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#1 2018-04-07 23:15:03

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 16

Horse Behavior and Unhitched Horse Cart Usage? Lets explore....

I hope this post helps clarify some of the confusion regarding horses. All of the examples and methods described below are based on 4-5 lives (over course of a week) that I dedicated to learning how to most effectively use them. These are the conclusions I have been able to draw:

[If your wondering, yes each of these lives I had to argue with village residents to stop stealing my horse and returning it to the "designated" fence for horse storage. Even after demonstrations of what I've learned to prove that I wasn't crazy, I would often still be called an idiot or a griefer. Once I was even killed by an old man who watched me bring back three carts of firewood in rapid succession only to tell me I didn't know how to properly use a horse and then he shot me... Gotta love know-it-alls...]

HORSE BEHAVIOR: No horses DO NOT run off at full speed in a random direction to never be seen again if dismounted. They DO wait ~2 sec immediately following dismounting before running a set number of tiles in a random direction (roughly to the edge of your screen East/West and two screen heights North/South), and then they pause for another ~2 sec. Then they move the same distance again in a random direction (sometimes right back to you), and it repeats. It always moves in straight line a set distance, so if you can just catch a glimpse of it running off the screen you can judge where it will stop to rest for a few seconds, giving you a chance to catch it. From my experience the "random" directions the horse runs in often cancel each other out, so the horse often stays relatively close to where you last saw it (sometimes over many minutes even). I purposely let one loose and followed for several minutes and it remained within a ~5 screen width square centered around where I lost it. In fact if I had simply stood where I let it loose, I would have seen it run by me several times over five minutes. (not sure if it is centered on lost location purposefully, or if that was just a quirk of a sample size of 1). Very rarely will one run in same direction more than twice in a row (1/8)x(1/8)=~1.5% chance it runs in same direction twice, so look around.

UNHITCHED HORSES ARE NOT currently USELESS!!!! There is plenty of time for someone with coordination to fill or empty an unhitched horse cart without the horse moving. The best sequence is to swap horse with item you want to pick up and then double click on horse, first click adds item to cart, second mounts horse again. Nearly instantaneous with practice. Unloading is a bit trickier, but totally possible. Loading/unloading baskets and basket contents from unhitched horse cart is way too complicated to do consistently well. But loading/unloading four full baskets of anything is really quick and easy.

Now that being said ALWAYS HITCH HORSES WHEN ABLE! Self explanatory I hope...

I actually spent one life successfully making about a dozen independent fences for hitching posts all over a large settlement using an unhitched horse with cart to build them all. Lived 60 years and didn't lose the horse once (twice when panicking to eat, it got out of sight but I found it very quickly).

To MAKE A FENCE quickly WHILE RIDING an UNHITCHED HORSE do the following: get horse drawn cart filled with Adze, shovel, and pick up 2 long branches to make fence (leave untrimmed to transport). Have a stake, round rock, and sharp stone in backpack with some food. Essentially you do one action at a time, hopping back on horse in between(once you get the sequence down its pretty easy). So unload adze, mount horse, unload shovel, mount horse, unload wood, mount horse, setup stakes, mount horse, shovel post holes, mount horse, trim poles, mount horse, stack poles and make fence kit with adze, mount horse, put fence in hole, put stakes in bag or drop(or u can't mount), mount horse, hitch horse to fence, and take a breath your done. If done with grace the horse never moves from the chosen spot and you build a fence in under a minute, yes it is possible, I did it "perfectly" at least twice after I got the rhythm down.

Additional NOTES:

1. I would not recommend anyone try this until you have had some time to get used to using the horse regularly. (Start with just filling an empty cart while maintaining control of horse)

2. CAREFUL OF GROUND CLUTTER. If you are fumbling with tools on ground clutter your going to be chasing a horse a lot. Also the horse sort-of occupies a space when dismounted, so you pick up the item in that space. (this can easily send you scrambling if your trying to get food or something quick)

3. DON'T PANIC if the horse runs, just run after it IMMEDIATELY. You will ALWAYS be able to catch up if you caught so much as a glimpse of the direction it ran a second ago.

4. Sometimes its better to not try to mount immediately when you catch it, because it probably is about to run again, so just run with it and you will have plenty of time to get on next time it stops.

5. Horses can revolutionize goods transport, so PUT in a few FENCES to hitch to IN LOCATIONS WITH LOTS OF RESOURCES. Very powerful tool if used correctly.

6. Horses are VERY EASY TO LOSE if handled incorrectly. So practice handling somewhere safe like a town instead of middle of nowhere.

7. LISTEN: if you have stereo headphone you can tell where horse is off screen based on sound of it running.

8. ALWAYS KEEP FOOD IN FIRST ACCESSIBLE SLOT IN BACKPACK, lets you dismount, eat, and mount again without the horse running (if coordinated of course...). Eating was probably the hardest part to master, I just started accepting I would not catch the horse after first time it ran, so I just followed and second time it stopped I got on every-time without fail.

Last edited by AstroTitan (2018-04-08 01:48:39)


#2 2018-04-08 01:58:19

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: Horse Behavior and Unhitched Horse Cart Usage? Lets explore....

Thank you, good stuff to know.

I was looking for horse info as soon as I saw my first one, I really wish we could tie em to trees.
Going on on rock hunts is a BITCH when the fucker is always bolting. Also need to be able to use
backpack and bow while mounted, because glorious glorious horse archer master race...

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


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