One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-03-15 20:49:44

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

New Energy Source


#2 2020-03-15 20:51:02

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: New Energy Source


#3 2020-03-15 21:09:55

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: New Energy Source

Why it's made?

Because oil ain't cheap. People deserve, the freedom to travel at high speeds, for all the knowledge and work, they have been making on engines over the last year.

Cars, deserve fans.

Airplanes, deserve the sky.

And engineers, deserve aspirations.

If the people in the know, are not free to take to the skies, for lack of a source of energy, then let them bring the sky, down to us.


#4 2020-03-15 23:23:03

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: New Energy Source

This is what my attempt to cover the landscape in wells, as densely as possible, was about; freeing people from oil, so that they could afford to experience high speed travel. So that the automobile, and the airplane, were not so much burdens, on our towns water supplies, via their exhaustive demand for fuel.

Jason, you are doing an amazing job right now of addressing people's issues with the game. Those people that play, and report their findings, via Github, deserve to be addressed, before, any concern I have, for the present or future state, of the game. I enjoy what I do, and have, for the entire time I have played. And I have enjoyed, watching, and learning, from the way you work.

You know, like many others, I want more people here with us. I want a captivating, unforgettable, experience, to be etched in the minds of everyone willing to sink their fingers, into this game. And like that, I want, our works, in this world, to be similarly captivating, unforgettable, and to pull people back, into the world; life after life, update after update, year after year.

The more I look at this world, from above, the more of it I want to see. I especially enjoy the pace, of seeing it on horseback. In the time that I have traveled it via car, via the, crude automobile (crude; now that, is an interesting choice of words) I remember most, not the times that I was moving, but the times that I stopped, to take in a sight, engine running, who's second glance, was worth the expense. It has been so long, since I have flown by plane, that I don't even recall, the experience, or even if the memory of that experience, was my own.

In my reality, I have never flown by plane. I haven't even had a license, to drive a car, in my entire life, though, that hasn't stopped me from doing so, infrequently.
But I have enjoyed public transit, in the larger cities I have lived, and I very much so, have enjoyed the pace, of riding a bicycle. Without a mode of transportation, like the bike, I have very much enjoyed, seeing the world on horseback, though it is, yet another experience, I have not afforded myself, in reality. Yet I am, always reminded, the moment I step outside my home, of the worlds, accustomization, to fuel engines.

Surely there are parallels, between the game world, and our real world, but the differences, are truly something I admire.

What puzzles me now, is you. Do you, think it necessary, that our world, needs to go from the technology, comparable to that of 1910, to that of 1920... called, to action, by the events of 1918, and thereafter? Do, or, did you ever, really, want us to war, with each other? Do you consider it necessary, for technological advances, of any significant nature? No one will argue that murder isn't more convenient now, massive, scale, murders, by technologically armed forces, are still carried out, nearly every day, to this day. Not to mention the convenience weapons afford people, when it comes to solving personal disputes, and perpetuating problems of their own.

Even as a determinist, I will say, I do not believe, it was necessary. More convenient, for our technological advance, perhaps, but less convenient, less, morally and socially convenient, for scientists to continue working, discovering the workings of the universe, and then to have them used, to murder, exponentially, more conveniently - is devastating. It was devastating to the drive, and to the passion, of most of those people, who first peaked through the keyhole (these first keyholes) of the universe.

In our world, most, really passionate scientist and mathematicians, are limited by funding.
In our world, no such thing exists.

We don't need money - less you are persuaded to enact some sort of change, under the guise of interest - we only need food.
Food, and we turn the plants and minerals, into tools.
Food, and we live to solve the puzzles of the future.
(and maybe someday medicine, but that, kinda, falls under the same category, both basically the natural resource of our molecular machinery)


New Energy. Gif pls.
Those pictures of farms, with the wind powered pumps, that you and I have seen countless times.
A good choice?
The best choice?
Given all we have now, our capability, I think so.
A minimal number of pieces need be added to the puzzle, for such a revolutionary breakthrough, in this view of the picture.


#5 2020-03-16 00:17:21

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: New Energy Source

I would like a multi-passenger, car or plane, to be the equivalent of a transporter to a new part of the world, for any player and their friend or family member; be they friends or family, in game, or, in real life.

But especially real life, that will keep people coming back for the experience.
That will, give players, another impetus, to bug their friends about getting a copy of the game and to show them a part of the world, they want to share.

Without disturbing the fuel economy too much, I think it's about time, people be given another option, to draw water, from the ground.

Obviously, it shouldn't be too easy.
But it is, very easy, to buy a plane ticket, and to be hundreds, even thousands of miles away, in a days time.

Given enough time, we could set those sorts of networks up today; we could make airports, essentially.
But given your connection of petroleum to every other resource economy in the game, it's a little difficult to justify, given current situations.

I am fine exploring what it means to the game, to your sense of satisfaction, to explore the segregation encouraged by this new update.
Over coming your challenges, is what we do.

May a greater degree of mobility, be our reward.

Heck, put a lock and key on the next great mode of transportation, see what we do.


#6 2020-03-16 10:27:57

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: New Energy Source

Imo being able to just dig more wells when your village failed to progress in tech is an issue and shouldn't be possible at least not indefinitly, otherwise what's the point in reaching higher tech? You can just go further dig a well and relocate with all your stuff already made or transport water from another well to your village.

But yeah cars and planes are bad currently, to make them at least decent they should have a fuel meter with number of uses, so filling it one time would allow you to make 20+ flights or x time running the car.


#7 2020-03-16 20:00:09

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: New Energy Source

Dodge wrote:

Imo being able to just dig more wells when your village failed to progress in tech is an issue and shouldn't be possible at least not indefinitly, otherwise what's the point in reaching higher tech? You can just go further dig a well and relocate with all your stuff already made or transport water from another well to your village.

But yeah cars and planes are bad currently, to make them at least decent they should have a fuel meter with number of uses, so filling it one time would allow you to make 20+ flights or x time running the car.

You realize there is no, winning, life, right?
There is no boss, in this game. No princess, no, real end.

If it's one thing, I have learned from playing with Jason, and, in a way, being his friend, it's that he toys with that notion.
And that's fine, it is true. The only way to win the game, is to keep playing. Sorry War Games, but you got it backwards.

Life, only needs to keep reproducing, to insure it's existence.

So, it doesn't matter, how we play, so much as we, find a way, to keep playing.
Jason can suggest that oil is the way to sustainability, but, how then are we to sustain oil?
How are we to sustain any of this?

That is the question you should quietly ask yourself, until you are foolish enough, to put forward a solution.
Well, the solution, boils down to thermodynamics. At some point, we must begin to, trap, as much of the matter and energy we can get.
We must use gravity, to our advantage - we must use everything, to our advantage, to ensure that, something, CAN, exist for trillions of years or more, and sustain itself through the heat death for as long as possible.

I know that seems, like, it's too far into the future, but, if life is to exist at all, if we are to find any form of stability, in the future, and all the future beyond that, it will be because we acknowledge the entropy, on the largest of scales, and work with what we can, inside of it.

For now, that scale is Earth, but you all KNOW, we can, and will do better. Life was not content in the water, we were not content, in Africa, and we will not be content, here, on Earth. Our nature is out there. Waiting for us. The universe, is free. Nothing on Earth is free anymore. Not the air, the water, or anything, below the surface. Everything here, comes with a cost. Every claim on this world, will be challenged, from here on out. But not so for, for other worlds.

Even the Moon, is freer than anything on Earth, but, fooling around there, does come with long term costs as well. The Time Machine is a pretty extreme case, and many authors have hinted at similar catastrophes, involving the moon, but, even just as an outpost, the moon has value to the Earth. The Moon means a lot to Earth, and, it is not free. Mars, Venus, the Asteroids, Mercury... now we're talking. Now we can get things done, away, from the bureaucrat of Earth, but, not for long, not forever.

The Solar System, will not be free, forever.

We can bring it to life, and we should, but in so doing, we turn it over, to the life, that it becomes. We have to except that and move on. We will continue moving out.

The comets; the Kuiper Belt, the Oort Cloud, and everything, between the stars, will be the wells, of One Life, between the Earth, and the edge, of our final reach. When the cost of jumping between galaxies, is greater than all the fuel. When we can no longer persuade the galaxies to come together, because the others, are too far apart. Then the real game begins. When new acquisition, are no longer possible, then we must manage, and contain, the energy, who's very nature, is like ours. It only wants, to radiate out, while gravity, only wants to reel it in.

But not even black holes, are perfectly black.

We will domesticate them too, by the way. Given time.


At present, this is the closest thing we have, to a plan, for the rest of time.

Surely, it will change, as new discoveries are made, but, the more we learn, the more we have to adapt, if we are to exist, for as long as we, and whatever comes of us and all this stuff, can go on existing. Doesn't matter, if it's machines, or virus planets, or sentient suns, life will always have to play by what the laws of physics (not our interpretations of it, but what it really is) dictate. Knowledge brings us closer to the true interpretation of that dictation.


Jason is okay, with any game we play with him, so long as we play.

So long as we find what works, we'll survive. If he so chooses, to rework it; to challenge us, further, so be it.
That's the game.
There's no losing a puzzle, we just leave it unsolved, or, we solve it.

Finding the balance with the natural regeneration of the world, is, that solution.
Some number, of shallows wells + travel time = some number of oil + time.
A+B = C+D

It's up to us, to find the balance, of that equation.

The game, is to balance all, the equations. While your family, enjoys their life.


#8 2020-03-16 20:21:05

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: New Energy Source

Morti wrote:

You realize there is no, winning, life, right?



#9 2020-03-16 20:57:10

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: New Energy Source

Dodge wrote:
Morti wrote:

You realize there is no, winning, life, right?


And existence, is the game, won.

Careful, don't take one thing too out of context. I don't want people justifying suicide because they read a post of mine.
Though, if a person cannot find meaning, or purpose, in the game of life; if they, for some reason, feel strongly enough about this arrangement, I don't want to force them to exist. But I do. I want them to exist, more than they imagine.

You are all, so amazing. Maybe that amazement, is what Jason is talking about, when he says he wants people to be "interested" in his game.
Either he wants to see, just how amazing we really are, or he wants you, to realize, how amazing he finds you.

I am not, an artist though. My messages, are not shrouded, for you to unveil.
As ironic as it is, coming from someone who has played this game for the most time, I don't think we should be spending so much time, in games.
But I'm not dumb, I see the reason, for art. I think we all do. Some things, are just really beautiful, and you don't need to understand why you feel, that beauty.
You just feel it, and enjoy, feeling it.

I don't know why I have played this game so much, I just have. I just do.
It's a lot of things, a lot of things that to me, are like art. I don't need to justify it to myself, it's just felt good, to be with all of you and to struggle, against the world; against Jason and the equations.

It hurts, when people don't want to struggle with me too. That is why I have lashed out at other players who have devalued you, who have tried, to devalue you, for me. To see each other, and your struggles, as less valuable, to each other. I don't want to leave you. I don't want you to leave me.

Which is why I say I love you, as your child, and as your mother. Because I know, there's nothing I can do, to stop it, from happening.
But at least while we were together, in each other's arms, we do exist together. It's the same for this window of time, these lives, we're living.
At least we got to be together, in some way; in perhaps, the most meaningful way, people, around the world, can, be together.

So, don't give up. Just be, for as long as you can, be.
Find the good. Make it, where you can.
Just know, you are loved.

Even if I am denied the chance to tell you, because I am, away, from home. I do, love you.
I would hold you all, at once... if the equation allowed.


#10 2020-03-17 15:51:11

Registered: 2019-07-26
Posts: 10

Re: New Energy Source

What in the actual fuck lmao


#11 2020-03-17 15:59:09

From: Space
Registered: 2019-11-18
Posts: 136

Re: New Energy Source


Im Mr.Gold I /hmph


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