One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-05-11 23:12:41

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 7

Marriage & Babies

Hello so I've been playing since the steam apocalypse and mostly been lurking the forums for a long time and finally decided to bring up my own suggestion after this latest update concerning change of everyone having the same colored babies. I honestly am a big fan of this change mainly because it separated the darker and lightest skintone from the more neutral variants of both allowing us to actually be able to play them more commonly as my favorite character is the new red hair girl.

Now this suggestion is going to assume your already familiar with the suggestions for marriage by making gold rings with potential benefits such as increase birthrates for married couples, linked families tree, understanding the other languages and these are all good things! I'm hoping Jason will eventually add this in some form or another.

My suggestion is this instead of keeping all families one race we incorporate this alongside marriage lets say your born into the ginger families and your neighbors got the black family. If two people from separate families get married and deal with the language barrier but still find a way to find love or maybe a political marriage the gene from the fathers families get added to her pool and she now can have both color of babies, a linked family tree with her husband, and the ability to understand both languages. These benefits she gets will pass onto her children and if her daughters get married to another family of a different race they would get added to her genes & language pool and so forth. This would create some really interesting situations where maybe you decide to set out and you discover another family living by but because your parents got married you could understand them as maybe one of your parents was originally from here. It would also encourage some of the more daring to set out to find a partner in another village nearby and all the drama that could create.

Overall that is my main suggestion and I feel like it would be worth the effort to be added because if Jason adds more characters or another race into the mix this system would still continue to work without needing much of a change. It would also work for some sorta genetic system where each character is a mixture of different genes from the gene pool as suggested previously and today too I believe! Any thoughts on this idea?


#2 2019-05-12 04:35:59

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 943

Re: Marriage & Babies

I think were getting something along those lines soon. He added a preg belly, so maybe there will be a way to have a child with someone as the father.

Maybe they could be mixed race and bilingual. We'll see.

I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.


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