrote:
Bob 101 wrote:

Suiciding over a name is a pretty knee jerk reaction.

But... you killed then because of that name.... death comes either way.

I see that you have below average IQ

I was the one who got named KILLER, changed to Killian. Hence why I KILLED that town.

There's really no need for insults. I was only partaking in a bit of banter and didn't look at your family tree... My mistake. But regardless you are being rude and I have nothing left to say to you.

#23 Main Forum » Baby griefers » 2019-02-26 00:55:07

Replies: 8

Just lived a life as Hope Zipper, I was the last female so procreation was quite important.

In my fertile years I was plagued by babies that would not let me pick them up, they would run around until they starved, thus giving freedom to spawn back to me and repeat. I was convinced it was the same person and boy was it irritating.

I think some sort of limit to the amount of times you can be reborn into the same village within and amount of time (3 times every 30 mins or so) would be a huge help. As this has happened to me and others in my games a few times, though this particular instance was by far the worst.

The shift + delete problem was solved but now we have a new issue and damn is it a pain.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Drama in the Schuler family. » 2019-02-26 00:38:31

Grim_Arbiter wrote:
wondaland wrote:
Grim_Arbiter wrote:

I don't think I've ever killed a mouflon not getting sheep. Even with the temp update I wouldn't kill one for just its hide. The reason I wanted to save her was seeing someone trying to shoot her with a bow. I asked why, and they said the dead sheep babies created are a waste and clutter.. But if its far enough from the village who cares? I walled off that little green patch on the far outskirts for steve because I felt bad for her after that. She helped us so I helped her lol.

That makes me sad, why kill her just because of her babies sad they despawn eventually anyway. Haha must admit some don't develop the emotional connection to things like we do. It's probably an effect of playing the game for a while, I get bored of the repetition of work, work, work. So try to spice things up with a little light hearted roleplay. Well I say light hearted but... recently asked my son to stab me to help end the world hmm we had one of my nieces tag along and she was quite shocked (new) lol that was entertaining.

I'm going to start naming the farm animals now, maybe even write some notes for them smile

I wish i was in the town with the snake that was posted here. I would have made sure he had a bowl of water and plenty of dead sheep babies to eat.

Also twisted's new video is from the Schuler village. I honestly didn't think that village would go as long as it did.

When ever I see a doggo in a town I'm instantly %100 happier haha haumans have always had pets, they are a must in ohol imo.

WHAT?!! Oh dang I gotta watch that asap lol.

#25 Re: Main Forum » Idea: Beard style and different growing » 2019-02-25 23:41:20

futurebird wrote:

Saw this and some others on the discord....

YES jewlery please!!! Especially considering the importance it held in real life human history.

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