One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2020-06-26 09:42:28

Registered: 2020-06-18
Posts: 95

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

Tipy wrote:

Also we have curses to deal with griefers. Some of them go around it by buying extra accounts but there is a limit to how much one is willing to spend to grief and banning people has the same weakness

Auto ban anybody who does /devious. Problem solved


#27 2020-06-26 09:50:11

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

Guy wrote:
Tipy wrote:

Also we have curses to deal with griefers. Some of them go around it by buying extra accounts but there is a limit to how much one is willing to spend to grief and banning people has the same weakness

Auto ban anybody who does /devious. Problem solved

lol finally we have the solution!


#28 2020-06-26 18:03:39

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

Coconut Fruit wrote:

I played a game where everyone had an unique hardware ID, and to change that ID one would need to change a component in their PC (RAM, hard drive or whatever)
I'm not sure if it would be worth implementing something like this in OHOL, because currently only Bobo abuses us through multiple accounts. But if there were more people doing it, it would be cool if we could "CURSE" hardware ID instead of hash connected to the account. This way it wouldn't be worth buying more accounts only to grief, unless you have many PCs.

Yeah, any game that claims to do that is full of it.  It won't actually work.

Because how does the game client determine this hardware ID?  Oh, by measuring this or that aspect of the hardware?  What if the game is run in an emulator?  The game can't tell whether or not it's running on real or simulated hardware (see Turing).

Furthermore, modding the game, either in source or binary form, to bypass this hardware check and report any desired hardware ID would be trivial, even if you didn't run it in an emulator.

It's like copy protection dongles, DRM, or any other scheme that has been proposed (and defeated) over the years.

As an engineer, I avoid trying to solve problems that are provably impossible to solve.

There are enough problems that are possible to solve without wasting time on the impossible ones.


#29 2020-06-26 18:53:33

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 689

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

It feels like you're using these outlandish work arounds as excuses. Most people hardly know how to install this game much less do half the shit you're talking about.

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#30 2020-06-26 19:27:32

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

It feels like you're using these outlandish work arounds as excuses. Most people hardly know how to install this game much less do half the shit you're talking about.

is this problem really so big, that Jason should spend hours on solving double account problems, which may not even function, or wouldn't it for all be better if he instead can concentrate on fixing more important issues like the exile / posse system which plays currently most likely the biggest part in giving the players some weapons to do something against grieving not to think about new content?

Last edited by Arcurus (2020-06-26 19:28:24)


#31 2020-06-27 05:02:10

Bobo Bill
Registered: 2020-04-16
Posts: 14

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

I think a really good way to stop griefers is to get rid of donkey town.

“I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

― Genghis Khan


#32 2020-06-27 07:07:21

Registered: 2019-07-02
Posts: 168

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

jasonrohrer wrote:

Okay, let us count the n-word then.

In the current logs there are 100,000 utterances, which represents something like the past 30 or 40 hours.

The n-word was said 3 times.

The word "RAPE" was used 18 times.

I guess it's good to know where the priorities of the community lie....

And no, you can't play on multiple accounts without paying for each one.  I guess Bobo, if he really does have multiple accounts, has bought a bunch.

And no, there is NO way to block someone who goes and buys extra accounts.  This was an even bigger deal for The Castle Doctrine, where players could use secondary accounts to explore target houses without risking the savings in their main account.  Lots of people bought a second account for this purpose.

If you block double use of the same credit card, it prevents people from buying gifts for friends, and then can just go buy a gift cart to bypass this restriction if they really want to (and there's no way to block the same credit card on Steam, since the person can have multiple Steam accounts).

If you block IP address, it prevents people in the same house from playing (using shared public IP like everyone does through NAT), and a determined attacker can just use a VPN or even just go to the library or Starbucks.  And thanks to NAT, people's IP addresses change constantly, so if they buy a second account next month, it will likely be through a different IP anyway.

So then you're stuck, and you just have to acknowledge that multiple accounts are a reality.

It's kinda like DRM being fundamentally impossible.

When they say the N word they rarely outright say it, they say it with one less G, or a baby will type it out one letter at time or use other racist terms, or they make a swastika out of floor boards. Sadly I've never seen more racism in a game than here...and I've never seen so many people who are complicit and take no action when it does happen. At least give us a /mute command.


#33 2020-06-27 09:26:43

Registered: 2018-06-17
Posts: 158

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

I swear....a LOT in RL and in game, I personally wouldn't like being permabanned over saying fuck a bunch of times.  But I do agree we should have a way to ignore those people saying stuff we just don't want to deal with.  I know I would be more likely to stay in town if I could mute (unsee conversation bubbles) people.  If I see some asshat walking around with a full grown child saying  'I'm doing the bigboi glitch!' I can just mute them rather than be so disgusted by their attention seeking that I need to leave.  We could mute people that are stalkers and feel the need to say 'autistic old hag' and 'slinkies an ugly whore' and use their 10 accounts to curse you.  In fact I could just live my life,  working and doing my thing because I have the morons muted.  Please add this in game....I would benefit greatly.

I'm fish, deal with it or don't, idgaf


#34 2020-06-27 22:07:52

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

Yeah, muting cursed people might be interesting....

I'll have to think about that....


#35 2020-06-29 08:11:52

Registered: 2019-01-09
Posts: 90

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

jasonrohrer wrote:

Yeah, muting cursed people might be interesting....

I'll have to think about that....

Maybe it shold be a sperate thing from curses

Build bell towers not apocalypse towers


#36 2020-07-13 07:24:08

Registered: 2020-07-13
Posts: 8

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

When managing a community of 100,000 people.... well...  it's just not tenable to police the whole thing.  I've tried doing that in the past, and I've absolutely run myself ragged.

First off you have under 100 players online at all times.

You can easily use community moderators to manage the game and not even have to pay a dime.

Investing nothing to potentially make the game more popular and increase sales which in return you could invest in paying a community manager to help do that job for you.

Look and see which users are online the most and reach out to them and interview them for community mod positions...You are going to want people online at different times to help deal with trolling and such.

Moderators should be able to have another client open where they can be logged in as their mod account this way they can still enjoy the game and all mod activity is easily tracked.

Moderators would stop most of the nonsense in this game and allow it to be what it should be.

Now if you can't even take the time to interview community moderators I have no idea what to say.

Please take the time to add moderator tools to the game and have an update stricly based on adding community moderators to help protect griefing and allow towns to actually work properly.

"Someone stole the motor and broke it down" - Mod could fix this especially if online

Current situation is laughable at best. It consists of people passing ownership of property fences after /Die until they get the spawn they want and get ownership back.... I mean if we can just /Die until we get the spawn we want.. why die after an Hour at this point... lol... So you can go through the phases of life and different restrictions? I mean... Why not just show the families and let us select one.. 24 lives... if you don't manage to get home in that time.. hah you will I'm not even kidding doesn't take long even.

I mean there are some core issues that need to be addressed here which are keeping your player base sub 100.

Last edited by Cryoes (2020-07-13 07:38:54)


#37 2020-07-13 21:40:56

Eve Troll
Registered: 2020-07-07
Posts: 331

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

Bans will never happen unless there is a eula. Then the question lies in who will manage the bans and what would be the restrictions. People complained about killing in a similar way and look how that turned out. Umbrella restrictions are never a fun thing in a game.

I think a main issue is power distribution. As things stand now if you want to grief there isn't much players can do about it. Banning individuals will not effect the accessibility and strength of those play styles.

Stuff to consider:

-Make bears only able to move 1 tile after being shot

- Being able to chain an engine to a well

- Wild boar piglets cant be carried in backpacks or pockets

- Lives in donkey town effect gene score with max points of +0.0

- Scrap boxes break engines into their original components and they must be placed in crucibles individually.

These things might seem minor but they will drastically effect the efficiency griefers can preform at without putting exclusive pressure on the community.

People are frustrated because they are at a disadvantage but still work hard to prevent destructive playstyles. That responsibility shouldn't exclusively fall onto the community members. Cursing for example require players to be on while the "bad egg" is on in order to have any effect. Sure it boost the radius for other players if you're offline but it still requires a good number of people online in each town in order to keep people in donkey town. This is a big ask and i think the people who are most frustrated about this stuff are the folks battling to keep griefers at bay.

Throw them a bone.


#38 2020-07-14 20:40:22

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

Eve Troll wrote:

Bans will never happen unless there is a eula. Then the question lies in who will manage the bans and what would be the restrictions. People complained about killing in a similar way and look how that turned out. Umbrella restrictions are never a fun thing in a game.

I think a main issue is power distribution. As things stand now if you want to grief there isn't much players can do about it. Banning individuals will not effect the accessibility and strength of those play styles.

Stuff to consider:

-Make bears only able to move 1 tile after being shot

- Being able to chain an engine to a well

- Wild boar piglets cant be carried in backpacks or pockets

- Lives in donkey town effect gene score with max points of +0.0

- Scrap boxes break engines into their original components and they must be placed in crucibles individually.

These things might seem minor but they will drastically effect the efficiency griefers can preform at without putting exclusive pressure on the community.

People are frustrated because they are at a disadvantage but still work hard to prevent destructive playstyles. That responsibility shouldn't exclusively fall onto the community members. Cursing for example require players to be on while the "bad egg" is on in order to have any effect. Sure it boost the radius for other players if you're offline but it still requires a good number of people online in each town in order to keep people in donkey town. This is a big ask and i think the people who are most frustrated about this stuff are the folks battling to keep griefers at bay.

Throw them a bone.

how about guard dogs:

if you have a dog on a rope and left on an item or animal, it will protect the item if some one wants to move / take or kill it (except the owner of the dog).

And the dog is barking which creates an "!" visible from far.

If a bear comes the dog is also barking at the bear or any other dangerous animal and warns with something like an "!!". The wild animal keeps some distance from the dog, except in rare circuimstances where they attack each other.

When the dog is attacked he barks with "!!!" and attacks back.


#39 2020-07-15 00:56:40

Eve Troll
Registered: 2020-07-07
Posts: 331

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

Arcurus wrote:

how about guard dogs:

if you have a dog on a rope and left on an item or animal, it will protect the item if some one wants to move / take or kill it (except the owner of the dog).

And the dog is barking which creates an "!" visible from far.

If a bear comes the dog is also barking at the bear or any other dangerous animal and warns with something like an "!!". The wild animal keeps some distance from the dog, except in rare circuimstances where they attack each other.

When the dog is attacked he barks with "!!!" and attacks back.

As much as this would be cool, I could see it being used to grief easily. You could just tie dogs to everything and lock down essential things. It would also require a decent bit of code to make the dogs work. I would rather see adjustments done to systems that are already abused than add new ones that may or may not help with the issues.

But yea, its a really cool idea. I could see dogs being some kind of late game protection. Like breeding dogs for specific purposes. Maybe some would attack bears and be equivalent of an arrow. So if you maintained that breed you could basically have them attack the bear and take it down with no risk of human lives. Same could be done for wolves, boars, snakes, turkeys, rabbits, etc.

Last edited by Eve Troll (2020-07-15 01:18:11)


#40 2020-07-15 09:24:06

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

Eve Troll wrote:

As much as this would be cool, I could see it being used to grief easily. You could just tie dogs to everything and lock down essential things. It would also require a decent bit of code to make the dogs work. I would rather see adjustments done to systems that are already abused than add new ones that may or may not help with the issues.

But yea, its a really cool idea. I could see dogs being some kind of late game protection. Like breeding dogs for specific purposes. Maybe some would attack bears and be equivalent of an arrow. So if you maintained that breed you could basically have them attack the bear and take it down with no risk of human lives. Same could be done for wolves, boars, snakes, turkeys, rabbits, etc.

yea something like that....

its just we have dogs and there is no use for them currently. But dogs where very useful to protect sheeps / property and hunt down griefers in real life.

For sure also your changes chould be implemented and would most likely be easier to implement.

Only with the bear i dont agree fully, an wounded bear should be more threatening not less. But bears should not follow a griefer a long way. And maybe an "!"' mark warning in the direction of the bear / wulf /boar / snake would be great. Because the sight without zoom mod is very bad....

For the engines, something like a lock would be nice. Either with a key, or even better similar to the ownership system like the gates function.


#41 2020-07-17 10:07:40

Registered: 2020-07-13
Posts: 8

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

Eve Troll wrote:
Arcurus wrote:

how about guard dogs:

if you have a dog on a rope and left on an item or animal, it will protect the item if some one wants to move / take or kill it (except the owner of the dog).

And the dog is barking which creates an "!" visible from far.

If a bear comes the dog is also barking at the bear or any other dangerous animal and warns with something like an "!!". The wild animal keeps some distance from the dog, except in rare circuimstances where they attack each other.

When the dog is attacked he barks with "!!!" and attacks back.

As much as this would be cool, I could see it being used to grief easily. You could just tie dogs to everything and lock down essential things. It would also require a decent bit of code to make the dogs work. I would rather see adjustments done to systems that are already abused than add new ones that may or may not help with the issues.

But yea, its a really cool idea. I could see dogs being some kind of late game protection. Like breeding dogs for specific purposes. Maybe some would attack bears and be equivalent of an arrow. So if you maintained that breed you could basically have them attack the bear and take it down with no risk of human lives. Same could be done for wolves, boars, snakes, turkeys, rabbits, etc.

Leader system with a closed off area for high value items is the most efficient way to prevent people from greifing in this game. There really isn't much better of a system than giving someone with the most play time and highest score access to the towns resources.. they usually do a fine job controlling them.

However you can't lock up all resources.. so maybe introducing a new score system might help.. current score system.. is a literal joke that promotes nothing more than afking most of your life and making it to 60.. you get no points for doing anything during your life.. I mean this game is years old with this same score system which is a meaningless score system.

When someone crafts something.. they should earn points.. when people farm they should earn points... when you do things it should give you virtually every single game in existence.

Also... Ever think maybe.. just maybe .. I don't wanna spawn in a certain family anymore...

So this game has a method to exile other people right.. but I cant self exile? So in a way people are forced to play in the same villages unless they are cursed.. give people the option to not respawn somewhere to avoid them griefing to be cursed so they do not spawn there.

Or add guard dogs and let people tie them up literally all over town to the point where someone cant even walk..... KISS <-- Keep it simple stupid... remember that saying.. most problems are solved with a simple solution.

Better score system, self exile system.

People wanna play eves.. well allow you to earn points during your life and spend them on an eve spawn...

You know.. these kind of updates.. are way better than meaningless updates that restrict your users.

Currently when you spawn you go check to see if your Town has used its iron... If you spawn as an eve..You go look for a town and build a well nearby to unlock more iron for it.. because lets be honest... we are building cities and arent .. i dno .. supposed to be constantly nomadic changing where we live because... the iron isnt loose.. and we cant mine it...

When you watch a trailer for this game.. it is so misleading...

The trailer does not mention home zones.. and how you are not able to travel.. I mean traveling as a female in this game.. hah why bother literally sit around grow food and pop out babies dont even think about stepping out of home zone or you wont have a child unless you unfollow.

Which leads me to another question... oh no towns out of iron.. better get a young female to unfollow and go build a well nearby to open up more iron? <-- I dno if thats a thing but if it is.. I mean... why even bother having the iron be loose or not loose when it is so easy to go and clear up more by pseudo eve... why introduce things like this when clearly the community does not want it. I mean just allow people to build more wells and allow people to build more iron mines... instead of forcing people to pseudo eve more in...

I mean the concept for this game is absolutely amazing don't get me wrong.. you just really need to change some of the implementations you have made for a more streamlined experience as currently your game does not make much sense and gives users conflicting messages on how to play.

Currently.. game is so boring....

Why log on.. what is the point? No point building anything.. hey lets make an engine so it can be locked up behind a gate for someone else to use.

Oh I know lets make the Bell Tower and call everyone over here.. for .. ABSOLUTELY no reason..

Hey guys lets run to the bell tower so we can stand around there until we die!! Yea Yea lets go run to the bell tower and join the big megacity that isnt supposed to exist.

How much thought do you put into the development and path of this game. Please explain why Bell Towers are a thing when Homesickness is as well because I mean... they literally can not co exist properly.

Also just gonna point out.. its pretty funny when you are asking for game changes because sprites are too hard to see.. when using a zoom mod....

I mean if you are going to suggest anything be done with the game to help make it work better with mods your opinions and suggestions should be tossed in the trash bin where they belong as common sense dictates the mod makers should implement things with the zoom system to make it work better with small sprites...

Most have a search feature you can use to find items and have red squares when hostile entities are on a grid spot... sooo literally no issue seeing things in this game because of those...

Actual issues are core game play issues involving the unlocking and locking of resources as well as home region and pseudo eve along side a meaningless score system. This game has absolutely no direction and the updates show that.

Last edited by Cryoes (2020-07-17 10:16:34)


#42 2020-07-17 12:53:16

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Why I take a hands-off approach

Cryoes wrote:

Currently.. game is so boring...

Agreed, i played a life recently and it was extremly boring, if you're not interested into crafting stuff for the sake of crafting stuff then there's pretty much nothing to do, the game has no depth.

At least since some people are into crafting stuff for the sake of it the game will still have some active players but with such a lack of substance when content stops dripping the game will slowly die.


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