One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » All old content posted related to OHOL is now false advertisement » 2023-10-28 18:32:23

Giving players the option to choose would fix it! All of the vets could keep to the peaceful server and build whatever giant civs they wanted. Honestly, it'd probably fix another issue I saw someone here talking about, where early game has been ruined by the playerbase being too experienced (and tech looting). New players could finally experience early game as it was meant to be played.

(now if only we had the numbers to do this without both servers becoming wastelands)

#2 Re: Main Forum » All old content posted related to OHOL is now false advertisement » 2023-10-28 07:35:49

SoloAceMouse wrote:

If I'm rude to you, then feel free to curse me.
If I ruin the work you were doing, curse me.
If the town you invested time into with your friends is attacked by me trying to kill the fam, then curse me.

You don’t seem to understand the weight of what is essentially a 5 year account ban. There’s a certain moral barrier that personally stops me from cursing someone for at worst causing a problem that can be rectified in 10 minutes.

SoloAceMouse wrote:

The number one complaint I see from people who quit playing is that they were just fed up with griefers whose sole contribution to the game seems to be trying to ruin other peoples' days.

That’s one section of the player base. There’s another section who came for the thrill and were driven away by the disproportionate favor given to the section you’re referring to. The game was altered to THEIR benefit while the rest of us were forgotten.

SoloAceMouse wrote:

People don't enjoy being the helpless victims of those who think terrorizing other people in a 2D family farming simulator is fun.

If you want to play Rust, then play Rust.

YOU don’t enjoy being the helpless victim. I enjoyed fighting back. I couldn’t think of a stupider solution to both of our problems than nearly fully removing the combat and allowing players to ruin each other’s accounts over minor inconveniences.

#3 Main Forum » All old content posted related to OHOL is now false advertisement » 2023-10-28 06:50:45

Replies: 17

I don't know if I'm supposed to be mad at the playerbase, Jason, or both, but the total neutering of OHOL's combat has left it as a limp, sad little demo of the game it used to be. The curse system is a fucking joke, war swords are just useless pieces of garbage that do nothing but go back into the scrap bowl (not to mention the war/peace function itself, jesus christ), and the absolute PEAK of "griefing" is now just someone killing all the sheep in the pen. As if there isn't a wild mouflon 75 tiles away to just replace it. And that guy STILL gets his account ruined with curses.

I and a significant portion of the would-be playerbase for the game found it through content creators who presented the game as unpredictable, challenging, exciting. Maybe your family was in a war! Maybe there was a sneaky murderer hiding in town! Maybe your mom is evil and you have to fight for your life! You'd be lucky if you got anything remotely close to that now. I know it isn't up to Jason what people choose to post about his game, but you'd think that seeing what intrigues them would have given a hint as to what features maybe shouldn't have been stripped out. And I'm saying this as the most docile of players. I don't kill for fun, and I was quick to fight back against villains when they appeared, even if I failed. Back when knifing and shooting required aim, I was shit. I was NOT one to be slaughtering villages. But it was fun like it hasn't been in ages. I don't get how you can call this game One Hour One Life after you've sucked all of the life out of it.

It's been said before, but I'm saying it again: playing a villainous role in the game should have never been a cursable offense. Being a little shit provided thrill and variety and gave people a reason to keep playing. The players who took issue with that in the first place should have been the ones to find a different game to play. Everyone else would have had a great time living their lives, and maybe the world population wouldn't be struggling to hit 55. Instead, they whined and complained until Jason caved, and now look what we've got. New players find this game under false pretenses, learn that they've been tricked into playing it, and leave forever.

I've seen public opinion on this, and no I'm not just going to find another game. I love this game. At its peak it was incredible and it meant a lot to me; I told everyone about it that I could get to hear me. It's just a miserable shame that it's been brought to such a state. And to all of you who pushed for the current state of it, fuck you. I don't know what possessed Jason to listen to you, but his original vision would have beat the hell out of whatever THIS is.

Jason, if by some miracle you see this, please. I've said nothing up to this point hoping that you would just do something about it, seeing how bad it's gotten, but I realized that the veterans are painting the idea that infinite farming and speedrunning towns to endgame with no break in routine is what OHOL was meant for. It's been long enough. Just let us have the combat and drama back. I've made SO much goddamn compost, let me fight a war for once.

Anyway, I'll be back on for my 5 hour session tomorrow. (kill me)

#4 Re: Main Forum » Basic courtesy for the developer » 2021-11-21 05:42:41

jasonrohrer wrote:

Adding a bunch more characters is also probably a waste of time.  There are "enough" in the game currently, most of the time, to recognize each other and get a kick out of how different/cute they look.  I could "squeeze out" a bunch more characters, but they probably wouldn't be as iconic as the current ones, because there are only so many "very unique" character designs.

Logged in just for this. New character models have always been one of my most favorite updates. I used to daydream about character model design contests and things like that. Genuinely begging you not to give up on the character models.

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