One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » I want to tell you a story » 2018-11-19 18:37:55

Replies: 4

I born as Eve named myself Weak (aka weakland), and after a boy i gave a birth to a Hope we made simple camp with nice farm as we were close to a water and soil...
After 60 years i died to an old age as normal people do, I gave everything I could; so this camp could have more generations.


And here comes a turn, after a little time I spawnd as Eve in my old camp:


There was my Great Great Great Granddaughter Smaran with her mom that cursed me instantly for staying in warm spot, well there could only be one thing i could do:


Made a bow and killed her mother and made smaran starve as she chased me for my bow (well cus i made this camp i knew where there is no food )

What other thing I could do? They cursed me for nothing, had to repay somehow.

#2 Re: Main Forum » BIG BUG! Basket with disappearing items, and more. » 2018-11-14 14:13:10

Happen to me in two lifes today, when you pick basket they just disappear for me it was mostly sharp stone.

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