a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I use a translator and my sentences may not be smooth.
I played games for a long time and saw a lot of big city fail.
People kill themselves feeling bored in big cities.
I need something I can do in a big city.
How about making a chair, a table, or a flower bed to decorate the town?
It will be more enjoyable if you have a variety of clothes, bags, hats and dyeing systems.
You know, most of people look the same and wear the same items. Decorating characters is fun.
I think it's time for new designs to come out.
Or we could decorate existing items like this turkey update.
Why don't you decorate your straw hat with flowers? It would be cute!
To collect flowers and make a flower or just put it in your hair. Mixing red and blue dye can make purple. Why can't we get purple?
Or art! We can make instruments, or draw pictures on murals or paper.
I have seen a concert in this game.
the sound of opening and closing the door They made bits by continuously making the sound that they put down.
It was preety fun and the villagers gathered and watched it for a few minutes.
!eve painter! You will have a color name.
I can teach you if i'm not busy. just talk to me.
I've yet to see a town where there was nothing left to do. Everyone being fully clothed, having backpacks, having lots of carts with tires, having a dedicated building for all important industry and roads that stretch almost indefinitely in every direction, where after a while another town would create a civilization network? Nope. Also so often for bigger towns I see signs of griefer work trying to bring it down, more often than necessary successfully, so there is also always detective work needed at hand.
Generally I'd like to see a little more pause than all this hectic running around for food from birth to death, trying to keep the compost cycle alive, getting important resources, but anyway, the issue of boredom never occurred to me in a single town I've been to.
Art is an important foundation in creating a culture. All for it once other more important game mechanics have been addressed.
jason wants the game to be culturally-ambiguous, so culture is okay as long as it doesnt reflect upon a specific time period, which is why we have no long dresses + they'd be kinda wierd since ur always running and you cant really put em on babies and the crossdressing oh the crossdressing
Last edited by bENdI (2018-12-01 03:45:36)
Pages: 1