One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-04-18 15:04:59

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

This idea came up last night at a game design meeting in response to the problem of griefers respawning.

But it has many far-reaching implications.

What if you cannot disconnect to kill yourself?

What if, as long as you don't starve to death, your life continues.  If you disconnect, your character is a zombie for a while.  If you ever reconnect, you're stuck back in that same life again.

The main thing this would allow for would be some kind of true imprisonment.  A griefer can no longer respawn every ten minutes to do more grief.  If they get caught, trapped in a prison, and fed carefully by their captors, they can be kept alive---and stuck in that life---for a full hour each time.

You can try disconnecting over and over, but each time you reconnect to the official servers, you find yourself right back in that same prison term again, until the hour is over (or until your captors release you or let you die of hunger, or someone rescues you or euthanizes you).

This is of course---like everything else---a double-edged sword.  A griefer could imprison people too.  Kidnapping, slavery, and baby-farming would become possible.

I would also be tempted to NOT let babies jump out of arms voluntarily, so your mother could keep you alive, and stuck in your life, as long as she kept catching you.  If you disconnect to escape this, reconnecting will find yourself right back in that same baby's life.

The mechanics of imprisonment would have to be worked out (saying, "Get in that jail cell or we'll shoot you" won't work, because you'll just let yourself be shot), but some form of being incapacitated and carried could be implemented, along with the forthcoming locks for a prison cell, or maybe some simple "tied to a post" mechanic.

The danger here is that it "ruins the game" for an hour for the victim.  And of course, not only griefers would be the victims.  A tyrant could imprison a whole group of people, and essentially lock them out of the rest of the game for a whole hour.  Well, they could still "play" the game by living out the life of a prisoner, singing songs with the other prisoners, and begging to be released, moaning, etc.  The tyrant could get guards to help them by threatening the guards with similar imprisonment if they disobey.  And a hero could come along and kill the tyrant to free all the prisoners.

I've always wanted these things to emerge anyway, but "just disconnect" was always a way around them.  I want people to develop prisons, but the idea was that the prisoners would be attached enough to their current story that they'd want to see it through rather than risk death.  I think that's probably the case for most people.  "I ended up in jail, what a hilarious story."

Though how many people, if threatened with, "Get in that prison cell or I'll shoot you," would actually listen, in-game?


#2 2018-04-18 15:11:13

Registered: 2018-03-08
Posts: 469

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

Prison seems way too tedious. Banishment from civilization at least lets you do stuff to pass time. Especially if there's an incentive to do stuff, like needing to survive to 60 to get out of banishment or even having to complete a challenging objective within that one life (building some kind of a mini monument for example).


#3 2018-04-18 15:15:07

Registered: 2018-03-05
Posts: 47

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

about prison system

the thing that capture the person will decay every X minutes.
put the new thing to replace the time.

Rope will decay after 5 minutes.
Wood handcuffs will decay after 10 minutes.
Wood handcuffs& headcuff will decay after 15 minutes.
Iron handcuffs will decay after 20 minutes.

In this case, bad people is super hard to keep someone a whole life.


I think make the account as a soul system will be a good choose.

Karmic system
0 Karmic is normal, limit +100 Karmic.
Every killing one people, player gain -20 karma.
Dig anything(include mining) or Destroy anything on the world, every hit will gain -1 Karmic.(what ever good or bad mind)
every time player died(not because of killed)  gain +5 Karmic.

Karmic will affect the next reborn time.
every -1 karma cost 5 minite banish.
player need to join into the banishment server (the phantom zone), to recover the Karmic.

If player don't want to , he can bring the Karmic with him to reborn.

-20 Karmic====reborn with a bad leg.(walk slower 20%than normal)
-50 Karmic====reborn with bad leg and bad eye.(walk slower 40%than normal, the screen will have 20%blur)

the maths just as an example.

Last edited by SSDarkMoon (2018-04-18 17:03:36)


#4 2018-04-18 15:29:11

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

People could effectively go into suspended animation for as long as they need and wake up hundreds of years in the future to finish their life. People could use it to save their village overnight, it's like in sci-fi films were most of a ship's crew is in cryosleep until they reach a destination. In this case, it would be when the player count begins to rise again, wake up and repopulate the dormant village.

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#5 2018-04-18 15:38:37

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

No, I don't mean suspended animation.

You still consume food and you still age when you are disconnected.  You will die of hunger or old age, eventually.

BUT, if people keep feeding you, you will live until old age (a full hour).

Not really sure how to implement banishment, especially since it would happen in the next life....  I mean, obviously, being born as a lone male hermit repeatedly for the next hour would do it.  But how to trigger it?

That would mean the servers would have to "listen" to other people's decisions in the current life to decide what happens to the person in the next life.  Essentially a "dance on their grave" mechanic, or the curse that was discussed in the other thread.


#6 2018-04-18 15:53:06

Registered: 2018-04-17
Posts: 6

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

How about implempenting some kind of justice system; where when three or more people with an item that has the "jury" token deside that someone is guilty, then punishment protocols can be utilized for him/her?

Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death
The Lawgiver as spoken by Cornelius in Planet of the Apes


#7 2018-04-18 15:53:12

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 136

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

What if i leave one server and then join another?


#8 2018-04-18 16:07:58

From: Greece
Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 1,095

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

My suggestion is to go for all three options and here is why.

Go for the prison option ( tied over a fence like a horse that completely immobilizes you) cause this will give time for talk and negotiation.
Go for the handcuffs option ( or a stone ball over the leg) cause this will allow some slow movement and provide the option of rehabilitation after the negotiation. (become a slave baker, Smith, farmer or breeder)
Go for the Curse dance on the grave cause this will make the victim/perpetrator afraid and cooperative ( someone proposed the option to bleed your hand with a needle and touch the grave to curse it. the more the curses the more lifetimes/time have to spend as a hermit)

Killing a griefer kills him for 10 minutes, Cursing him kills him for 90 Days.

4 curses kill him for all of us,  Mass Cursing bring us Peace! Please Curse!
Food value stats


#9 2018-04-18 16:09:49

Registered: 2018-03-05
Posts: 47

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

can jasonrohrer tell me are my idea good or bad? And why?
thank you


#10 2018-04-18 16:25:14

Registered: 2018-01-22
Posts: 712

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

That's how the game should have worked from the beginning :0

A simpler version would be banning you from respawning on the same server for 60 minutes after your last spawn. This way you can never meet the same character twice.

For convenience, the client should automatically switch between different servers.

The zombie thing is basically a convenience feature too.

Discussing possible negative consequences is pointless without comparing them to something.

Last edited by Kinrany (2018-04-18 16:26:54)


#11 2018-04-18 16:25:25

Registered: 2018-03-03
Posts: 45

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

If ultimately the best way to escape the imprisonment (good or bad) is to stop playing, you'll simply lose players.


#12 2018-04-18 16:27:09

Registered: 2018-03-03
Posts: 45

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

jasonrohrer wrote:

No, I don't mean suspended animation.

You still consume food and you still age when you are disconnected.  You will die of hunger or old age, eventually.

BUT, if people keep feeding you, you will live until old age (a full hour).

Not really sure how to implement banishment, especially since it would happen in the next life....  I mean, obviously, being born as a lone male hermit repeatedly for the next hour would do it.  But how to trigger it?

That would mean the servers would have to "listen" to other people's decisions in the current life to decide what happens to the person in the next life.  Essentially a "dance on their grave" mechanic, or the curse that was discussed in the other thread.

Maybe a banishment server (the phantom zone) would work for that. Server clock tied to the player's ID which always directs you to the phantom zone server on spawning until it times out. And of course, the phantom zone would be just that bit harder to survive in wink


#13 2018-04-18 16:48:24

Registered: 2018-01-22
Posts: 712

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

jasonrohrer wrote:

I would also be tempted to NOT let babies jump out of arms voluntarily, so your mother could keep you alive, and stuck in your life, as long as she kept catching you.

This, too.

Being aborted might be the only good reason to lift the 60 minute ban.
(A better solution would be giving women more control over childbirth and at the same time making it more costly, so that there's more reason to keep even accidental children.)

Last edited by Kinrany (2018-04-18 16:48:59)


#14 2018-04-18 16:48:36

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

Well, the question still remains:  how does the server know to send you to the phantom zone or whatever?  What happens during your last life that triggers it?

SSDarkMoon a karma system solves the problem automatically with no player involvement.  I want to give the players tools to solve the problem instead.  Killing isn't always bad.  Digging up stuff isn't always bad.  Only players can decide that.

Kinrany:  that's an interesting idea.  The server remembers you for an hour after you join, and no matter what happens (you die of starvation, you are killed, you suicide), you are not allowed to respawn on that server for an hour.  The only way to keep playing on that server is to keep living (which make "stop or we'll shoot" mean something).

BUT:  what happens to a brand new player who dies 15 times in one hour?  They are "on cooldown" on all 15 servers then, unable to play...


#15 2018-04-18 16:50:31

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

Maybe you can respawn on the same server over and over, in the same hour, but your later spawns are as lone hermit men?

All of this makes "quit playing for an hour" seem like the best option for the player.  That's a very risky incentive for me to build into the game...


#16 2018-04-18 16:51:31

Registered: 2018-03-05
Posts: 47

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

Zwilnik wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:

No, I don't mean suspended animation.

You still consume food and you still age when you are disconnected.  You will die of hunger or old age, eventually.

BUT, if people keep feeding you, you will live until old age (a full hour).

Not really sure how to implement banishment, especially since it would happen in the next life....  I mean, obviously, being born as a lone male hermit repeatedly for the next hour would do it.  But how to trigger it?

That would mean the servers would have to "listen" to other people's decisions in the current life to decide what happens to the person in the next life.  Essentially a "dance on their grave" mechanic, or the curse that was discussed in the other thread.

Maybe a banishment server (the phantom zone) would work for that. Server clock tied to the player's ID which always directs you to the phantom zone server on spawning until it times out. And of course, the phantom zone would be just that bit harder to survive in wink

This might be the hell concept!


#17 2018-04-18 16:52:00

Registered: 2018-03-08
Posts: 469

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

People performing ritual on your bones to curse you sounds like a perfectly reasonable mechanic, provided bones are identifiable. One person doing it probably shouldn't do anything, but two different curses from unique accounts could cause a short banishment, and it stacks with the number of curses up to some maximum banishment duration.


#18 2018-04-18 16:53:52

Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 107

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

I personally don't think being in a "Zombie" like state would help if a person disconnects, since it sounds very easy to exploit. If a starving player no longer has food around him, and wet seeded carrots are present, then the player could only disconnect on purpose for the amount of time it takes for the carrots to fully grow.

Last edited by Lexyvil (2018-04-18 16:57:50)


#19 2018-04-18 16:55:39

From: California
Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 36

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

For me at least, any time there is a new feature built into a game, I want to play it. So I'm not sure how universal the "quit playing for an hour" response would be... banishment, imprisonment, spawning as a lone hermit man, are all new features/new experiences that change things up, and that has always been a feature of the game, that every life is different and you can't reliably predict what your next life will hold... so I think it is in keeping with the spirit of the game.

Discord: kingbaby // be nice!


#20 2018-04-18 16:58:21

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 4

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

The problems with making righteousness as a game mechanic: pretty much every rule ever has an exploit.

Trollface. Or devil horns. Or some other visual indicator of being a murderer.

Option #1: The scarlet letter

Once you have murdered, you have trollface for the rest of that life, and perhaps the next 1 or few, or for a time limit.

Option #2: Karmic trollface at a certain age.

Each account has a trollface age associated with it. This age is, by default, 60, the age of death.

Each murder performed lowers this age by 1.

Option #3: Percentage trollface

Account tracks a percentage, starting with 0, of having trollface.

Murder increases the percentage chance by 1.

Trollface cannot be seen by the player himself, only by others.

Trollface evidences somewhere in the age range 0-30.


#21 2018-04-18 17:05:41

Registered: 2018-01-22
Posts: 712

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

jasonrohrer wrote:

BUT:  what happens to a brand new player who dies 15 times in one hour?  They are "on cooldown" on all 15 servers then, unable to play...

Some ideas:

  • More servers.

  • Smaller, cheaper, more limited servers in addition to the main ones.

  • Local server/tutorial/sandbox.

  • Ignore them, I guess? Spending an hour dying every four minutes on average seems like an achievement.

  • A special, usually empty server with no cooldown.

  • Smaller cooldown for the first week.

  • Fix it later if it actually ever happens.


#22 2018-04-18 17:11:16

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 614

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

jasonrohrer wrote:

Kinrany:  that's an interesting idea.  The server remembers you for an hour after you join, and no matter what happens (you die of starvation, you are killed, you suicide), you are not allowed to respawn on that server for an hour.  The only way to keep playing on that server is to keep living (which make "stop or we'll shoot" mean something).

BUT:  what happens to a brand new player who dies 15 times in one hour?  They are "on cooldown" on all 15 servers then, unable to play...

If you don't let baby deaths trigger a server change, then it takes effort to die fifteen times in an hour. Consider the final server "hell" and that player continues to respawn there until the initial hour is up.


#23 2018-04-18 17:21:50

Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 107

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

I actually love the idea of not having the ability to jump out of your mother's arms. It reflects babies in real life, for how they have no control when they're being held.

In terms of baby suicides: Maybe if a baby happens to suicide after being temporarily banned by the 15 servers, then the first server of the 15 that the player got banned from becomes available again? It might not be worth the effort to suicide 15 times only for a small chance to appear back in an original town you loved in a past life. Like that, babies could be less likely to be suicidal. The only drawback with this idea though is that it might convince people to keep dying though, as some gamers can be patient enough to die that much.

Last edited by Lexyvil (2018-04-18 22:13:35)


#24 2018-04-18 17:49:26

Registered: 2018-03-05
Posts: 47

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

Anshin wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:

Kinrany:  that's an interesting idea.  The server remembers you for an hour after you join, and no matter what happens (you die of starvation, you are killed, you suicide), you are not allowed to respawn on that server for an hour.  The only way to keep playing on that server is to keep living (which make "stop or we'll shoot" mean something).

BUT:  what happens to a brand new player who dies 15 times in one hour?  They are "on cooldown" on all 15 servers then, unable to play...

If you don't let baby deaths trigger a server change, then it takes effort to die fifteen times in an hour. Consider the final server "hell" and that player continues to respawn there until the initial hour is up.

I vote your idea!
baby deaths don't trigger a server change( this also fix the people keep respawn to a sever they want to go)

After a super bad skill player dies 15 times, he have sin to go to hell...............

Last edited by SSDarkMoon (2018-04-18 17:51:43)


#25 2018-04-18 17:54:32

Registered: 2018-03-08
Posts: 469

Re: Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour

When you spawn in banishment you should be named Cain. Also, a quest to escape banishment could be making an altar, putting mutton on it and setting it on fire tongue

But seriously, lifting curses shouldn't be just a matter of waiting it out, because that encourages just logging out. You should have to work it off in one way or another. And who knows, the labor might reform an occasional murderer and he could be an asset to a civilization because he learned how to work efficiently while getting out of banishment.


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