One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 2018-08-10 09:57:44

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Mostly Noob Camp … &id=830800

It was early gen and it wasn't so bad but nothing special. Was just another small nameless village which most people would suicide.

But I was the last girl and mums finel kid, She'd told me all other daughters Suicided. I figured I'd stay just to give them a chance and maybe last a few more generations.

My children were meh, Sons where failures and daughters barely got grandkids in. I haven't been this disappointed in my kids and grandkids for awhile. I buried my uncles and mother and made  a letter M to go on my grave.

One grandkid in particular was horrid, Bella. Her mother died and I fed her but when turned 3 she did jack. I threw her into the berry farm and told her to work.

She just stood there and ate and ate. Then she told me "kill-me" I went to look for the bow  but she starved at 5 anyway. I should have told her "No need, You will that on your own.

Was a few random granddaughters alive, Maybe they might birth someone compotent.

Anyway, Thanks mum for making all the tools. I Buried you with one of my uncles. I told people to bury me but I got ignored.

I don't think the town will survive for long.

Last edited by Neo (2018-08-10 10:08:54)


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