One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-15 22:35:35

I support the idea of a 'murderers mark' IF combined with these concepts.

1. Murderers are marked in a way which scales with multiple murders and decays over a long period.
2. There is a weapon item (a baton?) which does not kill but does knock items out of the targets hands and slow them. This could also be used as a weapon of grief it's true.

This way it is possible to police a village without murdering. If you do murder then you are marked across lives. When police murder IRL we lose trust in them. This would be replicated in the game - sometimes police might murder and it would be up to them to convince a settlement to trust them to police with the mark. This create some interesting social dynamics. It's normal for citizens to be wary of police or military. It's normal for jobs which involve holding a monopoly on violence to tread a somewhat fine line between criminality and justice.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Discord channel mods needed! » 2018-03-18 08:12:48

Absolutely don't give that jackass any power over anything.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Usernames? » 2018-03-18 08:09:28

Don't leave weapons lying around. This is the first step - making weapons is tricky so let's stop arming trolls.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Refund? » 2018-03-16 21:08:16

I've already had about fifteen hours out of it which is more than enough to justify price for me.

But we all do our own maths on this.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Whitelisted Server? » 2018-03-16 10:48:38

My pitch here, especially if you're a min-max type gamer, here's the challenge for you.

The ultimate aim of the game is to create a culture resilient enough to deal with newbie's errors and griefing. Are we up to the challenge?

#6 Re: Main Forum » Have Some Servers Population Stats » 2018-03-11 20:36:38

Yeah with a concurrent player count of nearly 500 now Jason must be doing very well with the game - and deservedly so!

#7 Main Forum » Item stacking » 2018-03-09 22:36:42

Replies: 9

For goodness sake PLEASE let's have items stack. At least ones where it makes most sense.

The idea that a seed or a berry takes up a whole tile by itself is crazy. Especially now storing seeds is vital to good farming.
Dying because you can't put something down in time to pick up a piece of food is crazy.

Having stacks also ought to reduce server load, since it's multiples of the same item you only need to store an amount, not a list of different items per tile - which is the issue with containers so far as I understand it.

Do you agree? Disagree?

#8 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts on new March 8th, 2018 update » 2018-03-09 12:04:07

ameliewilde wrote:

So its not a solution to try logging off and on until you are born to a wealthy family.

If only real life had this option big_smile

#9 Re: Main Forum » Drop in eating bonus: What are your thoughts? » 2018-03-09 11:43:50

Agreed it makes things very much harder. I wonder what the vision is for the future here - whether jason wants us to go beyond being carrot farmers into larger societies or he wants to keep adjusting the equilibrium so neolithic society is a constant struggle to maintain. The new soil issues are what gets me. I can get a farm going and get clothed on my own (though only if I ignore babies), but I can't manage composting as well.

I really wish some quality of life changes would be made for things like talking, the viewport handling, item stacking, item management etc. If it's just going to get harder and harder then the fiddliness of the UI gets much more difficult to put up with.

#10 Re: Main Forum » The problem of the one carrot rule! » 2018-03-05 12:13:50

alfonso.nishikawa wrote:
Uncle Gus wrote:

We should try to establish a clearly recognised pattern. We can't mark a plot as seed only, so we need some other way to help people recognise which one is for seeds. If we follow the "three to seed, four to feed" rule, then it makes sense to farm in rows of seven, leaving the leftmost for seeds. "three to seed", these three, "four to feed", the next four.

Rows of seven?

Maybe rows of 5? Since there is 5 seeds per plot, 1 for the seeding plot, 4 for the 4 feeding plots. Isn't it? Am I not getting something?

1 for seed, 4 for feed.

-- Edited:

Ok, I found the reason: … d=894#p894
Seems right, 3+4.

Yeah the three for seed four for feed thing is based on very high efficiency. Personally I think a 1 to 4 ratio is fine unless you've got plenty of water pouches and baskets

#11 Re: Main Forum » [suggestion] claim existing home marker » 2018-03-03 14:13:15

People should be able to claim markers just by touching them, without disturbing other people's set marker.

I also think you already do inherit your mother's home marker, though it doesn't seem entirely consistent

#12 Re: Main Forum » Things needed to turn it into a masterpiece. » 2018-03-02 21:55:25

ZixXer wrote:
mrfox wrote:

Oh and an addition: if you are behind a tree have the tree go transparent and let the player click on things behind the tree.

but then you are blocking the object yourself, so you dont solve the issue, but your right its a big problem that i forgot,
I would say when you mouse over a object and something is behind that object give it a nice orange outline or something so it pops a bit.

ill add it to the top list (7b)

You could always have all trees in front of the player within a radius go transparent.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Things needed to turn it into a masterpiece. » 2018-03-02 19:43:27

Oh and an addition: if you are behind a tree have the tree go transparent and let the player click on things behind the tree.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Things needed to turn it into a masterpiece. » 2018-03-02 19:42:02

0,2,3,4,5 and 8 are completely necessary imo.

I'd add to 0 that it would be nice to have the name of an object pop up next to the object when you mouse over, rather than at the bottom of the screen.

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