One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 2018-07-18 22:38:09

Doctor Steve
Registered: 2018-07-18
Posts: 36

Missed Connections-- Doctor Freddie

I was a young boy, wanting to become a medic's apprentice.

You were Doctor Freddie, and we had an awesome life together in a big city. Doctor Freddie was Doctor Steve's mentor for a long time, and Steve buried Freddie where Freddie asked to be buried, with a lamb on his grave (if you are Freddie, you'll know why).

I found a replacement. The doctors live on.

If you are Freddie please PM me-- maybe we can be friends and do the twins thing some time!

Stay Snazzy, Dr. Freddie.


Dr. Steve


#2 2018-07-18 23:54:27

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 336

Re: Missed Connections-- Doctor Freddie

I was Tim II,
I was all my life doing here and there small amounts of very necessary work. On the way looking for things that I needed I found a horse and started to transport and gather stuff with it. When I got older I decided to stop riding with the horse around and have a easy life in town on my last days. I just entered the town when I heard the sound of death.

Like a flew I swarmed with other people to the crime scene. Just when I came there a man got shot with a bow. I saw medicine near by, but first I needed a sterile knife to get the arrow head out of the man, unfortunately there was only the bloody knife laying on the ground. Just at the moment when the blood vanished, the man collapsed on the ground and died.

Just seconds after the girl that shot him got stabbed. She screamed for help and medicine. Others screamed "don't heal her, she killed two people." I didn't knew what I should do, so I let her die. One of the victims had an medic apron, so I decided to take it and get a doc.
A guy came to me and said "We could have saved them". I was thinking the same, but unfortunately I was a bit late when everything started.

After the mass killing the town got quiet, people were still shocked and tried to continou their lives.

I gathered all the stuff I needed to save the next injured person. And a young boy named Freddie came to me. We worked a bit together, but not talking to much with each other. I was thinking how I could praise my healing skills to the people and make them know that I am there for them.

So I shouted out "I am the new doctor! I can heal almost every wound!" " And I can also make you pregnant!"

Freddie shouted in the same moment as I said my last sentence "And I am the doctors apprentice!".

So there we were. Most of the time we just cared about the town. Freddie slaughtered some sheep's, I baked pie and the older I got the more crazy I got.

I broughted death body's and tried to care for them, but a young girl came just seconds after I dropped them on the floor and brought them to the graveyard. I always screamed that she stole my patient.

Freddie tried to convince me first more later less that the corpses are no patients, but I stayed strong and brought a few more patients and "teached" him how to care for them, when they were not stolen by the girl.

So the young boy Freddy was now a grown man and a very serious and good apprentice, that knew already everything about medicine.

I was by that time a very old and crazy Dr., so just when my time was coming a very young boy came and asked if he can be an apprentice, so I passed the medic apron to the new Dr. Freddie and the young boy Steve got Freddie's apprentice.

That were some funny last years for me. Dr. Freddie is indeed a cool dude!
Did you had some patients that you could save? Nice that you registered on the forum Dr Steve!

Last edited by FounderOne (2018-07-18 23:58:12)

Its a rought world - keep dying untill you live <3


#3 2018-07-19 01:38:31

Doctor Steve
Registered: 2018-07-18
Posts: 36

Re: Missed Connections-- Doctor Freddie

Doctor Tim II!

I did not have any patients, and although I got close to getting antivenom blood for the village, I became too old to finish that quest. We should be twins someday--drop me a code if you want to hang with Doctor Steve!


#4 2018-07-19 04:15:08

Registered: 2018-05-22
Posts: 15

Re: Missed Connections-- Doctor Freddie

DR. Steve! Dr.Tim!!!

Thank you for the lamb, as I died like one. We all do in the end.
Unfortunately, and fortunately, I also did not have any patients to perform on except, the corpses of patients, delivered from Dr. Tim. It is my only hope you pass on the knowledge to others in you next lives. Welcome to the forums, appre— Dr. Steve.
Let us rejoice in the medical world, as we can’t save everyone, as a lamb must become a sheep to be slaughtered like a pig. As said by One hour itself, a lesson upon lessons.

Yes, let us play as triplets sometime, that would be snazzy.

From patients, to berries, to pies, and lambs,

Stay snazzy.

Lambs, mushrooms, and pies.......sometimes stew......sometimes.


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