One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Wait . . . » 2018-09-24 23:58:07

UnnoticedShadow wrote:

Soo. . . are we not going to celebrate?

I don't think it would have been that bad if everyone had stopped responding to her, although I don't know what she did on Discord or if that was someone else.

#2 Re: Main Forum » (Story) The crown must pass on » 2018-09-24 23:38:14

I love reading everyone’s stories, it’s amazing how many different lives we live in OHOL.

Thank you for your story!

#3 Re: Main Forum » Meanwhile in donkey town » 2018-09-24 23:02:23

littlemissmesssy wrote:
UnnoticedShadow wrote:

Weird glitch, also if you get bored there try to see how many eve spawns you can chain with old age, though based off of the look of you're profile you deserve it:)

Based on my profile? I dont get it what do you mean ?

You can click on a user’s name and see all their posts and comments.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Meanwhile in donkey town » 2018-09-24 23:00:36

I was in Donkey Town just once, and I only had to live there that one time. But it was kind of nice just playing alone and building up my little camp. Hopefully someone else finds it and can grow it.

I’m sorry you’re in there, how much longer do you have?

#5 Re: Main Forum » Eve Pharo vs Lisa Pharo » 2018-09-24 22:44:33

I am Pharo wrote:

this is a wild accusation thread, maybe this isn't a suitable conversation for you to partake in.
1. this post was created by a mod
2. superfun def knows how to forge an IP, he makes bots, and has no known meaningful existence.

yes, be the bigger person and don't respond.

Please stop.

Can we close this thread somehow?

It’s not even productive and Pharo refuses to stop.

Now he’s on to accusing someone of being superfun??

How is this not locked yet?

#6 Re: Main Forum » Eve Pharo vs Lisa Pharo » 2018-09-24 22:40:15

ShadouFireborn wrote:




Ok, I can't even respond to that. And I probably shouldn't, in case a mod takes your comment accusing me of being superfun and evading his ban seriously, and decides to ban me before checking IPs. So I won't. So have fun thinking I'm superfun, I guess.

Just do me a favor, and read some of my other posts and topics before you start slinging wild accusations at me again.

This is exactly what I’m dealing with!!

Side note, Pharo is the only one who was one else. And on and on he goes. I feel like he wants the last word maybe. And no...I’m not saying “moooom Pharo is calling me naaaaames!”  It’s a simple fact and coincides with why this thread is pointless and irelevant at this point.

I agree with you. It’s he said/she said. Done and over with.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Steam: I've decided to do it » 2018-09-24 22:26:07

I think this is a good step, it’ll grow the player base and grow the game.

From experience using/buying/playing on Steam, $20 is on the high end for this type of game especially if it’s a $5 app. People won’t understand the backstory there.

Thank you for letting all of us test and get a free steam-code! Keep doing what you’re doing, the pieces will fall into place eventually.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Griefing, what are the ‘laws’ of OHOL » 2018-09-23 16:27:37

MultiLife wrote:

I use the exact definition griefing has in Urban dictionary;

1. Purposefully shooting or otherwise sabotaging your teammates in an online game.
2. In online gaming where one repeatedly killing the same individual or individuals over and over again, or camping their corpse to prevent them from retrieving it, or otherwise performing actions in a game to prevent the player from enjoying the game.
3. In online gaming, someone who takes pleasure in creating grief for an opponent via various "cheap" tactics.

I do not consider newbies doing bad things without knowing griefing. They are not meaning to do harm. They are just doing harm unintentionally which is not griefing in my terms.
Now a griefer who does griefing is always doing it to damage the place they are in. It's something that hinders the town or sends it back in development and the griefer does it knowing very well how it damages the place and other players. In OHOL it's usually; killing innocent players (especially fertile females), destroying resources and hiding items. There are other ways too but those are the most common things, and I would also consider many to be in the number 3 category, just cheap tactics.

I agree, I think a lot may be unintentional. That’s why warning or explaining is a good idea instead of just killing straight off. But then again, if it’s an actual troll, that just gives them more time to grief.

#9 Re: Main Forum » I TARRminated a town today ! :D » 2018-09-23 15:00:53

Superfun2 wrote:
NoraRose86 wrote:

Bots can last that long? How do you eat and stay alive as a bot?

each bot lives about 12-17 minutes EVREY LIFE so when a bot dies it just respawns and keep uncursing me!

That’s actually really neat that you could make that.

Is it fun to kill people? I’m honestly asking (I’m genuinely curious), as I’ve only killed when it was ‘needed’ or determined but the village consensus.

In a village, a killer can only usually kill once before they die during the slowdown that happens after they murder. They are usually caught then.

So it would take some time for you to grow up, make a weapon and only kill once.

Honestly, in a village there are a few good workers and then you have several other who are lazy. Usually the ones poping out babies and just eating. So you killing isn’t totally unwarranted. But how do you destroy an entire village? The bigger ones would be really hard.

#10 Main Forum » Griefing, what are the ‘laws’ of OHOL » 2018-09-23 14:43:28

Replies: 10

I know it varies, but what do you consider griefing?

Also, to those who give no warning before resorting to murder...why?

We all have different play styles, there is no right or wrong way.

#11 Re: Main Forum » Why has SuperFun gone unbanned? (on the forums) » 2018-09-23 14:28:03

I think all of their posts were deleted, I can’t find the new ones.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Eve Pharo vs Lisa Pharo » 2018-09-23 14:25:28

Oh and the title should be, Rose Pharo versus Lisa & Amina Pharo: The Ginger-pocalypse and Other Short Stories.

Maybe that’s too long, so maybe shorten it to Rose Pharo Vs Lisa and Amina Pharo.

But Eve in the title doesn’t make sense. You weren’t Eve there when we were there several generations later when all this happened.

Again, as several people have noted, being Eve originally doesn’t give you ownership of the village.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Eve Pharo vs Lisa Pharo » 2018-09-23 14:16:03

Read back through the story post and this one. You were specifically told to stop calling people out. I don’t want to post screen names. So, you have me, as both Elisbet and Lisa. You have Baker, who you mentioned above. The person who originally posted their story and another one in the original post...who you yelled at too. It’s no wonder they haven’t come back.

I never called you an idiot? I’d have gotten admonishing from the mod too if I did. Not sure where you got that from?

I didn’t know you, as Rose was the Eve. You told several people in game? I’m sorry they didn’t care. Maybe they didn’t believe you? But when I was playing, I didn’t know that. Does is make a difference? Like several people have noted, you don’t own a town. Even being reborn into a town again doesn’t give you any ‘rights’ to it? So not sure why you keep bringing that up?

And yes, namecalling. Saying someone is a jerk is the same as someone saying you’re being a jerk.

Example: Hey I hate you and I’m going to keep spewing mean things at you. When you respond upset, I’m going to now call you prissy!! Prissy isn’t as mean as cursewords, so it’s okay! When you are still upset that I won’t stop, I’m going to say you’re ‘being’ prissy now and change it up a bit.

And if prissy is the meanest thing you can call me instead of coursewords, shouldn’t that be the time you stop? Like reflect on your behavior and just stop.

Like I said before, everyone has different playstyles. Those change all the time too depending on what type of village you’re born into. It’s not right or wrong, play as you will.

My life as Lisa, I wasn’t the one murdering people. Again, that was Baker. He was ‘in charge’. So you’re mad at him for the way the village was run. I only killed once I believe? but she was protecting griefer babies. I read on here that is griefing. So is giving a baby a pack when there are adilults around. Stealing is too. Someone mentioned feeding the dogs during the dog-pocalypse was griefing. This is why I say that you feeding all of the babies during the ginger-pocalpose was also griefing because Baker told you to stop. Albeit, few survived as it was mass chaos in that village and it takes babies longer and more feeding to grow it wasn’t as bad as the dogs. I can find the post if you’d like to see it? People consider all sorts of things griefing if it hinders the growth of a village. It varies though.

Anyway, not sure what ‘lesson’ I’m supposed to learn from that life, as the only one being a griefer was you?

Edit: Thank you for giving me an Eve name idea. I wonder if Prissy is allowed to be one in game?

#14 Re: Main Forum » Domestic Boar Massacre » 2018-09-23 06:32:48

Sorry guys, I tried to help but couldn’t kill it since it had a baby. Once the baby left someone finally got it.

Also, what was with all the knives?? Just about everyone had one, even babies and kids.

#15 Re: Main Forum » The New Fishing Update; Looks Really Good! » 2018-09-23 03:33:40

Morti wrote:
Tarr wrote:

Morti why must you tease us like that.

I've been feeling pretty good lately; just hit 1000 hours played, lots of dogs were added, trees are plantable. It's a decent amount of content in a short while, relatively speaking. Then I was walking around this town looking for something useful to do, maybe a new project or something, and I saw this and thought "Those look just like fish." and for a moment, I thought maybe the most recent patch added even more conent. And I was just so happy, and not thinking in that moment, until, I looked at the rest of them. Then, I fell back down to the ground; unharmed, but amused, that I'd let myself think such a thing.

Sure, it's a little disturbing, but I'm starting to pick up on Jason's... motives, his M.O., the method behind his... sanity.

I'm okay with these little disturbances once I realize they are both, not long term and, somewhat intentional, if not entirely.

I don't get these lessons so much from my own lives, but I do get them once the populations unfold, and the mess, turns into a message, for us. Perhaps it's just me, but I don't think these are mistakes on his part, so much as, misunderstandings on ours.


Also, I did it for the lulz.

Tea wrote:

Awww, I just got excited sad


Oh my gosh this is awesome, made me laugh out loud.

#16 Re: Main Forum » F For Food » 2018-09-23 03:32:03

boggers wrote:

There should be more one & two letter acronyms for baby talk.

So far the ones that are recognised are:

H = hi / hello
F = food
T = thanks
Y/N to questions
N/E/S/W... people sometimes get it but not always, I guess most people don't expect the baby to start giving directions (for eg recovering your corpse & gear)

Is that what that means? I never understood it, haha but it makes 100% sense.

#17 Re: Main Forum » I TARRminated a town today ! :D » 2018-09-23 03:30:28

Bots can last that long? How do you eat and stay alive as a bot?

#18 Re: Main Forum » I TARRminated a town today ! :D » 2018-09-23 02:54:45

How are you not in Donkey Town? Do people not curse you?

#19 Re: Main Forum » Eve Pharo vs Lisa Pharo » 2018-09-23 02:44:06

Pharo, I’m sure you’re a cool guy. I didn’t mean to come across that your play style is negative. In the one life I lived with you, I saw you as a griefer. In that instance.

The ginger-bug was frustrating, especially when you’re trying to build up a village from nothing. We all dealt with it in our own ways. No way was right or wrong, we can agree to disagree on the that.

I’m sure you don’t play that way every life, as attested by the fact that you have several friends who back that up.

But I got upset with the namecalling and bashing Baker, which then turned on to me when I and others explained what we saw. I’m sorry if my responses came across as such.

The ginger-bug is fixed. True griefers are taken care of with Donky town. A lot of cool new updates are being sent out and I’m sure much more is on the way. 

Let’s move forward and try and make some great lives with all of the new possibilities the updates bring.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Eve Pharo vs Lisa Pharo » 2018-09-23 02:34:29

1. Most of what you’re saying involves assumptions. You weren’t there. You’re grasping at the lineage instead of listening to 4 people. 4 people who were there and saw. That’s concrete.

2. Killed because she was helping to keep alive her triplets, who were talking of killing. You would know that if you actually read the posts and not just jumping on the bandwagon. I get it. Pharo has been here longer, it’s expected. But again, 4 people were witnesses.

Side note of my own, why do twins and triplets almost always resort to killing? I’ve never played where they weren’t. So weird, but it’s a game and if they want to play that way then so be it. Just wondering out loud.

3. Pharo wasn’t the only one. The village was overrun by ginger babies and almost destroyed. At that point it was almost a total loss. Add in the fact that we were telling people not to keep the babies...I can see why several turned. Call it griefing or not, it’s along the same lines.

4. Pharo mentioned releasing bears. I don’t think anyone did in fact do that. Since he suicided by wolf after the triplets were running loose, I assumed (as you are with the whole lineage as concrete evidence thing) that he released them out of anger. I don’t think he did. But in the context of what he was saying in the previous posts, I assumed it as a possibility at that time.

I’m not getting petty or personal at all. I’m just explaining what happened. Again, 4 people back that up.

I wasn’t bringing to attention anything about the mod, or ‘rubbing it in’. Just saying that I wasn’t the only one who saw the name calling and cursing as wrong. You’re namecalling now, with the ‘prissy’ comment. I don’t understand why people can’t speak their opinions without name calling. Come on now. It’s not needed.

You can see and read my comments in any context that you wish, that doesn’t make it true. It’s hard to gain someone’s meaning or tone in written text alone which brings about misunderstanding. Misreading tone is one thing, namecalling, lying and pitch forks with friends is a whole different thing.

Again, it was one life. We can learn and move on.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Eve Pharo vs Lisa Pharo » 2018-09-22 23:51:10

SomeRandomPerson wrote:

Eve's don't own a town, not in future incarnations at least. Just because you started a town dosn't mean you comeback hours later and yell "I'm Eve listen to me!!" besides I wouldn't believe someone who claimed that either.

They didn't insult anyone, just told them not to keep babies. You probably backtalked with that Eve crap and got yourself murdered, plenty griefers lie about being the original Eve just to get Gear.

I feel like Pharo is the only salty one here. The two "griefers" saved a kid and later got a sheep for the village. The one child policy wasn't true, It was to starve all the excess babies because we already had a bunch of children. So you kept a kids despite being told not to and here you on the forums insulting them for trying to save your town.

See? Now 4 people who saw what I saw.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Eve Pharo vs Lisa Pharo » 2018-09-22 23:41:21

Wow. A mod had to tell you to stop. Shows your character even more in the way you’re behaving here.

And no. Baker was in charge. Ask him.

And no, you can’t see all the babies you were trying to feed on the lineage page, as a lot died from starvation due to the ginger-pocalypse. We didn’t have enough food for everyone, so of course few survived.

And no, he didn’t put a lot of effort into the camp. It was a horrible camp. I know this because I was born into it when there was an Eve there.

Several generations later it was livable. I was reborn there. He was reborn into it with a twin. The village was going down fast, his twin died. He decided to suicide by wolf but before that he wasn’t helping the cause by standing around, not helping, feeding babies that were abandoned left and right due to the food shortage. Got into an argument with several people and then suicided.

It’s not a big deal. That’s how he decided to play that time around. One game I ate a carrot because I was on the verge of death and was stabbed for it. Called a griefer. I once saw someone stab someone because they gave a baby a backpack. I killed an innocent once because their mom was in a cult and tried to kill me. [Read my story post if you’re curius]

But all of those things, they are part of the game. Things happen from life to life and we move on.

Listen, someone posted a story from one of their lives. I thought it was neat that I had another take on the story so I shared mine.

You’re the one who jumped in there calling Baker names and what not.

Not me. You starting calling people out, and then I explained what I saw and what you did.

You got so defensive, changed your story several times and started cursing and name calling enough that a mod even had to tell you to stop.

I’m new to the boards and so not as ‘established’ as you on here. I don’t care that you think that makes you automatically right. It doesn’t.

You were being a griefer.

Like Joriom said, we play anonymously. You’re the one who took it upon your self to start calling people out. I told the truth. End of story.

#23 Re: Main Forum » Eve Pharo vs Lisa Pharo » 2018-09-22 18:31:29

I am Pharo wrote:


Way to miss the point of Mirelli's post.

In fact, you are slandering my character, "IDIOT."
I fed one kid, and have proof of it.  You say I fed all the kids,
and you have no evidence because I was not the one, pendeja.

Happy Saturday,


Wow. Way to show your character. No need for me to ‘slander’ you. You’re doing a good job of it yourself.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Eve Pharo vs Lisa Pharo » 2018-09-22 17:20:58

I am Pharo wrote:

yep, you got me. you are just so smart, you saw right through my veiled plan, to do the things you say i did. You are a treasure to the game, and it wouldn't be the same with out you.

thanks for joining the forums two weeks ago, and giving us your posts, all of which are pure genius, and the internet herself praises you for your valiant contributions.

You'll be able to post links soon enough.

and again,


And again, thanks for proving my point.

#25 Re: Main Forum » Eve Pharo vs Lisa Pharo » 2018-09-22 17:14:48

I’m not a new player, just new to the forum.

No, I’d didn’t lure any bears. You died and that’s when Pharo began griefing. It’s not slandering someone’s character. He literally kept feeding babies, finding and feeding them.

I know he’s your friend and you want to help, but girl, it’s not a good look.

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