One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-03-01 09:37:54

Registered: 2018-03-01
Posts: 8

Feedback and berry picking loop

I have played some lifes so far, and I like it, but it is quite hard, I must say.

It is really not easy to get started and I would have wished there was a little bit more of a starting guide, at least for the commands. I almost got frustrated after dying for the first few times because I did not figure out how to eat berries. And asking this questions to my mothers letter by letter was quite a struggle... Normally I would go ahead now and write something about my experiences so others might save the trouble, but I figure this is all part of the concept. So this shall just be my feedback ;-)

Another thing: Last time I died in a "berry picking loop". During that round it took suspiciusly long to pick berries and I think it even got worse over time with me dying because it took more than 5 food bars to harvest. I suppose, something went wrong, or could my character have been somehow handicaped by birth?

Yet another feedback: When I signed up to this forum I was suprised to receive my password within my activation mail. Passwords should not be send, especially considering too many people use theirs more than once and emails not being a secure channel.


#2 2018-03-01 10:00:01

Registered: 2018-01-01
Posts: 137

Re: Feedback and berry picking loop

The loop thing was just lag. Picking up berries is instantaneous normally.


#3 2018-03-01 10:04:29

Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 1

Re: Feedback and berry picking loop

There is a lag issue some time and it loops to take things or to move.

btw I don't think this game should have a starting guide, all the interest is in discovering things or being teach by your parents. What a feeling of pride and accomplishment when you manage to  make fire by yourself!


#4 2018-03-01 14:54:04

Registered: 2018-03-01
Posts: 8

Re: Feedback and berry picking loop

Okay good to know that the berry picking loop was lag. Scrolling through here I now also found a link to the server stats, which I find very interesting: … ion=report and I wish there will be more usage data shared in the future :-)

About my request for a starting guide I did not mean all the way or for a long time. I like the part of finding out and being taught, but I just think the initial confusion might just be a bit too much for some players. I found a youtube video of someone streaming how Jason is explaining him the game, watching it would take more than one generation but what I meant, what I was missing, is what is explained in the very first minutes:


#5 2018-03-01 16:04:53

Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 60

Re: Feedback and berry picking loop

Part of the point of the game is that you are helpless when you start.  It is up to your mother to teach you how to survive.  When you were first born irl, you had no clue how to put that piece of fruit in your gob.

Also, expect to die a lot as a baby.  That is part of the game too.


#6 2018-03-01 16:13:59

Registered: 2018-03-01
Posts: 14

Re: Feedback and berry picking loop

Zeromus wrote:

Also, expect to die a lot as a baby.  That is part of the game too.

I wonder if it will evolve in long terms ? Will we have some kind of nurseries to improve babies survival rate ?


#7 2018-03-01 19:39:12

Registered: 2018-03-01
Posts: 26

Re: Feedback and berry picking loop

vfabien21 wrote:

I wonder if it will evolve in long terms ? Will we have some kind of nurseries to improve babies survival rate ?

I've lived in at least two settlements that have indeed implemented a kind of nursery, where all the children are dropped near an active fire (the warmth slows hunger rate) with one Eve to feed them all.  Other settlers bring fuel for the fire and food for the Eve and when she gets too old someone else takes over.  As one such replacement I can say that while it's a bit of a hectic life, it did keep the population growing and provided the opportunity to teach babies the basics without having to worry about finding food and building.

That said, the food supply still tends to be the biggest hurdle.  Even when everyone knows to leave some carrots alone for seeds, sometimes there's just too many people and when the breakdown starts it's hard to stop the spiral.  All part of the collective learning experience, though.

Discord: weasel_bread#2656


#8 2018-03-01 21:04:53

Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 60

Re: Feedback and berry picking loop

I like the idea of a nursing mother, who just feeds the children.  She also then has the time to teach them the laws of survival.  It is hard to teach when you also have to be running around trying to survive.

The other thing, though...  Is that part of a surviving colony is knowing how much you can actually support.  If you're barely getting along, feeding every baby that shows up is a sure way to ruin the whole village.  There is a built in mechanic for not having to raise a child that is born...


#9 2018-03-02 00:38:34

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Feedback and berry picking loop

Not sure about the slow berry picking.  Sounds like lag, maybe?

There is a bug where you will bounce forever trying to do something.  But it sounds like you came out of it if you waited long enough?

Yikes about the passwords in the clear.  I will look into it.


#10 2018-03-02 08:06:02

Registered: 2018-03-01
Posts: 8

Re: Feedback and berry picking loop

Could it be lag if the food meter goes down constantly? I would assume it would stay level until there is no more lag and then goes down one big step for the time I was "offline". But on the occasions I experienced it, the meter went down just like normal, but the picking animation just repeated over and over for up to 10 food bars and I died twice of that. When that happened I had about 40 Mbit down and 30 Mbit upstream btw. :-) Next time it happens I will also watch for the number of players on the server, but I did not know the stat page then.


#11 2018-03-02 19:36:57

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Feedback and berry picking loop

I checked, and as far I can tell, your REAL password to this forum is NEVER sent in the clear.  I could be wrong about this, but...

When you sign up, a temporary random password is sent to you via email.  But you're meant to change that immediately, and not use it elsewhere.

Once you set your real password, it will not be emailed to you.  Right?


#12 2018-03-03 06:41:47

Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 4

Re: Feedback and berry picking loop

From my experience, only the temporary password was emailed.


#13 2018-03-05 16:31:14

Registered: 2018-03-01
Posts: 8

Re: Feedback and berry picking loop

Ah, yes, sorry it was indeed just the initial password (which I did not pick) - since I use a password generator it looked like one of those... chances are still a user won't change it, but since it is (most likely) not a password used anywhere else, I withdraw my security concern :-D


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