One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Drawing the line » 2018-09-12 11:47:38

Can we just stop fighting about this. I personally do not care if someone makes distasteful jokes but if anyone hates those things they should just install something in the client to censor thing you do not like and does not ruin the experience for everyone else

#2 Re: Main Forum » My theories of the future of the society » 2018-09-02 05:09:43

Well monarchs or any kind of leaders will have to pop up eventually if city state system is going to be rid of it is possible that we never get rid of it

#3 Main Forum » My theories of the future of the society » 2018-09-01 14:20:13

Kerbal weapons inc.
Replies: 12

Well as the technology advances so does societies so I will try to guess what societal advances will happen.

1. Communication and Trading Networks
Once we get a mailing service up and running we have the possibility of sending important messages between towns and possibly even set up trade to get rid of things we have too much on for the things we need

2. The Concept of Group Property
I would doubt individual private property would pop up but it is possible that concepts like family or town or even class property will pop and that concept will be useful in trading and may even be used by a monarch to establish proper classes

3. Feudalism
Eventually the city state will no longer be the dominant system and a loose grouping of towns may become  one state for the sake of making it easier to distribute resources.

4. The Resurgence of War
If the concept of property and territory takes hope I would expect the resurgence of war for resources and possibly even for a monarch's personal reasons

#4 Re: Main Forum » Jason ever Play his own game? » 2018-08-27 10:02:38

Most likely not except for play testing updates as he is a busy man due to developing the game

#5 Re: Main Forum » cursed hoe » 2018-08-25 03:43:42

Well you could make a religion out of this while Jason is still in his vacation

#6 Main Forum » Spam now in forum » 2018-07-14 08:00:10

Kerbal weapons inc.
Replies: 1

If you look at the main forum there is obvious spam currently happening. I think we need more mods and a reporting system so they can be dealt with quickly

#7 Re: Main Forum » Curses OP - A PRISON PROPOSAL » 2018-07-12 10:14:10

OminousBladeBlank wrote:
sc0rp wrote:
Neo wrote:

Interesting idea but wouldn't this ultimately be a waste. You're essentially letting griefers live off there curses while not needing to work and having to feed them.

There are plenty of wasteful things that people still do.  Dyed clothes?  Roses?  Stew?

J/K Stew is crucial. smile

But maybe if we add some forced labor...  Hmm...  We just cannot overdo it - they still have a choice of being Eve.

I can't think of anything you could have someone do while confined to a single building other than perhaps smith. but that seems like a terrible idea. Perhaps baking?

Well we can ask Jason to add handcuffs to force them to do other things outside like shearing sheep

#8 Main Forum » Shackles » 2018-06-24 06:01:58

Kerbal weapons inc.
Replies: 2

I think we should have wooden shackles and iron ones and you won't be able to pick up things but they will wear out and can be broken using different materials (saw for wood but I have no idea for the iron ones). This allows for people to get rid off griefers and anyone they don't like but doesn't allow lone griefers to do the same.

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