One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-03-08 21:30:03

Registered: 2018-03-02
Posts: 6

Global Language Suggestion for Attention

I'd like to propose making (!) a global call out for attention.
I come across far too many communities where it's difficult to get someones attention. They're always running around messing with other peoples active projects or doing something that is simply not needed for the community they are in.
If it was globally understood that when someone says (!) or exclamation, it meant stop in your tracks for a moment to hear the person out. It would greatly improve communication. I don't know, just a thought.


#2 2018-03-08 23:52:34

Registered: 2018-03-04
Posts: 66

Re: Global Language Suggestion for Attention

Might catch on with forum users but I'm more a fan of just typing 'HEY' to get someone's attention. About the same amount of keystrokes (Shift + 1 vs H + E + Y)

But it is a good idea to make sure you have someone's attention before you start typing a sentence in this game, since word bubbles can easily get cut off if someone moves just a couple tiles up or down.


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