One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: News » Update: The Apocalypse » 2018-04-06 13:41:54

yvanhooe wrote:
Zem71 wrote:

Calm down everyone!!! (that always works, right?) Jason will be balancing this mechanic.

In the meantime, if you don't want to the world to blow up, then we need to protect the monoliths. I am personally outlawing gold and any products made from it. The threat of world destruction is more important than your shiny baubles! I will also instruct all of my children regarding the dangers of gold.

- Zem71: Luddite, Protector of the Monolith, hoarder of gold, Father of Dragons

Won't work. There are many monoliths on each server. One complete server blows them all. The last apocalypse was brought by an Eve in a matter of two generations. Even if you were to succeed at hoarding gold over a wide area, someone could just go far enough to find some more, more monolith and finish the apocalypse.

Will it stop every apocalypse? No.

Will it result in people having travel further and work harder to make it happen? Yes.

There is no perfect solution and there shouldn't be. Life isn't perfect.

That having been said, it looks like it's happening far to often, and it may be beyond the ability of the in game community to effectively police it, so some balancing is also needed.


#2 Re: News » Update: The Apocalypse » 2018-04-06 13:28:05

Pediluve wrote:

Hum, it's going to be hard to protect monolith on EVERY servers.

Plus the point of ''Afloatingstone'' is that Jason made a promise, and isn't following it.
He saw his game too big.
The solutions for people to not get to the end of the tech tree before the next update ? simple ! allow people to blow up every servers whenever they want.

You can understand how frustrating it is to know that everything you've done, every roads between village, every village you tried to save by being a new eve here or by being sold because you're a girl.
Family lineage means nothing right now because you always know that in less than a day it'll be lost.

I have a blast playing this game, but this apocalypse thing makes me.. sad actually. loosing everything because someone wants to do it without even being possible to stop it (you could camp a monolith during 5 hours straight by getting the pos and returning to it after dying, someone on another servers still can destroy everything.).

I totally agree on it being hard to protect the monoliths across all the servers. However, mothers teach new babies the laws of the land regarding farming, seeds, watering, etc. and people learned to survive better because of that. Preventing the apocalypse could be added to that list of "laws".

I've also seen that another apocalypse has happened since my last post so yeah.. this might be beyond the community to police in its current state. Balancing will come soon I hope.

#3 Re: News » Update: The Apocalypse » 2018-04-06 12:34:39

Calm down everyone!!! (that always works, right?) Jason will be balancing this mechanic.

In the meantime, if you don't want to the world to blow up, then we need to protect the monoliths. I am personally outlawing gold and any products made from it. The threat of world destruction is more important than your shiny baubles! I will also instruct all of my children regarding the dangers of gold.

- Zem71: Luddite, Protector of the Monolith, hoarder of gold, Father of Dragons

#4 Re: News » Update: Name that baby » 2018-03-30 12:05:25

This is great news, and totally takes care of the question I posted yesterday.

Thanks for the update! smile


#5 Re: Main Forum » 31 Generations? » 2018-03-30 02:14:53

Alleria wrote:

If anyone is curious, the 31 generation dynasty occurred on server 2. I was the last or second last member of the dynasty. About ten - fifteen people wiped out by a griefer with a bow. My close-to menopausal mother killed the griefer with a knife (we had multiple). I was a male, thus couldn't beget children, but we had a couple of Eves find the village before I died.

If you're curious as to how I know which dynasty broke the record, it was simple deduction as there was only one long-term civilisation going at the time (another one that was > twenty had died off a couple hours before hand - not sure how) and the generation ticker was going up upon refresh. It helps that I played 18 hours more or less consecutively lol...

That certainly sounds like the place. After I had returned from getting water one time, and found just three men left, I also found a corpse with a bow (arrow a few spaces away); and east of that, another corpse with a knife. No murder markings were left because of the elapsed time though. I took the knife and the bow and arrow because no one was around any longer and a griefer, and wolf or a bear were the only threats at that point with such a surplus of food.

#6 Re: Main Forum » 31 Generations? » 2018-03-30 00:24:19

Thanks for the replies and the updates. Good info and ideas!

#7 Re: Main Forum » 31 Generations? » 2018-03-30 00:21:28

Cyniko wrote:

Zem Im just curious. Was the carrot farmer running up to people and forcing them to eat carrots while complaining about no Eve's? Iirc we were only two or three left at that point. It was such a bountiful setup, even carts full of carrot seed baskets. I think that was me with you at the end big_smile

I think there was some of that, but I was away on water runs a lot. Really cool that it looks like names will be added.

#8 Re: Main Forum » 31 Generations? » 2018-03-29 13:46:27

llap wrote:

How do you know which generation you were? Did everyone count?

We don't know which generations we were part of, but I'm curious if we were in the same family line as the one that made it to 31 generations long. It would be interesting (to me at least) if we were able to map out family trees from the server data.

#9 Re: Main Forum » 31 Generations? » 2018-03-29 13:17:53

LavishFox wrote:

Im curious about this. Where did you get those generation numbers from? I plan on researching this on my server.

They are at the top of the main page.

#10 Main Forum » 31 Generations? » 2018-03-29 12:19:01

Replies: 16

TL;DR - Is there a way to find out information regarding a family line you were part of? Maybe by cross referencing local game logs with the server logs? Thanks. smile

Update: I've been thinking of trying to make charts of family lines and maps migration patterns.


Last night I was in a carrot farmer's paradise. It was booming and we had a surplus of clothing, food, and shelter. We were composting, rotating water sources, minimizing wood usage, etc.

However, even with all that, the town population eventually dwindled down to just 3 old men. I have theories as to what might have happened  but that's not the point of this post. We acknowledged that this was probably it for the town; we were the last of the family line, and it had been good long run. At that point we stopped farming because the resources would have been wasted and we had enough food feed an army. I spent a few years searching the surrounding area, but never saw anyone, and when I returned home the other 2 men were nowhere to be found either.

I decided to organize and consolidate all the stuff lying around town and figured I'd do that until I died of old age, but I was wrong. Just before I turned 60, a small boy and his mom and baby sister showed up from a failed village. The game revealed they were 4th cousins of mine. They had returned to their ancestral homeland and it now they were fully clothed and could eat like kings on an easily sustainable farm.

Outside of the game I spoke to another friend that I showed screenshots and told the story to. They recognized the village as the same one they had been in a few hours before me. This morning morning I was curious so I checked the OHOL page and noticed the generation record had gone from 26 to 31. Now I'm even curiouser (lol). Is there anyway to find out information regarding a family line you were part of? Maybe by cross referencing local game logs with the server logs?

Please Excuse the Ramblings,

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