One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Most interesting youtubers for this game? » 2018-04-26 20:44:41

Is custom modded servers the future?

First time I've seen a camel, cheese, ect

No item decay, worms respawn in 5 minutes, you live 2 hours, no player killing, ect

#3 Re: Main Forum » 1 0 0 G E N E R A T I O N S R E A C H E D » 2018-04-11 20:53:22

The only thing that really matters, is the dev can't stop people from using discord/skype/ect.

And it is a drastic advantage over all other players not using it. But there is nothing that can be done about it (Since this is PC, not console). People are just going to cheat and theres nothing anyone can do about this particular cheat.

#4 Re: Main Forum » New record 32 Generations » 2018-04-11 01:31:31

Is this the village?

And why that guy never talks is because discord?

#5 Re: Main Forum » New record 32 Generations » 2018-04-11 00:25:38

Game would get pretty boring if every village killed people not in a voice chat with them.

Perhaps this is how village vs village wars start.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Suicide Babies » 2018-04-10 08:06:45

Thorware wrote:

I suicide because I have a project going in a particular village, or I founded the village and am emotionally invested in helping my family line to continue, so I am trying to get back there. I understand that this behavior can ruin the game for someone who desperately needs kids because you restart their baby cooldown timer when you do it. But I am choosing to play another hour because I'm invested in something I started. I really don't want to start over learning a new area and coming up with brand new projects, I would rather just quit than do that. Maybe suiciding is morally wrong, but I'm playing this game to have fun, not to serve random strangers.

Basically the opposite of the way the game is suppose to work.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Suicide Babies » 2018-04-10 05:42:25

Baker wrote:

I know that some do it to be reborn as girls and some to respawn in a specific village. I've had a village die because my only girl decided to suicide.

If I'm an eve most of the babies understandably suicide probably try to be spawned in a village. Would it break the game if we could choose a preference Like if someone wanted to play an Eve they could choose that option and the game would spawn them as an eve instead?

What happens if everyone in a village decides to be reborn as eve? An then a billion babies?

#8 Re: Main Forum » Suicide Babies » 2018-04-10 03:53:08

What if suiciding too often made you born only to eves that are alone and without towns for 2 hours?

Then suiciding gets players the opposite of the reason they currently do it for. And you have the penalty on top of knowing if you find a village you want, you won't respawn there.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Suicide Babies » 2018-04-10 03:16:16

The power to respawn can always be a tricky thing for devs to deal with. Some games make respawning painful and require tasks to leave a start area before entering the real servers.

Imagine that was here and you got born to an eve who abandoned you?

Maybe you guys are not only getting new players, but kids irl as your in game kids.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Most interesting youtubers for this game? » 2018-04-08 06:13:28

This song is like terrible meme at this point, but shows what happens when your not careful.

#11 Main Forum » Most interesting youtubers for this game? » 2018-04-07 23:19:10

Replies: 12

Do you have any favorites? Or favorite video?

I saw this one today that was kinda funny

"Let me rant about the Apocalypse, Bam 2 minutes another hits while talking about the last" lol

#12 Re: Main Forum » How to make more worms? » 2018-04-07 08:29:05

So are custom servers the future of the game?

Miles of berry bushes and little else doesn't sound super fun. Or maybe it will be?

#13 Re: Main Forum » Should this become more of a roleplaying/social game? » 2018-04-07 03:19:25

The videos on youtube of the game got pretty stale once I heard people say "Make pies" a billion times.

Don't starve has its base destroying monsters. Along with summer fires that can destroy bases. As well as diseases that can affect crops and many berry bushes can cause berry eating birds to spawn.

Better than wolves mod for minecraft, which seems to have ideas this game is starting to consider such as further random warps after respawn. Just accepts that eventually players will make enough bases, roads, landmarks that they'll always find a path home no matter how far they warp. And thats its point. So it adds goals that require searching the world very far from spawn. Such as preventing npc villages from spawning within 10,000 blocks of spawn.

Salem the crafting MMO, similar to this game has permadeath. But allows claimstones for players to own land with a weekly gold upkeep that increases as more land is bought. But because theres no life time limit people get extremely attached to characters and may quit the game forever when the main dies. It keeps interest by having a large number of natural items in the world to find that are consumable for skill points/exp. But it is insanely grinding and boring later on due to slow character growth.

Wouldn't really off the top of my head know ways to make this game more social, other than a crowned town leader able to give players a profession (With a visual change). That if a player did things related to it, they would make better items or additional items or grant a perk. The higher tech the crown, the better professions the leader could give. Like a guard sees people with a knife even if in backpack as red and are immune to a knife kill, but not a bow kill. So the king or queen decides what a village needs or asks people what they want.

#14 Main Forum » So what if instead of an apoc » 2018-04-07 03:11:54

Replies: 1

Villages were tied to a family name? And if all members of that family name are dead, a countdown starts of say 24 hours. If no one enters that area within the time limit the area resets. If someone does enter it, that area becomes tied to them and any children they have (If they can have kids).

Or it could be more challenging in that villages with the owners all dead spawns a shrine of the dead. And if someone wants to own it they have to pay something like a crown. Or else when time is up they are teleported out and the area resets.

So villages will want to grow very large and leave spare crowns lying around for if everyone perishes. And maybe down the road family names could lead into territory wars and monarchies.

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