a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I wish to create a list of all private servers that are open for new people, either with or without password. Those with password might have certain conditions to join.
Please sign up your private server here in a comment, so I can add it to the list. I think by having them all listed together, it will be easier to find them and get traffic to your server, if this is what you want. Pm me or leave a comment in case you want your server to be removed from this list.
Availability checked last on 12th June 2018.
1) www.dying.world aka 2HOL (TwoHoursOneLife) - Password: on request in discord. Custom client download needed. SERVER UP
Contains a lot of new content. For example, it has double the age cap (120 years) and violence against other humans is disabled. It's a good place to learn crafting since you live so long, and hopefully people will build villages here for us to map. It's a good place to learn crafting since you live so long, and hopefully people will build villages here for us to map. For more info: https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=512 and for content info: https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=1145
2) unclegus.cloudapp.net (previously gusminecraft.cloudapp.net) SERVER DOWN INDEFINITELY
A new server; faster, better, more productive, fitter, happier and healthier. It's also running the latest version of UncleGusMod (which allows for probability based item breakage) with Copper and Bronze overhauled! For more info: https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=1104
3) new.norgg.org OUTDATED (SERVER V101)
The hunger rate is set to about half the default for people wanting to learn the game in a less hectic setting, or just play in a more relaxed way. For more info: https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=381.
4) twohourseasylife.intangir.org SERVER DOWN PERMENTLY
Changes: You age at half speed so you live 2 hours instead of 1, Double food bonus, Hunger at half the speed, No Decay for backpacks, clothes, carts, and baskets, Eves can respawn in their own camp regardless of how old they are when they die, Fruiting milkweed regrows again, and faster than old vanilla, All water sources replenish after a minute.
For more info: https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=1775
5) www.onehourone.life SERVER DOWN PERMENENTLY?
No mods. Has 60 people cap. For more info: https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=297.
No mods. European server. For more info: https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=738.
7) our-one-life.com SERVER DOWN PERMENENTLY?
Right now the only modification is that food depletion is 1/3 of the original. Future improvement will be implementing a password, griefer defence research, longer life span. For more info: http://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=794
8) zek2468.mynetgear.com - Password: on request in discord. SERVER UP?
This server is not modded and stays faithful to the original script as of now. We leave it up to the player to decide their role, but do ask of them that they withhold the ideas stated in the overview. For more info: https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=1075
* For instructions on how to pick a specific server, follow this link: https://onehouronelife.gamepedia.com/Ad … tom_Server
* For instructions on how to set up your personal Linux test editor/server/client, follow this link: https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=112
* For instructions on how to set up your personal server using VirtualBox image with Ubuntu and OHOL test server pre-installed, follow this link:
Last edited by Babsy (2018-06-16 15:04:32)
I've set up a server on new.norgg.org with the hunger rate set to about half the default for people wanting to learn the game in a less hectic setting, or just play in a more relaxed way.
I enjoy how the core game is balanced myself and find a lot of enjoyment comes from the frantic struggle to survive while also desperately trying to teach others how to, but I also know that's not for everyone and think it's worth providing a less punishing option for those that want it.
To join, you'll want to edit:
settings/customServerAddress.ini to contain: new.norgg.org
settings/useCustomServer.ini to contain: 1There's not really much I can use to prevent griefers in the game so far, but can people try to keep this server newbie friendly? If it becomes too much of a mess of griefers/etc I'll have a look at what can be put in place for doing some moderation.
With some help from Norgg, Chard, and Rosden I got a modded server running with an age cap of 120. It's a good place to learn crafting since you live so long, and I'm hoping that people will build villages here for us to map. Violence against other humans is disabled.
Current world map: http://www.dying.world:8000/map/map.html
You have more time to finish projects, perfect your farm, or train an apprentice. Please follow the tenets that our prophet Colin set down - only pick fruiting milkweed, only hunt family animals, and don't drain ponds. Returning tools and clothes is important. Preserving useful trees is imperative. We are a community, so respect other's homes and clean up after yourself in shared spaces.
Please PM me on discord with questions. You can join this server by navigating to your "settings" folder and changing "UseCustomServer" to "1", and changing "CustomServerAddress" to "www.dying.world".
There is a password enabled. If you can cite me the laws, and pledge that you will not be a dick, PM me on discord.
Hope to see you around,
Announcing the launch of my custom server! All players welcome, no moderation! To use, go to settings directory in the main game directory, and change the text inside customServerAddress.ini to www.onehourone.life and change useCustomServer.ini from 0 to 1. Game settings default except "allowMapRequests" turned on (if that does anything).
Server limited to 60 players, but I'm guessing there won't be too many people on.
Btw, if you spawn as an Eve, and die of old age, and then are reborn as an Eve (you're the only player on), you will spawn back at your camp.
Edit: Since I will be piping server console output to the web (so players can find their location), if you don't want to reveal your email please use a fake email for server login.
Current Server Version: (latest) v63
I live in europe and got frustrated by the lag of the game, so instead of complaining I though just to start my own server. So here we go
Server Version: 67
Max Players: 40
No mods
Game key required (you must have baught the game to play on this server)
Using the server:
Set settings/customServerAddress.ini to:
Set settings/useCustomServer.ini to:
Let me know how it works out for you
Hello, I am Fox. I heard about this game from a YouTube video. Lived a couple lives and decided I wanted my own server. This is what I came up with.
settings/customServerAddress.ini to contain: our-one-life.com
settings/useCustomServer.ini to contain: 1
Right now the only modification is that food depletion is 1/3 of the original. Future improvement will be implementing a password, griefer defence research, longer life span. I would also like to moderate this server. I am looking for volunteer moderators. I anyone who is considered would have to have support from the community. All in all I want to build this server up with dedicated people who respect the game and want the community to prosper.
As of right now the server is open to anyone who wishes to join. Based on the behavior of those who are on will decide on how soon I set a password. Come play and lets all have fun.
any server for asia player ?
custom servers unplayable due to version mismatch
Any chance of someone setting up an apocalypse-free server? I guess the private servers get wiped too when it goes off?
custom servers unplayable due to version mismatch
Yup. I tried a few of the ones on this list and only one worked. I'm assuming because it wasn't updated yet.
Any chance of someone setting up an apocalypse-free server? I guess the private servers get wiped too when it goes off?
Our-one-life.com has been verified to be working. I have disabled apocalypse.
If you get the error “login failed” just try agian.
Last edited by LavishFox (2018-04-06 17:14:18)
The link to Sammoh's www.dying.world forum page in your OP actually goes to Zinchess'. You could link to the 2HOL discord page instead: https://discord.gg/atEgxm7.
The link to Sammoh's www.dying.world forum page in your OP actually goes to Zinchess'. You could link to the 2HOL discord page instead: https://discord.gg/atEgxm7.
Thank you for pointing out this mistake! I have added the right forum post now.
•Max Players: 40
Address: zek2468.mynetgear.com
Pasword: on request in discord
2. Notes:
This server is not modded and stays faithful to the original script as of now. We leave it up to the player to decide their role, but do ask of them that they withhold the ideas stated in the overview. I suppose the server could be considered "RP" but that's the point of the game. It is a learning experience!
On the Discord we discuss not only the server, but political theory and more! Please, don't be shy, we don't bite!
Last edited by HerbDashwell (2018-04-12 15:55:41)
Hey Babsy, I'm decommissioning gusminecraft.cloudapp.net to be replaced by unclegus.cloudapp.net
All other instructions remain the same.
We here are 2HOL have finished initial bug squashing and are looking for more people to test our content patch. This was a large update, and some things may be broken. This update focused on fleshing out the nomadic part of the game and some basic supply/demand stuff. Please review the following changes:
- You live 2 hours. After age 108, you get 8 hunger bars.
- Females are fertile until age 90.
- Wild carrots bear seeds again after 2 epochs.
- Wormless pits give new worms every 300 seconds.
- All trees are plantable. You need a shovel and compost.
- The apocalypse is disabled.
- Map tile culling is disabled.
- Violence against people is disabled.
- Shrines to your dead kin can be built. This starts a multi-generational quest to please the carrot god. He frowns on greed. This is a looping quest centered on ancestor worship and offerings.
- Doors can be locked with craftable keys. There are 9 variants.
- Stumps can be drilled to hide keys.
- Coins can be minted for trading. They stack to 15.
- Bellows can be removed from forge.
- Milk has been added. Use a bucket.
- Flatbread has been added. Use a flat stone.
- Cheesemongering has been added. Craft a creamery.
- Sandwiches have been added. Mutton sandwich is best sandwich.
- Silk farming and weaving has been added.
- Tents and robes can be crafted with silk.
- Camels have been added as a versatile mount and livestock.
- Camels can accept cargo crates, or be led with a bridle.
- Cargo crates hold 5 slots.
- Camels can be hitched, and must be unhitched with a bridle.
- Caravan camels can be ridden as horses.
- Plaster pathways can be crafted instead of wooden roads.
- And some stuff I probably forgot.Please join us on Discord @ https://discord.gg/atEgxm7
You can download the client @ https://github.com/frankvalentine/clients
Just put a random email address to login, ticket server is disabled.Thank you to everyone who has contributed art, ideas, animations, and testing hours. There is much more content to come, with another "worship" quest in the works for farm-centered societies. Hope to see you on the new map!
hi @sammoh is this still the server www.dyingworld.com aka twohoursonelife?
Last edited by Babsy (2018-04-17 10:46:04)
Yep, Babsy. 2HOL discord link is wrong - https://discord.gg/atEgxm7
Two Hours, One Life - a curated OHOL server with heavy modifications.
Discord: https://discord.gg/atEgxm7
Address: https://github.com/frankvalentine/clients
I setup a custom server to hopefully allow me (and others) to enjoy the world more before being pulled away by old age or the constant cravings
- No client mods are needed
* You age at half speed so you live 2 hours instead of 1
* Double food bonus
* Hunger at half the speed
* No Decay for backpacks, clothes, carts, and baskets
* Eves can respawn in their own camp regardless of how old they are when they die
* Fruiting milkweed regrows again, and faster than old vanilla
* All water sources replenish after a minute
(no client mods necessary)to play on it change settings/useCustomServer.ini to 1
and change settings/customServerAddress.ini to twohourseasylife.intangir.org
not really any rules, but the same basic best practices apply as in normal game
All are welcome
you can post on the forum at http://twohourseasylife.intangir.org with questions or comments or to meet others from the server
Availability checked today.
I'm not running my modded server any more since the useChance update. I might recycle the content into a new mod at some stage but for now it's not running.
I'm not running my modded server any more since the useChance update. I might recycle the content into a new mod at some stage but for now it's not running.
Ok, thank you for your comment. I am able to log on to your server. Is this a vanille one now?
Last edited by Babsy (2018-06-13 09:36:57)
Oh, I was just running some modded stuff for testing.
Check out onehouronelifeclassic.com
Last edited by LeAnn (2021-06-23 16:11:52)