a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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WE NEED A SYSTEM TO CURSE OUR MOTHER. LIKE MAYBE /CURSE MOM OR SOMETHING (as a baby). PLEASE. Why? Because I'll have a really good genetic score (For me), around 40-50 and I get born into a mom who doesn't even take care of me. (running off, on a horse, is stupid, is a griefer, etc.) And by the end of it, I end up losing around 10 points. And I usually just rage quit, not even be born into a regular family. please change this
Lack of motherhood is a longstanding and very serious issue with the game. Certain design choices have lead several strategic players to not raise every child at certain times in the game. My read is that it's not really been a priority to make it attractive to players to try to raise all of their children. There's never been an easily craftable baby sling as an Eve. Eves have been expected to be on the knife edge of failure, and apparently *babies*, have come as expected to die early, implying that a player getting a 1 or 2 minute experience for a purportedly one hour game would be sufficient for them. Even if the following means 'toddlers' instead of babies, that's still less than 1/6 of an hour:
I really like the way the Eve game feels right now. It should be, absolutely, right on the knife edge of failure. You get farming going right as the last wild food is eaten. You barely make it. You fail a lot. Half your babies die.
Whenever I've tested the Eve game over the past year, it has felt right to me. But even in more recent testing, I was NOT exploiting the Desert crutch myself. I guess I was a "stupid Eve" in that way.... So anyway, I'm not sure how it felt, the way the "good" players were playing Eve (look for desert near swamp).
That makes me extremely hesitant to "bring the bottom up..." because I don't want to ruin that frantic feeling. That very intentional, frantic feeling, when you are naked in the wilderness.
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewt … d=5304&p=3
No really, what about the children? What sort of 'vision' of parenting is this where half of one's children dying young is regarded as good?
Also, from what I saw on the discord, the game designer has wanted to make every stage of the game similar to the Eve game.
Last edited by Spoonwood (2020-02-07 00:51:36)
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
Being abandoned as a child is a valuable gameplay experience. Especially in eve towns where there's not enough to go around. It's a learning moment. You have to experience poverty to appreciate wealth.
Yeah, it sucks to have a dumb mom that kills you even if you know you could save everyone. Sometimes the next Einstein gets aborted by a teenage single mother. That's life.
Loco Motion
Being cursed as a mother is a valuable gameplay experience. Especially in Bell towns where there's plenty to go around. It's a learning moment. You have to experience poverty to appreciate wealth.
Yeah, it sucks to have a smart kid that curses you even if they know you have other things to do. Sometimes the next Mother Theresa gets cursed by an infant Hitler. That's life.
Last edited by Punkypal (2020-02-07 03:48:47)
Daily Updated Map of Player Structures: https://bit.ly/2UrfOQ9
Link to Many Beginner Guides: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNp6g7 … xcw/videos
Composting Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmgyl9evfhw
Diesel Engine Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sMX_GlwgbA
Being abandoned as a child is a valuable gameplay experience. Especially in eve towns where there's not enough to go around. It's a learning moment. You have to experience poverty to appreciate wealth.
So would say a veteran of this game who may want to believe that there's some sort of lesson to get learned here about life, instead of having wasted their time on something unrewarding and lacking in opportunity. You also implied that it's valuable for you to die in the game. If that were the case, why not just kill yourself in game over and over again?
Yeah, it sucks to have a dumb mom that kills you even if you know you could save everyone. Sometimes the next Einstein gets aborted by a teenage single mother. That's life.
Abortion is related to life apparently. No, abortion is the cessation of life.
I really think that you wasted your time when you logged in, hoped to survive, and you couldn't survive due to circumstances beyond your control. It's a tougher pill to swallow than believing there's something like a lesson to get learned in the trash "mom abandons me" and "never get to build or get rewarded for building" "game" of BS2 OHOL, where again, half of players early on (and perhaps later also) are supposed to die prematurely, because you would have to believe that you wasted your time, and you probably will waste your time again in the future logging into such a place.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
WE NEED A SYSTEM TO CURSE OUR MOTHER. LIKE MAYBE /CURSE MOM OR SOMETHING (as a baby). PLEASE. Why? Because I'll have a really good genetic score (For me), around 40-50 and I get born into a mom who doesn't even take care of me. (running off, on a horse, is stupid, is a griefer, etc.) And by the end of it, I end up losing around 10 points. And I usually just rage quit, not even be born into a regular family. please change this
I rarely use /die, but I thought that when you used it that your genetics score didn't take the hit. Is that not the case?
Being cursed as a mother is a valuable gameplay experience. Especially in Bell towns where there's plenty to go around. It's a learning moment. You have to experience poverty to appreciate wealth.
Yeah, it sucks to have a smart kid that curses you even if they know you have other things to do. Sometimes the next Mother Theresa gets cursed by an infant Hitler. That's life.
Pretty sure you forgot your /s
If not, then I'm thinking its past your bedtime.
Being abandoned as a child is a valuable gameplay experience.
No we don´t need a curse for moms. Being cared and raised is a privilege and a gift, not a right.
You are barking at the wrong tree here, genetics and your super good score is not the problem because we shoudn´t be forced to care about it. The problem is toolslots. I am pretty surprised how people got inmediatly sold to the genetics leaderboard idea once toolslots were tied to it. Leaderboard sucks because it is random and your "good score" doesn´t mean you are a "good player".
- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.
- Jack Ass
Being cursed as a mother is a valuable gameplay experience. Especially in Bell towns where there's plenty to go around. It's a learning moment. You have to experience poverty to appreciate wealth.
Yeah, it sucks to have a smart kid that curses you even if they know you have other things to do. Sometimes the next Mother Theresa gets cursed by an infant Hitler. That's life.
You're literally the worst mother in the game though.
Loco Motion
WE NEED A SYSTEM TO CURSE OUR MOTHER. LIKE MAYBE /CURSE MOM OR SOMETHING (as a baby). PLEASE. Why? Because I'll have a really good genetic score (For me), around 40-50 and I get born into a mom who doesn't even take care of me. (running off, on a horse, is stupid, is a griefer, etc.) And by the end of it, I end up losing around 10 points. And I usually just rage quit, not even be born into a regular family. please change this
I rarely use /die, but I thought that when you used it that your genetics score didn't take the hit. Is that not the case?
A few weeks ago, I think it wasn't. I do have red and negative changes to genetic score using the 'genes' tab.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
Pages: 1