One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » PETITION seperate servers for STEAM users » 2018-10-02 02:04:04

I'm new myself and already getting irritated by the fools who do things just to Get a rise out of you. I've already seen a lot of towns that looked promising to me die out because a couple bad apples go on killing sprees. I think once you murder another player you should have a permanent (for that life anyway) marker indicating you've killed. as for griefers destroying pens and things really inst much you can do about that.

I am dreading the steam release its gonna be rough initially, but i think after a while you'll have a lot of good players segregating the player bases doesn't sound good. However i wouldn't mind server 1 being for people who bought the game before steam release so much. At least at first until the bad apples of steam drop off.

#2 Re: Main Forum » MY Issues and Suggestions for the game from a new player » 2018-10-02 00:54:35

VioletLily wrote:

To show how odd the communication in the game is compared to real life, here are some comparisons based on my personal experience with over 40+ young children. (The age ranges I will give are averages. All children are different)

Single Vowels:

A Newborn to about 3-4 months of age will only be able to speak single Vowels. They may add in a soft consonant every once in a while.

A baby of this age in the game can only speak one letter, so pretty similar right here.


At about 4-5 months of age, a baby will start speaking in syllables, usually ending in a vowel. This is when they may start saying ma and da, even if they don't know what it means yet.

In the game, a baby of this age can only speak one letter.

First words:

At about 6-11 months of age, a baby will start speaking full words. They love to mimic language at this age. The more you say something, the more likely they will be to repeat it. It can be really cute. I remember one baby I watched that got really excited (big smile, laughing, jumping up and down) every time she saw my cat. We of course encouraged this because it was so cute. Her first word at 6 months was kitty, even before saying ma or da.

In the game, babies can still only say a single letter.

Mimicing continues:

From 12-18 months of age, the baby continues mimicing others. This is usually only one or two words at a time. They will usually have commonly used words down well (mama, dada, baba, food, out, down, up), and try to mimic words they don't know as well.

A baby of this age in game can only say one letter (I think. Maybe two)

Short sentences:

The age range really starts varying at this point. Somewhere between 18 to 30 months(1.5 - 2.5 years) of age, the toddler will start speaking full sentences. These sentence are usually short and use simple words. A 20 month old baby I know recently said "No touch [name]'s computer." They usually repeat things they hear often, mimicing short sentences.

A child of this age in the game will only be able to say one to three letters (again I'm unsure. I never paid too close of attention and avoid talking at this age if I can)

Full sentences:

Between 2.5 to 4 years of age, a child will start speaking full sentences. They may make simple mistakes, such as using incorrect tenses and butchering long words, but they are pretty fluent. There is really no limit to sentences length at this point. They can keep talking and talking until they run out of things to say.

Children of this age in the game can only speak up to 4 or 5 letters.

So basically, it takes 59 years to reach the language skills of a 4 year old in the game. In fact, I believe a four year old can speak better. An elder in this game may be more on par with a two year old. It's odd that communication is so limited in the game, especially considering how community based it is. It really hinders gameplay.

THANK YOU!!! thats what im saying really most issues with this game can be traced back to limited letter cap.

#3 Re: Main Forum » MY Issues and Suggestions for the game from a new player » 2018-10-01 22:49:50

Okay people seem to be missing the point or not reading the entire thread, which is understandable. First off for the one who said they shouldn't change the game that's not realistic, things change constantly mostly due to new player feed back like this. Which is good for game growth and a fluid experience. Secondly i'm not trying to learn everything at once and have back pedaled on my initial opinion of the tech tree. The tech tree still frustrates me to no end, however, I understand why it needs to be that way. What i mainly see as a the largest issue of the game is the Player communication. For those who think that communicating is a waste of time YOU'RE WRONG!!!!! IT is literally in the trailer for this game you are supposed to communicate with those around you to build a civilization. that includes other adults in your village for organization and job placement, Also the kids for the same reasons. Raising a kid till they're 5 dropping them off at berry bushes and saying good luck is going to lead to problems later on down the road. Over the last week i've seen so many people just sit there not talking to their kids to see what they know, and then when they grow hair are like "here ya go GL." Then you have all these kids standing around doing NOTHING! or farming berries. you don't need 10 kids farming berries. 2 kids fill all the needs of the average berry farm. The rest stand around draining the food supply, population gets to large with to few working and half or more people die. Usually the ones doing something die because they're off gathering iron, furs, milkweed, whatever and when they come for food there is no food and they starve. Why? BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T COMMUNICATE!!!!!!!!!! And then because all the people who knew what they were doing die eventually your village runs out of everything. So either fix communicating by removing the cave man speak for anyone 4 and over, or improve the tech tree so you don't have to rely so heavily on others. I'd much prefer if things stayed the same and they just fixed communication. But it all comes back on everyone that plays its really simple to prevent this ask your kids what they know!!!!!! if nothing try and teach them what your doing while they're babies. If they know things tell them what you need. If they don't know something you need find out what they do know and have them do that. If they only know berry farming and you already have a couple berry farmers either let them die or give them a basket and have them get iron, or branches, eggs, etc.

Bit of a rant but there it is.

#4 Re: Main Forum » MY Issues and Suggestions for the game from a new player » 2018-09-30 18:45:24

MultiLife wrote:
Torston wrote:

The biggest thing to me is the letter cap. while i would like a better crafting tree the game is playable with the current one, and i think it would be fine if people could actually communicate. I've actually changed my mind on babies after playing more because a lot of people baby suicide which is really irritating and needs to be punished. I'd cures those players if they didnt run off before i could name them.

Eh, sometimes it's nice they run off, so you don't have to worry about raising them; better they run off than stay and grief if they don't want to be there. It does get annoying if it's constant and you'd need to have at least some kids stay. There was some discussion over a "pregnancy" time so babies could see their mom for a minute and decide if they want to be born or not. This way we wouldn't get baby bones everywhere or running babies poking bears awake. You can't force anyone to stay. And if you do, they will rebel and make others suffer. It's a constant battle to have people on both sides happy, but I'd rather have people toggling through mothers than being born to me constantly without wanting to...

Torston wrote:

A quick thing when it comes to steam if people are frustrated with the game to the point that they get bored because all they know is berry farming due to nobody explaining other professions to them they will become griefers. we'll get an increase in murders and structure demolishing, So just be aware of that.

Goodness, I hope they teach themselves first before just giving up and starting to grief. O_o There are so many tutorials around. Nobody should expect to be taught everything in this game. I know people are impatient and don't want to read but if you only berry farm and never try anything else, don't cause trouble for others.

yeah i agree you shouldn't need to me taught everything. It would just be nice if players would teach people things when they ask. I've found some people who are very good and will do there best to insure you know what they are trying to teach, but i've met far more who simply ignore you. this game is very good i just want it to have a long life, and want to improve the community to be more friendly to new comers like myself. First impressions are everything.

#5 Re: Main Forum » MY Issues and Suggestions for the game from a new player » 2018-09-30 17:56:13

The biggest thing to me is the letter cap. while i would like a better crafting tree the game is playable with the current one, and i think it would be fine if people could actually communicate. I've actually changed my mind on babies after playing more because a lot of people baby suicide which is really irritating and needs to be punished. I'd cures those players if they didnt run off before i could name them.

A quick thing when it comes to steam if people are frustrated with the game to the point that they get bored because all they know is berry farming due to nobody explaining other professions to them they will become griefers. we'll get an increase in murders and structure demolishing, So just be aware of that.

#6 Re: Main Forum » MY Issues and Suggestions for the game from a new player » 2018-09-30 05:32:11

2laughor2cry wrote:

Simply and bluntly put, at the age of ten, if you are working then there is little to say.  Full-immersion roleplaying is for those that have been in the village long enough to have something valid to say and have actually LIVED.  I doubt a ten year old (who has been in the civ for thirteen minutes) has that much to say that will ADD to the civilization.  So sorry, but I don't even listen to babies.

okay i'll be blunt with you what your saying is whats wrong with the game. You are a contributor to the problem. when i said ten i was just throwing out a number. The key like the other guy said its a game where you are meant to teach the next generation and try to insure village survival into city and then full blown civilization. if you don't communicate or ignore people that need help your village wont last so long and then all your work is for nothing. that hour you just spent in the game dying of old age building an eve village into something would be a total waste of time if you ignore people that need help. Luckily i'm learning pretty quick, and actually pulled off two eve starts today checking back both those lines made it past gen 8. Why? because i ask every baby if they are new or not. if they say yes then i teach them what i know. if they say no i tell them what we need, and then they did it. COMMUNICATION IS KEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#7 Re: Main Forum » MY Issues and Suggestions for the game from a new player » 2018-09-29 23:39:30

Yeah i understand the creator wants people to learn from each other, but to be honest in my experience people either ignore you when you ask to be taught something. explain it really poorly or they're new themselves and don't know. its not entirely their fault sometimes when they explain things badly that goes back to communication and such a short letter cap. what i have been trying to to is shadow people and learn what they're doing. Like a village in this game the newer generation needs to know what they're doing or the village dies. Us new players need to know our shit quick, because when the steam people come the influx of noobs will be far more overwhelming.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Bring back lineage ban as baby » 2018-09-29 22:16:09

to stop baby suicide maybe there should be a cool down before you can be reborn if you if you didn't make it to at least 2. like a minute or so i dont think it would completely stop people from running off as soon as there born, but i do think it would deter a decent portion if they had to wait.

#9 Main Forum » MY Issues and Suggestions for the game from a new player » 2018-09-29 22:12:07

Replies: 27

Recently got the game and i love it, but i have a few issues. First is communication, While its a cool feature that babies and young kids can only type a few letters its really annoying that anyone past the age of ten can't type in full sentences. Once your almost an adult or an adult you should have the same letter cap as the elderly. Second the crafting tree is really over whelming i have been playing for two days and still barley know how to make anything. trying to remember what goes with what is ridiculous. Even with the help of the wiki its over bearing for a lot of things. make branches and shit more universal to masny branches make different things. Its nice that its trying to be Hardcore, but its so hard to find straight branches. lastly how you control your person. i would rather move with W,A,S,D then my mouse.  Because i moved once to a spot at the same time as a new born baby, i happened to have knife and stabbed it by accident. then everyone was pissed even though i apologized said sorry and dropped the knife. they tried to kill me and ran me out of town. these are my main issues with the game but one other thing i'd like to see is a child cap for one person. I think you should only be able to have 3 babies in your life time maybe four. having twins being the only way to have more then four kids in one life. It can be quite the struggle when you spawn as an eve then have a shit ton of kids with no real bases to support them. MAKE FIRE EASIER TO DO get log, kindling, and bow thing, boom done fire. i spent 4 years in game making a fire then starved.

Again i really do like this game a lot the concept is so cool, but i really would like to see a few things changed mostly the branches and communication.

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