One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » What gets you banned in discord? Is "Telling to kill yourself" enough? » 2018-04-29 09:11:44

How people get offended by words, they don't really harm you, you know. But are ok with destroying progress and hard work.

Its just WORDS, the best way to vent. He started, and no harm was done to him, the same can't be said about the original griefer

#2 Re: Main Forum » Farming and crops rotation » 2018-04-29 05:35:50

YAHG wrote:

You already need crop "rotation" except it is more a flexible ratio.

Compost needs berries carrot and straw (wheat) and poop (more berries and carrots).
Now some of the soil needs to go into the carrot seedings and the wheat. A new soil sink
is sapling production, unless you have enough Hoes you need to plant saplings and that
makes every row of carrots effectively cost 1 soil too. Still need to plant em though.

Interestingly the output of soil from the process is higher than the input and it thus gives
you some room to push soil towards other goods you desire, expanding milk production,
berry bushes, wheat for pies and more baskets (tule is onion tier now so wheat is back in

I would like to see fertilizer of some sort as well as more sources of poop, having the
straw and water as inputs limits it enough as is, the 2nd bowl of berry/carrot isn't
ACTUALLY a big cost if you were investing in berry bushes.

I have yet to live in a farm that was REALLY making a lot of compost though. Once
I experience that my dream is a well managed system of wells... THEN we can send
out horsemen on rock hunts and ... well we will see wink

Thanks for your input, clarified alot for me, I had this idea back when soil rules changed, but didn't get the trouble to share it. This weekend had opportunity to get back in game but spend all the time backing pies, and once was born to a Eve with only a small farm and when pick the last carrot the soil despawned, asked if was normal and got an arrow in my knee as a response, guess she though I was new and would grief her small setlement

#3 Re: Main Forum » I'm done. » 2018-04-29 03:21:41

Belias wrote:

He might READ what we post on the forums, but he doesn't listen. If he did, things would be different.
Speak for yourself when u say there's someone bitching here. I complain in hopes for changes and I do have the right, I did not get the game as a gift, I'm a consumer.

Yes he do, people being asking for signs and now they're coming, you don't die instantaneously so you can accuse the attacker, blood shows on weapons, this changes proves he listens.

I had the same feeling when greafing and killing was out of control, stopped for a few weeks and still enjoying the game this way, also I understand that this changes take time, to code them, and after they hit the servers, things can work the wrong way

#4 Main Forum » Farming and crops rotation » 2018-04-29 03:14:00

Replies: 4

When Civilization found that if they rotate the crops they could yield more food, so the idea was if you plant same seeds over and over you deplete specific nutrients from the soil, having small harvests.

What about a system that dirt doesn't just disappear after a crop being harvested, it just diminishes the quantity it yields.  For carrots could be 5-3-1 and disappear, you can rejuvenate it using manure, but still decreasing 5-4-3-2-1.
You could rotate for wheat  and disappear after being harvested.

This way would be difficult enough, but permitting sustainability to develop towns

#5 Re: Main Forum » What is the rule of map generation » 2018-04-29 02:30:07

If its not a setting you edit, then probably its from the clock and the seed was created during compilation

#6 Re: Main Forum » Persistent Griefer » 2018-04-29 02:24:56

kubassa wrote:
nofaz wrote:

Actions take effort, your actions are not effortless, and individuals are measured by their actions in our society. Its normal to feel gratification when cooperating to build something with your peers, not the other way around.

You can't seem to understand that this game is fiction RPG. It's not real. It is the internet. Grow up.

For the 100001 time, you seem to not understand this game at all. If it was a fictional RPG there was a history, characters and a background. Also because of your age seems you don't understand that people work 40-60+ hours a week for a living and want to relax for a hour at the end of the day, that time limit its real, we all paid the same price to use this servers, why you make an effort to ruin other peoples experiences?

You are the one that don't realize you need the good will of others to play this game. And if everyone had a name tag (like an RPG) you would become famous and never survive as a baby. I was alive when Internet started, been playing RPG's in such ways your mind cannot conceded, been "killed" just because someone write on telnet the shoot an arrow at me, I didn't got mad. I don't get mad at you if you kill me, just trying to understand why, even as a kid you can reason you behavior (I hope)

#7 Re: Main Forum » Compiling on Windows » 2018-04-29 02:08:58

KucheKlizma wrote:

Why not install an Ubuntu on your physical system, then make a KVM with with Windows, then run a Virbual Box of Centos and a second one with Windows XP on that, then install some ported Windows shell binaries to use on the Centos, and some ported shell binaries from Unix to use on the Windows XP vm? Then attach a second machine with the same setup and connect from the first machine's VMs to the second and work on the second one, remotely. That's how I personally prefer to do it, it's much more straightforward.

Thanks you made me laugh today for the first time...

#8 Re: Main Forum » Persistent Griefer » 2018-04-29 01:59:31

Go! Bwah! wrote:
Alleria wrote:

If you are fully grown, I honestly think you should <snip>

No no no.  People like that can actually turn out fairly awesome, once life has taken them down a few pegs.

Or become a dictator like Hitler or Stalin, not worth the risk

#9 Re: Main Forum » What is the rule of map generation » 2018-04-29 01:51:28

If its generated with a seed, and you got twice the same map, then you using the same seed. Seed its just random characters when used in an algorithm builds the map in a certain way

Same map because same seed

#10 Re: Main Forum » Persistent Griefer » 2018-04-29 01:39:06

danger1penguin wrote:

Hey everyone. I made this thread to induce constructive feedback on the game. Can we please stop giving Kubassa attention and get back on topic. Pretty sure Jason isnt gonna change anything based on our opinions of each other, so let’s focus on something he can change via code!

Its feedback, being constructive is subject, at least other players can see this kind of behavior is nefarious

danger1penguin wrote:

So I was born to a relatively new village a few hours ago... I was done wasting time on a village that people had worked hard for and torn apart by soulless people who are sociopaths in real life.

You started a needed topic, the forum its here for this, its impossible to discuss behavior ingame, and unfortunately we need to clarify what is accepted behavior, in this Civilization we're supposed to rebuild. I'm glad you started the discussion

#11 Re: Main Forum » Persistent Griefer » 2018-04-29 01:25:36

kubassa wrote:
Finrael wrote:

I actually like kubasa's posts. You can click on his name, show all post and read a little. It reflects half or maybe most of the griefers personality and mindset. You see anger, jealousy , overflowing emotions and satisfaction while destroying stuff.
I am not saying thats something bad with him, it's just interesting from psychological point of view:
Underdeveloped personality.

LOL some random dude pretending that stuff on the internet is real and meaningful. CLASSIC. Sounds like you need some outdoor stuff to do for a while. Unplug for a bit.

Actions take effort, your actions are not effortless, and individuals are measured by their actions in our society. Its normal to feel gratification when cooperating to build something with your peers, not the other way around.

Alleria wrote:

Complete faggotry. Even after all your hours, you still have no fucking clue what this game is about.

kubassa wrote:

Keep trying to find things to fit your narrative. It's not working so far. Maybe watch the video before you post. You make yourself look silly.

Don't need to watch a video about an alternative reality, we discussing what happens in this servers.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Persistent Griefer » 2018-04-29 01:14:46

Finrael wrote:

I actually like kubasa's posts. You can click on his name, show all post and read a little. It reflects half or maybe most of the griefers personality and mindset. You see anger, jealousy , overflowing emotions and satisfaction while destroying stuff.
I am not saying thats something bad with him, it's just interesting from psychological point of view:
Underdeveloped personality.

I have the same opinion, was bored AF until I realized could have some fun here on forum

#13 Re: Main Forum » "Everything runs out": has it actually ever happened? » 2018-04-29 01:09:29

Alleria wrote:

I was about to tell Jason that he was wrong, then I realised he can't be wrong - he's the dev...

He's the only and true God, people were worshiping carrots, cactus etc... and the Apocalypse came and made life more difficult so people don't have free time to waste worshiping silly things

#14 Re: Main Forum » Persistent Griefer » 2018-04-29 01:01:54

kubassa wrote:

So there it is by the man himself.... Didn't want big cities with lots of stuff everywhere. So I guess, in a way, I was the actual server police making sure people are NOT over building. Get wrecked.

Yes the clusterfucker of random items everywhere, making an axe and that item last 10000000 generations, everyone understood that message, the game should be hard to survive against the environment, and you interpreted your selfish way, and started sabotage hard working settlements because you're abandoned as a baby.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Message to my friends once lived in the same town. » 2018-04-29 00:52:34

kubassa wrote:

LOL I have fun when i get my revenge. Sorry you are too much of a snowflake. QQ more.

kubassa wrote:

I was abandoned by a mother in the rabbit area by the north town and vowed to get revenge. I spawned back right in town and was taken care of this time by a different mom. Grew up waiting to see that players name. Finally found her and I took that sweet sweet, oh so sweet, revenge.

Do you even understand the meaning of being a snowflake?

#16 Re: Main Forum » Persistent Griefer » 2018-04-29 00:49:45

Redhawk wrote:

If you want to run around and kill people for no reason other than you are socially maladjusted, maybe try one of the battlefield know, a game where you kill people for no apparent reason.

He can't other players are aware and have weapons to defend themselves, he only can get a kick here because people are "defenseless" and don't fight back, why you think he feels like a pro and who dies is a noob

#17 Re: Main Forum » Message to my friends once lived in the same town. » 2018-04-29 00:43:51

kubassa wrote:

I guess because i have free will I play my own game,  that I paid for, the way that I want to. NOT the way YOU want me to. I tell you what if you want to play my game along side your game shoot me 20 bucks and i'll give you my key.

Then you can play the same way on two accounts and multi box.

So the real reason is because you paid 20 bucks, and somehow regret it, now you want to destroy the fun for other people until they feel like you?

#18 Re: Main Forum » "Everything runs out": has it actually ever happened? » 2018-04-29 00:33:42

kubassa wrote:

LOL not realy end at all.... What?

It end and died and everything crumbled to the ground so many years passed before it was ever re colonized. You must be educated in USA. Empire horded food. Only fed its soldiers. People did not like that in the end. Over consumed my friend. It had nothing to do with faith. Please read a history book.

If you want to really know history, you have to read hundreds of books, one is not enough, and skim all the propaganda

I live in USA but was raised in Europe, at some point I studied to become a catholic priest, and had access to an amazing library. Were you got your information?

Debate the arguments, shaming the person only show your lack of knowledge "You must be educated in USA."
Been living here for last 5 years and had the pleasure to meet alot of educated people, your shaming its not even valid one.

Roman Empire survived almost 500 years with free bread and games, to stop their citizens from revolt, slavery work was the reason for this. Just the Iberian Peninsula could produce enough grain for more than half the Empire, why you think they build all those roads, to transfer goods inside the Empire. The collapse was caused by several reasons and not a particular one. But this was the main reason:

"For most of this period, emperors were not chosen on the basis of their ability or honesty, but simply because they were born in the right family. For every great leader, such as Augustus, there was a tyrant like Caligula. For every Claudius there was a Nero; for every Vespasian, a Domitian."

At some point they prioritize undermining other families to the point none could raise a decent army, and they started to contract mercenaries, for example the Suevi invaded Hispania (Iberian Peninsula) and Rome paid the Visigoths to defeat them, after they defeated the Suevi King they turned against Rome and ruled the Iberian Peninsula until the Muslims invaded them

#19 Re: Main Forum » Persistent Griefer » 2018-04-29 00:15:36

kubassa wrote:

I think your opinion of what a griefer is much different then mine. "WE" why are to chatting like you have a majority of people agreeing with you? You can speak for yourself but not others. The only problem is people cry about everything. Everything in some shape or form someone says it is griefing. Who are you to decide who is griefing anyway? Are you the server police so you can kill who you want because to you he is griefing? Maybe just grow up a bit and realize it is just a game.

I do not see a problem as you put it. I see a bunch of dumb noobs standing there in place getting killed.

So you're a pro because can kill other players, others are noobs because they die... This game has 2 kinds of people, the ones that contribute to the advancement of their settlement even knowing that they don't own anything, or that they will enjoy the hard work next time they spawn, and the others (grievers??) that only consume resources. If you want to worn a crown, make it yourself and see if people fallow your orders, that is pro. Getting your hands in one of the 2 possible weapons and kill people thats being n00b.

#20 Re: Main Forum » "Everything runs out": has it actually ever happened? » 2018-04-28 23:57:33

kubassa wrote:

Wow where did you get your schooling?

Roman empire is a great example of a civilization that died because it was too big and over consumed. IRL.

Roman Empire ended because infighting, and not really ended at all. At some point you had 4 Emperors, the last Emperor also was the first Pope, Curia was the Roman tribunals and still is the church law. They just stop controlling people by force using an army (that could be used to overthrown the current Emperor) and started using faith. And 300 years later the idea was replicated in the other side of Mediterranean

#21 Re: Main Forum » Persistent Griefer » 2018-04-28 22:18:54

kubassa wrote:

LOL I love it. You guys got owned.

Wish we could have nicknames, associated with our accounts, so grievers wouldn't be able to keep hiding under anonymity. That's the only reason they are able to do this, its people who can't play as a community and take others success as a personal insult.

Just played 1 mmo (Anarchy Online) for real in my life, spending more than 300 days online and reputation was everything, dunno about others but in this game would matter alot, maybe this could be implemented just in some servers, making an effort to separate PvE from PvP.

And what is the fun in destroying the hard work of dozens players, and try to excuse because you're being abandoned as a baby? You must be the most sensitive person in this planet, if someone pick the carrot you needed to survive, you also going to kill the entire village next time you spawn there?

Seriously I'm just curious about this childish behavior, what kind of kicks you get from it? you also like to torture small animals in RL?

kubassa wrote:

griefing is SUBJECTIVE. What bothers you may not bother someone else. Who are you to decide who dies?

Can you even realize the irony in your statement?

#22 Re: Main Forum » Whining about the game... Get real!! » 2018-04-28 06:46:31

kubassa wrote:

Show me on One Hour One Life where is says this is a project. It does NOT say that. So keep your bullshit to yourself. If people who purchased the game are unhappy it is not your business to make stuff up to defend anyone or anything fan boy. STFU.

Most of the times I just ignore fucktards but atm just feel like to vent, and you're made yourself a target...

I went to the link you showed me and there I find something interesting... its DRM free:
"DRM free games mean you can install it where ever and how ever you like."

Oh he made a game and decided to offer it to the world, even if he stops developing it anyone is free to keep working on it

Then I go to the [Home] part and start watch the trailer...
- 14 sec: "...Civilization in the rest of the game hasn't gotten quite this advanced yet. Maybe some day"
- 2:20: "So I hope you'll join me, as this crazy game unfolds."

And I'm tired already, you're boring and I'm just happy that my memory served me well. And I rest my case.

PS I'm a open source fanboy, and next time come up with real arguments or just shut up!

#23 Re: Main Forum » Police investigation 666 » 2018-04-27 14:20:26

Roolstar wrote:

You might find this interesting then,

I'm assuming this bot has some kind of rudimentary AI built in. Target would be to extend its longevity.

It would actually be interesting to try and teach it how to survive longer. In game I mean, by other players like me.
I'm assuming they already cracked the "following mom" part this would probably get them to be fed maybe once. As well as the "get away from weapon part" for obvious reasons.
I'd also assume they may have cracked the temperature effect with so many eves waiting to starve on each server.

What's next I wonder?

I only played a few lives myself, and don't log in for more than a month, used to have some time and had my USB ready to boot with the game, most of the times at work, had to stop because it consumed to much time, I'm curious about the code, I'm itching to look at it but just can't expend my time in that with projects already delayed.

Remember reading in the forums someone playing around and modifying the pathfinding so I'm guessing its not hard to implement that in a bot, apparently they don't move that many squares each time, can someone confirm this?
This clearly is an attempt to build a self learning bot, movement its the basic, but should already be doing better at it, so I'm guessing the creator is working on mapping the map, identify natural resources, then objects. This is easy but consume more resources, has to build its own DB and keep logs, if its already following the mother, we can assume that already recognize other players. Next the creator has to build all the recipes, or just implement random iterations with different objects, if there is success it logs that iteration (learn it) if not just discards and don't repeat.
This is the practical solution, you don't need to implement future recipes, if there is new things he just gonna learn them, also depending how is implemented in Jason code, can just get that information from there.
-> if you want to "failcraftsCounterBroken = true" just let it keep do fail iterations

Maybe he just want a few bots to farm for him and cook some pies, I though about this when started playing and I was farming, basically stuck with that job because no one wanted to do it, and just wishing to go around and explore carefree.

Why 666, IMO its is signature he likes attention and wants everyone to know he's doing it, the taunt in the review also shows it, like an cheap imitation of a serial killer from the 60-70's, maybe someone of the group that broke the lineages or more, its easy to give the bot for someone else running it. Also guessing here he saw that Jason code filters all characters inserted from the keyboard except A-Z but the output accepts all ASCII table, so its easy to output numbers. For me I would check all outputs and just kill instantly as soon the code read an 6 or something outside from the acceptable chars. So Jason is letting this happen, guess he is learning also for the future smile


Santan wrote:

Worried be not.
Verily, I say to you, no water pond shall be harmed in my name where man feeds my kid and makes it his.
However, I say to you, whoever hurts my offspring, the flesh from my body, he shall perish in misery.
Await further commandments.

it seems its already capable to empty pounds by itself with the condition that someone feeds it, if not guess he logs the coords and soon spawns nearby and able to survive, will quickly start looking for pounds and empty them. But  water has to be used right? you can't just throw it away, or can you empty it in a abandoned well?

#24 Main Forum » Whining about the game... Get real!! » 2018-04-26 17:53:24

Replies: 8

Lately In the forums I can only see new threads whining about the game, and reading a few of those posts, it seems that some (seems most that use the forum) of the players forgot what terms they joined this project. Yes project, it was never stated that this was the final product. When joining a beta, it means that we are willing to test the project, everyone should know that mechanics would change along the way. From what I read before buying this game it will take 2 years.

And its an amazing thing being able to see this project develop, and all of this with only one person behind it. The most amazing it was Jason deliver all its intellectual property to us players, so we are free to enjoy this game in our own terms if we wish. Anyone can create their own version of the game, a community of players  can (and it will sooner or later) design a new version and play it at their own will. If you can't see the importance of this, you will never to give a real input about how the game should be working.

As I see it, Jason could get 3 developers to work in this game and just manage them, but I guess this is like a baby to him, and while some parents pay for other people take care of they children, others want to raise them themselves, he clearly has a end goal for the game, and projected 2 years to reach it, if you work in software, you know it gonna take more, maybe after reach that goal Jason will find new things to add, if not other players will do it for him.

What I meant is, be constructive on your critics, stop whining you sound like a certain baby that is useless and only cry and are able to pronounce 2 letters... AND don't forget what a beta is

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